Source code for

from pgraph import DGraph, DVertex, Edge
import numpy as np
from spatialmath import SE2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import itertools
from import PlannerBase
from import BinaryOccupancyGrid
from collections import namedtuple

def make_arc(dir, radius=1, npoints=20):
    points = []

    if dir == "S":
        points.append((0, 0))
        points.append((radius, 0))

    elif dir == "L":
        for theta in np.linspace(0, np.pi / 2, npoints):
            x = radius * np.sin(theta)
            y = radius * (1 - np.cos(theta))
            points.append((x, y))

    elif dir == "R":
        for theta in np.linspace(0, np.pi / 2, npoints):
            x = radius * np.sin(theta)
            y = radius * (-1 + np.cos(theta))
            points.append((x, y))

    return np.array(points).T

arcs = {}

class LatticeVertex(DVertex):
    def __init__(self, move=None, pose=None, name=None):
        self.move = move
        self.pose = pose
        self.coord = pose.xyt()

    def icoord(self):
        xyt = self.coord
        ix = int(round(xyt[0]))
        iy = int(round(xyt[1]))
        it = int(round(xyt[2] * 2 / np.pi))
        return f"({ix:d},{iy:d},{it:d}), {}"

class LatticeEdge(Edge):
    def __init__(self, v1, v2, cost, pose, move):
        super().__init__(v1, v2, cost)
        self.pose = pose
        self.move = move
        self.arc = arcs[move]

    def plot(self, configspace=False, unwrap=False, **kwargs):
        T = self.pose
        xy = self.pose * self.arc
        if configspace:
            # 3D plot
            theta0 = self.pose.theta()
            if self.move == "L":
                thetaf = theta0 + np.pi / 2
            elif self.move == "R":
                thetaf = theta0 - np.pi / 2
            elif self.move == "S":
                thetaf = theta0
            theta = np.linspace(theta0, thetaf, self.arc.shape[1])
            if unwrap:
                theta = np.unwrap(theta)
            plt.plot(xy[0, :], xy[1, :], theta, **kwargs)
            # 2D plot
            plt.plot(xy[0, :], xy[1, :], **kwargs)

