Source code for

import math
from collections import namedtuple
from import PlannerBase
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from spatialmath import *
from spatialmath import base

# ======================================================================== #

# The following code is modified from Python Robotics
# D* grid planning
# Author: Atsushi Sakai
# Copyright (c) 2016 - 2022 Atsushi Sakai and other contributors:
# Released under the MIT license:

class _Path:
    def __init__(self):
        self.lengths = []
        self.ctypes = []
        self.L = 0.0
        self.x = []
        self.y = []
        self.yaw = []
        self.directions = []

    def __repr__(self):
        s = f"_Path: L={self.L:.2g}, "
        s += f"[{', '.join(['{}={:.2g}'.format(c,l) for c, l in zip(self.ctypes, self.lengths)])}]"
        if len(self.x) > 0:
            s += f", {len(self.x)} points on path"
        return s

def plot_arrow(x, y, yaw, length=1.0, width=0.5, fc="r", ec="k"):
    Plot arrow

    if not isinstance(x, float):
        for (ix, iy, iyaw) in zip(x, y, yaw):
            plot_arrow(ix, iy, iyaw)
            length * math.cos(yaw),
            length * math.sin(yaw),
        plt.plot(x, y)

def straight_left_straight(x, y, phi):
    phi = base.wrap_0_2pi(phi)
    if y > 0.0 and 0.0 < phi < math.pi * 0.99:
        xd = -y / math.tan(phi) + x
        t = xd - math.tan(phi / 2.0)
        u = phi
        v = math.sqrt((x - xd) ** 2 + y**2) - math.tan(phi / 2.0)
        return True, t, u, v
    elif y < 0.0 < phi < math.pi * 0.99:
        xd = -y / math.tan(phi) + x
        t = xd - math.tan(phi / 2.0)
        u = phi
        v = -math.sqrt((x - xd) ** 2 + y**2) - math.tan(phi / 2.0)
        return True, t, u, v

    return False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

def set_path(paths, lengths, ctypes):
    path = _Path()
    path.ctypes = ctypes
    path.lengths = lengths

    # check same path exist
    for tpath in paths:
        typeissame = tpath.ctypes == path.ctypes
        if typeissame:
            if sum(np.abs(tpath.lengths)) - sum(np.abs(path.lengths)) <= 0.01:
                return paths  # not insert path

    path.L = sum([abs(i) for i in lengths])

    # Base.Test.@test path.L >= 0.01
    if path.L >= 0.01:

    return paths

def straight_curve_straight(x, y, phi, paths):
    flag, t, u, v = straight_left_straight(x, y, phi)
    if flag:
        paths = set_path(paths, [t, u, v], ["S", "L", "S"])

    flag, t, u, v = straight_left_straight(x, -y, -phi)
    if flag:
        paths = set_path(paths, [t, u, v], ["S", "R", "S"])

    return paths

def polar(x, y):
    r = math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
    theta = math.atan2(y, x)
    return r, theta

def left_straight_left(x, y, phi):
    u, t = polar(x - math.sin(phi), y - 1.0 + math.cos(phi))
    if t >= 0.0:
        v = base.wrap_0_2pi(phi - t)
        if v >= 0.0:
            return True, t, u, v

    return False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

def left_right_left(x, y, phi):
    u1, t1 = polar(x - math.sin(phi), y - 1.0 + math.cos(phi))

    if u1 <= 4.0:
        u = -2.0 * math.asin(0.25 * u1)
        t = base.wrap_0_2pi(t1 + 0.5 * u + math.pi)
        v = base.wrap_0_2pi(phi - t + u)

        if t >= 0.0 >= u:
            return True, t, u, v

    return False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

def curve_curve_curve(x, y, phi, paths):
    flag, t, u, v = left_right_left(x, y, phi)
    if flag:
        paths = set_path(paths, [t, u, v], ["L", "R", "L"])

    flag, t, u, v = left_right_left(-x, y, -phi)
    if flag:
        paths = set_path(paths, [-t, -u, -v], ["L", "R", "L"])

    flag, t, u, v = left_right_left(x, -y, -phi)
    if flag:
        paths = set_path(paths, [t, u, v], ["R", "L", "R"])

    flag, t, u, v = left_right_left(-x, -y, phi)
    if flag:
        paths = set_path(paths, [-t, -u, -v], ["R", "L", "R"])

