Source code for machinevisiontoolbox.ImageConstants

#!/usr/bin/env python
Images class
@author: Dorian Tsai
@author: Peter Corke

from import Iterable
from pathlib import Path
import os.path
import os
import numpy as np
import cv2 as cv
from numpy.lib.arraysetops import isin
from machinevisiontoolbox.base import int_image, float_image, name2color
from machinevisiontoolbox.ImageSpatial import Kernel
from spatialmath.base import isscalar, islistof
import warnings
# import spatialmath.base.argcheck as argcheck

from machinevisiontoolbox.base.imageio import idisp, iread, iwrite, convert
import urllib
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

[docs]class ImageConstantsMixin: # ======================= patterns ================================== #
[docs] @classmethod def Zeros(cls, w, h=None, colororder=None, dtype='uint8'): """ Create image with zero value pixels :param w: width, or (width, height) :type w: int, (int, int) :param h: height, defaults to None :type h: int, optional :param colororder: color plane names, defaults to None :type colororder: str :param dtype: NumPy datatype, defaults to 'uint8' :type dtype: str, optional :return: image of zero values :rtype: :class:`Image` Create a greyscale image of zero-valued pixels. If only one dimension is given the image is square. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image >>> Image.Zeros(20) >>> Image.Zeros(10,20) >>> Image.Zeros(20, dtype='float', colororder="RGB") # create color image, all black :seealso: :meth:`Constant` """ if h is None: if isinstance(w, (tuple, list)): h = w[1] w = w[0] else: h = w shape = [h, w] if colororder is not None: p = len(cls.colordict(colororder)) shape.append(p) return cls(np.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype), colororder=colororder)
[docs] @classmethod def Constant(cls, w, h=None, value=0, colororder=None, dtype='uint8'): """ Create image with all pixels having same value :param w: width, or (width, height) :type w: int, (int, int) :param h: height, defaults to None :type h: int, optional :param value: value for all pixels, defaults to 0 :type value: scalar, array_like, str :param colororder: color plane names, defaults to None :type colororder: str :param dtype: NumPy datatype, defaults to 'uint8' :type dtype: str, optional :return: image of constant values :rtype: :class:`Image` Creates a new image initialized to ``value``. If ``value`` is iterable then the image has ``len(value)`` planes, each initialized to the corresponding element of ``value``. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image >>> img = Image.Constant(10, value=17) >>> img >>> img.image[0, 0] >>> img = Image.Constant(10, 20, [100, 50, 200], colororder='RGB') >>> img >>> img.image[0, 0, :] >>> img = Image.Constant(10, value=range(6), colororder='ABCDEF') >>> img >>> img.image[0, 0, :] >>> img = Image.Constant(10, value='cyan') >>> img.image[0, 0, :] .. note:: If ``len(value) == 3`` and ``colororder`` is not specified then RGB is assumed. :seealso: :meth:`Zeros` """ if h is None: if isinstance(w, (tuple, list)): h = w[1] w = w[0] else: h = w shape = (h, w) if isinstance(value, float): dtype = 'float' if isinstance(value, str): # value given as a string, assume colorname value = name2color(value, dtype=dtype) if isinstance(value, Iterable): # iterable if len(value) == 3 and colororder is None: colororder = 'RGB' planes = [] for bg in value: planes.append(np.full(shape, bg, dtype=dtype)) return cls(np.stack(planes, axis=2), colororder=colororder) else: # scalar return cls(np.full(shape, value, dtype=dtype))
[docs] @classmethod def String(cls, s): """ Create a small image from text string :param s: text string :type s: str :return: image :rtype: :class:`Image` Creates a new image initialized to a compact representation given by a string. Each pixel is a single character in the range 0 to 9, and image rows are separated by a pipe. There are no spaces. All rows must be the same length. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image >>> img = Image.String('01234|56789|87654') >>> img.print() .. note:: Pixel values are determined by the unicode value of the character relative to unicode for '0', so other ASCII characters (apart from pipe) can be used to obtain pixel values greater than 9. 'Z' is 90 and 'z' is 122. :seealso: :meth:`Constant` """ pixels = [] for row in s.split('|'): pixels.append([ord(c) - ord('0') for c in row]) return cls(pixels, dtype='uint8')
[docs] @classmethod def Random(cls, w, h=None, value=0, colororder=None, dtype='uint8'): """ Create image with random pixel values :param w: width, or (width, height) :type w: int, (int, int) :param h: height, defaults to None :type h: int, optional :param colororder: color plane names, defaults to None :type colororder: str :param dtype: NumPy datatype, defaults to 'uint8' :type dtype: str, optional :return: image of random values :rtype: :class:`Image` Creates a new image where pixels are initialized to uniformly distributed random values. For an integer image the values span the range 0 to the maximum positive value of the datatype. For a floating image the values span the range 0.0 to 1.0. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image >>> img = Image.Random(5) >>> img >>> img.image >>> img = Image.Random(5, colororder='RGB') >>> img >>> >>> img = Image.Random(5, dtype='float32') >>> img.image """ if h is None: if isinstance(w, (tuple, list)): h = w[1] w = w[0] else: h = w shape = [w, h] if colororder is not None: shape.append(len(cls.colordict(colororder))) if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer): im = np.random.randint(0, np.iinfo(dtype).max, size=shape, dtype=dtype) elif np.issubdtype(dtype, np.floating): im = np.random.rand(*shape) return cls(im, colororder=colororder)
