import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from spatialmath import base
import scipy.ndimage as sp
from abc import ABC
import spatialmath.base as smb
from spatialmath.geom2d import Polygon2
[docs]class BaseMap(ABC):
def __init__(self, workspace=None, name=None, **unused):
Abstract base class for maps
:param workspace: dimensions of 2D plot area, defaults to (-10:10) x (-10:10),
see :func:``
:type workspace: float, array_like(2), array_like(4)
:param name: nae of the map, defaults to None
:type name: str, optional
The workspace can be specified in several ways:
============== ======= =======
``workspace`` x-range y-range
============== ======= =======
A (scalar) -A:A -A:A
[A, B] A:B A:B
[A, B, C, D] A:B C:D
============== ======= =======
if workspace is not None:
workspace = smb.expand_dims(workspace)
self._workspace = workspace
self.dx = workspace[1] - workspace[0]
self.dy = workspace[3] - workspace[2]
self._name = name
[docs]class BaseOccupancyGrid(BaseMap):
def __init__(self, grid=None, origin=(0, 0), value=0, cellsize=1, **kwargs):
Occupancy grid (superclass)
:param grid: occupancy grid as a NumPy array
:type grid: ndarray(N,M)
:param value: initial value of cells
:type value: any, optional
:param origin: world coordinates of the grid element [0,0], defaults to (0, 0)
:type origin: array_like(2), optional
:param cellsize: cell size, defaults to 1
:type cellsize: float, optional
:param kwargs: options passed to :class:``
This object supports a user-defined coordinate system and grid size.
World coordinates are converted to grid coordinates to lookup the
occupancy status.
The grid can be initialized by:
- a 2D NumPy array
- specifying ``workspace`` and ``value`` arguments
if grid is not None:
self._grid = grid
self._origin = smb.getvector(origin, 2)
elif self._workspace is not None:
self._grid = np.full(
np.floor(np.r_[self.dx, self.dy] / cellsize).astype(int) + 1, value
self._origin = np.r_[self._workspace[0], self._workspace[2]]
self._cellsize = cellsize
[docs] def copy(self):
Copy an occupancy grid (superclass)
:return: copy of the ocupancy grid
:rtype: OccGrid
return self.__class__(
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
[docs] def __str__(self):
Compact string description of occupancy grid (superclass)
:return: summary of occupancy grid characteristics
:rtype: str
s = self.__class__.__name__
if self._name is not None:
s += f"[{self._name}]"
s += f": {self._grid.shape[1]} x {self._grid.shape[0]}"
s += f", cell size={self._cellsize}"
s += f", x = [{self.xmin}, {self.xmax}], y = [{self.ymin}, {self.ymax}]"
return s
def grid(self):
Occupancy grid as a NumPy array (superclass)
:return: binary occupancy grid
:rtype: ndarray(N,M) of bool
If :meth:`inflate` has been called, this will return the inflated
occupancy grid.
return self._grid
def xmin(self):
Minimum x-coordinate of this grid (superclass)
:return: minimum world x-coordinate
:rtype: float
return self._origin[0]
def xmax(self):
Maximum x-coordinate of this grid (superclass)
:return: maximum world x-coordinate
:rtype: float
return (self._grid.shape[1] - 1) * self._cellsize + self._origin[0]
def ymin(self):
Minimum y-coordinate of this grid (superclass)
:return: minimum world y-coordinate
:rtype: float
return self._origin[1]
def ymax(self):
Maximum y-coordinate of this grid (superclass)
:return: maximum world y-coordinate
:rtype: float
return (self._grid.shape[0] - 1) * self._cellsize + self._origin[1]
def shape(self):
Shape of the occupancy grid array (superclass)
:return: shape of the occupancy grid array
:rtype: 2-tuple
This is the shape of the NumPy array that holds the occupancy grid.
return self._grid.shape
def maxdim(self):
Maximum dimension of grid in world coordinates (superclass)
:return: maximum side length of the occupancy grid
:rtype: float
return max(self.grid.shape) * self._cellsize
def workspace(self):
Bounds of the occupancy grid in world coordinates (superclass)
:return: workspace bounds [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
:rtype: ndarray(4)
Returns the bounds of the occupancy grid in world coordinates.
return np.r_[self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymin, self.ymax]
def name(self):
Occupancy grid name (superclass)
:return: name of the occupancy grid
:rtype: str
return self._name
def name(self, name):
Set occupancy grid name (superclass)
:param name: new name of the occupancy grid
:type name: str
self._name = name
[docs] def set(self, region, value):
Set region of map (superclass)
:param region: The region [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
:type region: array_like(4)
:param value: value to set cells to
:type value: int, bool, float
bl = self.w2g([region[0], region[2]])
tr = self.w2g([region[1], region[3]])
self.grid[bl[1] : tr[1] + 1, bl[0] : tr[0] + 1] = value
[docs] def g2w(self, p):
Convert grid coordinate to world coordinate (superclass)
:param p: grid coordinate (column, row)
:type p: array_like(2)
:return: world coordinate (x, y)
:rtype: ndarray(2)
The grid cell size and offset are used to convert occupancy grid
coordinate ``p`` to a world coordinate.
