Python Vehicle
@Author: Peter Corke, original MATLAB code and Python version
@Author: Kristian Gibson, initial MATLAB port
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import warnings
from math import pi, sin, cos, tan
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation
# from matplotlib import patches
# import matplotlib.transforms as mtransforms
from spatialmath import SE2, base
from roboticstoolbox.mobile.drivers import VehicleDriverBase
from roboticstoolbox.mobile.Animations import VehiclePolygon
[docs]class VehicleBase(ABC):
[docs] def __init__(
x0=[0, 0, 0],
Superclass for vehicle kinematic models
:param covar: odometry covariance, defaults to zero
:type covar: ndarray(2,2), optional
:param speed_max: maximum speed, defaults to :math:`\infty`
:type speed_max: float, optional
:param accel_max: maximum acceleration, defaults to :math:`\infty`
:type accel_max: float, optional
:param x0: Initial state, defaults to (0,0,0)
:type x0: array_like(3), optional
:param dt: sample update interval, defaults to 0.1
:type dt: float, optional
:param control: vehicle control inputs, defaults to None
:type control: array_like(2), interp1d, VehicleDriverBase
:param animation: Graphical animation of vehicle, defaults to None
:type animation: :class:`VehicleAnimationBase` subclass, optional
:param verbose: print lots of info, defaults to False
:type verbose: bool, optional
:param workspace: dimensions of 2D plot area, defaults to (-10:10) x (-10:10),
see :func:`~spatialmath.base.graphics.plotvol2`
:type workspace: float, array_like(2), array_like(4)
:param polygon: bounding polygon of vehicle
:type polygon: :class:`~spatialmath.geom2d.Polygon2`
This is an abstract superclass that simulates the motion of a mobile
robot under the action of a controller. The controller provides
control inputs to the vehicle, and the output odometry is returned.
The true state, effectively unknowable in practice, is computed
and accessible.
The workspace can be specified in several ways:
============== ======= =======
``workspace`` x-range y-range
============== ======= =======
A (scalar) -A:A -A:A
[A, B] A:B A:B
[A, B, C, D] A:B C:D
============== ======= =======
:note: Set ``seed=None`` to have it randomly initialized from the
operating system.
:seealso: :class:`Bicycle` :class:`Unicycle` :class:`VehicleAnimationBase`
self._V = covar
self._dt = dt
if x0 is None:
x0 = np.zeros((3,), dtype=float)
x0 = base.getvector(x0)
if len(x0) not in (2, 3):
raise ValueError("x0 must be length 2 or 3")
self._x0 = x0
self._x = x0.copy()
self._random = np.random.default_rng(seed)
self._seed = seed
self._speed_max = speed_max
self._accel_max = accel_max
self._v_prev = [0]
self._polygon = polygon
if isinstance(animation, str):
animation = VehiclePolygon(animation)
self._animation = animation
self._ax = None
if control is not None:
self._dt = dt
self._t = 0
self._stopsim = False
self._verbose = verbose
self._plot = False
self._control = None
self._x_hist = []
if workspace:
self._workspace = workspace.workspace
except AttributeError:
self._workspace = base.expand_dims(workspace)
self._workspace = None
[docs] def __str__(self):
String representation of vehicle (superclass)
:return: String representation of vehicle object
:rtype: str
s = f"{self.__class__.__name__}: "
s += f"x = {base.array2str(self._x)}"
return s
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
[docs] def f(self, x, odo, v=None):
State transition function
:param x: vehicle state :math:`(x, y, \theta)`
:type x: array_like(3), ndarray(n,3)
:param odo: vehicle odometry :math:`(\delta_d, \delta_\theta)`
:type odo: array_like(2)
:param v: additive odometry noise, defaults to (0,0)
:type v: array_like(2), optional
:return: predicted vehicle state
:rtype: ndarray(3)
Predict the next state based on current state and odometry
value. ``v`` is a random variable that represents additive
odometry noise for simulation purposes.
.. math::
f: \vec{x}_k, \delta_d, \delta_\theta \mapsto \vec{x}_{k+1}
For particle filters it is useful to apply the odometry to the
states of all particles and this can be achieved if ``x`` is a 2D
array with one state per row. ``v`` is ignored in this case.
.. note:: This is the state update equation used for EKF localization.
