Source code for

Python PRM
@Author: Peter Corke, original MATLAB code and Python version
@Author: Kristian Gibson, initial MATLAB port
# from multiprocessing.sharedctypes import Value
# from numpy import disp
# from scipy import integrate
# from spatialmath.base.animate import Animate
from spatialmath.base.transforms2d import *
from spatialmath.base.vectors import *

# from spatialmath.pose2d import SE2
# from spatialmath.base import animate
from scipy.ndimage import *
from matplotlib import cm, pyplot as plt
from import PlannerBase
from pgraph import UGraph

# from import FillingCirclesBar

[docs]class PRMPlanner(PlannerBase): r""" Distance transform path planner :param occgrid: occupancy grid :type occgrid: :class:`BinaryOccGrid` or ndarray(h,w) :param npoints: number of random points, defaults to 100 :type npoints: int, optional :param dist_thresh: distance threshold, a new point is only added to the roadmap if it is closer than this distance to an existing vertex, defaults to None :type dist_thresh: float, optional :param Planner: probabilistic roadmap path planner :param kwargs: common planner options, see :class:`PlannerBase` ================== ======================== Feature Capability ================== ======================== Plan Cartesian space Obstacle avoidance Yes, occupancy grid Curvature Discontinuous Motion Omnidirectional ================== ======================== Creates a planner that finds the path between two points in the plane using omnidirectional motion. The path comprises a set of way points. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from roboticstoolbox import PRMPlanner >>> import numpy as np >>> simplegrid = np.zeros((6, 6)); >>> simplegrid[2:5, 3:5] = 1 >>> prm = PRMPlanner(simplegrid); >>> prm.plan() >>> path = prm.query(start=(5, 4), goal=(1,1)) >>> print(path.T) :author: Peter Corke :seealso: :class:`PlannerBase` """ def __init__(self, occgrid=None, npoints=100, dist_thresh=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(occgrid, ndims=2, **kwargs) if dist_thresh is None: self._dist_thresh = 0.3 * self.occgrid.maxdim self._npoints = npoints # self._npoints0 = npoints self._dist_thresh0 = self.dist_thresh self._graph = None self._v_goal = None self._v_start = None self._local_goal = None self._local_path = None self._v_path = None self._g_path = None def __str__(self): s = super().__str__() if self.graph is not None: s += "\n " + str(self.graph) return s @property def npoints(self): """ Number of points in the roadmap :return: Number of points :rtype: int """ return self._npoints @property def dist_thresh(self): """ Distance threshold :return: distance threshold :rtype: float Edges are created between points if the distance between them is less than this value. """ return self._dist_thresh # @property # def npoints0(self): # return self._npoints0 # @property # def dist_thresh0(self): # return self._dist_thresh0 @property def graph(self): """ Roadmap graph :return: roadmap as an undirected graph :rtype: :class:`pgraph.UGraph` instance """ return self._graph def _create_roadmap(self, npoints, dist_thresh, animate=None): # a = Animate(animate, fps=5) self.progress_start(npoints) x = None y = None for j in range(npoints): # find a random point in freespace while True: # pick a random unoccupied point x = self.random.uniform(self.occgrid.xmin, self.occgrid.xmax) y = self.random.uniform(self.occgrid.ymin, self.occgrid.ymax) if not self.occgrid.isoccupied((x, y)): break # add it as a vertex to the graph vnew = self.graph.add_vertex([x, y]) # compute distance between vertices for vertex in self.graph: # find distance from vertex to all other vertices distances = [] for othervertex in self.graph: # skip self if vertex is othervertex: continue # add (distance, vertex) tuples to list distances.append((vertex.distance(othervertex), othervertex)) # sort into ascending distance distances.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) # create edges to vertex if permissible for distance, othervertex in distances: # test if below distance threshold if dist_thresh is not None and distance > dist_thresh: break # sorted into ascending order, so we are done # test if obstacle free path connecting them if self._test_path(vertex, othervertex): # add an edge self.graph.add_edge(vertex, othervertex, cost=distance) self.progress_next() self.progress_end() # if animate is not None: # self.plot() # if not np.empty(movie): # a.add() def _test_path(self, v1, v2, npoints=None): # vector from v1 to v2 dir = v2.coord - v1.coord # figure the number of points, essentially the line length # TODO: should delegate this test to the OccGrid object and do it # world units if npoints is None: npoints = int(round(np.linalg.norm(dir))) # test each point along the line from v1 to v2 for s in np.linspace(0, 1, npoints): if self.occgrid.isoccupied(v1.coord + s * dir): return False return True
