#!/usr/bin/env python
2D Blob feature class
@author: Dorian Tsai
@author: Peter Corke
import copy
import numpy as np
from collections import namedtuple, UserList
import cv2 as cv
from numpy.lib.arraysetops import isin
from spatialmath import base
from ansitable import ANSITable, Column
from machinevisiontoolbox.base import color_bgr, plot_labelbox
from spatialmath.base import plot_box, plot_point, isscalar
import scipy as sp
import tempfile
import subprocess
import webbrowser
import sys
# NOTE, might be better to use a matplotlib color cycler
import random as rng
rng.seed(13543) # would this be called every time at Blobs init?
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# decorators
def scalar_result(func):
def innerfunc(*args):
out = func(*args)
if len(out) == 1:
return out[0]
return np.array(out)
inner = innerfunc
inner.__doc__ = func.__doc__ # pass through the doc string
return inner
def array_result(func):
def innerfunc(*args):
out = func(*args)
if len(out) == 1:
return out[0]
return out
inner = innerfunc
inner.__doc__ = func.__doc__ # pass through the doc string
return inner
_moment_tuple = namedtuple('moments',
['m00', 'm10', 'm01', 'm20', 'm11', 'm02',
'm30', 'm21', 'm12', 'm03', 'mu20', 'mu11', 'mu02',
'mu30', 'mu21', 'mu12', 'mu03', 'nu20', 'nu11', 'nu02',
'nu30', 'nu21', 'nu12', 'nu03'])
class Blob:
id = None
bbox = None
moments = None
touch = None
perimeter = None
a = None
b = None
orientation = None
children = None
parent = None
uc = None
vc = None
level = None
def __init__(self):
def __str__(self):
l = [f"{key}: {value}" for key, value in self.__dict__.items()]
return '\n'.join(l)
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
[docs]class Blobs(UserList): # lgtm[py/missing-equals]
_image = [] # keep image saved for each Blobs object
def __init__(self, image=None, **kwargs):
Find blobs and compute their attributes
:param image: image to use, defaults to None
:type image: :class:`Image`, optional
Uses OpenCV functions ``findContours`` to find a hierarchy of regions
represented by their contours, and ``boundingRect``, ``moments`` to
compute moments, perimeters, centroids etc.
This class behaves like a list and each blob is an element of the list
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read('sharks.png')
>>> blobs = img.blobs()
>>> len(blobs)
>>> blobs[0]
>>> blobs.area
The list can be indexed, sliced or used as an iterator in a for loop
or comprehension, for example::
>>> for blob in blobs:
>>> # do a thing
>>> areas = [blob.area for blob in blobs]
However the last line can also be written as::
>>> areas = blobs.area
since all methods return a scalar if applied to a single blob::
>>> blobs[1].area
or a list if applied to multiple blobs::
>>> blobs.area
.. note:: A color image is internally converted to greyscale.
- Robotics, Vision & Control for Python, Section, P. Corke, Springer 2023.
:seealso: :meth:`filter` :meth:`sort`
`opencv.moments <https://docs.opencv.org/master/d3/dc0/group__imgproc__shape.html#ga556a180f43cab22649c23ada36a8a139>`_,
`opencv.boundingRect <https://docs.opencv.org/master/d3/dc0/group__imgproc__shape.html#ga103fcbda2f540f3ef1c042d6a9b35ac7>`_,
`opencv.findContours <https://docs.opencv.org/master/d3/dc0/group__imgproc__shape.html#gadf1ad6a0b82947fa1fe3c3d497f260e0>`_
if image is None:
# initialise empty Blobs
# Blobs()
self._image = image # keep reference to original image
image = image.mono()
# get all the contours
contours, hierarchy = cv.findContours(image.to_int(),
self._hierarchy_raw = hierarchy
self._contours_raw = contours
# change hierarchy from a (1,M,4) to (M,4)
# the elements of each row are:
# 0: index of next contour at same level,
# 1: index of previous contour at same level,
# 2: index of first child,
# 3: index of parent
hierarchy = hierarchy[0,:,:] # drop the first singleton dimension
parents = hierarchy[:, 3]
# change contours to list of 2xN arraay
contours = [c[:,0,:] for c in contours]
## first pass: moments, children, bbox
for i, (contour, hier) in enumerate(zip(contours, hierarchy)):
blob = Blob()
blob.id = i
## bounding box: umin, vmin, width, height
u1, v1, w, h = cv.boundingRect(contour)
u2 = u1 + w
v2 = v1 + h
blob.bbox = np.r_[u1, u2, v1, v2]
blob.touch = u1 == 0 or v1 == 0 or u2 == image.umax or v2 == image.vmax
## children
# gets list of children for each contour based on hierarchy
# follows similar for loop logic from _hierarchicalmoments, so
# TODO use _getchildren to cut redundant code in _hierarchicalmoments
blob.parent = hier[3]
children = []
child = hier[2]
while child != -1:
child = hierarchy[child, 0]
blob.children = children
## moments
# get moments as a dictionary for each contour
blob.moments = cv.moments(contour)
## perimeter, the contour is not closed
blob.perimeter = contour.T
blob.perimeter_length = cv.arcLength(contour, closed=False)
blob.contourpoint = blob.perimeter[:, 0]
## append the new Blob instance
## second pass: equivalent ellipse
for blob, contour in zip(self.data, contours):
