@author: Peter Corke
from roboticstoolbox import DHRobot, RevoluteDH
# from math import pi
from spatialmath import SE3
import numpy as np
[docs]class TwoLink(DHRobot):
Class that models a 2-link robot moving in the vertical plane
:param symbolic: use symbolic constants
:type symbolic: bool
``TwoLink()`` is a class which models a 2-link planar robot and
describes its kinematic and dynamic characteristics using standard DH
conventions. of a simple planar 2-link mechanism moving in the xz-plane, it experiences gravity loading.
All mass is concentrated at the joints.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> import roboticstoolbox as rtb
>>> robot = rtb.models.DH.TwoLink()
>>> print(robot)
The parameters values depend on the ``symbolic`` parameter
======================================= ================= ==============
Parameters Numeric values Symbolic values
======================================= ================= ==============
link lengths 1, 1 a1, a2
link masses 1, 1 m1, m2
link CoMs in the link frame x-direction -0.5, -0.5 c1, c2
gravitational acceleration 9.8 g
======================================= ================= ==============
Defined joint configurations are:
- qz, zero angles, all folded up
- q1, links are horizontal and vertical respectively
- q2, links are vertical and horizontal respectively
- qn, nominal working configuration
.. note::
- Robot has only 2 DoF.
- Motor inertia is 0.
- Link inertias are 0.
- Viscous and Coulomb friction is 0.
:Reference: Based on Fig 3-6 (p73) of Spong and Vidyasagar (1st edition).
.. codeauthor:: Peter Corke
def __init__(self, symbolic=False):
if symbolic:
import spatialmath.base.symbolic as sym
zero = sym.zero()
pi = sym.pi()
a1, a2 = sym.symbol("a1 a2") # type: ignore
m1, m2 = sym.symbol("m1 m2") # type: ignore
c1, c2 = sym.symbol("c1 c2") # type: ignore
g = sym.symbol("g")
from math import pi
zero = 0.0
a1 = 1
a2 = 1
m1 = 1
m2 = 1
c1 = -0.5
c2 = -0.5
g = 9.8
links = [
RevoluteDH(a=a1, alpha=zero, m=m1, r=[c1, 0, 0]),
RevoluteDH(a=a2, alpha=zero, m=m2, r=[c2, 0, 0]),
links, symbolic=symbolic, name="2 link", keywords=("planar", "dynamics")
self.qr = np.array([pi / 6, -pi / 6])
self.qz = np.zeros(2)
self.addconfiguration("qr", self.qr)
self.addconfiguration("qz", self.qz)
self.addconfiguration_attr("qz", [0, 0])
self.addconfiguration_attr("q1", [0, pi / 2])
self.addconfiguration_attr("q2", [pi / 2, -pi / 2])
self.addconfiguration_attr("qn", [pi / 6, -pi / 6])
self.base = SE3.Rx(pi / 2)
self.gravity = [0, 0, g]
if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma nocover
robot = TwoLink(symbolic=True)