from abc import ABC
import sys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import copy
from import Iterable
import tempfile
import subprocess
import webbrowser
from import axes_logic
class PGraph(ABC):
def __init__(self, arg=None, metric=None, heuristic=None, verbose=False):
# we use a list and a dict, the list respects the order of adding
self._vertexlist = []
self._vertexdict = {}
self._edgelist = set()
self._verbose = verbose
self._ncomponents = 0
self._connectivitychange = False
if metric is None:
self.metric = "L2"
self.metric = metric
if heuristic is None:
self.heuristic = self.metric
self.heuristic = heuristic
def __str__(self):
s = f"{self.__class__.__name__}: {self.n} {'vertex' if self.n==1 else 'vertices'}, {} edge{'s'[^1]}, {} component{'s'[^1]}"
return s
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
def Dict(cls, d, reverse=False):
Create graph from parent/child dictionary
:param d: dictionary that maps from ``Vertex`` subclass to ``Vertex`` subclass
:type d: dict
:param reverse: reverse link direction, defaults to False
:type reverse: bool, optional
:return: graph
:rtype: UGraph or DGraph
Behaves like a constructor for a ``DGraph`` or ``UGraph`` from a
dictionary that maps vertices to parents. From this information it
can create a tree graph.
By default parent vertices are linked their children. If ``reverse`` is
True then children are linked to their parents.
g = cls()
for vertex, parent in d.items():
if isinstance(vertex, str):
vertex_name = vertex
vertex_name =
if vertex_name in g:
vertex = g[vertex_name]
vertex = g.add_vertex(UVertex(), name=vertex_name)
if isinstance(parent, str):
parent_name = parent
parent_name =
if parent_name in g:
parent = g[parent_name]
parent = g.add_vertex(UVertex(), name=parent_name)
if reverse:
g.add_edge(vertex, parent)
g.add_edge(parent, vertex)
return g
def Adjacency(cls, A, coords=None, names=None):
Create graph from adjacency matrix
:param A: adjacency matrix
:type A: ndarray(N,N)
:param coords: coordinates of vertices, defaults to None
:type coords: ndarray(N,M), optional
:param names: names of vertices, defaults to None
:type names: list(N) of str, optional
:return: [description]
:rtype: [type]
Create a directed or undirected graph where non-zero elements ``A[i,j]``
correspond to edges from vertex ``i`` to vertex ``j``.
.. warning:: For undirected graph ``A`` should be symmetric but this
is not checked. Only the upper triangular part is used.
if A.shape[0] != A.shape[1]:
raise ValueError("Adjacency matrix must be square")
if names is not None and len(names) != A.shape[0]:
raise ValueError("length of names must match dimension of adjacency matrix")
if coords is not None and coords.shape[0] != A.shape[0]:
raise ValueError("coords must have same number of rows as adjacency matrix")
g = cls()
name = None
coord = None
for i in range(A.shape[0]):
if names is not None:
name = names[i]
if coords is not None:
coord = coords[i, :]
g.add_vertex(name=name, coord=coord)
if isinstance(g, UGraph):
# undirected graph
for i in range(A.shape[0]):
for j in range(i + 1, A.shape[1]):
if A[i, j] > 0:
g[i].connect(g[j], cost=A[i, j])
# directed graph
for i in range(A.shape[0]):
for j in range(A.shape[1]):
if A[i, j] > 0:
if i == j:
raise ValueError("loops in graph not supported")
g[i].connect(g[j], cost=A[i, j])
return g
def copy(self):
Deepcopy of graph
:param g: A graph
:type g: PGraph
:return: deep copy
:rtype: PGraph
return copy.deepcopy(self)
def add_vertex(self, vertex, name=None):
Add a vertex to the graph (superclass method)
:param vertex: vertex to add
:type vertex: Vertex subclass
:param name: name of vertex
:type name: str
``G.add_vertex(v)`` add vertex ``v`` to the graph ``G``.
If the vertex has no name and ``name`` is None give it a default name
``#N`` where ``N`` is a consecutive integer.
The vertex is placed into a dictionary with a key equal to its name.
if name is None:
name =
if name is None:
name = f"#{len(self._vertexlist)}" = name
self._vertexdict[] = vertex
if self._verbose:
print(f"New vertex {}: {vertex.coord}")
vertex._graph = self
self._connectivitychange = True
return vertex
def add_edge(self, v1, v2, **kwargs):
Add an edge to the graph (superclass method)
:param v1: first vertex (start if a directed graph)
:type v1: Vertex subclass
:param v2: second vertex (end if a directed graph)
:type v2: Vertex subclass
:param kwargs: optional arguments to pass to ``Vertex.connect``
:return: edge
:rtype: Edge
Create an edge between a vertex pair and adds it to the graph.
This is a graph centric way of creating an edge. The
alternative is the ``connect`` method of a vertex.