## moment hierarchy
# for moments in a hierarchy, for any pq moment of a blob ignoring its
# children you simply subtract the pq moment of each of its children.
# That gives you the “proper” pq moment for the blob, which you then
# use to compute area, centroid etc. for each contour
# TODO: this should recurse all the way down
M = blob.moments
for child in blob.children:
# subtract moments of the child
M = {key: M[key] - self.data[child].moments[key] for key in M}
# convert dict to named tuple, easier to access using dot notation
M = _moment_tuple._make([M[field] for field in _moment_tuple._fields])
blob.moments = M
## centroid
blob.uc = M.m10 / M.m00
blob.vc = M.m01 / M.m00
## equivalent ellipse
J = np.array([[M.mu20, M.mu11], [M.mu11, M.mu02]])
e, X = np.linalg.eig(J)
blob.a = 2.0 * np.sqrt(e.max() / M.m00)
blob.b = 2.0 * np.sqrt(e.min() / M.m00)
# find eigenvector for largest eigenvalue
k = np.argmax(e)
x = X[:, k]
blob.orientation = np.arctan2(x[1], x[0])
## circularity
# apply Kulpa's correction factor when computing circularity
# should have max 1 circularity for circle, < 1 for non-circles
# * Area and perimeter measurement of blobs in discrete binary pictures.
# Z.Kulpa. Comput. Graph. Image Process., 6:434-451, 1977.
# * Methods to Estimate Areas and Perimeters of Blob-like Objects: a
# Comparison. Proc. IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications.,
# December 13-15, 1994, Kawasaki, Japan
# L. Yang, F. Albregtsen, T. Loennestad, P. Groettum
kulpa = np.pi / 8.0 * (1.0 + np.sqrt(2.0))
blob.circularity = (4.0 * np.pi * M.m00) / (blob.perimeter_length * kulpa) ** 2
## third pass, region tree coloring to determine vertex depth
while any([b.level is None for b in self.data]): # while some uncolored
for blob in self.data:
if blob.level is None:
if blob.parent == -1:
blob.level = 0 # root level
elif self.data[blob.parent].level is not None:
# one higher than parent's depth
blob.level = self.data[blob.parent].level + 1
[docs] def filter(self, area=None, circularity=None, color=None, touch=None, aspect=None):
Filter blobs
:param area: area minimum or range, defaults to None
:type area: scalar or array_like(2), optional
:param circularity: circularity minimum or range, defaults to None
:type circularity: scalar or array_like(2), optional
:param color: color/polarity to accept, defaults to None
:type color: bool, optional
:param touch: blob touch status to accept, defaults to None
:type touch: bool, optional
:param aspect: aspect ratio minimum or range, defaults to None
:type aspect: scalar or array_like(2), optional
:return: set of filtered blobs
:rtype: :class:`Blobs`
Return a set of blobs that match the filter criteria.
================= =========================================
Parameter Description
================= =========================================
``"area"`` Blob area
``"circularity"`` Blob circularity
``"aspect"`` Aspect ratio of equivalent ellipse
``"touch"`` Blob edge touch status
================= =========================================
The filter parameter arguments are:
- a scalar, representing the minimum acceptable value
- a array_like(2), representing minimum and maximum acceptable value
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read('sharks.png')
>>> blobs
>>> blobs.filter(area=10_000)
>>> blobs.filter(area=10_000, circularity=0.3)
- Robotics, Vision & Control for Python, Section, P. Corke, Springer 2023.
