# ======================================================================== #
# The following code is based on code from Python Robotics
# https://github.com/AtsushiSakai/PythonRobotics/tree/master/PathPlanning
# RRTDubins planning
# Author: Atsushi Sakai
# Copyright (c) 2016 - 2022 Atsushi Sakai and other contributors: https://github.com/AtsushiSakai/PythonRobotics/contributors
# Released under the MIT license: https://github.com/AtsushiSakai/PythonRobotics/blob/master/LICENSE
import math
from collections import namedtuple
from roboticstoolbox.mobile.OccGrid import PolygonMap
# import rvcprint
from roboticstoolbox import *
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from spatialmath import Polygon2, SE2, base
from roboticstoolbox.mobile.PlannerBase import PlannerBase
from roboticstoolbox.mobile.DubinsPlanner import DubinsPlanner
# from roboticstoolbox.mobile.OccupancyGrid import OccupancyGrid
from pgraph import DGraph
[docs]class RRTPlanner(PlannerBase):
Rapidly exploring tree planner
:param map: occupancy grid
:type map: :class:`PolygonMap`
:param vehicle: vehicle kinematic model
:type vehicle: :class:`VehicleBase` subclass
:param curvature: maximum path curvature, defaults to 1.0
:type curvature: float, optional
:param stepsize: spacing between points on the path, defaults to 0.2
:type stepsize: float, optional
:param npoints: number of vertices in random tree, defaults to 50
:type npoints: int, optional
================== ========================
Feature Capability
================== ========================
Plan :math:`\SE{2}`
Obstacle avoidance Yes, polygons
Curvature Discontinuous
Motion Bidirectional
================== ========================
Creates a planner that finds the obstacle-free path between two
configurations in the plane using forward and backward motion. The path
comprises multiple Dubins curves comprising straight lines, or arcs with
curvature of :math:`\pm` ``curvature``. Motion along the segments may be in
the forward or backward direction.
Polygons are used for obstacle avoidance:
- the environment is defined by a set of polygons represented by a :class:`PolygonMap`
- the vehicle is defined by a single polygon specified by the ``polygon``
argument to its constructor
from roboticstoolbox import RRTPlanner
from spatialmath import Polygon2
from math import pi
# create polygonal obstacles
map = PolygonMap(workspace=[0, 10])
map.add([(5, 50), (5, 6), (6, 6), (6, 50)])
map.add([(5, 4), (5, -50), (6, -50), (6, 4)])
# create outline polygon for vehicle
l, w = 3, 1.5
vpolygon = Polygon2([(-l/2, w/2), (-l/2, -w/2), (l/2, -w/2), (l/2, w/2)])
# create vehicle model
vehicle = Bicycle(steer_max=1, L=2, polygon=vpolygon)
# create planner
rrt = RRTPlanner(map=map, vehicle=vehicle, npoints=50, seed=0)
# start and goal configuration
qs = (2, 8, -pi/2)
qg = (8, 2, -pi/2)
# plan path
path, status = rrt.query(start=qs)
:seealso: :class:`DubinsPlanner` :class:`Vehicle` :class:`PlannerBase`
def __init__(
super().__init__(ndims=2, **kwargs)
self.npoints = npoints
self.map = map
self.g = DGraph(metric="SE2")
self.vehicle = vehicle
if curvature is None:
if vehicle is not None:
curvature = vehicle.curvature_max
curvature = 1
print("curvature", curvature)
self.dubins = DubinsPlanner(curvature=curvature, stepsize=stepsize)
# self.goal_yaw_th = np.deg2rad(1.0)
# self.goal_xy_th = 0.5
[docs] def plan(self, goal, showsamples=True, showvalid=True, animate=False):
Plan paths to goal using RRT
:param goal: goal pose :math:`(x, y, \theta)`, defaults to previously set value
:type goal: array_like(3), optional
:param showsamples: display position part of configurations overlaid on the map, defaults to True
:type showsamples: bool, optional
:param showvalid: display valid configurations as vehicle polygons overlaid on the map, defaults to False
:type showvalid: bool, optional
:param animate: update the display as configurations are tested, defaults to False
:type animate: bool, optional
Compute a rapidly exploring random tree with its root at the ``goal``.
The tree will have ``npoints`` vertices spread uniformly randomly over
the workspace which is an attribute of the ``map``.
For every new point added, a Dubins path is computed to the nearest
vertex already in the graph. Each configuration on that path, with
spacing of ``stepsize``, is tested for obstacle intersection.
The configurations tested are displayed (translation only) if ``showsamples`` is
True. The valid configurations are displayed as vehicle polygones if ``showvalid``
is True. If ``animate`` is True these points are displayed during the search
process, otherwise a single figure is displayed at the end.