p = smb.getvector(p, 2)
return p * self._cellsize + self._origin
[docs] def w2g(self, p):
Convert world coordinate to grid coordinate (superclass)
:param p: world coordinate (x, y)
:type p: array_like(2)
:return: grid coordinate (column, row)
:rtype: ndarray(2)
The grid cell size and offset are used to convert ``p`` to an occupancy
grid coordinate. The grid coordinate is rounded and cast to integer
value. No check is made on the validity of the coordinate.
return (np.round((p - self._origin) / self._cellsize)).astype(int)
[docs] def plot(self, map=None, ax=None, block=None, **kwargs):
Plot the occupancy grid (superclass)
:param map: array which is plotted instead of the grid, must be same
size as the occupancy grid,defaults to None
:type map: ndarray(N,M), optional
:param ax: matplotlib axes to plot into, defaults to None
:type ax: Axes2D, optional
:param block: block until plot is dismissed, defaults to None
:type block: bool, optional
:param kwargs: arguments passed to ``imshow``
The grid is plotted as an image but with axes in world coordinates.
The grid is a NumPy boolean array which has values 0 (false=unoccupied)
and 1 (true=occupied). Passing a `cmap` option to imshow can be used
to control the displayed color of free space and obstacles.
ax = smb.axes_logic(ax, 2)
if map is None:
map = self._grid
kwargs["extent"] = self.workspace
ax.imshow(map, origin="lower", interpolation=None, **kwargs)
if block is not None:
[docs] def line_w(self, p1, p2):
Get index of cells along a line segment (superclass)
:param p1: start
:type p1: array_like(2)
:param p2: end
:type p2: array_like(2)
:return: index into grid
:rtype: ndarray(N)
Get the indices of cells along a line segment defined by the end
points given in world coordinates.
The returned indices can be applied to a raveled view of the grid.
:seealso: :meth:`ravel` :meth:`w2g`
gp1 = self.w2g(p1)
gp2 = self.w2g(p2)
return self._line(gp1, gp2)
def _line(self, p1, p2):
x, y = smb.bresenham(p1, p2)
z = np.ravel_multi_index(np.vstack((y, x)), self.grid.shape)
return z
def ravel(self):
Ravel the grid (superclass)
:return: 1D view of the occupancy grid
:rtype: ndarray(N)
return self._grid.reshape(-1)
[docs]class BinaryOccupancyGrid(BaseOccupancyGrid):
[docs] def __init__(self, grid=None, **kwargs):
Create a binary occupancy grid instance
:param grid: occupancy grid as a NumPy array
:type grid: ndarray(N,M)
:param size: cell size, defaults to 1
:type size: float, optional
:param origin: world coordinates of the grid element [0,0], defaults to (0, 0)
:type origin: array_like(2), optional
:param kwargs: options passed to :class:`BaseMap`
The array is kept internally as a bool array. Cells are set to True
(occupied) corresponding to input values > 0.
This object supports a user-defined coordinate system and grid size.
World coordinates are converted to grid coordinates to lookup the
occupancy status.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from roboticstoolbox import BinaryOccupancyGrid
>>> import numpy as np
>>> og = BinaryOccupancyGrid(np.zeros((5,5)))
>>> print(og)
>>> og = BinaryOccupancyGrid(workspace=[-5,5], cellsize=0.1, value=0)
>>> print(og)
:seealso: :class:`OccupancyGrid`
if grid is not None:
if isinstance(grid, np.ndarray):
grid = grid.astype(bool)
elif isinstance(grid, BinaryOccupancyGrid):
grid = grid.grid
raise ValueError("argument must be NumPy array or BinaryOccupancyGrid")
super().__init__(grid=grid, **kwargs)
def __str__(self):
s = super().__str__()
ncells =
nobs = self._grid.sum()
s += f", {nobs/ncells*100:.1f}% occupied"
return s
[docs] def isoccupied(self, p):
Test if coordinate is occupied
:param p: world coordinate (x, y)
:type p: array_like(2)
:return: occupancy status of corresponding grid cell
:rtype: bool
The grid cell size and offset are used to convert ``p`` to an occupancy
grid coordinate. The grid coordinate is rounded and cast to integer
value. If the coordinate is outside the bounds of the occupancy grid
it is considered to be occupied.
:seealso: :meth:`w2g`
c, r = self.w2g(p)
return self._grid[r, c]
except IndexError:
return True
[docs] def inflate(self, radius):
Inflate obstales
:param radius: radius of circular structuring element in world units
:type radius: float
A circular structuring element is created and used to dilate the
stored occupancy grid.
Successive calls to ``inflate`` will compound the inflation.