:seealso: :meth:`sort`
mask = []
if area is not None:
_area = self.area
if isscalar(area):
mask.append(_area >= area)
elif len(area) == 2:
mask.append(_area >= area[0])
mask.append(_area <= area[1])
if circularity is not None:
_circularity = self.circularity
if isscalar(circularity):
mask.append(_circularity >= circularity)
elif len(circularity) == 2:
mask.append(_circularity >= circularity[0])
mask.append(_circularity <= circularity[1])
if aspect is not None:
_aspect = self.aspect
if isscalar(aspect):
mask.append(_aspect >= aspect)
elif len(circularity) == 2:
mask.append(_aspect >= aspect[0])
mask.append(_aspect <= aspect[1])
if color is not None:
_color = self.color
mask.append(_color == color)
if touch is not None:
_touch = self.touch
mask.append(_touch == touch)
m = np.array(mask).all(axis=0)
return self[m]
[docs] def sort(self, by="area", reverse=False):
Sort blobs
:param by: parameter to sort on, defaults to "area"
:type by: str, optional
:param reverse: sort in ascending order, defaults to False
:type reverse: bool, optional
:return: set of sorted blobs
:rtype: :class:`Blobs`
Return a blobs object where the blobs are sorted according to the
sort parameter:
================= =========================================
Parameter Description
================= =========================================
``"area"`` Blob area
``"circularity"`` Blob circularity
``"perimeter"`` Blob external perimeter length
``"aspect"`` Aspect ratio of equivalent ellipse
``"touch"`` Blob edge touch status
================= =========================================
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read('sharks.png')
>>> blobs = img.blobs()
>>> blobs.sort()
- Robotics, Vision & Control for Python, Section, P. Corke, Springer 2023.
:seealso: :meth:`filter`
if by == "area":
k = np.argsort(self.area)
elif by == "circularity":
k = np.argsort(self.circularity)
elif by == "perimeter":
k = np.argsort(self.perimeter_length)
elif by == "aspect":
k = np.argsort(self.aspect)
elif by == "touch":
k = np.argsort(self.touch)
if reverse:
k = k[::-1]
return self[k]
def __getitem__(self, i):
new = Blobs()
new._image = self._image
if isinstance(i, (int, slice)):
data = self.data[i]
if not isinstance(data, list):
data = [data]
new.data = data
elif isinstance(i, (list, tuple)):
new.data = [self.data[k] for k in i]
elif isinstance(i, np.ndarray):
# numpy thing
if np.issubdtype(i.dtype, np.integer):
new.data = [self.data[k] for k in i]
elif np.issubdtype(i.dtype, np.bool_) and len(i) == len(self):
new.data = [self.data[k] for k in range(len(i)) if i[k]]
return new
def __repr__(self):
# s = "" for i, blob in enumerate(self): s += f"{i}:
# area={blob.area:.1f} @ ({blob.uc:.1f}, {blob.vc:.1f}),
# touch={blob.touch}, orient={blob.orientation * 180 / np.pi:.1f}°,
# aspect={blob.aspect:.2f}, circularity={blob.circularity:.2f},
# parent={blob._parent}\n"
# return s
table = ANSITable(
Column("area", fmt="{:.3g}"),
Column("perim", fmt="{:.1f}"),
Column("circul", fmt="{:.3f}"),
Column("orient", fmt="{:.1f}°"),
Column("aspect", fmt="{:.3g}"),
for b in self.data:
table.row(b.id, b.parent, f"{b.uc:.1f}, {b.vc:.1f}",
b.b / b.a)
return str(table)
def area(self):
Area of the blob
:return: area in pixels
:rtype: int
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> im = Image.Read('shark2.png')
>>> blobs = im.blobs()
>>> blobs[0].area
>>> blobs.area
return [b.moments.m00 for b in self.data]
def u(self):
u-coordinate of the blob centroid
:return: u-coordinate (horizontal)
:rtype: float
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> im = Image.Read('shark2.png')
>>> blobs = im.blobs()
>>> blobs[0].u
>>> blobs.u
return [b.uc for b in self.data]
def v(self):
v-coordinate of the blob centroid
:return: v-coordinate (vertical)
:rtype: float
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> im = Image.Read('shark2.png')
>>> blobs = im.blobs()
>>> blobs[0].v
>>> blobs.v
return [b.vc for b in self.data]
def centroid(self):
Centroid of blob
:return: centroid of the blob
:rtype: 2-tuple
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> im = Image.Read('shark2.png')
>>> blobs = im.blobs()
>>> blobs[0].bboxarea
>>> blobs.bboxarea
:seealso: :meth:`u` :meth:`v` :meth:`moments`
return [(b.uc, b.vc) for b in self.data]
def p(self):
Centroid point of blob
:return: centroid of the blob
:rtype: 2-tuple
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> im = Image.Read('shark2.png')
>>> blobs = im.blobs()
>>> blobs[0].bboxarea
>>> blobs.bboxarea
:seealso: :meth:`u` :meth:`v`
return [(b.uc, b.vc) for b in self.data]
def bbox(self):
Bounding box
:return: bounding
:rtype: ndarray(4)
The bounding box is a 1D array [umin, umax, vmin, vmax].