:seealso: :meth:`Edge.connect` :meth:`Vertex.connect`
if isinstance(v1, str):
v1 = self[v1]
elif not isinstance(v1, Vertex):
raise TypeError("v1 must be Vertex subclass or string name")
if isinstance(v2, str):
v2 = self[v2]
elif not isinstance(v2, Vertex):
raise TypeError("v2 must be Vertex subclass or string name")
if self._verbose:
print(f"New edge from {} to {}")
return v1.connect(v2, **kwargs)
def remove(self, x):
Remove element from graph (superclass method)
:param x: element to remove from graph
:type x: Edge or Vertex subclass
:raises TypeError: unknown type
The edge or vertex is removed, and all references and lists are
.. warning:: The connectivity of the network may be changed.
if isinstance(x, Edge):
# remove an edge
# remove edge from the edgelist of connected vertices
# indicate that connectivity has changed
x.v1._connectivitychange = True
x.v2._connectivitychange = True
self._connectivitychange = True
# remove references to the vertices
x.v1 = None
x.v2 = None
# remove from list of all edges
elif isinstance(x, Vertex):
# remove a vertex
# remove all edges of this vertex
for edge in copy.copy(x._edgelist):
# remove from list and dict of all edges
del self._vertexdict[]
raise TypeError("expecting Edge or Vertex")
def show(self):
for v in self._vertexlist:
print(" " + str(v))
for e in self._edgelist:
print(" " + str(e))
def n(self):
Number of vertices
:return: Number of vertices
:rtype: int
return len(self._vertexdict)
def ne(self):
Number of edges
:return: Number of vertices
:rtype: int
return len(self._edgelist)
def nc(self):
Number of components
:return: Number of components
:rtype: int
.. note::
- Components are labeled from 0 to ````.
- A graph coloring algorithm is run if the graph connectivity
has changed.
.. note:: A lazy approach is used, and if a connectivity changing
operation has been performed since the last call, the graph
coloring algorithm is run which is potentially expensive for
a large graph.
return self._ncomponents
def _metricfunc(self, metric):
def L1(v):
return np.linalg.norm(v, 1)
def L2(v):
return np.linalg.norm(v)
def SE2(v):
# wrap angle to range [-pi, pi)
v[2] = (v[2] + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi
return np.linalg.norm(v)
if callable(metric):
return metric
elif isinstance(metric, str):
if metric == "L1":
return L1
elif metric == "L2":
return L2
elif metric == "SE2":
return SE2
raise ValueError("unknown metric")
def metric(self):
Get the distance metric for graph
:return: distance metric
:rtype: callable
This is a function of a vector and returns a scalar.
return self._metric
def metric(self, metric):
Set the distance metric for graph
:param metric: distance metric
:type metric: callable or str
This is a function of a vector and returns a scalar. It can be
user defined function or a string:
- 'L1' is the norm :math:`L_1 = \Sigma_i | v_i |`
- 'L2' is the norm :math:`L_2 = \sqrt{ \Sigma_i v_i^2}`
- 'SE2' is a mixed norm for vectors :math:`(x, y, \theta)` and
is :math:`\sqrt{x^2 + y^2 + \bar{\theta}^2}` where :math:`\bar{\theta}`
is :math:`\theta` wrapped to the interval :math:`[-\pi, \pi)`
The metric is used by :meth:`closest` and :meth:`distance`
self._metric = self._metricfunc(metric)
def heuristic(self):
Get the heuristic distance metric for graph
:return: heuristic distance metric
:rtype: callable
This is a function of a vector and returns a scalar.
return self._heuristic
def heuristic(self, heuristic):
Set the heuristic distance metric for graph
:param metric: heuristic distance metric
:type metric: callable or str
This is a function of a vector and returns a scalar. It can be
user defined function or a string:
- 'L1' is the norm :math:`L_1 = \Sigma_i | v_i |`
- 'L2' is the norm :math:`L_2 = \sqrt{ \Sigma_i v_i^2}`
- 'SE2' is a mixed norm for vectors :math:`(x, y, \theta)` and
is :math:`\sqrt{x^2 + y^2 + \bar{\theta}^2}` where :math:`\bar{\theta}`
is :math:`\theta` wrapped to the interval :math:`[-\pi, \pi)`
The heuristic distance is only used by the A* planner :meth:`path_Astar`.
self._heuristic = self._metricfunc(heuristic)
def __repr__(self):
s = []
for vertex in self:
ss = f"{} at {vertex.coord}"
if vertex.label is not None:
ss += " component={vertex.label}"
return "\n".join(s)
def __getitem__(self, i):
Get vertex (superclass method)
:param i: vertex description
:type i: int or str
:return: the referenced vertex
:rtype: Vertex subclass
Retrieve a vertex by index or name:
-``g[i]`` is the i'th vertex in the graph. This reflects the order of
addition to the graph.
-``g[s]`` is vertex named ``s``
-``g[v]`` is ``v`` where ``v`` is a ``Vertex`` subclass
This method also supports iteration over the vertices in a graph::
for v in g:
will iterate over all the vertices.
if isinstance(i, int):
return self._vertexlist[i]
elif isinstance(i, str):
return self._vertexdict[i]
elif isinstance(i, Vertex):
return i
def __contains__(self, item):
Test if vertex in graph
:param item: vertex or name of vertex
:type item: Vertex subclass or str
:return: true if vertex exists in the graph
:rtype: bool
- ``'name' in graph`` is true if a vertex named ``'name'`` exists in the
- ``v in graph`` is true if the vertex reference ``v`` exists in the
if isinstance(item, str):
return item in self._vertexdict
elif isinstance(item, Vertex):
return item in self._vertexdict.values()
def closest(self, coord):
Vertex closest to point
:param coord: coordinates of a point
:type coord: ndarray(n)
:return: closest vertex
:rtype: Vertex subclass
Returns the vertex closest to the given point. Distance is computed
according to the graph's metric.
