Source code for

@Author: Peter Corke, original MATLAB code and Python version
@Author: Kristian Gibson, initial MATLAB port
from abc import ABC
from math import pi, atan2
import numpy as np

# from scipy import integrate, linalg, interpolate
from pathlib import Path
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import patches, colors
import matplotlib.transforms as mtransforms

from spatialmath import SE2, base
from roboticstoolbox import rtb_load_data

[docs]class VehicleAnimationBase(ABC): """ Abstract base class to support animation of a vehicle in a Matplotlib plot There are three concrete subclasses: - ``VehicleMarker`` animates a Matplotlib marker (shows position only) - ``VehiclePolygon`` animates a polygon shape (outline or filled), including predefined shapes (shows position and orientation) - ``VehicleIcon`` animates an image (shows position and orientation) An instance ``a`` of these classes can be used in three different ways, firstly:: a = VehiclePolygon("car", color="red") a.add() adds an instance of the animation shape to the plot and subsequent calls to:: a.update(q) will animate it with the configuration given by ``q``. Secondly, an instance can be passed to a Vehicle subclass object to make an animation during simulation:: a = VehiclePolygon("car", color="red") veh = Bicycle(animation=a) Thirdly:: a = VehiclePolygon("car", color="red") a.plot(q) adds an instance of the animation shape to the plot with the specified configuration. It cannot be moved, but the method does return a reference to the Matplotlib object added to the plot. """ def __init__(self): self._object = None self._ax = None def add(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Add vehicle animation to the current plot :param ax: Axis to add to, defaults to current axis :type ax: Axes, optional :param kwargs: additional arguments passed to Matplotlib :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot`, which override arguments given to the constructor. A reference to the animation object is kept, and it will be deleted from the plot when the ``VehicleAnimation`` object is garbage collected. The animation is not displayed until :meth:`update` is called. :seealso: :meth:`update` """ if ax is None: self._ax = plt.gca() else: self._ax = ax self._add(**kwargs) def update(self, q): """ Update the vehicle animation (superclass) :param q: vehicle position or configuration :type q: array_like(2) or array_like(3) The graphical depiction of the vehicle position or configuration is updated. :seealso: :meth:`add` """ self._update(q) def plot(self, q, **kwargs): """ Add vehicle to the current plot (superclass) :param q: vehicle position or configuration :type q: array_like(2) or array_like(3) :param kwargs: additional arguments passed to Matplotlib :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot`, which override arguments given to the constructor. :return: reference to Matplotlib object The animation object is rendered into the current axes. """ self.add(**kwargs) self.update(q) return self._object def __del__(self): if self._object is not None: self._object.remove()
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[docs]class VehicleMarker(VehicleAnimationBase):
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Create graphical animation of vehicle as a Matplotlib marker :param kwargs: additional arguments passed to Matplotlib :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot`. :return: animation object :rtype: VehicleAnimation Creates an object that can be passed to a ``Vehicle`` subclass to depict the moving robot as a simple Matplotlib marker during simulation. The default marker is a red filled circle with a white outline. For example, to animate a simulation with a blue square marker:: a = VehicleMarker(marker="s", markerfacecolor="b") veh = Bicycle(driver=RandomPath(10), animation=a) .. note:: A marker can only indicate vehicle position, not orientation. :seealso: :func:`~Vehicle` """ super().__init__() if len(kwargs) == 0: kwargs = { "marker": "o", "markerfacecolor": "r", "markeredgecolor": "w", "markersize": 12, } self._args = kwargs