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> im = Image.Read('shark2.png')
>>> blobs = im.blobs()
>>> blobs[0].bbox
>>> blobs.bbox
.. note:: The bounding box is the smallest box with vertical and
horizontal edges that fully encloses the blob.
:seealso: :meth:`umin` :meth:`vmin` :meth:`umax` :meth:`umax`,
return [b.bbox for b in self.data]
def umin(self):
Minimum u-axis extent
:return: maximum u-coordinate of the blob
:rtype: int
Returns the u-coordinate of the left side of the bounding box.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> im = Image.Read('shark2.png')
>>> blobs = im.blobs()
>>> blobs[0].umin
>>> blobs.umin
:seealso: :meth:`umax` :meth:`bbox`
return [b.bbox[0] for b in self.data]
def umax(self):
Maximum u-axis extent
:return: maximum u-coordinate of the blob
:rtype: int
Returns the u-coordinate of the right side of the bounding box.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> im = Image.Read('shark2.png')
>>> blobs = im.blobs()
>>> blobs[0].umin
>>> blobs.umin
:seealso: :meth:`umin` :meth:`bbox`
return [b.bbox[0] + b.bbox[2] for b in self.data]
def vmin(self):
Maximum v-axis extent
:return: maximum v-coordinate of the blob
:rtype: int
Returns the v-coordinate of the top side of the bounding box.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> im = Image.Read('shark2.png')
>>> blobs = im.blobs()
>>> blobs[0].vmin
>>> blobs.vmin
:seealso: :meth:`vmax` :meth:`bbox`
return [b.bbox[0] for b in self.data]
def vmax(self):
Minimum v-axis extent
:return: maximum v-coordinate of the blob
:rtype: int
Returns the v-coordinate of the bottom side of the bounding box.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> im = Image.Read('shark2.png')
>>> blobs = im.blobs()
>>> blobs[0].vmax
>>> blobs.vmax
:seealso: :meth:`vmin` :meth:`bbox`
return [b.bbox[1] + b.bbox[3] for b in self.data]
def bboxarea(self):
Area of the bounding box
:return: area of the bounding box in pixels
:rtype: int
Return the area of the bounding box which is invariant to blob
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> im = Image.Read('shark2.png')
>>> blobs = im.blobs()
>>> blobs[0].bboxarea
>>> blobs.bboxarea
.. note:: The bounding box is the smallest box with vertical and
horizontal edges that fully encloses the blob.
:seealso: :meth:`bbox` :meth:`area` :meth:`fillfactor`
return [b.bbox[2] * b.bbox[3] for b in self.data]
def fillfactor(self):
Fill factor, ratio of area to bounding box area
:return: fill factor
:rtype: int
Return the ratio, :math:`\le 1`, of the blob area to the area of the
bounding box. This is a simple shape metric which is invariant to blob
position and scale.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> im = Image.Read('shark2.png')
>>> blobs = im.blobs()
>>> blobs[0].fillfactor
>>> blobs.fillfactor
.. note:: The bounding box is the smallest box with vertical and
horizontal edges that fully encloses the blob.
:seealso: :meth:`bbox`
return [b.moments.m00 / (b.bbox[2] * b.bbox[3]) for b in self.data]
def a(self):
Radius of equivalent ellipse
:return: largest ellipse radius
:rtype: float
Returns the major axis length which is invariant to blob position
and orientation.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> im = Image.Read('shark2.png')
>>> blobs = im.blobs()
>>> blobs[0].a
>>> blobs.a
:seealso: :meth:`b` :meth:`aspect`
return [b.a for b in self.data]
def b(self):
Radius of equivalent ellipse
:return: smallest ellipse radius
:rtype: float
Returns the minor axis length which is invariant to blob position
and orientation.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> im = Image.Read('shark2.png')
>>> blobs = im.blobs()
>>> blobs[0].b
>>> blobs.b
:seealso: :meth:`a` :meth:`aspect`
return [b.b for b in self.data]
def aspect(self):
Blob aspect ratio
:return: ratio of equivalent ellipse axes
:rtype: float
Returns the ratio of equivalent ellipse axis lengths, :math:`<1`, which
is invariant to blob position, orientation and scale.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> im = Image.Read('shark2.png')
>>> blobs = im.blobs()
>>> blobs[0].aspect
>>> blobs.aspect
:seealso: :func:`a` :meth:`b`
return [b.b / b.a for b in self.data]
def orientation(self):
Blob orientation
:return: Orientation of equivalent ellipse (in radians)
:rtype: float
Returns the orientation of equivalent ellipse major axis with respect to
the horizontal axis, which is invariant to blob position and scale.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> im = Image.Read('shark2.png')
>>> blobs = im.blobs()
>>> blobs[0].orientation
>>> blobs.orientation
return [b.orientation for b in self.data]
def touch(self):
Blob edge touch status
:return: blob touches the edge of the image
:rtype: bool
Returns true if the blob touches the edge of the image.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> im = Image.Read('shark2.png')
>>> blobs = im.blobs()
>>> blobs[0].touch
>>> blobs.touch
return [b.touch for b in self.data]
def level(self):
Blob level in hierarchy
:return: blob level in hierarchy
:rtype: int
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> im = Image.Read('multiblobs.png')
>>> blobs = im.blobs()
>>> blobs[2].level
>>> blobs.level
:seealso: :meth:`color` :meth:`parent` :meth:`children` :meth:`dotfile`
return [b.level for b in self.data]
def color(self):
Blob color
:return: blob color
:rtype: int
Blob color in a binary image. This is inferred from the level in
the blob hierarchy. The background blob is black (0), the first-level
child blobs are white (1), etc.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> im = Image.Read('multiblobs.png')
>>> blobs = im.blobs()
>>> blobs[2].color
>>> blobs.color
:seealso: :meth:`level` :meth:`parent` :meth:`children`
return [b.level & 1 for b in self.data]
def parent(self):
Parent blob
:return: index of this blob's parent
:rtype: int
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> im = Image.Read('multiblobs.png')
>>> blobs = im.blobs()
>>> print(blobs)
>>> blobs[5].parent
>>> blobs[6].parent
A parent of -1 is the image background.
