Source code for

from abc import ABC
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from math import pi, sin, cos
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from spatialmath import base
import roboticstoolbox as rtb
from import Iterable

Sensor Sensor superclass

An abstract superclass to represent robot navigation sensorself.

  plot        plot a line from robot to map feature
  display     print the parameters in human readable form
  char        convert to string

robot   The Vehicle object on which the sensor is mounted
map     The PointMap object representing the landmarks around the robot


  Robotics, Vision & Control,
  Peter Corke,
  Springer 2011

See also RangeBearingSensor, EKF, Vehicle, Landmarkself.


class SensorBase(ABC):
    # TODO, pose option, wrt vehicle

    # robot
    # map

    # verbose

    # ls
    # animate     # animate sensor measurements
    # interval    # measurement return subsample factor
    # fail
    # delay

    def __init__(
        """Sensor.Sensor Sensor object constructor
        # S = Sensor(VEHICLE, MAP, OPTIONS) is a sensor mounted on a vehicle
        # described by the Vehicle subclass object VEHICLE and observing landmarks
        # in a map described by the LandmarkMap class object self.
        # Options::
        # 'animate'    animate the action of the laser scanner
        # 'ls',LS      laser scan lines drawn with style ls (default 'r-')
        # 'skip', I    return a valid reading on every I'th call
        # 'fail',T     sensor simulates failure between timesteps T=[TMIN,TMAX]
        # Notes::
        # - Animation shows a ray from the vehicle position to the selected
        #   landmark.
        self._robot = robot
        self._map = map
        self._every = every
        self._fail = fail

        self._verbose = verbose

        self.delay = 0.1

        self._animate = plot

        self._seed = seed

    def init(self):
        Initialize sensor (superclass)

        - reseed the random number generator
        - reset the counter for handling the ``every`` and ``fail`` options
        self._random = np.random.default_rng(self._seed)
        self._count = 0

    def __str__(self):
        Convert sensor parameters to a string (superclass)
        # s = self.char() is a string showing sensor parameters in
        # a compact human readable format.
        s = f"{self.__class__.__name__} sensor class\n"
        s += "  " + str(
        return s

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self)

    def robot(self):
        Robot associated with sensor (superclass)

        :return: robot
        :rtype: :class:`VehicleBase` subclass
        return self._robot

    def map(self):
        Landmark map associated with sensor (superclass)

        :return: robot
        :rtype: :class:`LandmarkMap`
        return self._map

    def random(self):
        Get private random number generator (superclass)

        :return: NumPy random number generator
        :rtype: :class:`numpy.random.Generator`

        Has methods including:

            - :meth:`integers(low, high, size, endpoint) <numpy.random.Generator.integers>`
            - :meth:`random(size) <numpy.random.Generator.random>`
            - :meth:`uniform(low, high, size) <numpy.random.Generator.uniform>`
            - :meth:`normal(mean, std, size) <numpy.random.Generator.normal>`
            - :meth:`multivariate_normal(mean, covar, size) <numpy.random.Generator.multivariate_normal>`

        The generator is initialized with the seed provided at constructor
        time every time :meth:`init` is called.

        :seealso: :meth:`init`
        return self._random

    def verbose(self):
        Get verbosity state

        :return: verbosity
        :rtype: bool
        return self._verbose

    def plot(self, id):
        Plot sensor observation

        :param id: landmark id
        :type id: int

        Draws a line from the robot to landmark ``id``.