:seealso: :meth:`deriv` :meth:`Fx` :meth:`Fv`
odo = base.getvector(odo, 2)
if isinstance(x, np.ndarray) and x.ndim == 2:
# x is Nx3 set of vehicle states, do vectorized form
# used by particle filter
dd, dth = odo
theta = x[:, 2]
return (
+ np.c_[
dd * np.cos(theta), dd * np.sin(theta), np.full(theta.shape, dth)
# x is a vector
x = base.getvector(x, 3)
dd, dth = odo
theta = x[2]
if v is not None:
v = base.getvector(v, 2)
dd += v[0]
dth += v[1]
return x + np.r_[dd * np.cos(theta), dd * np.sin(theta), dth]
[docs] def Fx(self, x, odo):
Jacobian of state transition function df/dx
:param x: vehicle state :math:`(x, y, \theta)`
:type x: array_like(3)
:param odo: vehicle odometry :math:`(\delta_d, \delta_\theta)`
:type odo: array_like(2)
:return: Jacobian matrix
:rtype: ndarray(3,3)
Returns the Jacobian matrix :math:`\frac{\partial \vec{f}}{\partial \vec{x}}` for
the given state and odometry.
:seealso: :meth:`f` :meth:`deriv` :meth:`Fv`
dd, dth = odo
theta = x[2]
# fmt: off
J = np.array([
[1, 0, -dd * sin(theta)],
[0, 1, dd * cos(theta)],
[0, 0, 1],
# fmt: on
return J
[docs] def Fv(self, x, odo):
Jacobian of state transition function df/dv
:param x: vehicle state :math:`(x, y, \theta)`
:type x: array_like(3)
:param odo: vehicle odometry :math:`(\delta_d, \delta_\theta)`
:type odo: array_like(2)
:return: Jacobian matrix
:rtype: ndarray(3,2)
Returns the Jacobian matrix :math:`\frac{\partial \vec{f}}{\partial \vec{v}}` for
the given state and odometry.
:seealso: :meth:`f` :meth:`deriv` :meth:`Fx`
dd, dth = odo
theta = x[2]
# fmt: off
J = np.array([
[cos(theta), 0],
[sin(theta), 0],
[0, 1],
# fmt: on
return J
def control(self):
Get/set vehicle control (superclass)
:getter: Returns vehicle's control
:setter: Sets the vehicle's control
:type: 2-tuple, callable, interp1d or VehicleDriver
This is the input to the vehicle during a simulation performed
by :meth:`run`. The control input can be:
* a constant tuple as the control inputs to the vehicle
* a function called as ``f(vehicle, t, x)`` that returns a tuple
* an interpolator called as ``f(t)`` that returns a tuple
* a driver agent, subclass of :class:`~roboticstoolbox.mobile.driversVehicleDriverBase`
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from roboticstoolbox import Bicycle, RandomPath
>>> bike = Bicycle()
>>> bike.control = RandomPath(10)
>>> print(bike)
:seealso: :meth:`run` :meth:`eval_control` :obj:`scipy.interpolate.interp1d` :class:`~roboticstoolbox.mobile.drivers.VehicleDriverBase`
return self._control
def control(self, control):
# * a function called as ``f(vehicle, t, x)`` that returns a tuple
# * an interpolator called as f(t) that returns a tuple, see
# SciPy interp1d
self._control = control
if isinstance(control, VehicleDriverBase):
# if this is a driver agent, connect it to the vehicle
control.vehicle = self
[docs] def eval_control(self, control, x):
Evaluate vehicle control input (superclass method)
:param control: vehicle control
:type control: [type]
:param x: vehicle state :math:`(x, y, \theta)`
:type x: array_like(3)
:raises ValueError: bad control
:return: vehicle control inputs
:rtype: ndarray(2)
Evaluates the control for this time step and state. Control is set
by the :meth:`control` property to:
* a constant tuple as the control inputs to the vehicle
* a function called as ``f(vehicle, t, x)`` that returns a tuple
* an interpolator called as f(t) that returns a tuple
* a driver agent, subclass of :class:`VehicleDriverBase`
Vehicle steering, speed and acceleration limits are applied to the
result before being input to the vehicle model.
:seealso: :meth:`run` :meth:`control` :func:`scipy.interpolate.interp1d`
# was called control() in the MATLAB version
if base.isvector(control, 2):
# control is a constant
u = base.getvector(control, 2)
elif isinstance(control, VehicleDriverBase):
# vehicle has a driver object
u = control.demand()
elif isinstance(control, interpolate.interpolate.interp1d):
# control is an interp1d object
u = control(self._t)
elif callable(control):
# control is a user function of time and state
u = control(self, self._t, x)
raise ValueError("bad control specified")
# apply limits
ulim = self.u_limited(u)
return ulim
[docs] def limits_va(self, v, v_prev):
Apply velocity and acceleration limits (superclass)
:param v: desired velocity
:type v: float
:param v_prev: previous velocity, reference to list
:type v_prev: list with single element
:return: allowed velocity
:rtype: float
Determine allowable velocity given desired velocity, speed and
acceleration limits.