:seealso: :meth:`children` :meth:`level` :meth:`dotfile`
return [b.parent for b in self.data]
def children(self):
Child blobs
:return: list of indices of this blob's children
:rtype: list of int
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> im = Image.Read('multiblobs.png')
>>> blobs = im.blobs()
>>> blobs[5].children
:seealso: :meth:`parent` :meth:`level` :meth:`dotfile`
return [b.children for b in self.data]
def moments(self):
Moments of blobs
:return: moments of blobs
:rtype: named tuple or list of named tuples
Compute multiple moments of each blob and return them as a named tuple
with attributes
========================== ===============================================================================
Moment type attribute name
========================== ===============================================================================
moments ``m00`` ``m10`` ``m01`` ``m20`` ``m11`` ``m02`` ``m30`` ``m21`` ``m12`` ``m03``
central moments ``mu20`` ``mu11`` ``mu02`` ``mu30`` ``mu21`` ``mu12`` ``mu03`` |
normalized central moments ``nu20`` ``nu11`` ``nu02`` ``nu30`` ``nu21`` ``nu12`` ``nu03`` |
========================== ===============================================================================
:seealso: :meth:`centroid` :meth:`humoments`
return [b.moments for b in self.data]
def humoments(self):
Hu image moment invariants of blobs
:return: Hu image moments
:rtype: ndarray(7) or ndarray(N,7)
Computes the seven Hu image moment invariants of the image. These
are a robust shape descriptor that is invariant to position, orientation
and scale.
:seealso: :meth:`moments`
def hu(b):
m = b.moments
phi = np.empty((7,))
phi[0] = m.nu20 + m.nu02
phi[1] = (m.nu20 - m.nu02)**2 + 4*m.nu11**2
phi[2] = (m.nu30 - 3*m.nu12)**2 + (3*m.nu21 - m.nu03)**2
phi[3] = (m.nu30 + m.nu12)**2 + (m.nu21 + m.nu03)**2
phi[4] = (m.nu30 - 3*m.nu12) \
* (m.nu30+m.nu12) \
* ((m.nu30 +m.nu12)**2 - 3*(m.nu21+m.nu03)**2) \
+ \
(3*m.nu21 - m.nu03) \
* (m.nu21+m.nu03) \
* (3*(m.nu30+m.nu12)**2 - (m.nu21+m.nu03)**2)
phi[5] = (m.nu20 - m.nu02)*((m.nu30 +m.nu12)**2 \
- (m.nu21+m.nu03)**2) \
+ 4*m.nu11 *(m.nu30+m.nu12)*(m.nu21+m.nu03)
phi[6] = (3*m.nu21 - m.nu03) \
* (m.nu30+m.nu12) \
* ((m.nu30 +m.nu12)**2 - 3*(m.nu21+m.nu03)**2) \
+ \
(3*m.nu12 - m.nu30) \
* (m.nu21+m.nu03) \
* ( 3*(m.nu30+m.nu12)**2 - (m.nu21+m.nu03)**2)
return phi
return [hu(b) for b in self.data]
def perimeter_length(self):
Perimeter length of the blob
:return: perimeter length in pixels
:rtype: float
Return the length of the blob's external perimeter. This is an 8-way
connected chain of edge pixels.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> import numpy as np
>>> im = Image.Read('shark2.png')
>>> blobs = im.blobs()
>>> blobs[0].perimeter_length
>>> blobs.perimeter_length
.. note:: The length of the internal perimeter is found from summing
the external perimeter of each child blob.