        .. note::
            - The line is drawn using the ``line_style`` given at constructor time


        # if isempty(
        #     return
        # end

        # h = findobj(gca, 'tag', 'sensor')
        # if isempty(h)
        #     # no sensor line, create one
        #     h = plot(0, 0,, 'tag', 'sensor')
        # end

        # # there is a sensor line animate it

        # if lm_id == 0
        #     set(h, 'Visible', 'off')
        # else
        #     xi =,lm_id)
        #     set(h, 'Visible', 'on', 'XData', [self.robot.x[0], xi[0]], 'YData', [self.robot.x[1], xi[1]])
        # end
        # pause(self.delay)

        # drawnow

# ======================================================================== #

# visibility function, for one id, or return list of visible
# covar can be 2x2 or (2,)
# .W property
[docs]class RangeBearingSensor(SensorBase):
[docs] def __init__( self, robot, map, line_style=None, poly_style=None, covar=None, range=None, angle=None, plot=False, seed=0, **kwargs, ): r""" Range and bearing angle sensor :param robot: model of robot carrying the sensor :type robot: :class:`VehicleBase` subclass :param map: map of landmarks :type map: :class:`LandmarkMap` instance :param polygon: polygon style for sensing region, see :class:``, defaults to None :type polygon: dict, optional :param covar: covariance matrix for sensor readings, defaults to None :type covar: ndarray(2,2), optional :param range: maximum range :math:`r_{max}` or range span :math:`[r_{min}, r_{max}]`, defaults to None :type range: float or array_like(2), optional :param angle: angular field of view, from :math:`[-\theta, \theta]` defaults to None :type angle: float, optional :param plot: animate the sensor beams, defaults to False :type plot: bool, optional :param seed: random number seed, defaults to 0 :type seed: int, optional :param kwargs: arguments passed to :class:`SensorBase` Sensor object that returns the range and bearing angle :math:`(r, \beta)` to a point landmark from a robot-mounted sensor. The sensor measurements are corrupted with zero-mean Gaussian noise with covariance ``covar``. The sensor can have a maximum range, or a minimum and maximum range. The sensor can also have a restricted angular field of view. The sensing region can be displayed by setting the polygon parameter which can show an outline or a filled polygon. This is updated every time :meth:`reading` is called, based on the current configuration of the ``robot``. .. runblock:: pycon >>> from roboticstoolbox import Bicycle, LandmarkMap, RangeBearingSensor >>> from math import pi >>> robot = Bicycle() >>> map = LandmarkMap(20) >>> sensor = RangeBearingSensor(robot, map, range=(0.5, 20), angle=pi/4) >>> print(sensor) :seealso: :class:`` :class:`` """ # TODO change plot option to animate, but RVC3 uses plot # call the superclass constructor super().__init__(robot, map, **kwargs) self._line_style = line_style self._poly_style = poly_style if covar is None: self._W = np.zeros((2, 2)) elif base.isvector(covar, 2): self._W = np.diag(covar) elif base.ismatrix(covar, (2, 2)): self._W = covar else: raise ValueError("bad value for covar, must have shape (2,) or (2,2)") if range is None: self._r_range = None elif isinstance(range, Iterable): self._r_range = base.getvector(range, 2) else: self._r_range = [0, range] if angle is None: self._theta_range = None elif isinstance(angle, Iterable): self._theta_range = base.getvector(angle, 2) else: self._theta_range = [-angle, angle] self._animate = plot self._landmarklog = [] self._random = np.random.default_rng(seed)