:seealso: :meth:`metric`
min_dist = np.inf
min_which = None
for vertex in self:
d = self.metric(vertex.coord - coord)
if d < min_dist:
min_dist = d
min_which = vertex
return min_which, min_dist
def edges(self):
Get all edges in graph (superclass method)
:return: All edges in the graph
:rtype: list of Edge references
We can iterate over all edges in the graph by::
for e in g.edges():
.. note:: The ``edges()`` of a Vertex is a list of all edges connected
to that vertex.
:seealso: :meth:`Vertex.edges`
return self._edgelist
def plot(
Plot the graph
:param vopt: vertex format, defaults to 12pt o-marker
:type vopt: dict, optional
:param eopt: edge format, defaults to None
:type eopt: dict, optional
:param text: text label format, defaults to None
:type text: False or dict, optional
:param colorcomponents: color vertices and edges by component, defaults to None
:type color: bool, optional
:param block: block until figure is dismissed, defaults to True
:type block: bool, optional
The graph is plotted using matplotlib.
If ``colorcomponents`` is True then each component is assigned a unique
color. ``vertex`` and ``edge`` cannot include a color keyword.
If ``text`` is a dict it is used to format text labels for the vertices
which are the vertex names. If ``text`` is None default formatting is
used. If ``text`` is False no labels are added.
vopt = {**dict(marker="o", markersize=12), **vopt}
eopt = {**dict(linewidth=3), **eopt}
if colorcomponents:
color =, 1,
if len(self[0].coord) == 2 or force2d:
# 2D plotting
if ax is None:
ax = axes_logic(ax, 2)
for c in range(
# for each component
for vertex in self.component(c):
if text is not False:
ax.text(vertex.x, vertex.y, " " +, **text)
if colorcomponents:
ax.plot(vertex.x, vertex.y, color=color[c, :], **vopt)
for v in vertex.neighbours():
[vertex.x, v.x],
[vertex.y, v.y],
color=color[c, :],
ax.plot(vertex.x, vertex.y, **vopt)
for v in vertex.neighbours():
ax.plot([vertex.x, v.x], [vertex.y, v.y], **eopt)
# 3D or higher plotting, just do (x, y, z)
if ax is None:
ax = axes_logic(ax, 3)
for c in range(
# for each component
for vertex in self.component(c):
if text is not False:
vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z, " " +, **text
if colorcomponents:
**{**dict(color=color[c, :]), **vopt},
for v in vertex.neighbours():
[vertex.x, v.x],
[vertex.y, v.y],
[vertex.z, v.z],
**{**dict(color=color[c, :]), **eopt},
ax.plot(vertex.x, vertex.y, **vopt)
for v in vertex.neighbours():
[vertex.x, v.x],
[vertex.y, v.y],
[vertex.z, v.z],
# if nc > 1:
# # add a colorbar
# plt.colorbar()
def highlight_path(self, path, block=False, **kwargs):
Highlight a path through the graph
:param path: [description]
:type path: [type]
:param block: [description], defaults to True
:type block: bool, optional
The vertices and edges along the path are overwritten with a different
size/width and color.
:seealso: :meth:`highlight_vertex` :meth:`highlight_edge`
for i in range(len(path)):
if i < len(path) - 1:
e = path[i].edgeto(path[i + 1])
self.highlight_edge(e, **kwargs)
self.highlight_vertex(path[i], **kwargs)
def highlight_edge(self, edge, scale=2, color="r", alpha=0.5):
Highlight an edge in the graph
:param edge: The edge to highlight
:type edge: Edge subclass
:param scale: Overwrite with a line this much bigger than the original,
defaults to 1.5
:type scale: float, optional
:param color: Overwrite with a line in this color, defaults to 'r'
:type color: str, optional
p1 = edge.v1
p2 = edge.v2
[p1.x, p2.x], [p1.y, p2.y], color=color, linewidth=3 * scale, alpha=alpha
def highlight_vertex(self, vertex, scale=2, color="r", alpha=0.5):
Highlight a vertex in the graph
:param edge: The vertex to highlight
:type edge: Vertex subclass
:param scale: Overwrite with a line this much bigger than the original,
defaults to 1.5
:type scale: float, optional
:param color: Overwrite with a line in this color, defaults to 'r'
:type color: str, optional
if isinstance(vertex, Iterable):
for n in vertex:
if isinstance(n, str):
n = self[n]
plt.plot(n.x, n.y, "o", color=color, markersize=12 * scale, alpha=alpha)
vertex.x, vertex.y, "o", color=color, markersize=12 * scale, alpha=alpha
def dotfile(self, filename=None, direction=None):
Export graph as a GraphViz dot file
:param filename: filename to save graph to, defaults to None
:type filename: str, optional
``g.dotfile()`` creates the specified file which contains the
`GraphViz <>`_ code to represent the embedded graph. By default output
is to the console.
.. note::
- The graph is undirected if it is a subclass of ``UGraph``
- The graph is directed if it is a subclass of ``DGraph``
- Use ``neato`` rather than dot to get the embedded layout
.. note:: If ``filename`` is a file object then the file will *not*
be closed after the GraphViz model is written.