:seealso: :meth:`perimeter` :meth:`children`
return [b.perimeter_length for b in self.data]
def circularity(self):
Blob circularity
:return: circularity
:rtype: float
Circularity, computed as :math:`\rho = \frac{A}{4 \pi p^2} \le 1`.
Circularity is one for a circular blob and < 1 for all other shapes,
approaching zero for a line.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> im = Image.Read('shark2.png')
>>> blobs = im.blobs()
>>> blobs[0].circularity
>>> blobs.circularity
.. note:: Kulpa's correction factor is applied to account for edge
- Area and perimeter measurement of blobs in discrete binary pictures.
Z.Kulpa. Comput. Graph. Image Process., 6:434-451, 1977.
- Methods to Estimate Areas and Perimeters of Blob-like Objects: a
Comparison. Proc. IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications.,
December 13-15, 1994, Kawasaki, Japan
L. Yang, F. Albregtsen, T. Loennestad, P. Groettum
:seealso: :meth:`area` :meth:`perimeter_length`
return [b.circularity for b in self.data]
def perimeter(self):
Perimeter of the blob
:return: Perimeter, one point per column
:rtype: ndarray(2,N)
Return the coordinates of the pixels that form the blob's external
perimeter. This is an 8-way connected chain of edge pixels.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> im = Image.Read('shark2.png')
>>> blobs = im.blobs()
>>> blobs[0].perimeter.shape
>>> with np.printoptions(threshold=10):
>>> blobs[0].perimeter
>>> blobs.perimeter
.. note:: The perimeter is not closed, that is, the first and last point
are not the same.
:seealso: :meth:`perimeter_approx` :meth:`polar`
return [b.perimeter for b in self.data]
[docs] @array_result
def perimeter_approx(self, epsilon=None):
Approximate perimeter of the blob
:param epsilon: maximum distance between the original curve and its approximation, default is exact contour
:type epsilon: int
:return: Perimeter, one point per column
:rtype: ndarray(2,N)
The result is a low-order polygonal approximation to the original
perimeter. Increasing ``epsilon`` reduces the number of perimeter points.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> im = Image.Read('shark2.png')
>>> blobs = im.blobs()
>>> blobs[0].perimeter.shape
>>> blobs[0].perimeter_approx(5).shape
>>> with np.printoptions(threshold=10):
>>> blobs[0].perimeter_approx(5)
which in this case has reduced the number of perimeter points from
471 to 15.
.. note:: The perimeter is not closed, that is, the first and last point
are not the same.
:seealso: :meth:`perimeter` :meth:`polar` `cv2.approxPolyDP <https://docs.opencv.org/master/d3/dc0/group__imgproc__shape.html#ga0012a5fdaea70b8a9970165d98722b4c>`_
perimeters = []
for b in self.data:
perimeter = cv.approxPolyDP(b.perimeter.T, epsilon=epsilon, closed=False)
# result is Nx1x2
return perimeters
[docs] @array_result
def polar(self, N=400):
Boundary in polar cooordinate form
:param N: number of points around perimeter, defaults to 400
:type N: int, optional
:return: Contour, one point per column
:rtype: ndarray(2,N)
Returns a polar representation of the boundary with
respect to the centroid. Each boundary point is represented by a column
:math:`(r, \theta)`. The polar profile can be used for scale and
orientation invariant matching of shapes.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> im = Image.Read('shark2.png')
>>> blobs = im.blobs()
>>> p = blobs[0].polar()
>>> p.shape
.. note:: The points are evenly spaced around the perimeter but are
not evenly spaced in subtended angle.
:seealso: :meth:`polarmatch` :meth:`perimeter`
def polarfunc(b):
contour = np.array(b.perimeter) - np.c_[b.p].T
r = np.sqrt(np.sum(contour ** 2, axis=0))
theta = -np.arctan2(contour[1, :], contour[0, :])
s = np.linspace(0, 1, len(r))
si = np.linspace(0, 1, N)
f_r = sp.interpolate.interp1d(s, r)
f_theta = sp.interpolate.interp1d(s, theta)
return np.array((f_r(si), f_theta(si)))
return [polarfunc(b) for b in self]
[docs] def polarmatch(self, target):
Compare polar profiles
:param target: the blob index to match against
:type target: int
:return: similarity and orientation offset
:rtype: ndarray(N), ndarray(N)
Performs cross correlation between the polar profiles of blobs. All
blobs are matched against blob index ``target``. Blob index ``target``
is included in the results.
There are two return values:
1. Similarity is a 1D array, one entry per blob, where a value of one
indicates maximum similarity irrespective of orientation and scale.