    # backwards
    xb = x * math.cos(phi) + y * math.sin(phi)
    yb = x * math.sin(phi) - y * math.cos(phi)

    flag, t, u, v = left_right_left(xb, yb, phi)
    if flag:
        paths = set_path(paths, [v, u, t], ["L", "R", "L"])

    flag, t, u, v = left_right_left(-xb, yb, -phi)
    if flag:
        paths = set_path(paths, [-v, -u, -t], ["L", "R", "L"])

    flag, t, u, v = left_right_left(xb, -yb, -phi)
    if flag:
        paths = set_path(paths, [v, u, t], ["R", "L", "R"])

    flag, t, u, v = left_right_left(-xb, -yb, phi)
    if flag:
        paths = set_path(paths, [-v, -u, -t], ["R", "L", "R"])

    return paths

def curve_straight_curve(x, y, phi, paths):
    flag, t, u, v = left_straight_left(x, y, phi)
    if flag:
        paths = set_path(paths, [t, u, v], ["L", "S", "L"])

    flag, t, u, v = left_straight_left(-x, y, -phi)
    if flag:
        paths = set_path(paths, [-t, -u, -v], ["L", "S", "L"])

    flag, t, u, v = left_straight_left(x, -y, -phi)
    if flag:
        paths = set_path(paths, [t, u, v], ["R", "S", "R"])

    flag, t, u, v = left_straight_left(-x, -y, phi)
    if flag:
        paths = set_path(paths, [-t, -u, -v], ["R", "S", "R"])

    flag, t, u, v = left_straight_right(x, y, phi)
    if flag:
        paths = set_path(paths, [t, u, v], ["L", "S", "R"])

    flag, t, u, v = left_straight_right(-x, y, -phi)
    if flag:
        paths = set_path(paths, [-t, -u, -v], ["L", "S", "R"])

    flag, t, u, v = left_straight_right(x, -y, -phi)
    if flag:
        paths = set_path(paths, [t, u, v], ["R", "S", "L"])

    flag, t, u, v = left_straight_right(-x, -y, phi)
    if flag:
        paths = set_path(paths, [-t, -u, -v], ["R", "S", "L"])

    return paths

def left_straight_right(x, y, phi):
    u1, t1 = polar(x + math.sin(phi), y - 1.0 - math.cos(phi))
    u1 = u1**2
    if u1 >= 4.0:
        u = math.sqrt(u1 - 4.0)
        theta = math.atan2(2.0, u)
        t = base.wrap_0_2pi(t1 + theta)
        v = base.wrap_0_2pi(t - phi)

        if t >= 0.0 and v >= 0.0:
            return True, t, u, v

    return False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

def generate_path(q0, q1, max_curvature):
    Return a set of feasible paths

    :param q0: initial configuration
    :type q0: array_like(3)
    :param q1: final configuration
    :type q1: array_like(3)
    :param max_curvature: maximum path curvature
    :type max_curvature: float
    :return: set of paths
    :rtype: list of _Path
    dx = q1[0] - q0[0]
    dy = q1[1] - q0[1]
    dth = q1[2] - q0[2]
    c = math.cos(q0[2])
    s = math.sin(q0[2])
    x = (c * dx + s * dy) * max_curvature
    y = (-s * dx + c * dy) * max_curvature