:seealso: :func:`showgraph`
if filename is None:
f = sys.stdout
elif isinstance(filename, str):
f = open(filename, "w")
f = filename
if isinstance(self, DGraph):
print("digraph {", file=f)
print("graph {", file=f)
if direction is not None:
print(f"rankdir = {direction}", file=f)
# add the vertices including name and position
for vertex in self:
if vertex.coord is None:
print(' "{:s}"'.format(, file=f)
' "{:s}" [pos="{:.5g},{:.5g}"]'.format(, vertex.coord[0], vertex.coord[1]
# add the edges
for e in self.edges():
if isinstance(self, DGraph):
print(' "{:s}" -> "{:s}"'.format(,, file=f)
print(' "{:s}" -- "{:s}"'.format(,, file=f)
print("}", file=f)
if filename is None or isinstance(filename, str):
f.close() # noqa
def showgraph(self, **kwargs):
Display graph in a browser tab
:param kwargs: arguments passed to :meth:`dotfile`
``g.showgraph()`` renders and displays the graph in a browser tab. The
graph is exported in `GraphViz <>`_ format, rendered to
PDF using ``dot`` and then displayed in a browser tab.
:seealso: :func:`dotfile`
# create the temporary dotfile
dotfile = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode="w")
self.dotfile(dotfile, **kwargs)
# rewind the dot file, create PDF file in the filesystem, run dot
pdffile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".pdf", delete=False)
result ="dot -Tpdf", shell=True, stdin=dotfile, stdout=pdffile)
if result.returncode == 0:
# dot ran happily
# open the PDF file in browser (hopefully portable), then cleanup"file://{}")
# time.sleep(1)
# os.remove(
def iscyclic(self):
def average_degree(self):
Average degree of the graph
:return: average degree
:rtype: float
Average degree is :math:`2 E / N` for an undirected graph and
:math:`E / N` for a directed graph where :math:`E` is the total number of
edges and :math:`N` is the number of vertices.
if isinstance(self, DGraph):
return len(self.edges()) / self.n
elif isinstance(self, UGraph):
return 2 * len(self.edges()) / self.n
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
def Laplacian(self):
Laplacian matrix for the graph
:return: Laplacian matrix
:rtype: NumPy ndarray
``g.Laplacian()`` is the Laplacian matrix (NxN) of the graph where N
is the number of vertices.
.. note::
- Laplacian is always positive-semidefinite.
- Laplacian has at least one zero eigenvalue.
- The number of zero-valued eigenvalues is the number of connected
components in the graph.
:seealso: :meth:`adjacency` :meth:`incidence` :meth:`degree`
return - (self.adjacency() > 0)
def connectivity(self, vertices=None):
Graph connectivity
:return: a list with the number of edges per vertex
:rtype: list
The average vertex connectivity is::
and the minimum vertex connectivity is::
c = []
if vertices is None:
vertices = self
for n in vertices:
return c
def degree(self):
Degree matrix of graph
:return: degree matrix
:rtype: ndarray(N,N)
This is a diagonal matrix where element ``[i,i]`` is the number
of edges connected to vertex id ``i``.
:seealso: :meth:`adjacency` :meth:`incidence` :meth:`laplacian`
return np.diag(self.connectivity())
def adjacency(self):
Adjacency matrix of graph
:returns: adjacency matrix
:rtype: ndarray(N,N)
The elements of the adjacency matrix ``[i,j]`` are 1 if vertex ``i`` is
connected to vertex ``j``, else 0.
.. note::
- vertices are numbered in their order of creation. A vertex index
can be resolved to a vertex reference by ``graph[i]``.
- for an undirected graph the matrix is symmetric
- Eigenvalues of ``A`` are real and are known as the spectrum of the graph.
- The element ``A[i,j]`` can be considered the number of walks of length one
edge from vertex ``i`` to vertex ``j`` (either zero or one).
- If ``Ak = A ** k`` the element ``Ak[i,j]`` is the number of
walks of length ``k`` from vertex ``i`` to vertex ``j``.
:seealso: :meth:`Laplacian` :meth:`incidence` :meth:`degree`
# create a dict mapping vertex to an id
vdict = {}
for i, vert in enumerate(self):
vdict[vert] = i
A = np.zeros((self.n, self.n))
for vertex in self:
for n in vertex.neighbours():
A[vdict[vertex], vdict[n]] = 1
return A
def incidence(self):
Incidence matrix of graph
:returns: incidence matrix
:rtype: ndarray(n,ne)
The elements of the incidence matrix ``I[i,j]`` are 1 if vertex ``i`` is
connected to edge ``j``, else 0.
.. note::
- vertices are numbered in their order of creation. A vertex index
can be resolved to a vertex reference by ``graph[i]``.
- edges are numbered in the order they appear in ``graph.edges()``.