[docs]class LatticePlanner(PlannerBase): r""" Lattice planner :param costs: cost for straight, left-turn, right-turn, defaults to :math:`(1, \pi/2, \pi/2)` :type costs: array_like(3), optional :param root: configuration of root node, defaults to (0,0,0) :type root: array_like(3), optional :param kwargs: arguments passed to ``PlannerBase`` constructor ================== ======================== Feature Capability ================== ======================== Plan :math:`\SE{2}` Obstacle avoidance Yes, occupancy grid Curvature Discontinuous Motion Forwards only ================== ======================== The lattice planner incrementally builds a graph from the root vertex, at each iteration adding three edges to the graph: ===== ================ code direction ===== ================ 'S' straight ahead 'L' turn left 'R' turn right ===== ================ If the configuration is already in the graph, the edge connects to that existing vertex. The vertex is named after the sequence of moves required to reach it from the root. This means, that any configuration, ie. :math:`(x, y, \theta)` can be reached by multiple paths and potentially have multiple names. The first name assigned to a vertex is permanent and is not overriden. If an occupancy grid exists and the configuration is an obstacle, then the vertex is not added. The path through the lattice is found using A* graph search, and ``costs`` changes the weighting for path costs at query time. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from roboticstoolbox import LatticePlanner >>> import numpy as np >>> lattice = LatticePlanner(); >>> lattice.plan(iterations=6) >>> path, status = lattice.query(start=(0, 0, 0), goal=(1, 2, np.pi/2)) >>> print(path.T) >>> print(status) :seealso: :meth:`plan` :meth:`query` :class:`PlannerBase` """ def __init__(self, costs=None, root=(0, 0, 0), **kwargs): global arcs super().__init__(ndims=3, **kwargs) self.poses = [SE2(1, 0, 0), SE2(1, 1, np.pi / 2), SE2(1, -1, -np.pi / 2)] self.moves = ["S", "L", "R"] if costs is None: costs = [1, np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2] self.costs = costs self.root = root # create the set of possible moves for move in self.moves: arcs[move] = make_arc(move) def __str__(self): s = ( super().__str__() + f"\n curvature={self.curvature}, stepsize={self.stepsize}" ) def _icoord(self, xyt): ix = int(round(xyt[0])) iy = int(round(xyt[1])) it = int(round(xyt[2] * 2 / np.pi)) return f"({ix:d},{iy:d},{it:d})"
[docs] def plan(self, iterations=None, verbose=False, summary=False): """ Create a lattice plan :param iterations: number of iterations, defaults to None :type iterations: int, optional :param verbose: show frontier and added vertices/edges at each iteration, defaults to False :type verbose: bool, optional If an occupancy grid exists the if ``iterations`` is None the area of the grid will be completely filled. :seealso: :meth:`query` """ if iterations is None and self.occgrid is None: raise ValueError( "iterations must be finite if no occupancy grid is specified" ) self.graph = DGraph(metric="SE2") # add root vertex to the graph, place it in the frontier v0 = LatticeVertex(pose=SE2(self.root)) self.graph.add_vertex(v0, name="0") frontier = [v0] iteration = 0 while True: newfrontier = [] for vertex in frontier: if verbose: print("EXPAND:", vertex.icoord()) for pose, move, cost in zip(self.poses, self.moves, self.costs): newpose = vertex.pose * pose xyt = newpose.xyt() # theta is guaranteed to be in range [-pi, pi) if verbose: print(" MOVE", move, self._icoord(xyt)) if self.isoccupied(xyt[:2]): if verbose: print(" is occupied") continue vclose, d = self.graph.closest(xyt) if d > 0.01: # vertex does not already exists vnew = LatticeVertex(move, newpose, + move) # ix = int(xyt[0]) # iy = int(xyt[1]) # it = int(round(xyt[2]*2/np.pi)) # vnew = LatticeVertex(move, newpose, name=f"{ix:d},{iy:d},{it:d}") self.graph.add_vertex(vnew) if verbose: print(" add to graph as", edge = LatticeEdge( vertex, vnew, cost=cost, pose=vertex.pose, move=move ) # connect it into the graph, add to frontier vertex.connect(vnew, edge=edge) newfrontier.append(vnew) else: # vertex already exists # print('exists', vertex, move, vclose) # connect it into the graph, don't add to frontier if verbose: print(" already in graph, connect to", vclose.icoord()) edge = LatticeEdge( vertex, vclose, cost=cost, pose=vertex.pose, move=move ) vertex.connect(vclose, edge=edge) frontier = newfrontier iteration += 1 if iterations is None: if len(frontier) == 0: print(f"finished after {iteration} iterations") break print(f"iteration {iteration}, frontier length {len(frontier)}") elif iteration >= iterations: break if summary: print(f"{self.graph.n} vertices and {} edges created")
[docs] def query(self, start, goal): r""" Find a path through the lattice :param start: start configuration :math:`(x, y, \theta)` :type start: array_like(3), optional :param goal: goal configuration :math:`(x, y, \theta)` :type goal: array_like(3), optional :return: path and status :rtype: ndarray(N,3), namedtuple The returned status value has elements: +-------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Element | Description | +-------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | ``cost`` | path cost | +-------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ |``segments`` | a list containing the type of each path segment as | | | a single letter code: either "L", "R" or "S" for | | | left turn, right turn or straight line respectively.| +-------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ |``edges`` | successive edges of the graph ``LatticeEdge`` type | +-------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ :seealso: :meth:`plan` """ vs, ds = self.graph.closest(start) if ds > 0.001: raise ValueError("start configuration is not in the lattice") vg, dg = self.graph.closest(goal) if dg > 0.001: raise ValueError("goal configuration is not in the lattice") try: path, cost, _ = self.graph.path_Astar(vs, vg, verbose=False) except TypeError: raise RuntimeError("no path found") from None status = namedtuple("LatticeStatus", ["cost", "segments", "edges"]) segments = [] edges = [] for p, n in zip(path[:-1], path[1:]): e = p.edgeto(n) edges.append(e) segments.append(e.move) return np.array([p.coord for p in path]), status(cost, segments, edges)
[docs] def plot(self, path=None, **kwargs): super().plot(**kwargs) if kwargs.get("configspace", False): # 3D plot for k, vertex in enumerate(self.graph): # for every node # if k == 0: # plt.plot(vertex.coord[0], vertex.coord[1], vertex.coord[2], 'k>', markersize=10) # else: plt.plot(vertex.coord[0], vertex.coord[1], vertex.coord[2], "bo") for edge in self.graph.edges(): edge.plot(color="k", **kwargs) if path is not None: for p, n in zip(path[:-1], path[1:]): # turn coordinaets back into vertices vp, _ = self.graph.closest(p) vn, _ = self.graph.closest(n) e = vp.edgeto(vn) # e.plot(color='b', linewidth=4) e.plot(color="k", linewidth=4) e.plot(color="yellow", linewidth=3, dashes=(4, 4)) else: # 2D plot for k, vertex in enumerate(self.graph): # for every node # if k == 0: # plt.plot(vertex.coord[0], vertex.coord[1], 'k>', markersize=10) # else: plt.plot(vertex.coord[0], vertex.coord[1], "bo") for edge in self.graph.edges(): edge.plot(color="k") if path is not None: for p, n in zip(path[:-1], path[1:]): # turn coordinaets back into vertices vp, _ = self.graph.closest(p) vn, _ = self.graph.closest(n) e = vp.edgeto(vn) # e.plot(color='b', linewidth=4) e.plot(color="k", linewidth=4) e.plot(color="yellow", linewidth=3, dashes=(4, 4))
if __name__ == "__main__": lattice = LatticePlanner() lattice.plan(iterations=6) path = lattice.query(start=(0, 0, np.pi / 2), goal=(1, 1, 0)) print(path) # og = BinaryOccupancyGrid(workspace=[-5, 5, -5, 5], value=False) # og.set([3, 3, -2, 3], True) # lattice = LatticePlanner(occgrid=og) # lattice.plan(iterations=10) # print(lattice.graph) # qs = (0, 0, np.pi/2) # qg = (1, 0, np.pi/2) # print('qs') # vs, d = lattice.graph.closest(qs) # print(vs, d, vs.coord) # print(vs.neighbours()) # print() # print('[-1, 1, -np.pi]') # vs, d = lattice.graph.closest([-1, 1, -np.pi]) # print(vs, d, vs.coord) # print(vs.neighbours()) # print() # print('0L') # vs = lattice.graph['0L'] # print(vs, vs.coord) # print(vs.neighbours()) # print() # path, status = lattice.query(qs, qg) # print(path) # print(status) # lattice.plot(path=path) # # ax = plt.gca() # ax.set_aspect('equal') # ax.grid(True) # ax.set_xlim(-4, 4) # ax.set_ylim(-4, 4)