    # build a list of possible paths
    paths = []
    paths = straight_curve_straight(x, y, dth, paths)
    paths = curve_straight_curve(x, y, dth, paths)
    paths = curve_curve_curve(x, y, dth, paths)

    return paths

def interpolate(
    if mode == "S":
        path_x[ind] = origin_x + length / max_curvature * math.cos(origin_yaw)
        path_y[ind] = origin_y + length / max_curvature * math.sin(origin_yaw)
        path_yaw[ind] = origin_yaw
    else:  # curve
        ldx = math.sin(length) / max_curvature
        ldy = 0.0
        if mode == "L":  # left turn
            ldy = (1.0 - math.cos(length)) / max_curvature
        elif mode == "R":  # right turn
            ldy = (1.0 - math.cos(length)) / -max_curvature
        gdx = math.cos(-origin_yaw) * ldx + math.sin(-origin_yaw) * ldy
        gdy = -math.sin(-origin_yaw) * ldx + math.cos(-origin_yaw) * ldy
        path_x[ind] = origin_x + gdx
        path_y[ind] = origin_y + gdy

    if mode == "L":  # left turn
        path_yaw[ind] = origin_yaw + length
    elif mode == "R":  # right turn
        path_yaw[ind] = origin_yaw - length

    if length > 0.0:
        directions[ind] = 1
        directions[ind] = -1

    return path_x, path_y, path_yaw, directions

def generate_local_course(total_length, lengths, mode, max_curvature, step_size):
    n_point = math.trunc(total_length / step_size) + len(lengths) + 4

    px = [0.0 for _ in range(n_point)]
    py = [0.0 for _ in range(n_point)]
    pyaw = [0.0 for _ in range(n_point)]
    directions = [0.0 for _ in range(n_point)]
    ind = 1

    if lengths[0] > 0.0:
        directions[0] = 1
        directions[0] = -1

    ll = 0.0

    for (m, l, i) in zip(mode, lengths, range(len(mode))):
        if l > 0.0:
            d = step_size
            d = -step_size

        # set origin state
        ox, oy, oyaw = px[ind], py[ind], pyaw[ind]

        ind -= 1
        if i >= 1 and (lengths[i - 1] * lengths[i]) > 0:
            pd = -d - ll
            pd = d - ll

        while abs(pd) <= abs(l):
            ind += 1
            px, py, pyaw, directions = interpolate(
                ind, pd, m, max_curvature, ox, oy, oyaw, px, py, pyaw, directions
            pd += d

        ll = l - pd - d  # calc remain length

        ind += 1
        px, py, pyaw, directions = interpolate(
            ind, l, m, max_curvature, ox, oy, oyaw, px, py, pyaw, directions

    # remove unused data
    while abs(px[-1]) < 1e-10:

    return px, py, pyaw, directions

def pi_2_pi(angle):
    return (angle + math.pi) % (2 * math.pi) - math.pi

def calc_paths(sx, sy, syaw, gx, gy, gyaw, maxc, step_size):
    q0 = [sx, sy, syaw]
    q1 = [gx, gy, gyaw]

    # find set of feasible paths
    paths = generate_path(q0, q1, maxc)
    for path in paths:
        # interpolate the path
        x, y, yaw, directions = generate_local_course(
            path.L, path.lengths, path.ctypes, maxc, step_size * maxc

        # convert global coordinate
        path.x = [
            math.cos(-q0[2]) * ix + math.sin(-q0[2]) * iy + q0[0]
            for (ix, iy) in zip(x, y)
        path.y = [
            -math.sin(-q0[2]) * ix + math.cos(-q0[2]) * iy + q0[1]
            for (ix, iy) in zip(x, y)
        path.yaw = [pi_2_pi(iyaw + q0[2]) for iyaw in yaw]
        path.directions = directions
        path.lengths = [length / maxc for length in path.lengths]
        path.L = path.L / maxc

    return paths

def reeds_shepp_path_planning(start, goal, maxc, step_size):

    s_x, s_y, s_yaw = start
    g_x, g_y, g_yaw = goal

    paths = calc_paths(s_x, s_y, s_yaw, g_x, g_y, g_yaw, maxc, step_size)

    if not paths:
        return None

    minL = float("Inf")
    best_path_index = -1
    for i, _ in enumerate(paths):
        if paths[i].L <= minL:
            minL = paths[i].L
            best_path_index = i

    bpath = paths[best_path_index]