:seealso: :func:`scipy.ndimage.binary_dilation`
# Generate a circular structuring element
r = round(radius / self._cellsize)
Y, X = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-r, r + 1), np.arange(-r, r + 1))
SE = X**2 + Y**2 <= r**2
SE = SE.astype(int)
# do the inflation using SciPy
self._grid = sp.binary_dilation(self._grid, SE)
[docs]class OccupancyGrid(BaseOccupancyGrid):
General occupancy grid
The elements of the array are floats and can represent occupancy
probability or traversal cost.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from roboticstoolbox import OccupancyGrid
>>> import numpy as np
>>> og = OccupancyGrid(np.zeros((5,5)))
>>> print(og)
>>> og = OccupancyGrid(workspace=[-5,5], cellsize=0.1, value=0.5)
>>> print(og)
:seealso: :class:`BinaryOccupancyGrid`
def __str__(self):
s = super().__str__()
g = self._grid
s += f", dtype {g.dtype}"
s += f", min {g.min()}, max {g.max()}, mean {g.mean()}"
return s
[docs]class PolygonMap(BaseMap):
[docs] def __init__(self, workspace=None, polygons=[]):
Polygonal obstacle map
:param workspace: dimensions of 2D plot area, defaults to (-10:10) x (-10:10),
see :func:``
:type workspace: float, array_like(2), array_like(4)
:param polygons: obstacle polygons, defaults to []
:type polygons: list, optional
The obstacle polygons are specified as instances of :class:`~spatialmath.geom2d.Polygon2`
or ndarray(2,N).
The workspace can be specified in several ways:
============== ======= =======
``workspace`` x-range y-range
============== ======= =======
A (scalar) -A:A -A:A
[A, B] A:B A:B
[A, B, C, D] A:B C:D
============== ======= =======
Workspace is used only to set plot bounds.
self.polygons = polygons
[docs] def add(self, polygon):
Add a polygon to map
:param polygon: a polygon
:type polygon: :class:`~spatialmath.geom2d.Polygon2` or ndarray(2,N)
if isinstance(polygon, Polygon2):
self.polygons.append(polygon) # lgtm [py/modification-of-default-value]
) # lgtm [py/modification-of-default-value]
[docs] def iscollision(self, polygon):
Test for collision
:param polygon: a polygon
:type polygon: :class:`~spatialmath.geom2d.Polygon2` or ndarray(2,N)
:return: collision
:rtype: bool
The ``polygon`` is tested against polygons in the map, and returns True
on the first collision.
:seealso: :meth:`add` :class:`~spatialmath.geom2d.Polygon2`
return polygon.intersects(self.polygons)
[docs] def plot(self, block=None):
for polygon in self.polygons:
if block is not None:
[docs] def isoccupied(self, p):
Test if point lies inside an obstacle
:param p: a 2D point
:type p: array_like(2)
:return: enclosure
:rtype: bool
The point is tested for enclosure by polygons in the map, and returns True
on the first enclosure.
for polygon in self.polygons:
if polygon.contains(p):
return True
return False
def workspace(self):
Bounds of the occupancy grid
:return: workspace bounds [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
:rtype: ndarray(4)
Returns the bounds of the occupancy grid.
return self._workspace
if __name__ == "__main__":
# g = np.zeros((100, 100))
# g[20:30, 50:80] = 1
# og = OccGrid(g, size=0.1, origin=(2,4),name='bob')
# print(og)
# print(og.xmin, og.xmax, og.ymin, og.ymax)
# print(og.isoccupied((8.5, 6.5)))
# print(og.isoccupied((6, 6)))
# print(og.isoccupied((500, 500)))
# og.plot(block=False)
# og2 = og.copy()
# print(og2)
# og2.inflate(0.5)
# plt.figure()
# og2.plot(block=True)
# g = np.zeros((10,10))
# g[2:3, 4:5] = 1
# og = BinaryOccupancyGrid(g)
# print(og)
# r = og.ravel
# print(r[24])
# og = BinaryOccupancyGrid(workspace=[2,3,4,5], cellsize=0.2)
# print(og)
# og = BinaryOccupancyGrid(workspace=[2,3,4,5], cellsize=0.2, value=True)
# print(og)
# og = OccupancyGrid(workspace=[2,3,4,5], cellsize=0.2, value=3)
# print(og)
# og = OccupancyGrid(workspace=[2,3,4,5], cellsize=0.2, value=3.0)
# print(og)
map = PolygonMap(workspace=[0, 10])
map.add([(5, 50), (5, 6), (6, 6), (6, 50)])
map.add([(5, 4), (5, -50), (6, -50), (6, 4)])
og = BinaryOccupancyGrid(workspace=[-5, 5, -5, 5], value=False)
# np.set_printoptions(linewidth=300)
# og = BinaryOccupancyGrid(workspace=[-10, 10, -10, 10], value=False)
# print(og)
# og.set([1,10, -10, 10], True)
# print(og.grid)
# print(og.isoccupied((0,0)))