def __str__(self): s = super().__str__() s += f"\n W = {base.array2str(self._W)}\n" s += f" sampled every {self._every} samples\n" if self._r_range is not None: s += f" range: ({self._r_range[0]}: {self._r_range[1]})\n" if self._theta_range is not None: s += f" angle: ({self._theta_range[0]:.3g}: {self._theta_range[1]:.3g})\n" return s.rstrip()
[docs] def init(self): """ Initialize sensor - reseed the random number generator - reset the counter for handling the ``every`` and ``fail`` options - reset the landmark log - initalize plots :seealso: :meth:`SensorBase.init` """ super().init() self._landmarklog = [] if self._animate:
@property def W(self): """ Get sensor covariance :return: sensor covariance :rtype: ndarray(2,2) Returns the value of the sensor covariance matrix passed to the constructor. """ return self._covar
[docs] def reading(self): r""" Choose landmark and return observation :return: range and bearing angle to a landmark, and landmark id :rtype: ndarray(2), int Returns an observation of a random visible landmark (range, bearing) and the ``id`` of that landmark. The landmark is chosen randomly from the set of all visible landmarks, those within the angular field of view and range limit. If constructor argument ``every`` is set then only return a valid reading on every ``every`` calls. If constructor argument ``fail`` is set then do not return a reading during that specified time interval. If no valid reading is available then return (None, None) .. runblock:: pycon >>> from roboticstoolbox import Bicycle, LandmarkMap, RangeBearingSensor >>> from math import pi >>> robot = Bicycle() >>> map = LandmarkMap(20) >>> sensor = RangeBearingSensor(robot, map, range=(0.5, 20), angle=pi/4) >>> print(sensor.reading()) .. note:: - Noise with covariance ``W`` (set by constructor) is added to the reading - If ``animate`` option is set then show a line from the vehicle to the landmark - If ``animate`` option set and the angular and distance limits are set then display the sensor field of view as a polygon. :seealso: :meth:`h` """ # TODO probably should return K=0 to indicated invalid # model a sensor that emits readings every interval samples self._count += 1 # check conditions for NOT returning a value z = [] lm_id = -1 # sample interval if self._count % self._every != 0: self._landmarklog.append(lm_id) return (None, None) # simulated failure, fail is a list of 2-tuples giving (start,end) times # for a sensor failure if self._fail is not None: if any([start <= self._count < end for start, end in self._fail]): self._landmarklog.append(lm_id) return (None, None) # create a polygon to indicate the active sensing area based on range+angle limits # if self.animate && ~isempty(self.theta_range) && ~isempty(self.r_range) # h = findobj(gca, 'tag', 'sensor-area') # if isempty(h) # th=linspace(self.theta_range[0], self.theta_range[1], 20) # x = self.r_range[1] * cos(th) # y = self.r_range[1] * sin(th) # if self.r_range[0] > 0 # th = flip(th) # x = [x self.r_range[0] * cos(th)] # y = [y self.r_range[0] * sin(th)] # else # x = [x 0] # y = [y 0] # end # # no sensor zone, create one # plot_poly([x; y], 'fillcolor', 'r', 'alpha', 0.1, 'edgecolor', 'none', 'animate', 'tag', 'sensor-area') # else # hg = get(h, 'Parent') # plot_poly(h, self.robot.x) zk = self.visible() if len(zk) > 1: # more than 1 visible landmark, pick a random one i = self._random.integers(len(zk)) z = zk[i][0] lm_id = zk[i][1] if self.verbose: print(f"Sensor:: feature {lm_id}: ({z[0]}, {z[1]})") elif len(zk) == 1: # just 1 visible landmark z = zk[0][0] lm_id = zk[0][1] if self.verbose: print(f"Sensor:: feature {lm_id}: ({z[0]}, {z[1]})") else: if self.verbose: print("Sensor:: no features\n") self._landmarklog.append(lm_id) return (None, None) # compute the range and bearing from robot to feature # z = self.h(self.robot.x, lm_id) if self._animate: self.plot(lm_id) # add the reading to the landmark log self._landmarklog.append(lm_id) # add noise with covariance W z += self._random.multivariate_normal((0, 0), self._W) return z, lm_id