def _update(self, x): self._object.set_xdata(x[0]) self._object.set_ydata(x[1]) def _add(self, x=None, **kwargs): if x is None: x = (0, 0) self._object = plt.plot(x[0], x[1], **{**self._args, **kwargs})[0]
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[docs]class VehiclePolygon(VehicleAnimationBase):
[docs] def __init__(self, shape="car", scale=1, **kwargs): """ Create graphical animation of vehicle as a polygon :param shape: polygon shape as vertices or a predefined shape, defaults to "car" :type shape: ndarray(2,n) or str :param scale: Length of the vehicle on the plot, defaults to 1 :type scale: float :param kwargs: additional arguments passed to Matplotlib :class:`~matplotlib.patches.Polygon` such as ``color`` (face+edge), ``alpha``, ``facecolor``, ``edgecolor``, ``linewidth`` etc. :raises ValueError: unknown shape name :raises TypeError: bad shape argument :return: animation object :rtype: VehiclePolygon Creates an object that can be passed to a ``Vehicle`` subclass to depict the moving robot as a polygon during simulation. For example, to animate a simulation with a red filled car-shaped polygon:: a = VehiclePolygon("car", color="r") veh = Bicycle(driver=RandomPath(10), animation=a) ``shape`` can be: * ``"car"`` a rectangle with chamfered front corners * ``"triangle"`` an isocles triangle pointing in the forward direction * an 2xN NumPy array of vertices, does not have to be closed. The polygon is scaled to an image with a length of ``scale`` in the vehicle x-direction, in the units of the plot. :seealso: :func:`~Vehicle` :class:`matplotlib.patches.Polygon` """ super().__init__() if isinstance(shape, str): h = 0.3 t = 0.8 # start of head taper c = 0.5 # centre x coordinate w = 1 # width in x direction if isinstance(shape, str): if shape == "car": self._coords = np.array( [ [-c, h], [t - c, h], [w - c, 0], [t - c, -h], [-c, -h], ] ).T elif shape == "triangle": self._coords = np.array( [ [-c, h], [w, 0], [-c, -h], ] ).T else: raise ValueError("unknown vehicle shape name") elif isinstance(shape, np.ndarray) and shape.shape[1] == 2: self._coords = shape else: raise TypeError("unknown shape argument") self._coords *= scale self._args = kwargs
def _add(self, **kwargs): # color is fillcolor + edgecolor # facecolor if None is default self._ax = plt.gca() self._object = patches.Polygon(self._coords.T, **{**self._args, **kwargs}) self._ax.add_patch(self._object) def _update(self, x): if self._object is not None: # if animation is initialized xy = SE2(x) * self._coords self._object.set_xy(xy.T)
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[docs]class VehicleIcon(VehicleAnimationBase):
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, origin=None, scale=1, rotation=0): """ Create graphical animation of vehicle as an image icon :param filename: Standard icon name or a path to an image :type filename: str :param origin: Origin of the vehicle coordinate frame, defaults to centre :type origin: array_like(2) :param scale: Length of the vehicle on the plot, defaults to 1 :type scale: float :param rotation: Vehicle icon heading in degrees, defaults to 0 :type rotation: float :raises ValueError: Icon file not found :return: animation object :rtype: VehicleAnimation Creates an object that can be passed to a ``Vehicle`` subclass to depict the moving robot as an image icon during simulation. The image is translated and rotated to represent the vehicle configuration. The car is scaled to an image with a horizontal length (width) of ``scale`` in the units of the plot. By default the image is assumed to contain a car parallel to the x-axis and facing right. If the vehicle is facing upward set ``rotation`` to 90. The vehicle rotates about its ``origin`` which is expressed in terms of normalized coordinates in the range 0 to 1. By default it is in the middle of the icon image, (0.2, 0.5) moves it toward the back of the vehicle, (0.8, 0.5) moves it toward the front of the vehicle. ``filename`` can be an included image: * ``"greycar"`` a grey and white car (top view) * ``"redcar"`` a red car (top view) * ``"piano"`` a piano (top view) or the path to an image file, including extension. The included images are: .. image:: ../../rtb-data/rtbdata/data/greycar.png :width: 200px :align: center :alt: "greycar" .. image:: ../../rtb-data/rtbdata/data/redcar.png :width: 300px :align: center :alt: "redcar" .. image:: ../../rtb-data/rtbdata/data/piano.png :width: 200px :align: center :alt: "piano" For example, to animate a simulation with the red car icon:: a = VehicleIcon("redcar", scale=2) veh = Bicycle(driver=RandomPath(10), animation=a) .. note:: The standard icons are provided in the package ``rtb-data`` :seealso: :class:`Vehicle` """ super().