    return bpath

# ====================== RTB wrapper ============================= #

# Copyright (c) 2022 Peter Corke:
# Released under the MIT license:
[docs]class ReedsSheppPlanner(PlannerBase): r""" Reeds-Shepp path planner :param curvature: maximum path curvature, defaults to 1.0 :type curvature: float, optional :param stepsize: spacing between points on the path, defaults to 0.1 :type stepsize: float, optional :param Planner: Reeds-Shepp path planner :type Planner: ReedsSheppPlanner instance ================== ======================== Feature Capability ================== ======================== Plan :math:`\SE{2}` Obstacle avoidance No Curvature Discontinuous Motion Bidirectional ================== ======================== Creates a planner that finds the path between two configurations in the plane using forward and backward motion. The path comprises upto 3 segments that are straight lines, or arcs with curvature of :math:`\pm` ``curvature``. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from roboticstoolbox import ReedsSheppPlanner >>> from math import pi >>> reedshepp = ReedsSheppPlanner(curvature=1.0) >>> path, status = reedshepp.query(start=(0, 0, pi/2), goal=(1, 0, pi/2)) >>> print(path[:5,:]) >>> print(status) :reference: Optimal paths for a car that goes both forwards and backwards, Reeds, J.A. and L.A. Shepp, Pacific J. Math., 145 (1990), pp. 367–393. :thanks: based on Reeds-Shepp path planning from `Python Robotics <>`_ :seealso: :class:`DubinsPlanner` :class:`PlannerBase` """ def __init__(self, curvature=1, stepsize=0.1, **kwargs): super().__init__(ndims=3, **kwargs) self._curvature = curvature self._stepsize = stepsize def __str__(self): s = ( super().__str__() + f"\n curvature={self.curvature}, stepsize={self.stepsize}" )
[docs] def query(self, start, goal, **kwargs): r""" Find a path between two configurations :param start: start configuration :math:`(x, y, \theta)` :type start: array_like(3), optional :param goal: goal configuration :math:`(x, y, \theta)` :type goal: array_like(3), optional :return: path and status :rtype: ndarray(N,3), namedtuple The path comprises points equally spaced at a distance of ``stepsize``. The returned status value has elements: +-------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Element | Description | +-------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ |``segments`` | a list containing the type of each path segment as | | | a single letter code: either "L", "R" or "S" for | | | left turn, right turn or straight line respectively.| +-------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | ``length`` | total path length | +-------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ |``lengths`` | the length of each path segment. The sign of the | | | length indicates the direction of travel. | +-------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ |``direction``| the direction of motion at each point on the path | +-------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ .. note:: The direction of turning is reversed when travelling backwards. """ super().query(start=start, goal=goal, next=False, **kwargs) bpath = reeds_shepp_path_planning( start=self.start, goal=self.goal, maxc=self._curvature, step_size=self._stepsize, ) path = np.c_[bpath.x, bpath.y, bpath.yaw] status = namedtuple( "ReedsSheppStatus", ["segments", "length", "seglengths", "direction"] ) return path, status( bpath.ctypes, sum([abs(l) for l in bpath.lengths]), bpath.lengths, bpath.directions, )
if __name__ == "__main__": from math import pi # start = (-1, -4, -np.radians(20)) # goal = (5, 5, np.radians(25)) start = (0, 0, 0) goal = (0, 0, pi) reedsshepp = ReedsSheppPlanner(curvature=1.0, stepsize=0.1) path, status = reedsshepp.query(start, goal) print(status) # px, py, pyaw, mode, clen = reeds_shepp_path_planning( # start_x, start_y, start_yaw, end_x, end_y, end_yaw, curvature, step_size) # if show_animation: # pragma: no cover # plt.cla() # plt.plot(px, py, label="final course " + str(mode)) # # plotting # plot_arrow(start_x, start_y, start_yaw) # plot_arrow(end_x, end_y, end_yaw) # plt.legend() # plt.grid(True) # plt.axis("equal") # reedsshepp.plot(path=path, direction=status.direction, configspace=True)