:seealso: :meth:`Laplacian` :meth:`adjacency` :meth:`degree`
edges = self.edges()
I = np.zeros((self.n, len(edges)))
# create a dict mapping edge to an id
edict = {}
for i, edge in enumerate(edges):
edict[edge] = i
for i, vertex in enumerate(self):
for i, e in enumerate(vertex.edges()):
I[i, edict[e]] = 1
return I
def distance(self):
Distance matrix of graph
:return: distance matrix
:rtype: ndarray(n,n)
The elements of the distance matrix ``D[i,j]`` is the edge cost of moving
from vertex ``i`` to vertex ``j``. It is zero if the vertices are not
# create a dict mapping vertex to an id
vdict = {}
for i, vert in enumerate(self):
vdict[vert] = i
A = np.zeros((self.n, self.n))
for v1 in self:
for v2, edge in v1.incidences():
A[vdict[v1], vdict[v2]] = edge.cost
return A
def component(self, c):
All vertices in specified graph component
``graph.component(c)`` is a list of all vertices in graph component ``c``.
self._graphcolor() # ensure labels are uptodate
return [v for v in self if v.label == c]
def samecomponent(self, v1, v2):
Test if vertices belong to same graph component
:param v1: vertex
:type v1: Vertex subclass
:param v2: vertex
:type v2: Vertex subclass
:return: true if vertices belong to same graph component
:rtype: bool
Test whether vertices belong to the same component. For a:
- directed graph this implies a path between them
- undirected graph there is not necessarily a path between them
self._graphcolor() # ensure labels are uptodate
return v1.label == v2.label
# def remove(self, v):
# # remove edges from neighbour's edge list
# for e in v.edges():
# next =
# next._edgelist.remove(e)
# next._connectivitychange = True
# # remove references from the graph
# self._vertexlist.remove(v)
# for key, value in self._vertexdict.items():
# if value is v:
# del self._vertexdict[key]
# break
# v._edgelist = [] # remove all references to edges
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
def path_BFS(self, S, G, verbose=False, summary=False):
Breadth-first search for path
:param S: start vertex
:type S: Vertex subclass
:param G: goal vertex
:type G: Vertex subclass
:return: list of vertices from S to G inclusive, path length
:rtype: list of Vertex subclass, float
Returns a list of vertices that form a path from vertex ``S`` to
vertex ``G`` if possible, otherwise return None.
if isinstance(S, str):
S = self[S]
elif not isinstance(S, Vertex):
raise TypeError("start must be Vertex subclass or string name")
if isinstance(G, str):
G = self[G]
elif not isinstance(S, Vertex):
raise TypeError("goal must be Vertex subclass or string name")
# we use lists not sets since the order is instructive in verbose
# mode, really need ordered sets...
frontier = [S]
explored = []
parent = {}
done = False
while frontier:
if verbose:
print("FRONTIER:", ", ".join([ for v in frontier]))
print("EXPLORED:", ", ".join([ for v in explored]))
x = frontier.pop(0)
if verbose:
print(" expand",
# expand the vertex
for n in x.neighbours():
if n is G:
if verbose:
print(" goal",, "reached")
parent[n] = x
done = True
if n not in frontier and n not in explored:
# add it to the frontier
if verbose:
print(" add",, "to the frontier")
parent[n] = x
if done:
if verbose:
print(" move",, "to the explored list")
# no path
return None
# reconstruct the path from start to goal
x = G
path = [x]
length = 0
while x is not S:
p = parent[x]
length += x.edgeto(p).cost
path.insert(0, p)
x = p
if summary or verbose:
f"{len(explored)} vertices explored, {len(frontier)} remaining on the frontier"
return path, length
def path_UCS(self, S, G, verbose=False, summary=False):
Uniform cost search for path
:param S: start vertex
:type S: Vertex subclass
:param G: goal vertex
:type G: Vertex subclass
:return: list of vertices from S to G inclusive, path length, tree
:rtype: list of Vertex subclass, float, dict
Returns a list of vertices that form a path from vertex ``S`` to
vertex ``G`` if possible, otherwise return None.
The search tree is returned as dict that maps a vertex to its parent.
The heuristic is the distance metric of the graph, which defaults to
Euclidean distance.
if isinstance(S, str):
S = self[S]
elif not isinstance(S, Vertex):
raise TypeError("start must be Vertex subclass or string name")
if isinstance(G, str):
G = self[G]
elif not isinstance(S, Vertex):
raise TypeError("goal must be Vertex subclass or string name")
frontier = [S]
explored = []
parent = {}
f = {S: 0} # evaluation function
while frontier:
if verbose:
"FRONTIER:", ", ".join([f"{}({f[v]:.0f})" for v in frontier])
print("EXPLORED:", ", ".join([ for v in explored]))
i = np.argmin([f[n] for n in frontier]) # minimum f in frontier
x = frontier.pop(i)
if verbose:
print(" expand",
if x is G:
# expand the vertex
for n, e in x.incidences():
fnew = f[x] + e.cost
if n not in frontier and n not in explored:
# add it to the frontier
parent[n] = x
f[n] = fnew
if verbose:
print(" add",, "to the frontier")
elif n in frontier:
# neighbour is already in the frontier
# cost of path via x is lower that previous, reparent it
if fnew < f[n]:
if verbose:
f" reparent {}: cost {fnew} via {} is less than cost {f[n]} via {parent[n].name}, change parent from {parent[n].name} to {} "
f[n] = fnew
parent[n] = x
if verbose:
print(" move",, "to the explored list")
# no path
return None
# reconstruct the path from start to goal
x = G
path = [x]
length = 0
while x is not S:
p = parent[x]
length += p.edgeto(x).cost
path.insert(0, p)
x = p
parent_names = {}
for v, p in parent.items():
parent_names[] =
if summary or verbose:
f"{len(explored)} vertices explored, {len(frontier)} remaining on the frontier"
return path, length, parent_names
def path_Astar(self, S, G, verbose=False, summary=False):
A* search for path
:param S: start vertex
:type S: Vertex subclass
:param G: goal vertex
:type G: Vertex subclass
:return: list of vertices from S to G inclusive, path length, tree
:rtype: list of Vertex subclass, float, dict
Returns a list of vertices that form a path from vertex ``S`` to
vertex ``G`` if possible, otherwise return None.