.. note:: This function requires previous velocity, ``v_prev`` to enable
acceleration limiting. This is passed as a reference to a mutable value,
a single-element list. This is reset to zero at the start of each simulation.
# acceleration limit
vp = v_prev[0]
if self._accel_max is not None:
if (v - vp) / self._dt > self._accel_max:
v = vp + self._accelmax * self._dt
elif (v - vp) / self._dt < -self._accel_max:
v = vp - self._accel_max * self._dt
v_prev[0] = v
# speed limit
if self._speed_max is not None:
v = np.clip(v, -self._speed_max, self._speed_max)
return v
[docs] def polygon(self, q):
Bounding polygon at vehicle configuration
:param q: vehicle configuration :math:`(x, y, \theta)`
:type q: array_like(3)
:return: bounding polygon of vehicle at configuration ``q``
:rtype: :class:`~spatialmath.geom2d.Polygon2`
The bounding polygon of the vehicle is returned for the configuration
``q``. Can be used for collision checking using the :meth:`~spatialmath.geom2d.Polygon2.intersects`
:seealso: :class:`~spatialmath.geom2d.Polygon2`
return self._polygon.transformed(SE2(q))
# This function is overridden by the child class
[docs] @abstractmethod
def deriv(self, x, u):
[docs] def add_driver(self, driver):
Add a driver agent (superclass)
:param driver: a driver agent object
:type driver: VehicleDriverBase subclass
.. warning:: Deprecated. Use ``vehicle.control = driver`` instead.
:seealso: :class:`VehicleDriverBase` :meth:`control`
warnings.warn("add_driver is deprecated, use veh.control=driver instead")
self._control = driver
driver._veh = self
[docs] def run(self, T=10, x0=None, control=None, animate=True):
Simulate motion of vehicle (superclass)
:param T: Simulation time in seconds, defaults to 10
:type T: float, optional
:param x0: Initial state, defaults to value given to Vehicle constructor
:type x0: array_like(3) or array_like(2)
:param control: vehicle control inputs, defaults to None
:type control: array_like(2), callable, driving agent
:param animate: Enable graphical animation of vehicle, defaults to False
:type animate: bool, optional
:return: State trajectory, each row is :math:`(x,y,\theta)`.
:rtype: ndarray(n,3)
Runs the vehicle simulation for ``T`` seconds and optionally plots
an animation. The method :meth:`step` performs each time step.
The control inputs are provided by ``control`` which can be:
* a constant tuple as the control inputs to the vehicle
* a function called as ``f(vehicle, t, x)`` that returns a tuple
* an interpolator called as ``f(t)`` that returns a tuple, see
SciPy interp1d
* a driver agent, subclass of :class:`VehicleDriverBase`
This is evaluated by :meth:`eval_control` which applies velocity,
acceleration and steering limits.
The simulation can be stopped prematurely by the control function
calling :meth:`stopsim`.
.. note::
* the simulation is fixed-time step with the step given by the ``dt``
attribute set by the constructor.
* integration uses rectangular integration.
:seealso: :meth:`init` :meth:`step` :meth:`control` :meth:`run_animation`
self.init(control=control, animate=animate, x0=x0)
for i in range(round(T / self.dt)):
# check for user requested stop
if self._stopsim:
print("USER REEQUESTED STOP AT time", self._t)
return self.x_hist
[docs] def run_animation(self, T=10, x0=None, control=None, format=None, file=None):
Simulate motion of vehicle (superclass)
:param T: Simulation time in seconds, defaults to 10
:type T: float, optional
:param x0: Initial state, defaults to value given to Vehicle constructor
:type x0: array_like(3) or array_like(2)
:param control: vehicle control inputs, defaults to None
:type control: array_like(2), callable, driving agent
:param format: Output format
:type format: str, optional
:param file: File name
:type file: str, optional
:return: Matplotlib animation object
:rtype: :meth:`matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation`
Runs the vehicle simulation for ``T`` seconds and returns an animation
in various formats::
``format`` ``file`` description
============ ========= ============================
``"html"`` str, None return HTML5 video
``"jshtml"`` str, None return JS+HTML video
``"gif"`` str return animated GIF
``"mp4"`` str return MP4/H264 video
``None`` return a ``FuncAnimation`` object
The allowables types for ``file`` are given in the second column. A str
value is the file name. If ``None`` is an option then return the video as a string.