:seealso: :meth:`query`
# TODO use validate
self.goal = np.r_[goal]
# self.goal = np.r_[goal]
v = self.g.add_vertex(coord=goal)
v.path = None
if showsamples or showvalid:
count = 0
while count < self.npoints:
random_point = self.qrandom_free()
if showsamples:
plt.plot(random_point[0], random_point[1], "ok", markersize=2)
if animate:
vnearest, d = self.g.closest(random_point)
if d > 6:
path, pstatus = self.dubins.query(random_point, vnearest.coord)
if path is None:
collision = False
for config in path:
if self.map.iscollision(self.vehicle.polygon(config)):
collision = True
if collision:
# print('collision')
if pstatus.length > 6:
# print('too long')
# we have a valid configuration to add to the graph
count += 1
# add new vertex to graph
vnew = self.g.add_vertex(random_point)
self.g.add_edge(vnew, vnearest, cost=pstatus.length)
vnew.path = path
if showvalid:
self.vehicle.polygon(random_point).plot(color="b", alpha=0.1)
if animate:
if (showvalid or showsamples) and not animate:
[docs] def query(self, start):
Find a path from start configuration
:param start: start configuration :math:`(x, y, \theta)`
:type start: array_like(3), optional
:return: path and status
:rtype: ndarray(N,3), namedtuple
The path comprises points equally spaced at a distance of ``stepsize``.
The returned status value has elements:
| Element | Description |
| ``length`` | total path length |
| ``initial_d`` | distance from start to first vertex in graph |
| ``vertices`` | sequence of vertices in the graph |
self._start = start
vstart, d = self.g.closest(start)
vpath, cost, _ = self.g.path_UCS(vstart, self.g[0])
# stack the Dubins path segments
path = np.empty((0, 3))
for vertex in vpath:
if vertex.path is not None:
path = np.vstack((path, vertex.path))
status = namedtuple("RRTStatus", ["length", "initial_d", "vertices"])(
cost, d, vpath
return path, status
# def _generate_final_course(self, goal_ind):
# path = [[self.end.x, self.end.y]]
# node = self.node_list[goal_ind]
# while node.parent is not None:
# path.append([node.x, node.y])
# node = node.parent
# path.append([node.x, node.y])
# return path
# def _calc_dist_to_goal(self, x, y):
# dx = x - self.goal.x
# dy = y - self.end.y
# return math.hypot(dx, dy)
[docs] def qrandom(self):
Random configuration
:return: random configuration :math:`(x, y, \theta)`
:rtype: ndarray(3)
Returns a random configuration where position :math:`(x, y)`
lies within the bounds of the ``map`` associated with this planner.
:seealso: :meth:`qrandom_free`
return self.random.uniform(
low=(self.map.workspace[0], self.map.workspace[2], -np.pi),
high=(self.map.workspace[1], self.map.workspace[3], np.pi),
[docs] def qrandom_free(self):
Random obstacle free configuration
:return: random configuration :math:`(x, y, \theta)`
:rtype: ndarray(3)
Returns a random obstacle free configuration where position :math:`(x,
y)` lies within the bounds of the ``map`` associated with this planner.
Iterates on :meth:`qrandom`
:seealso: :meth:`qrandom` :meth:`iscollision`
# iterate for a random freespace configuration
while True:
q = self.qrandom()
if not self.iscollision(q):
return q
[docs] def iscollision(self, q):
Test if configuration is collision
:param q: vehicle configuration :math:`(x, y, \theta)`
:type q: array_like(3)
:return: collision status
:rtype: bool
Transforms the vehicle polygon and tests for intersection against
the polygonal obstacle map.
return self.map.iscollision(self.vehicle.polygon(q))
if __name__ == "__main__":
from roboticstoolbox.mobile.Vehicle import Bicycle
# start and goal configuration
qs = (2, 8, -np.pi / 2)
qg = (8, 2, -np.pi / 2)
# obstacle map
map = PolygonMap(workspace=[0, 10])
map.add([(5, 50), (5, 6), (6, 6), (6, 50)])
# map.add([(5, 0), (6, 0), (6, 4), (5, 4)])
map.add([(5, 4), (5, -50), (6, -50), (6, 4)])
l = 3
w = 1.5
v0 = Polygon2([(-l / 2, w / 2), (-l / 2, -w / 2), (l / 2, -w / 2), (l / 2, w / 2)])
vehicle = Bicycle(steer_max=0.4, l=2, polygon=v0)
rrt = RRTPlanner(map=map, vehicle=vehicle, verbose=False, seed=0)
path, status = rrt.query(start=qs)