2. Orientation offset is a 1D array, one entry per blob, is the relative
orientation of blobs with respect to the ``target`` blob. The
``target`` blob has an orientation offset of 0.5. These values lie in
the range [0, 1), equivalent to :math:`[0, 2\pi)` and wraps around.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> im = Image.Read('shark2.png')
>>> blobs = im.blobs()
>>> blobs.polarmatch(1)
.. note::
- Can be considered as matching two functions defined over :math:`S^1`.
- Orientation is obtained by cross-correlation of the polar-angle
:seealso: :meth:`polar` :meth:`contour`
# assert(numrows(r1) == numrows(r2), 'r1 and r2 must have same number of rows');
R = []
for i in range(len(self)):
# get the radius profile
r = self[i].polar()[0, :]
# normalize to zero mean and unit variance
r -= r.mean()
r /= np.std(r)
R = np.array(R) # on row per blob boundary
n = R.shape[1]
# get the target profile
target = R[target, :]
# cross correlate, with wrapping
out = sp.ndimage.correlate1d(R, target, axis=1, mode='wrap') / n
idx = np.argmax(out, axis=1)
return [out[k, idx[k]] for k in range(len(self))], idx / n
[docs] def plot_box(self, **kwargs):
Plot a bounding box for the blob using Matplotlib
:param kwargs: arguments passed to ``plot_box``
Plot a bounding box for every blob described by this object.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> im = Image.Read('multiblobs.png')
>>> blobs = im.blobs()
>>> blobs[5].plot_box('r') # red bounding box for blob 5
>>> blobs.plot_box('g') # green bounding box for all blobs
:seealso: :meth:`plot_labelbox` :meth:`plot_centroid` :meth:`plot_perimeter` :func:`~machinevisiontoolbox.base.graphics.plot_box`
for blob in self:
plot_box(lrbt=blob.bbox, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_labelbox(self, **kwargs):
Plot a labelled bounding box for the blob using Matplotlib
:param kwargs: arguments passed to ``plot_labelbox``
Plot a labelled bounding box for every blob described by this object.
The blobs are labeled by their blob index.
:seealso: :meth:`plot_box` :meth:`plot_centroid` :meth:`plot_perimeter` :func:`~machinevisiontoolbox.base.graphics.plot_labelbox`
for i, blob in enumerate(self):
plot_labelbox(text=f"{i}", lrbt=blob.bbox, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_centroid(self, label=False, **kwargs):
Draw the centroid of the blob using matplotlib
:param label: add a sequential numeric label to each point, defaults to False
:type label: bool
:param kwargs: other arguments passed to ``plot_point``
If no marker style is given then it will be an overlaid "o" and "x"
in blue.
:seealso: :meth:`plot_box` :meth:`plot_perimeter` :func:`~machinevisiontoolbox.base.graphics.plot_point`
if label:
text = "{:d}"
text = ""
if 'marker' not in kwargs:
kwargs['marker'] = ['bx', 'bo']
kwargs['fillstyle'] = 'none'
for i, blob in enumerate(self):
plot_point(pos=blob.centroid, text=text.format(i), **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_perimeter(self, **kwargs):
Plot perimeter of blob using Matplotlib
:param kwargs: line style parameters passed to ``plot``
Highlights the perometer of a blob or blobs on the current plot.
:seealso: :meth:`plot_box` :meth:`plot_centroid`
for blob in self:
x, y = blob.perimeter
plt.plot(x, y, **kwargs)
[docs] def label_image(self,
Create label image from blobs
:param image: image to draw into, defaults to new image
:type image: :class:`Image`, optional
:return: greyscale label image
:rtype: :class:`Image`
The perimeter information from the blobs is used to generate a greyscale
label image where the greyvalue of each region corresponds to the blob
:seealso: :meth:`~machinevisiontoolbox.ImageSpatial.labels_binary`
if image is None:
image = self._image
# TODO check contours, icont, colors, etc are valid
# done because we squeezed hierarchy from a (1,M,4) to an (M,4) earlier
labels = np.zeros(image.shape[:2], dtype=np.uint8)
for i in range(len(self)):
# TODO figure out how to draw alpha/transparencies?
thickness=-1, # fill the contour
return image.__class__(labels)
[docs] def dotfile(self, filename=None, direction=None, show=False):
Create a GraphViz dot file
:param filename: filename to save graph to, defaults to None
:type filename: str, optional
:param direction: graph drawing direction, defaults to top to bottom
:type direction: str, optional
:param show: compile the graph and display in browser tab, defaults to False
:type show: bool, optional
Creates the specified file which contains the `GraphViz
<https://graphviz.org>`_ code to represent the blob hierarchy as a
directed graph. By default output is to the console.
