Source code for

import math
import scipy.integrate
import scipy.optimize
import numpy as np

# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from collections import namedtuple
from import *

def solvepath(x, q0=[0, 0, 0], **kwargs):
    # x[:4] is 4 coeffs of curvature polynomial
    # x[4] is total path length
    # q0 is initial state of the vehicle
    maxcurvature = 0

    def dotfunc(s, q, poly):
        # q = (x, y, θ)
        # qdot = (cosθ, sinθ, ϰ)
        k = poly[0] * s**3 + poly[1] * s**2 + poly[2] * s + poly[3]
        # k = ((poly[0] * s + poly[1]) * s  + poly[2]) * s + poly[3]

        # save maximum curvature for this path solution
        nonlocal maxcurvature
        maxcurvature = max(maxcurvature, abs(k))

        theta = q[2]
        return math.cos(theta), math.sin(theta), k

    cpoly = x[:4]
    s_f = x[4]
    sol = scipy.integrate.solve_ivp(dotfunc, [0, s_f], q0, args=(cpoly,), **kwargs)
    return sol.y, maxcurvature

def xcurvature(x):
    # inequality constraint function, must be non-negative
    _, maxcurvature = solvepath(x, q0=(0, 0, 0))
    return maxcurvature

def costfunc(x, start, goal):
    # final cost of path from start with params
    # p[0:4] is polynomial: k0, a, b, c
    # p[4] is s_f

    # integrate the path for this curvature polynomial and length
    # path is 3xN
    path, _ = solvepath(x, q0=start)

    # cost is configuration error at end of path
    e = np.linalg.norm(path[:, -1] - np.r_[goal])

    return e

[docs]class CurvaturePolyPlanner(PlannerBase): def __init__(self, curvature=None): """ Continuous curvature path planner :param curvature: , defaults to None :type curvature: _type_, optional ================== ======================== Feature Capability ================== ======================== Plan :math:`\SE{2}` Obstacle avoidance No Curvature Continuous Motion Forwards only ================== ======================== Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from roboticstoolbox import DubinsPlanner >>> from math import pi >>> planner = CurvaturePolyPlanner() >>> path, status = planner.query(start=(0, 0, pi/2), goal=(1, 0, pi/2)) >>> print(path[:5,:]) >>> print(status) """ super().__init__(ndims=3) self.curvature = curvature
[docs] def query(self, start, goal): r""" Find a path betwee two configurations :param start: start configuration :math:`(x, y, \theta)` :type start: array_like(3), optional :param goal: goal configuration :math:`(x, y, \theta)` :type goal: array_like(3), optional :return: path and status :rtype: ndarray(N,3), namedtuple The path comprises points equally spaced at a distance of ``stepsize``. The returned status value has elements: +-------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Element | Description | +-------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``length`` | total path length | +-------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``maxcurvature`` | maximum curvature on path | +-------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``poly`` | curvature polynomial coefficients | +-------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ """ goal = np.r_[goal] start = np.r_[start] self._start = start self._goal = goal # initial estimate of path length is Euclidean distance d = np.linalg.norm(goal[:2] - start[:2]) # state vector is kappa_0, a, b, c, s_f if self.curvature is not None: nlcontraints = ( scipy.optimize.NonlinearConstraint(xcurvature, 0, self.curvature), ) else: nlcontraints = () sol = scipy.optimize.minimize( costfunc, [0, 0, 0, 0, d], constraints=nlcontraints, bounds=[(None, None), (None, None), (None, None), (None, None), (d, None)], args=(start, goal), ) print(sol) path, maxcurvature = solvepath( sol.x, q0=start, dense_output=True, max_step=1e-2 ) status = namedtuple("CurvaturePolyStatus", ["length", "maxcurvature", "poly"])( sol.x[4], maxcurvature, sol.x[:4] ) return path.T, status
if __name__ == "__main__": from math import pi # start = (1, 1, pi/4) # goal = (-3, -3, -pi/4) # start = (0, 0, -pi/4) # goal = (1, 2, pi/4) start = (0, 0, pi / 2) goal = (1, 0, pi / 2) planner = CurvaturePolyPlanner() path, status = planner.query(start, goal) print("start", path[0, :]) print("goal", path[-1, :]) print(status) planner.plot(path, block=True) ## attempt polynomial scaling, doesnt seem to work # sf = status.s_f # c = status.poly # print(c) # print(solvepath(np.r_[c, sf], start)) # for i in range(4): # c[i] /= sf ** (3-i) # print(solvepath(np.r_[c, 1], start)) # print(c)