Source code for

Python Vehicle
@Author: Peter Corke, original MATLAB code and Python version
@Author: Kristian Gibson, initial MATLAB port
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import warnings
from math import pi, sin, cos, tan, atan2
import numpy as np
from scipy import integrate, linalg, interpolate

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import patches
import matplotlib.transforms as mtransforms

from spatialmath import SE2, base
import roboticstoolbox as rtb

[docs]class VehicleDriverBase(ABC): """ Abstract Vehicle driver class Abtract class that can drive a mobile robot. :seealso: :class:`RandomPath` """
[docs] @abstractmethod def demand(self): """ Compute speed and heading :return: speed and steering for :class:`VehicleBase` When an instance of a :class:`VehicleDriverBase` class is attached as the control for an instance of a :class:`VehicleBase` class, this method is called at each time step to provide the control input. Has access to the vehicle and its state through the :meth:`vehicle` property. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def init(self): """ Initialize driving agent Called at the start of a simulation run. Used to initialize state including random number generator state. """ pass
@property def vehicle(self): """ Set/get the vehicle under control :getter: return :class:`VehicleBase` instance :setter: set :class:`VehicleBase` instance .. note:: The setter is invoked by ``vehicle.control = driver`` """ return self._veh @vehicle.setter def vehicle(self, v): self._veh = v def __repr__(self): return str(self)
# ========================================================================= #
[docs]class RandomPath(VehicleDriverBase):
[docs] def __init__( self, workspace, speed=1, dthresh=0.05, seed=0, headinggain=0.3, goalmarkerstyle=None, ): """ Driving agent for random path :param workspace: dimension of workspace, see :func:`spatialmath.base.exand_dims` :type workspace: scalar, array_like(2), array_like(4) :param speed: forward speed, defaults to 1 :type speed: float, optional :param dthresh: distance threshold, defaults to 0.05 :type dthresh: float, optional :raises ValueError: bad workspace specified Returns a *driver* object that drives the attached vehicle to a sequence of random waypoints. The driver is connected to the vehicle by:: Vehicle(control=driver) or:: veh = Vehicle() veh.control = driver The waypoints are positioned inside a rectangular region defined by the vehicle that is specified by (see ``plotvol2``): ============== ======= ======= ``workspace`` x-range y-range ============== ======= ======= A (scalar) -A:A -A:A [A, B] A:B A:B [A, B, C, D] A:B C:D ============== ======= ======= .. note:: - It is possible in some cases for the vehicle to move outside the desired region, for instance if moving to a waypoint near the edge, the limited turning circle may cause the vehicle to temporarily move outside. - The vehicle chooses a new waypoint when it is closer than ``dthresh`` to the current waypoint. - Uses its own random number generator so as to not influence the performance of other randomized algorithms such as path planning. Set ``seed=None`` to have it randomly initialized from the operating system. :seealso: :class:`Bicycle` :class:`Unicycle` :func:`` """ # TODO options to specify region, maybe accept a Map object? if hasattr(workspace, "workspace"): # workspace can be defined by an object with a workspace attribute self._workspace = base.expand_dims(workspace.workspace) else: self._workspace = base.expand_dims(workspace) self._speed = speed self._dthresh = dthresh * np.diff(self._workspace[0:2]) self._goal_marker = None if goalmarkerstyle is None: self._goal_marker_style = { "marker": "D", "markersize": 6, "color": "r", "linestyle": "None", } else: self._goal_marker_style = goalmarkerstyle self._headinggain = headinggain self._d_prev = np.inf self._random = np.random.default_rng(seed) self._seed = seed self.verbose = True self._goal = None self._dthresh = dthresh * max( self._workspace[1] - self._workspace[0], self._workspace[3] - self._workspace[2], ) self._veh = None
[docs] def __str__(self): """%RandomPath.char Convert to string % % s = R.char() is a string showing driver parameters and state in in % a compact human readable format.""" s = "RandomPath driver object\n" s += ( f" X {self._workspace[0]} : {self._workspace[1]}; Y {self._workspace[0]} :" f" {self._workspace[1]}, dthresh={self._dthresh}\n" ) s += f" current goal={self._goal}" return s
@property def workspace(self): """ Size of robot driving workspace :return: workspace bounds [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] :rtype: ndarray(4) Returns the bounds of the workspace as specified by constructor option ``workspace`` """ return self._workspace
[docs] def init(self, ax=None): """ Initialize random path driving agent :param ax: axes in which to draw via points, defaults to None :type ax: Axes, optional Called at the start of a simulation run. Ensures that the random number generated is reseeded to ensure that the sequence of random waypoints is repeatable. """ if self._seed is not None: self._random = np.random.default_rng(self._seed) self._goal = None # delete(driver.h_goal); % delete the goal # driver.h_goal = []; if ax is not None: self._goal_marker = plt.plot( np.nan, np.nan, **self._goal_marker_style, label="random waypoint" )[0]
[docs] def demand(self): """ Compute speed and heading for random waypoint % % [SPEED,STEER] = R.demand() is the speed and steer angle to % drive the vehicle toward the next waypoint. When the vehicle is % within R.dtresh a new waypoint is chosen. % % See also Vehicle.""" if self._goal is None: self._new_goal() # if nearly at goal point, choose the next one d = np.linalg.norm(self._veh._x[0:2] - self._goal) if d < self._dthresh or abs(d - self._d_prev) < 1e-3: self._new_goal() # elif d > 2 * self._d_prev: # self.choose_goal() self._d_prev = d speed = self._speed goal_heading = atan2( self._goal[1] - self._veh._x[1], self._goal[0] - self._veh._x[0] ) delta_heading = base.angdiff(goal_heading, self._veh._x[2]) return np.r_[speed, self._headinggain * delta_heading]
## private method, invoked from demand() to compute a new waypoint def _new_goal(self): # choose a uniform random goal within inner 80% of driving area while True: r = self._random.uniform(0.1, 0.9) gx = self._workspace[0:2] @ np.r_[r, 1 - r] r = self._random.uniform(0.1, 0.9) gy = self._workspace[2:4] @ np.r_[r, 1 - r] self._goal = np.r_[gx, gy] # check not too close to last goal if np.linalg.norm(self._goal - self._veh._x[0:2]) > 2 * self._dthresh: break if self._veh.verbose: print(f"set goal: {self._goal}") # update the goal marker if self._goal_marker is not None: self._goal_marker.set_xdata(self._goal[0]) self._goal_marker.set_ydata(self._goal[1])
# ========================================================================= # class PurePursuit(VehicleDriverBase): def __init__(self, speed=1, radius=1): pass def __str__(self): pass def init(self): pass def demand(self): pass # ========================================================================= # if __name__ == "__main__": import unittest