For the last case, a reference to the animation object must be held if used for
animation in a Jupyter cell::
anim = robot.run_animation(T=20)
The control inputs are provided by ``control`` which can be:
* a constant tuple as the control inputs to the vehicle
* a function called as ``f(vehicle, t, x)`` that returns a tuple
* an interpolator called as ``f(t)`` that returns a tuple, see
SciPy interp1d
* a driver agent, subclass of :class:`VehicleDriverBase`
This is evaluated by :meth:`eval_control` which applies velocity,
acceleration and steering limits.
The simulation can be stopped prematurely by the control function
calling :meth:`stopsim`.
.. note::
* the simulation is fixed-time step with the step given by the ``dt``
attribute set by the constructor.
* integration uses rectangular integration.
:seealso: :meth:`init` :meth:`step` :meth:`control` :meth:`run_animation`
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
nframes = round(T / self.dt)
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(
func=lambda i: self.step(animate=True, pause=False),
init_func=lambda: self.init(animate=True),
interval=self.dt * 1000,
# anim._interval = self.dt*1000/2
# anim._repeat = True
ret = None
if format == "html":
ret = anim.to_html5_video() # convert to embeddable HTML5 animation
elif format == "jshtml":
ret = anim.to_jshtml() # convert to embeddable Javascript/HTML animation
elif format == "gif":
file, writer=animation.PillowWriter(fps=1 / self.dt)
) # convert to GIF
ret = None
elif format == "mp4":
file, writer=animation.FFMpegWriter(fps=1 / self.dt)
) # convert to mp4/H264
ret = None
elif format == None:
# return the anim object
return anim
raise ValueError("unknown format")
if ret is not None and file is not None:
with open(file, "w") as f:
ret = None
return ret
[docs] def init(self, x0=None, control=None, animate=True):
Initialize for simulation (superclass)
:param x0: Initial state, defaults to value given to Vehicle constructor
:type x0: array_like(3) or array_like(2)
Performs the following initializations:
#. Clears the state history
#. Set the private random number generator to initial value
#. Sets state :math:`x = x_0`
#. Sets previous velocity to zero
#. If a driver is attached, initialize it
#. If animation is enabled, initialize that
If animation is enabled by constructor and no animation object is given,
use a default ``VehiclePolygon("car")``
:seealso: :class:`VehicleAnimationBase` :meth:`run`
if x0 is not None:
self._x = base.getvector(x0, 3)
self._x = self._x0.copy()
self._x_hist = []
if self._seed is not None:
self._random = np.random.default_rng(self._seed)
if control is not None:
# override control
self._control = control
if isinstance(self._control, VehicleDriverBase):
self._t = 0
self._v_prev = [0]
# initialize the graphics
if animate and self._animation is not None:
# setup the plot
self._ax = base.plotvol2(self.workspace)
f"Robotics Toolbox for Python (Figure {self._ax.figure.number})"
except AttributeError:
self._animation.add(ax=self._ax) # add vehicle animation to axis
self._timer = plt.figtext(0.85, 0.95, "") # display time counter
# initialize the driver
if isinstance(self._control, VehicleDriverBase):
[docs] def step(self, u=None, animate=True, pause=True):
Step simulator by one time step (superclass)
:return: odometry :math:`(\delta_d, \delta_\theta)`
:rtype: ndarray(2)
#. Obtain the vehicle control inputs
#. Integrate the vehicle state forward one timestep
#. Updates the stored state and state history
#. Update animation if enabled.
#. Returns the odometry
- ``veh.step((vel, steer))`` for a Bicycle vehicle model
- ``veh.step((vel, vel_diff))`` for a Unicycle vehicle model
- ``veh.step()`` as above but control is taken from the ``control``
attribute which might be a function or driver agent.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from roboticstoolbox import Bicycle
>>> bike = Bicycle() # default bicycle model
>>> bike.step((1, 0.2)) # one step: v=1, γ=0.2
>>> bike.x
>>> bike.step((1, 0.2)) # another step: v=1, γ=0.2
>>> bike.x
.. note:: Vehicle control input limits are applied.