[docs] def visible(self): """ List of all visible landmarks :return: list of visible landmarks :rtype: list of int Return a list of the id of all landmarks that are visible, that is, it lies with the sensing range and field of view of the sensor at the robot's current configuration. :seealso: :meth:`isvisible` :meth:`h` """ # get range/bearing to all landmarks z = self.h(self.robot.x) zk = [(z, k) for k, z in enumerate(z)] # a list of tuples, each tuple is ((range, bearing), k) if self._r_range is not None: zk = filter(lambda zk: self._r_range[0] <= zk[0][0] <= self._r_range[1], zk) if self._theta_range is not None: # find all within angular range as well zk = filter( lambda zk: self._theta_range[0] <= zk[0][1] <= self._theta_range[1], zk ) return list(zk)
[docs] def isvisible(self, id): """ Test if landmark is visible :param id: landmark id :type id: int :return: visibility :rtype: bool The landmark ``id`` is visible if it lies with the sensing range and field of view of the sensor at the robot's current configuration. :seealso: :meth:`visible` :meth:`h` """ z = self.h(self.robot.x, id) return ( (self._r_range is None) or self._r_range[0] <= z[0] <= self._r_range[1] ) and ( (self._theta_range is None) or self._theta_range[0] <= z[1] <= self._theta_range[1] )
[docs] def h(self, x, landmark=None): r""" Landmark observation function :param x: vehicle state :math:`(x, y, \theta)` :type x: array_like(3), array_like(N,3) :param landmark: landmark id or position, defaults to None :type landmark: int or array_like(2), optional :return: range and bearing angle to landmark math:`(r,\beta)` :rtype: ndarray(2) or ndarray(N,2) Return the range and bearing to a landmark: - ``.h(x)`` is range and bearing to all landmarks, one row per landmark - ``.h(x, id)`` is range and bearing to landmark ``id`` - ``.h(x, p)`` is range and bearing to landmark with coordinates ``p`` .. runblock:: pycon >>> from roboticstoolbox import Bicycle, LandmarkMap, RangeBearingSensor >>> from math import pi >>> robot = Bicycle() >>> map = LandmarkMap(20) >>> sensor = RangeBearingSensor(robot, map, range=(0.5, 20), angle=pi/4) >>> z = sensor.h((1, 2, pi/2), 3) >>> print(z) .. note:: - Noise with covariance (property ``W``) is added to each row of ``z``. - Performs fast vectorized operation where ``x`` is an ndarray(n,3). - The landmark is assumed to be visible, field of view and range limits are not applied. :seealso: :meth:`reading` :meth:`Hx` :meth:`Hw` :meth:`Hp` """ # get the landmarks, one per row if isinstance(x, np.ndarray) and x.ndim == 2: # x is Nx3 set of vehicle states, do vectorized form # used by particle filter x, y, t = x.T else: x, y, t = x if landmark is None: # self.h(XV) all landmarks dx =[0, :] - x dy =[1, :] - y elif base.isinteger(landmark): # landmark id # self.h(XV, JF) xlm =[landmark] dx = xlm[0] - x dy = xlm[1] - y else: # landmark position # self.h(XV, XF) xlm = base.getvector(landmark, 2) dx = xlm[0] - x dy = xlm[1] - y # compute range and bearing (Vectorized code) z = np.c_[ np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2), base.angdiff(np.arctan2(dy, dx), t) ] # range & bearing as columns if z.shape[0] == 1: return z[0] else: return z
[docs] def Hx(self, x, landmark): r""" Jacobian dh/dx :param x: vehicle state :math:`(x, y, \theta)` :type x: array_like(3) :param arg: landmark id or coordinate :type arg: int or array_like(2) :return: Jacobian matrix :rtype: ndarray(2,3) Compute the Jacobian of the observation function with respect to vehicle configuration :math:`\partial h/\partial x` - ``sensor.Hx(q, id)`` is Jacobian for landmark ``id`` - ``sensor.h(q, p)`` is Jacobian for landmark with coordinates ``p`` :seealso: :meth:`h` :meth:`Hp` :meth:`Hw` """ if base.isinteger(landmark): # landmark index provided xf =[landmark] else: # assume it is a coordinate xf = base.getvector(landmark, 2) Delta = xf - x[:2] r = base.norm(Delta) # fmt: off return np.array([ [-Delta[0] / r, -Delta[1] / r, 0], [ Delta[1] / r**2, -Delta[0] / r**2, -1], ])