[docs] @classmethod def Squares(cls, number, size=256, fg=1, bg=0, dtype='uint8'): """ Create image containing grid of squares :param number: number of squares horizontally and vertically :type number: int :param size: image width and height, defaults to 256 :type size: int, optional :param fg: pixel value of the squares, defaults to 1 :type fg: int, float, optional :param bg: pixel value of the background, defaults to 0 :type bg: int, optional :param dtype: NumPy datatype, defaults to 'uint8' :type dtype: str, optional :return: grid of squares :rtype: :class:`Image` Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image >>> img = Image.Squares(2, 14, bg=1, fg=9) >>> img.A .. note:: Image is square. """ im = np.full((size, size), bg, dtype=dtype) d = size // (3 * number + 1) side = 2 * d + 1 # keep it odd sq = np.full((side, side), fg, dtype=dtype) s2 = side // 2 for r in range(number): y0 = (r * 3 + 2) * d for c in range(number): x0 = (c * 3 + 2) * d im[y0-s2:y0+s2+1, x0-s2:x0+s2+1] = sq return cls(im)
[docs] @classmethod def Circles(cls, number, size=256, fg=1, bg=0, dtype='uint8'): """ Create image containing grid of circles :param number: number of circles horizontally and vertically :type number: int :param size: image width and height, defaults to 256 :type size: int, optional :param fg: pixel value of the circles, defaults to 1 :type fg: int, float, optional :param bg: pixel value of the background, defaults to 0 :type bg: int, optional :param dtype: NumPy datatype, defaults to 'uint8' :type dtype: str, optional :return: grid of circles :rtype: :class:`Image` Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image >>> img = Image.Circles(2, 14, bg=1, fg=9) >>> img.A .. note:: Image is square. """ im = np.full((size, size), bg, dtype=dtype) d = size // (3 * number + 1) side = 2 * d + 1 # keep it odd s2 = side // 2 circle = Kernel.Circle(s2).astype(dtype) * (fg - bg) + bg for r in range(number): y0 = (r * 3 + 2) * d for c in range(number): x0 = (c * 3 + 2) * d im[y0-s2:y0+s2+1, x0-s2:x0+s2+1] = circle return cls(im)
[docs] @classmethod def Ramp(cls, size=256, cycles=2, dir='x', dtype='float32'): """ Create image of linear ramps :param dir: ramp direction: 'x' [default] or 'y' :type dir: str, optional :param size: image width and height, defaults to 256 :type size: int, optional :param cycles: Number of complete ramps, defaults to 2 :type cycles: int, optional :param dtype: NumPy datatype, defaults to 'float32' :type dtype: str, optional :return: intensity ramps :rtype: :class:`Image` The ramps span the range: * float image: 0 to 1 * int image: 0 to maximum positive value of the integer type Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image >>> Image.Ramp(10, 2).image >>> Image.Ramp(10, 3, dtype='uint8').image """ c = size / cycles if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer): max = np.iinfo(dtype).max else: max = 1.0 x = np.arange(0, size) s = np.expand_dims(np.mod(x, c) / (c - 1) * max, axis=0).astype(dtype) image = np.repeat(s, size, axis=0) if dir == 'y': image = image.T return cls(image, dtype=dtype)
[docs] @classmethod def Sin(cls, size=256, cycles=2, dir='x', dtype='float32'): """ Create image of sinusoidal intensity pattern :param dir: sinusoid direction: 'x' [default] or 'y' :type dir: str, optional :param size: image width and height, defaults to 256 :type size: int, optional :param cycles: Number of complete cycles, defaults to 2 :type cycles: int, optional :param dtype: NumPy datatype, defaults to 'float32' :type dtype: str, optional :return: sinusoidal pattern :rtype: :class:`Image` The sinusoids are offset to have a minimum value of zero, and span the range: * float image: 0 to 1 * int image: 0 to maximum positive value of the integer type Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image >>> Image.Sin(10, 2).image >>> Image.Sin(10, 2, dtype='uint8').image """ c = size / cycles x = np.arange(0, size) if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer): max = np.iinfo(dtype).max else: max = 1.0 s = np.expand_dims((np.sin(x / c * 2 * np.pi) + 1) * max / 2, axis=0).astype(dtype) image = np.repeat(s, size, axis=0) if dir == 'y': image = image.T return cls(image, dtype=dtype)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # if __name__ == "__main__": import pathlib import os.path from machinevisiontoolbox import Image # z = Image.Ramp(2, value=range(6), colororder='ABCDEF') # print(z) Image.Sin(256, 2).image Image.Sin(256, 2, dtype='uint8').image exec(open(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent.absolute() / "tests" / "").read()) # pylint: disable=exec-used