:seealso: :func:`control`, :func:`update`, :func:`run`
# determine vehicle control
if u is not None:
u = self.eval_control(u, self._x)
u = self.eval_control(self._control, self._x)
# update state (used to be function control() in MATLAB version)
xd = self._dt * self.deriv(self._x, u) # delta state
# update state vector
self._x += xd
# print('VEH', u, self.x)
# odometry comes from change in state vector
odo = np.r_[np.linalg.norm(xd[0:2]), xd[2]]
if self._V is not None:
odo += self.random.multivariate_normal((0, 0), self._V)
# do the graphics
if animate and self._animation:
# if self._timer is not None:
# self._timer.set_text(f"t = {self._t:.2f}")
if pause:
# plt.show(block=False)
# pass
self._t += self._dt
# be verbose
if self._verbose:
f"{self._t:8.2f}: u=({u[0]:8.2f}, {u[1]:8.2f}), x=({self._x[0]:8.2f},"
f" {self._x[1]:8.2f}, {self._x[2]:8.2f})"
return odo
def workspace(self):
Size of robot workspace (superclass)
:return: workspace bounds [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
:rtype: ndarray(4)
Returns the bounds of the workspace as specified by constructor
option ``workspace``
# get workspace specified for Vehicle or from its driver
if self._workspace is not None:
return self._workspace
if self._control is not None and hasattr(self._control, "_workspace"):
return self._control._workspace
def x(self):
Get vehicle state/configuration (superclass)
:return: Vehicle state :math:`(x, y, \theta)`
:rtype: ndarray(3)
:seealso: :meth:`q`
return self._x
def q(self):
Get vehicle state/configuration (superclass)
:return: Vehicle state :math:`(x, y, \theta)`
:rtype: ndarray(3)
:seealso: :meth:`x`
return self._x
def x0(self):
Get vehicle initial state/configuration (superclass)
:return: Vehicle state :math:`(x, y, \theta)`
:rtype: ndarray(3)
Set by :class:`VehicleBase` subclass constructor. The state is set to this value
at the beginning of each simulation run.
:seealso: :meth:`run`
return self._x0
def x0(self, x0):
Set vehicle initial state/configuration (superclass)
:param x0: Vehicle state :math:`(x, y, \theta)`
:type x0: array_like(3)
The state is set to this value at the beginning of each simulation
run. Overrides the value set by :class:`VehicleBase` subclass constructor.
:seealso: :func:`run`
self._x0 = base.getvector(x0, 3)
def random(self):
Get private random number generator
:return: NumPy random number generator
:rtype: :class:`numpy.random.Generator`
Has methods including:
- :meth:`integers(low, high, size, endpoint) <numpy.random.Generator.integers>`
- :meth:`random(size) <numpy.random.Generator.random>`
- :meth:`uniform(low, high, size) <numpy.random.Generator.uniform>`
- :meth:`normal(mean, std, size) <numpy.random.Generator.normal>`
- :meth:`multivariate_normal(mean, covar, size) <numpy.random.Generator.multivariate_normal>`
The generator is initialized with the seed provided at constructor
time every time :meth:`init` is called.
:seealso: :meth:`init` :func:`numpy.random.default_rng`
return self._random
def x_hist(self):
Get vehicle state/configuration history (superclass)
:return: Vehicle state history
:rtype: ndarray(n,3)
The state :math:`(x, y, \theta)` at each time step resulting from a
simulation run, one row per timestep.
:seealso: :meth:`run`
return np.array(self._x_hist)
def speed_max(self):
Get maximum speed of vehicle (superclass)
:return: maximum speed
:rtype: float
Set by :meth:`VehicleBase` subclass constructor.
:seealso: :meth:`accel_max` :meth:`steer_max` :meth:`u_limited`
return self._speed_max
def accel_max(self):
Get maximum acceleration of vehicle (superclass)
:return: maximum acceleration
:rtype: float
Set by :meth:`VehicleBase` subclass constructor.
:seealso: :meth:`speed_max` :meth:`steer_max` :meth:`u_limited`
return self._accel_max
def dt(self):
Get sample time (superclass)
:return: discrete time step for simulation
:rtype: float
Set by :meth:`VehicleBase` subclass constructor. Used by
:meth:`step` to update state.