The search tree is returned as dict that maps a vertex to its parent.
The heuristic is the distance metric of the graph, which defaults to
Euclidean distance.
:seealso: :meth:`heuristic`
if isinstance(S, str):
S = self[S]
elif not isinstance(S, Vertex):
raise TypeError("start must be Vertex subclass or string name")
if isinstance(G, str):
G = self[G]
elif not isinstance(S, Vertex):
raise TypeError("goal must be Vertex subclass or string name")
frontier = [S]
explored = []
parent = {}
g = {S: 0} # cost to come
f = {S: 0} # evaluation function
while frontier:
if verbose:
"FRONTIER:", ", ".join([f"{}({f[v]:.0f})" for v in frontier])
print("EXPLORED:", ", ".join([ for v in explored]))
i = np.argmin([f[n] for n in frontier]) # minimum f in frontier
x = frontier.pop(i)
if verbose:
print(" expand",
if x is G:
# expand the vertex
for n, e in x.incidences():
if n not in frontier and n not in explored:
# add it to the frontier
parent[n] = x
g[n] = g[x] + e.cost # update cost to come
f[n] = g[n] + n.heuristic_distance(G) # heuristic
if verbose:
print(" add",, "to the frontier")
elif n in frontier:
# neighbour is already in the frontier
gnew = g[x] + e.cost
if gnew < g[n]:
# cost of path via x is lower that previous, reparent it
if verbose:
f" reparent {}: cost {gnew} via {} is less than cost {g[n]} via {parent[n].name}, change parent from {parent[n].name} to {} "
g[n] = gnew
f[n] = g[n] + n.heuristic_distance(G) # heuristic
parent[n] = x # reparent
if verbose:
print(" move",, "to the explored list")
# no path
return None
# reconstruct the path from start to goal
x = G
path = [x]
length = 0
while x is not S:
p = parent[x]
length += p.edgeto(x).cost
path.insert(0, p)
x = p
parent_names = {}
for v, p in parent.items():
parent_names[] =
if summary or verbose:
f"{len(explored)} vertices explored, {len(frontier)} remaining on the frontier"
return path, length, parent_names
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
class UGraph(PGraph):
Class for undirected graphs
.. inheritance-diagram:: UGraph
def add_vertex(self, coord=None, name=None):
Add vertex to undirected graph
:param coord: coordinate for an embedded graph, defaults to None
:type coord: array-like, optional
:param name: vertex name, defaults to "#i"
:type name: str, optional
:return: new vertex
:rtype: UVertex
- ``g.add_vertex()`` creates a new vertex with optional ``coord`` and
- ``g.add_vertex(v)`` takes an instance or subclass of UVertex and adds
it to the graph
if isinstance(coord, UVertex):
vertex = coord
vertex = UVertex(coord)
super().add_vertex(vertex, name=name)
return vertex
def vertex_copy(self, vertex):
return DVertex(coord=vertex.coord,
def _graphcolor(self):
Color the graph
Performs a depth-first labeling operation, assigning the ``label``
attribute of every vertex with a sequential integer starting from 0.
This method checks the ``_connectivitychange`` attribute of all vertices
and if any are True it will perform the coloring operation. This flag
is set True by any operation that adds or removes a vertex or edge.
:seealso: :meth:`nc`
if self._connectivitychange or any([n._connectivitychange for n in self]):
# color the graph
# clear all the labels
for vertex in self:
vertex.label = None
vertex._connectivitychange = False
lastlabel = None
for label in range(self.n):
assignment = False
for v in self:
# find first vertex with no label
if v.label is None:
# do BFS
q = [v] # initialize frontier
while len(q) > 0:
v = q.pop() # expand v
v.label = label
for n in v.neighbours():
if n.label is None:
lastlabel = label
assignment = True
if not assignment:
self._ncomponents = lastlabel + 1
class DGraph(PGraph):
Class for directed graphs
.. inheritance-diagram:: DGraph
def add_vertex(self, coord=None, name=None):
Add vertex to directed graph
:param coord: coordinate for an embedded graph, defaults to None
:type coord: array-like, optional
:param name: vertex name, defaults to "#i"
:type name: str, optional
:return: new vertex
:rtype: DVertex
- ``g.add_vertex()`` creates a new vertex with optional ``coord`` and
- ``g.add_vertex(v)`` takes an instance or subclass of DVertex and adds
it to the graph
if isinstance(coord, Vertex):
vertex = coord
vertex = DVertex(coord=coord, name=name)
super().add_vertex(vertex, name=name)
return vertex
def vertex_copy(self, vertex):
return DVertex(coord=vertex.coord,
def _graphcolor(self):
Color the graph
Performs a depth-first labeling operation, assigning the ``label``
attribute of every vertex with a sequential integer starting from 0.
This method checks the ``_connectivitychange`` attribute of all vertices
and if any are True it will perform the coloring operation. This flag
is set True by any operation that adds or removes a vertex or edge.