__init__() if "." not in filename: try: # try the default folder first image = rtb_load_data( Path("data") / Path(filename + ".png"), plt.imread ) except FileNotFoundError: raise ValueError(f"{filename} is not a provided icon") else: try: image = plt.imread(filename) except FileNotFoundError: raise ValueError(f"icon file {filename} not found") self._rotation = rotation self._image = image # figure size of bounding box the image will fill in data coordinates if origin is None: origin = [0.5, 0.5] self._origin = origin if image.shape[0] >= image.shape[1]: # width >= height self._width = scale self._height = scale * image.shape[1] / image.shape[0] else: # width < height self._height = scale self._width = scale * image.shape[0] / image.shape[1]
def _add(self, ax=None, **kwargs): def imshow_affine(ax, z, *args, **kwargs): im = ax.imshow(z, *args, **kwargs) x1, x2, y1, y2 = im.get_extent() # im._image_skew_coordinate = (x2, y1) return im self._ax = plt.gca() extent = [ -self._origin[0] * self._height, (1 - self._origin[0]) * self._height, -self._origin[1] * self._width, (1 - self._origin[1]) * self._width, ] self._ax = plt.gca() args = {} if "color" in kwargs and self._image.ndim == 2: color = kwargs["color"] del kwargs["color"] rgb = colors.to_rgb(color) cmapdata = { "red": [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, rgb[0], 0.0)], "green": [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, rgb[1], 0.0)], "blue": [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, rgb[2], 0.0)], } cmap = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap("linear", segmentdata=cmapdata, N=256) args = {"cmap": cmap} elif self._image.ndim == 2: args = {"cmap": "gray"} if "zorder" not in kwargs: args["zorder"] = 3 self._object = imshow_affine( self._ax, self._image, interpolation="none", extent=extent, clip_on=True, **{**kwargs, **args}, ) def _update(self, x): # center_x = self._width // 2 # center_y = self._height // 2 center_x = 0 center_y = 0 T = ( mtransforms.Affine2D() .rotate_deg_around(center_x, center_y, np.degrees(x[2]) - self._rotation) .translate(x[0], x[1]) + self._ax.transData ) self._object.set_transform(T)
if __name__ == "__main__": from math import pi from roboticstoolbox import Bicycle, RandomPath V = np.diag(np.r_[0.02, 0.5 * pi / 180] ** 2) v = VehiclePolygon(facecolor="None", edgecolor="k") # v = VehicleIcon('greycar2', scale=2, rotation=90) veh = Bicycle(covar=V, animation=v, control=RandomPath(10), verbose=False) print(veh) odo = veh.step([1, 0.3]) print(odo) print(veh.x) print(veh.f([0, 0, 0], odo)) def control(v, t, x): goal = (6, 6) goal_heading = atan2(goal[1] - x[1], goal[0] - x[0]) d_heading = base.angdiff(goal_heading, x[2]) v.stopif(base.norm(x[0:2] - goal) < 0.1) return (1, d_heading) veh.control = RandomPath(10) p =, animate=True) # print(p) veh.plot_xyt() # veh.plot(p) # t, x = veh.path(5, u=control) # print(t) # fig, ax = plt.subplots() # ax.set_xlim(-5, 5) # ax.set_ylim(-5, 5) # v = VehicleAnimation.Polygon(shape='triangle', maxdim=0.1, color='r') # v = VehicleAnimation.Icon('car3.png', maxdim=2, centre=[0.3, 0.5]) # v = VehicleAnimation.Icon('/Users/corkep/Dropbox/code/robotics-toolbox-python/roboticstoolbox/data/car1.png', maxdim=2, centre=[0.3, 0.5]) # v = VehicleAnimation.icon('car3.png', maxdim=2, centre=[0.3, 0.5]) # v = VehicleAnimation.marker() # v.start() # plt.grid(True) # # plt.axis('equal') # for theta in np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100): # v.update([0, 0, theta]) # plt.pause(0.1)