:seealso: :meth:`run`
return self._dt
def verbose(self):
Get verbosity (superclass)
:return: verbosity level
:rtype: bool
Set by :class:`VehicleBase` subclass constructor.
return self._verbose
def verbose(self, verbose):
Set verbosity (superclass)
:return: verbosity level
:rtype: bool
Set by :class:`VehicleBase` subclass constructor.
self._verbose = verbose
[docs] def stopsim(self):
Stop the simulation (superclass)
A control function can stop the simulation initated by the ``run``
:seealso: :meth:`run`
self._stopsim = True
[docs] def plot_xy(self, *args, block=None, **kwargs):
Plot xy-path from history
:param block: block until plot dismissed, defaults to None
:type block: bool, optional
:param args: positional arguments passed to :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot`
:param kwargs: keyword arguments passed to :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot`
The :math:`(x,y)` trajectory from the simulation history is plotted as
:math:`x` vs :math:`y.
:seealso: :meth:`run` :meth:`plot_xyt`
if args is None and "color" not in kwargs:
kwargs["color"] = "b"
xyt = self.x_hist
plt.plot(xyt[:, 0], xyt[:, 1], *args, **kwargs)
if block is not None:
[docs] def plot_xyt(self, block=None, **kwargs):
Plot configuration vs time from history
:param block: block until plot dismissed, defaults to False
:type block: bool, optional
:param args: positional arguments passed to :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot`
:param kwargs: keyword arguments passed to :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot`
The :math:`(x,y, \theta)` trajectory from the simulation history is plotted
against time.
:seealso: :meth:`run` :meth:`plot_xy`
xyt = self.x_hist
t = np.arange(0, xyt.shape[0] * self._dt, self._dt)
plt.plot(xyt[:, 0], xyt[:, :], **kwargs)
plt.legend(["x", "y", "$\\theta$"])
if block is not None:
# ========================================================================= #
[docs]class Bicycle(VehicleBase):
[docs] def __init__(self, L=1, steer_max=0.45 * pi, **kwargs):
Create bicycle kinematic model
:param L: wheel base, defaults to 1
:type L: float, optional
:param steer_max: maximum steering angle, defaults to :math:`0.45\pi`
:type steer_max: float, optional
:param kwargs: additional arguments passed to :class:`VehicleBase`
Model the motion of a bicycle model with equations of motion given by:
.. math::
\dot{x} &= v \cos \theta \\
\dot{y} &= v \sin \theta \\
\dot{\theta} &= \frac{v}{L} \tan \gamma
where :math:`v` is the velocity in body frame x-direction, and
:math:`\gamma` is the angle of the steered wheel.
:seealso: :meth:`f` :meth:`deriv` :meth:`Fx` meth:`Fv` :class:`VehicleBase`
self._l = L
self._steer_max = steer_max
def __str__(self):
s = super().__str__()
s += (
f"\n L={self._l}, steer_max={self._steer_max:g},"
f" speed_max={self._speed_max:g}, accel_max={self._accel_max:g}"
return s
def l(self):
Vehicle wheelbase
:return: vehicle wheelbase
:rtype: float
return self._l
def radius_min(self):
Vehicle turning radius
:return: radius of minimum possible turning circle
:rtype: float
Minimum turning radius based on maximum steered wheel angle and wheelbase.
.. math::
\frac{l}{\tan \gamma_{max}}
:seealso: :meth:`curvature_max`
return self.l / np.tan(self.steer_max)
def curvature_max(self):
Vehicle maximum path curvature
:return: maximum curvature
:rtype: float
Maximum path curvature based on maximum steered wheel angle and wheelbase.
.. math::
\frac{\tan \gamma_{max}}{l}
:seealso: :meth:`radius_min`
return 1.0 / self.radius_min
def steer_max(self):
Vehicle maximum steered wheel angle
:return: maximum angle
:rtype: float
return self._steer_max
[docs] def deriv(self, x, u, limits=True):
Time derivative of state
:param x: vehicle state :math:`(x, y, \theta)`
:type x: array_like(3)
:param u: control input :math:`(v, \gamma)`
:type u: array_like(2)
:param limits: limits are applied to input, default True
:type limits: bool
:return: state derivative :math:`(\dot{x}, \dot{y}, \dot{\theta})`
:rtype: ndarray(3)
Returns the time derivative of state (3x1) at the state ``x`` with velocity :math:`v`
and steered wheel angle :math:`\gamma`
.. math::
\dot{x} &= v \cos \theta \\
\dot{y} &= v \sin \theta \\
\dot{\theta} &= \frac{v}{L} \tan \gamma
If ``limits`` is True then speed, acceleration and steer-angle limits are
applied to ``u``.