:seealso: :meth:`nc`
if self._connectivitychange or any([n._connectivitychange for n in self]):
# color the graph
# clear all the labels
for vertex in self:
vertex.label = None
vertex._connectivitychange = False
# initial labeling pass
merge = {}
nextlabel = 1
for v in self:
if v.label is None:
# no label, try to inherit one from a neighbour
for n in v.neighbours():
if n.label is not None:
# neighbour has a label
v.label = n.label
if v.label is None:
# still not labeled, assign a new label
v.label = nextlabel
nextlabel += 1
# now look for clashes
for n in v.neighbours():
if n.label is None:
# neighbour has no label, give it this one
n.label = v.label
elif v.label != n.label:
# label clash, note it for merging
merge[n.label] = v.label
# merge labels and find unique labels
unique = set()
for v in self:
while v.label in merge:
v.label = merge[v.label]
final = {u: i for i, u in enumerate(unique)}
for v in self:
v.label = final[v.label]
self._ncomponents = len(unique)
# ========================================================================== #
class Edge:
Edge class
Is used to represent directed directed and undirected edges.
Each edge has:
- ``cost`` cost of traversing this edge, required for planning methods
- ``data`` reference to arbitrary data associated with the edge
- ``v1`` first vertex, start vertex for a directed edge
- ``v2`` second vertex, end vertex for a directed edge
.. note::
- An undirected graph is created by having a single edge object in the
edgelist of _each_ vertex.
- This class can be inherited to provide user objects with graph capability.
- Inheritance is an alternative to providing arbitrary user data.
An Edge points to a pair of vertices. At ``connect`` time the vertices
get references back to the Edge object.
``graph.add_edge(v1, v2)`` calls ``v1.connect(v2)``
def __init__(self, v1=None, v2=None, cost=None, data=None):
Create an edge object
:param v1: start of the edge, defaults to None
:type v1: Vertex subclass, optional
:param v2: end of the edge, defaults to None
:type v2: Vertex subclass, optional
:param cost: edge cost, defaults to None
:type cost: any, optional
:param data: edge data, defaults to None
:type data: any, optional
Creates an edge but does not connect it to the vertices or add it to the
If vertices are given, and have associated coordinates, the edge cost
will be computed according to the distance measure associated with the
``data`` is a way of associating any object with the edge, its value
can be found as the ``.data`` attribute of the edge. An alternative
approach is to subclass the ``Edge`` class.
.. note:: To compute edge cost from the vertices, the vertices must have
been added to the graph.
:seealso: :meth:`Edge.connect` :meth:`Vertex.connect`
self.v1 = v1
self.v2 = v2 = data
# try to compute edge cost as metric distance if not given
if cost is not None:
self.cost = cost
elif not (v1 is None or v1.coord is None or v2 is None or v2.coord is None):
self.cost = v1._graph.metric(v1.coord - v2.coord)
self.cost = None
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
def __str__(self):
s = f"Edge{{{self.v1} -- {self.v2}, cost={self.cost:.4g}}}"
if is not None:
s += f" data={}"
return s
def connect(self, v1, v2):
Add edge to the graph
:param v1: start of the edge
:type v1: Vertex subclass
:param v2: end of the edge
:type v2: Vertex subclass
The edge is added to the graph and connects vertices ``v1`` and ``v2``.
.. note:: The vertices must already be added to the graph.
if v1._graph is None:
raise ValueError("vertex v1 does not belong to a graph")
if v2._graph is None:
raise ValueError("vertex v2 does not belong to a graph")
if not v1._graph is v2._graph:
raise ValueError("vertices must belong to the same graph")
# connect edge to its vertices
self.v1 = v1
self.v2 = v2
# tell the vertices to add edge to their edgelists as appropriate for
# DGraph or UGraph
v1.connect(v2, edge=self)
def next(self, vertex):
Return other end of an edge
:param vertex: one vertex on the edge
:type vertex: Vertex subclass
:raises ValueError: ``vertex`` is not on the edge
:return: the other vertex on the edge
:rtype: Vertex subclass
```` is the vertex at the other end of edge ``e``, ie. the
vertex that is not ``v1``.
if self.v1 is vertex:
return self.v2
elif self.v2 is vertex:
return self.v1
raise ValueError("shouldnt happen")
def vertices(self):
raise DeprecationWarning("use endpoints instead")
def endpoints(self):
return [self.v1, self.v2]
# def remove(self):
# """
# Remove edge from graph
# ``e.remove()`` removes ``e`` from the graph, but does not delete the
# edge object.
# """
# # remove this edge from the edge list of both end vertices
# if self in self.v1._edgelist:
# self.v1._edgelist.remove(self)
# if self in self.v2._edgelist:
# self.v2._edgelist.remove(self)
# # indicate that connectivity has changed
# self.v1._connectivitychange = True
# self.v2._connectivitychange = True
# # remove references to the vertices
# self.v1 = None
# self.v2 = None
# ========================================================================== #
class Vertex:
Superclass for vertices of directed and non-directed graphs.
Each vertex has:
- ``name``
- ``label`` an int indicating which graph component contains it
- ``_edgelist`` a list of edge objects that connect this vertex to others
- ``coord`` the coordinate in an embedded graph (optional)
def __init__(self, coord=None, name=None):
self._edgelist = []
if coord is None:
self.coord = None
self.coord = np.r_[coord] = name
self.label = None
self._connectivitychange = True
self._edgelist = []
self._graph = None # reference to owning graph
# print('Vertex init', type(self))
def __str__(self):
return f"[{}]"
def __repr__(self):
if self.coord is None:
coord = "?"
coord = ", ".join([f"{x:.4g}" for x in self.coord])
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}[{}, coord=({coord})]"
def copy(self, cls=None):
if cls is not None:
return cls.vertex_copy(self)
return self.__class__(coord=self.coord,
def neighbours(self):
Neighbours of a vertex
``v.neighbours()`` is a list of neighbours of this vertex.