# fmt: on
[docs] def Hp(self, x, landmark): r""" Jacobian dh/dp :param x: vehicle state :math:`(x, y, \theta)` :type x: array_like(3) :param arg: landmark id or coordinate :type arg: int or array_like(2) :return: Jacobian matrix :rtype: ndarray(2,2) Compute the Jacobian of the observation function with respect to landmark position :math:`\partial h/\partial p` - ``sensor.Hp(x, id)`` is Jacobian for landmark ``id`` - ``sensor.Hp(x, p)`` is Jacobian for landmark with coordinates ``p`` :seealso: :meth:`h` :meth:`Hx` :meth:`Hw` """ if base.isinteger(landmark): xf = else: xf = landmark x = base.getvector(x, 3) Delta = xf - x[:2] r = base.norm(Delta) # fmt: off return np.array([ [ Delta[0] / r, Delta[1] / r], [-Delta[1] / r**2, Delta[0] / r**2], ])
# fmt: on
[docs] def Hw(self, x, landmark): r""" Jacobian dh/dw :param x: vehicle state :math:`(x, y, \theta)` :type x: array_like(3) :param arg: landmark id or coordinate :type arg: int or array_like(2) :return: Jacobian matrix :rtype: ndarray(2,2) Compute the Jacobian of the observation function with respect to sensor noise :math:`\partial h/\partial w` - ``sensor.Hw(x, id)`` is Jacobian for landmark ``id`` - ``sensor.Hw(x, p)`` is Jacobian for landmark with coordinates ``p`` .. note:: ``x`` and ``landmark`` are not used to compute this. :seealso: :meth:`h` :meth:`Hx` :meth:`Hp` """ return np.eye(2)
[docs] def g(self, x, z): r""" Landmark position from sensor observation :param x: vehicle state :math:`(x, y, \theta)` :type x: array_like(3) :param z: landmark observation :math:`(r, \beta)` :type z: array_like(2) :return: landmark position :math:`(x, y)` :rtype: ndarray(2) Compute the world coordinate of a landmark given the observation ``z`` from a vehicle state with ``x``. :seealso: :meth:`h` :meth:`Gx` :meth:`Gz` """ range = z[0] bearing = z[1] + x[2] # bearing angle in vehicle frame # fmt: off return np.r_[ x[0] + range * cos(bearing), x[1] + range * sin(bearing) ]
# fmt: on
[docs] def Gx(self, x, z): r""" Jacobian dg/dx :param x: vehicle state :math:`(x, y, \theta)` :type x: array_like(3) :param z: landmark observation :math:`(r, \beta)` :type z: array_like(2) :return: Jacobian matrix :rtype: ndarray(2,3) Compute the Jacobian of the landmark position function with respect to landmark position :math:`\partial g/\partial x` :seealso: :meth:`g` """ theta = x[2] r, bearing = z # fmt: off return np.array([ [1, 0, -r*sin(theta + bearing)], [0, 1, r*cos(theta + bearing)], ])
# fmt: on
[docs] def Gz(self, x, z): r""" Jacobian dg/dz :param x: vehicle state :math:`(x, y, \theta)` :type x: array_like(3) :param z: landmark observation :math:`(r, \beta)` :type z: array_like(2) :return: Jacobian matrix :rtype: ndarray(2,2) Compute the Jacobian of the landmark position function with respect to sensor observation :math:`\partial g/\partial z` :seealso: :meth:`g` """ theta = x[2] r, bearing = z # fmt: off return np.array([ [cos(theta + bearing), -r * sin(theta + bearing)], [sin(theta + bearing), r * cos(theta + bearing)], ])
# fmt: on if __name__ == "__main__": from roboticstoolbox import Bicycle, LandmarkMap, RangeBearingSensor from math import pi robot = Bicycle() map = LandmarkMap(20) sensor = RangeBearingSensor(robot, map, range=(0.5, 20), angle=pi / 4) print(sensor.reading()) print(sensor.visible()) print(sensor.isvisible(3)) print(sensor.isvisible(4))