[docs] def plan(self, npoints=None, dist_thresh=None, animate=None): """ Plan PRM path :param npoints: number of random points, defaults to ``npoints`` given to constructor :type npoints: int, optional :param dist_thresh: distance threshold, defaults to ``dist_thresh`` given to constructor :type dist_thresh: float, optional :param animate: animate the planning algorithm iterations, defaults to False :type animate: bool, optional Create a probablistic roadmap. This is a graph connecting points randomly selected from the free space of the occupancy grid. Edges are created between points if the distance between them is less than ``dist_thresh``. The roadmap is a pgraph :obj:`~pgraph.PGraph.UGraph` :class:`~pgraph.UGraph` :class:`~pgraph.PGraph.UGraph` :seealso: :meth:`query` :meth:`graph` """ self.message("create the graph") if npoints is None: npoints = self.npoints if dist_thresh is None: dist_thresh = self.dist_thresh self._graph = UGraph() self._v_path = np.array([]) self.random_init() # reset the random number generator self._create_roadmap(npoints, dist_thresh, animate)
[docs] def query(self, start, goal, **kwargs): """ Find a path from start to goal using planner :param start: start position :math:`(x, y)`, defaults to previously set value :type start: array_like(), optional :param goal: goal position :math:`(x, y)`, defaults to previously set value :type goal: array_like(), optional :param kwargs: options passed to :meth:`PlannerBase.query` :return: path from start to goal, one point :math:`(x, y)` per row :rtype: ndarray(N,2) The path is a sparse sequence of waypoints, with variable distance between them. .. warning:: Waypoints 1 to N-2 are part of the roadmap, while waypoints 0 and N-1 are the start and goal respectively. The first and last motion segment is not guaranteed to be obstacle free. """ if self.graph.n == 0: raise RuntimeError("no plan computed") super().query(start=start, goal=goal, next=False, **kwargs) # find roadmap vertices closest to start and goal vstart, _ = self.graph.closest(self.start) vgoal, _ = self.graph.closest(self.goal) # find A* path through the roadmap out = self.graph.path_Astar(vstart, vgoal) if out is None: raise RuntimeError("no path found") path = [v.coord for v in out[0]] path.insert(0, start) # insert start at head of path path.append(goal) # append goal to end of path return np.array(path)
[docs] def plot(self, *args, vertex={}, edge={}, **kwargs): """ Plot PRM path :param vertex: vertex style, defaults to {} :type vertex: dict, optional :param edge: edge style, defaults to {} :type edge: dict, optional Displays: - the planner background (obstacles) - the roadmap graph - the path :seealso: :meth:`UGraph.plot` """ # plot the obstacles and path ax = super().plot(*args, **kwargs) print("plotted background") vertex = {**dict(markersize=4), **vertex} edge = {**dict(linewidth=0.5), **edge} # add the roadmap graph self.graph.plot(text=False, vopt=vertex, eopt=edge, ax=ax) print("plotted roadmap")
if __name__ == "__main__": import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from roboticstoolbox import * house = rtb_load_matfile("data/house.mat") floorplan = house["floorplan"] places = house["places"] occgrid = floorplan.copy() prm = PRMPlanner(occgrid=floorplan, seed=0) prm.plan(npoints=50) prm.plot() # start and goal position # start = (10, 10) # goal = (50, 50) # occgrid = np.zeros((100, 100)) # occgrid[20:40, 15:30] = 1 # prm = PRMPlanner(occgrid=occgrid, verbose=True) # prm.plan() # prm.plot() # path = prm.query(start, goal) # print(path) # prm.plot(path, path_marker=dict(zorder=8, linewidth=2, markersize=6, color='k')) # prm.plot(ax=plt.gca(), text=False, vertex=dict(markersize=4), edge=dict(linewidth=0.5))