:seealso: :meth:`f`
# unpack some variables
theta = x[2]
if limits:
u = self.u_limited(u)
v = u[0]
gamma = u[1]
return v * np.r_[cos(theta), sin(theta), tan(gamma) / self.l]
[docs] def u_limited(self, u):
Apply vehicle velocity, acceleration and steering limits
:param u: Desired vehicle inputs :math:`(v, \gamma)`
:type u: array_like(2)
:return: Allowable vehicle inputs :math:`(v, \gamma)`
:rtype: ndarray(2)
Velocity and acceleration limits are applied to :math:`v` and
steered wheel angle limits are applied to :math:`\gamma`.
# limit speed and steer angle
ulim = np.array(u)
ulim[0] = self.limits_va(u[0], self._v_prev)
ulim[1] = np.clip(u[1], -self._steer_max, self._steer_max)
return ulim
# ========================================================================= #
[docs]class Unicycle(VehicleBase):
[docs] def __init__(self, W=1, steer_max=np.inf, **kwargs):
Create unicycle kinematic model
:param W: vehicle width, defaults to 1
:type W: float, optional
:param steer_max: maximum turn rate
:type steer_max: float
:param kwargs: additional arguments passed to :class:`VehicleBase`
Model the motion of a unicycle model with equations of motion given by:
.. math::
\dot{x} &= v \cos \theta \\
\dot{y} &= v \sin \theta \\
\dot{\theta} &= \omega
where :math:`v` is the velocity in body frame x-direction, and
:math:`\omega` is the turn rate.
:seealso: :meth:`f` :meth:`deriv` :meth:`Fx` meth:`Fv` :class:`Vehicle`
self._W = W
self._steer_max = steer_max
def __str__(self):
s = super().__str__()
s += (
f"\n W={self._W}, steer_max={self._steer_max:g},"
f" vel_max={self._speed_max}, accel_max={self._accel_max}"
return s
[docs] def deriv(self, x, u, limits=True):
Time derivative of state
:param x: vehicle state :math:`(x, y, \theta)`
:type x: array_like(3)
:param u: control input :math:`(v, \omega)`
:type u: array_like(2)
:param limits: limits are applied to input, default True
:type limits: bool
:return: state derivative :math:`(\dot{x}, \dot{y}, \dot{\theta})`
:rtype: ndarray(3)
Returns the time derivative of state (3x1) at the state ``x`` with velocity :math:`v`
and turn rate :math:`\omega`
.. math::
\dot{x} &= v \cos \theta \\
\dot{y} &= v \sin \theta \\
\dot{\theta} &= \omega
If ``limits`` is True then speed, acceleration and steer-angle limits are
applied to ``u``.
:seealso: :meth:`f`
if limits:
u = self.u_limited(u)
# unpack some variables
theta = x[2]
v = u[0]
vdiff = u[1]
return np.r_[v * cos(theta), v * sin(theta), vdiff / self._W]
[docs] def u_limited(self, u):
Apply vehicle velocity, acceleration and steering limits
:param u: Desired vehicle inputs :math:`(v, \omega)`
:type u: array_like(2)
:return: Allowable vehicle inputs :math:`(v, \omega)`
:rtype: ndarray(2)
Velocity and acceleration limits are applied to :math:`v` and
turn rate limits are applied to :math:`\omega`.
# limit speed and steer angle
ulim = np.array(u)
ulim[0] = self.limits_va(u[0], self._v_prev)
ulim[1] = np.maximum(-self._steer_max, np.minimum(self._steer_max, u[1]))
return ulim
[docs]class DiffSteer(Unicycle):
[docs] def __init__(self, W=1, **kwargs):
Create differential steering kinematic model
:param W: vehicle width, defaults to 1
:type W: float, optional
:param kwargs: additional arguments passed to :class:`VehicleBase`
Model the motion of a unicycle model with equations of motion given by:
.. math::
\dot{x} &= v \cos \theta \\
\dot{y} &= v \sin \theta \\
\dot{\theta} &= \omega
where :math:`v = (v_R + v_L)/2` is the velocity in body frame x-direction, and
:math:`\omega = (v_R - v_L)/W` is the turn rate.
:seealso: :meth:`f` :meth:`deriv` :meth:`Fx` meth:`Fv` :class:`Vehicle`
self._W = W
self._v_prev_L = [0]
self._v_prev_R = [0]
def __str__(self):
s = super().__str__()
return s
[docs] def init(self):
self._v_prev_L = [0]
self._v_prev_R = [0]
[docs] def u_limited(self, u):
Apply vehicle velocity and acceleration limits
:param u: Desired vehicle inputs :math:`(v_L, v_R)`
:type u: array_like(2)
:return: Allowable vehicle inputs :math:`(v_L, v_R)`
:rtype: ndarray(2)
Velocity and acceleration limits are applied to :math:`v` and
turn rate limits are applied to :math:`\omega`.