.. note:: For a directed graph the neighbours are those on edges leaving this vertex
return [ for e in self._edgelist]
def neighbors(self):
Neighbors of a vertex
``v.neighbors()`` is a list of neighbors of this vertex.
.. note:: For a directed graph the neighbours are those on edges leaving this vertex
return [ for e in self._edgelist]
def isneighbour(self, vertex):
Test if vertex is a neigbour
:param vertex: vertex reference
:type vertex: Vertex subclass
:return: true if a neighbour
:rtype: bool
For a directed graph this is true only if the edge is from ``self`` to
return vertex in [ for e in self._edgelist]
def incidences(self):
Neighbours and edges of a vertex
``v.incidences()`` is a generator that returns a list of incidences,
tuples of (vertex, edge) for all neighbours of the vertex ``v``.
.. note:: For a directed graph the edges are those leaving this vertex
return [(, e) for e in self._edgelist]
def connect(self, dest, edge=None, cost=None, data=None):
Connect two vertices with an edge
:param dest: The vertex to connect to
:type dest: ``Vertex`` subclass
:param edge: Use this as the edge object, otherwise a new ``Edge``
object is created from the vertices being connected,
and the ``cost`` and ``edge`` parameters, defaults to None
:type edge: ``Edge`` subclass, optional
:param cost: the cost to traverse this edge, defaults to None
:type cost: float, optional
:param data: reference to arbitrary data associated with the edge,
defaults to None
:type data: Any, optional
:raises TypeError: vertex types are different subclasses
:return: the edge connecting the vertices
:rtype: Edge
``v1.connect(v2)`` connects vertex ``v1`` to vertex ``v2``.
.. note::
- If the vertices subclass ``UVertex`` the edge is undirected, and if
they subclass ``DVertex`` the edge is directed.
- Vertices must both be of the same ``Vertex`` subclass
:seealso: :meth:`Edge`
if not dest.__class__.__bases__[0] is self.__class__.__bases__[0]:
raise TypeError("must connect vertices of same type")
elif isinstance(edge, Edge):
e = edge
e = Edge(self, dest, cost=cost, data=data)
self._graph._connectivitychange = True
self._connectivitychange = True
return e
def edgeto(self, dest):
Get edge connecting vertex to specific neighbour
:param dest: a neigbouring vertex
:type dest: ``Vertex`` subclass
:raises ValueError: ``dest`` is not a neighbour
:return: the edge from this vertex to ``dest``
:rtype: Edge
.. note::
- For a directed graph ``dest`` must be at the arrow end of the edge
for n, e in self.incidences():
if n is dest:
return e
raise ValueError("dest is not a neighbour")
def edges(self):
All outgoing edges of vertex
:return: List of all edges leaving this vertex
:rtype: list of Edge
.. note::
- For a directed graph the edges are those leaving this vertex
- For a non-directed graph the edges are those leaving or entering
this vertex
return self._edgelist
def heuristic_distance(self, v2):
return self._graph.heuristic(self.coord - v2.coord)
def distance(self, coord):
Distance from vertex to point
:param coord: coordinates of the point
:type coord: ndarray(n) or Vertex
:return: distance
:rtype: float
Distance is computed according to the graph's metric.
:seealso: :meth:`metric`
if isinstance(coord, Vertex):
coord = coord.coord
return self._graph.metric(self.coord - coord)
def degree(self):
Degree of vertex
:return: degree of the vertex
:rtype: int
Returns the number of edges connected to the vertex.
.. note:: For a ``DGraph`` only outgoing edges are considered.
:seealso: :meth:`edges`
return len(self.edges())
def x(self):
The x-coordinate of an embedded vertex
:return: The x-coordinate
:rtype: float
return self.coord[0]
def y(self):
The y-coordinate of an embedded vertex
:return: The y-coordinate
:rtype: float
return self.coord[1]
def z(self):
The z-coordinate of an embedded vertex
:return: The z-coordinate
:rtype: float
return self.coord[2]
def closest(self):
return self._graph.closest(self.coord)
class UVertex(Vertex):
Vertex subclass for undirected graphs
This class can be inherited to provide user objects with graph capability.
.. inheritance-diagram:: UVertex
def connect(self, other, **kwargs):
if isinstance(other, Vertex):
e = super().connect(other, **kwargs)
elif isinstance(other, Edge):
e = super().connect(edge=other)
raise TypeError("bad argument")
# e = super().connect(other, **kwargs)
return e
class DVertex(Vertex):
Vertex subclass for directed graphs
This class can be inherited to provide user objects with graph capability.
.. inheritance-diagram:: DVertex
def connect(self, other, **kwargs):
if isinstance(other, Vertex):
e = super().connect(other, **kwargs)
elif isinstance(other, Edge):
e = super().connect(edge=other)
raise TypeError("bad argument")
return e
def remove(self):
self._edgelist = None # remove all references to edges
if __name__ == "__main__":
g = UGraph()
for i in range(10):
g.add_edge(g[0], g[1])