.. note:: If ``filename`` is a file object then the file will *not*
be closed after the GraphViz model is written.
:seealso: :meth:`child` :meth:`parent` :meth:`level`
if show:
# create the temporary dotfile
filename = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode="w")
if filename is None:
f = sys.stdout
elif isinstance(filename, str):
f = open(filename, "w")
f = filename
print("digraph {", file=f)
if direction is not None:
print(f"rankdir = {direction}", file=f)
# add the nodes including name and position
for id, blob in enumerate(self):
print(' "{:d}"'.format(id), file=f)
print(' "{:d}" -> "{:d}"'.format(blob.parent, id), file=f)
print('}', file=f)
if show:
# rewind the dot file, create PDF file in the filesystem, run dot
pdffile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".pdf", delete=False)
subprocess.run("dot -Tpdf", shell=True, stdin=filename, stdout=pdffile)
# open the PDF file in browser (hopefully portable), then cleanup
if filename is None or isinstance(filename, str):
f.close() # noqa
[docs]class ImageBlobsMixin:
[docs] def blobs(self, **kwargs):
Find and describe blobs in image
:return: blobs in the image
:rtype: :class:`Blobs`
Find all blobs in the image and return an object that contains geometric
information about them. The object behaves like a list so it can
be indexed and sliced.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> im = Image.Read('shark2.png')
>>> blobs = im.blobs()
>>> type(blobs)
>>> len(blobs)
>>> print(blobs)
- Robotics, Vision & Control for Python, Section, P. Corke, Springer 2023.
# TODO do the feature extraction here
# each blob is a named tuple??
# This could be applied to MSERs
return Blobs(self, **kwargs)
if __name__ == "__main__":
from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
im = Image.Read('multiblobs.png')
f = im.blobs()
# z = f.label_image()
labels = f.label_image()
labels.disp(colormap='viridis', ncolors=10, colorbar=dict(shrink=0.8, aspect=20*0.8), block=True)
# im = Image.Read('sharks.png')
# im.disp()
# blobs=im.blobs()
# print(blobs)
# blobs.plot_box(color="red")
# # blobs = Blobs()
# # print(len(blobs))
# blobs = im.blobs()
# print(len(blobs))
# print(blobs[0].area)
# print(blobs.area)
# print(blobs)
# print(blobs.level)
# print(blobs.color)
# print(blobs[1].children)
# print(blobs.p)
# print(blobs.moments)
# print(blobs.humoments)
# print(blobs[(3,2,1)])
# print(blobs[np.r_[3,2,1]])
# print(blobs[blobs.circularity > 0.8])
# print(blobs.sortby())
# print(blobs.sortby(reverse=True))
# print(blobs.sortby(by="circularity"))
# print(blobs.filter(circularity=0.8))
# print(blobs.color)
# print(blobs[2].humoments)
# print(blobs.humoments)
# print(blobs[3].moments)
# blobs.dotfile(show=True)
# from ansitable.table import _unicode
# _unicode = False
# print(blobs)
# print(blobs.children)
# print(blobs[5:8].children)
# print(blobs[5].contour(epsilon=20))
# im.disp()
# blobs.plot_labelbox(filled=False, labelcolor='red', edgecolor='red')
# blobs.plot_centroid()
# print(blobs[0].children)
# plt.show(block=True)
# # read image
# from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
# im = Image(cv.imread('images/multiblobs.png', cv.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE))
# # call Blobs class
# b = Blob(image=im)
# # plot image
# # plot centroids of blobs
# # label relevant centroids for the labelled blobs
# # import random as rng # for random colors of blobs
# rng.seed(53467)
# drawing = np.zeros((im.shape[0], im.shape[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8)
# colors = [None]*len(b)
# icont = [None]*len(b)
# for i in range(len(b)):
# icont[i] = i
# colors[i] = (rng.randint(0, 256), rng.randint(
# 0, 256), rng.randint(0, 256))
# cv.rectangle(drawing, (b[i].umin, b[i].vmin), (b[i].umax, b[i].vmax),
# colors[i], thickness=2)
# # cv.putText(drawing, str(i), (int(b[i].uc), int(b[i].vc)),
# # fontFace=cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=1,
# # color=colors, thickness=2)
# drawing = b.drawBlobs(im, drawing, icont, colors,
# contourthickness=cv.FILLED)
# # mvt.idisp(drawing)
# # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# # plt.imshow(d2)
# # plt.show()
# # mvt.idisp(d2)
# im2 = Image('images/multiblobs_edgecase.png')
# im2.disp()
# press Ctrl+D to exit and close the image at the end
# import code
# code.interact(local=dict(globals(), **locals()))