# limit speed and acceleration of each wheel/track
ulim = np.array(u)
ulim[0] = self.limits_va(u[0], self._v_prev_L)
ulim[1] = self.limits_va(u[1], self._v_prev_R)
return ulim
[docs] def deriv(self, x, u, limits=True):
Time derivative of state
:param x: vehicle state :math:`(x, y, \theta)`
:type x: array_like(3)
:param u: Desired vehicle inputs :math:`(v_L, v_R)`
:type u: array_like(2)
:param limits: limits are applied to input, default True
:type limits: bool
:return: state derivative :math:`(\dot{x}, \dot{y}, \dot{\theta})`
:rtype: ndarray(3)
Returns the time derivative of state (3x1) at the state ``x`` with left and
right wheel speeds ``u``.
.. math::
\dot{x} &= v \cos \theta \\
\dot{y} &= v \sin \theta \\
\dot{\theta} &= \omega
where :math:`v = (v_R + v_L)/2` is the velocity in body frame x-direction, and
:math:`\omega = (v_R - v_L)/W` is the turn rate.
If ``limits`` is True then speed and acceleration limits are applied to the
wheel speeds ``u``.
:seealso: :meth:`f`
if limits:
u = self.u_limited(u)
# unpack some variables
theta = x[2]
vleft = u[0]
vright = u[1]
# convert wheel speeds to forward and differential velocity
v = (vright + vleft) / 2.0
vdiff = vright - vleft
return np.r_[v * cos(theta), v * sin(theta), vdiff / self._W]
if __name__ == "__main__":
from roboticstoolbox import RandomPath
import roboticstoolbox as rtb
a = rtb.VehicleMarker(marker="s", markerfacecolor="b")
veh = rtb.Bicycle(animation=a, workspace=10)
veh.control = (4, 0.5)
# V = np.eye(2) * 0.001
# robot = Bicycle(covar=V, animation="car")
# odo = robot.step((1, 0.3), animate=False)
# robot.control = RandomPath(workspace=10)
# # robot.run(T=10, animate=True)
# # plt.show(block=True)
# anim = robot.run_animation(T=10, format="html", file="veh.html")
# anim.save("veh.mp4", writer=animation.FFMpegWriter(fps=1/robot.dt)) # convert to mp4/H264
# with open("veh.html", "w") as f:
# f.write(anim.to_html5_video())
# from math import pi
# V = np.diag(np.r_[0.02, 0.5 * pi / 180] ** 2)
# v = VehiclePolygon()
# # v = VehicleIcon('greycar2', scale=2, rotation=90)
# veh = Bicycle(covar=V, animation=v, control=RandomPath(10), verbose=False)
# print(veh)
# odo = veh.step(1, 0.3)
# print(odo)
# print(veh.x)
# print(veh.f([0, 0, 0], odo))
# def control(v, t, x):
# goal = (6,6)
# goal_heading = atan2(goal[1]-x[1], goal[0]-x[0])
# d_heading = base.angdiff(goal_heading, x[2])
# v.stopif(base.norm(x[0:2] - goal) < 0.1)
# return (1, d_heading)
# veh.control=RandomPath(10)
# p = veh.run(1000, plot=True)
# # plt.show()
# print(p)
# veh.plot_xyt_t()
# veh.plot(p)
# t, x = veh.path(5, u=control)
# print(t)
# fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# ax.set_xlim(-5, 5)
# ax.set_ylim(-5, 5)
# v = VehicleAnimation.Polygon(shape='triangle', maxdim=0.1, color='r')
# v = VehicleAnimation.Icon('car3.png', maxdim=2, centre=[0.3, 0.5])
# v = VehicleAnimation.Icon('/Users/corkep/Dropbox/code/robotics-toolbox-python/roboticstoolbox/data/car1.png', maxdim=2, centre=[0.3, 0.5])
# v = VehicleAnimation.icon('car3.png', maxdim=2, centre=[0.3, 0.5])
# v = VehicleAnimation.marker()
# v.start()
# plt.grid(True)
# # plt.axis('equal')
# for theta in np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100):
# v.update([0, 0, theta])
# plt.pause(0.1)