Source code for roboticstoolbox.robot.ETS

#!/usr/bin/env python3

@author: Jesse Haviland
@author: Peter Corke

from collections import UserList
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
from numpy.linalg import inv, det, cond, svd
from spatialmath import SE3, SE2
from spatialmath.base import (
from roboticstoolbox import rtb_get_param
from roboticstoolbox.robot.IK import IK_GN, IK_LM, IK_NR, IK_QP

from roboticstoolbox.fknm import (
from copy import deepcopy
from roboticstoolbox.robot.ET import ET, ET2
from typing import Union, overload, List, Set, Tuple
from typing_extensions import Literal as L
from sys import version_info
from import ArrayLike, NDArray

py_ver = version_info

if version_info >= (3, 9):
    from functools import cached_property

    c_property = cached_property
else:  # pragma: nocover
    c_property = property

class BaseETS(UserList):
    def __init__(self, *args):

    def _update_internals(self):
        self._m = len(
        self._n = len([True for et in if et.isjoint])
        self._fknm = ETS_init(
            [et.fknm for et in],
        # self._fknm = [et.fknm for et in]

    def __str__(self, q: Union[str, None] = None):
        Pretty prints the ETS

        ``q`` controls how the joint variables are displayed:

        - None, format depends on number of joint variables
            - one, display joint variable as q
            - more, display joint variables as q0, q1, ...
            - if a joint index was provided, use this value
        - "", display all joint variables as empty parentheses ``()``
        - "θ", display all joint variables as ``(θ)``
        - format string with passed joint variables ``(j, j+1)``, so "θ{0}"
          would display joint variables as θ0, θ1, ... while "θ{1}" would
          display joint variables as θ1, θ2, ...  ``j`` is either the joint
          index, if provided, otherwise a sequential value.

            control how joint variables are displayed

            Pretty printed ETS

        .. runblock:: pycon
        >>> from roboticstoolbox import ET
        >>> e = ET.Rz() * ET.tx(1) * ET.Rz()
        >>> print(e[:2])
        >>> print(e)
        >>> print(e.__str__(""))
        >>> print(e.__str__("θ{0}"))  # numbering from 0
        >>> print(e.__str__("θ{1}"))  # numbering from 1
        >>> # explicit joint indices
        >>> e = ET.Rz(jindex=3) * ET.tx(1) * ET.Rz(jindex=4)
        >>> print(e)
        >>> print(e.__str__("θ{0}"))

        Angular parameters are converted to degrees, except if they
        are symbolic.

        .. runblock:: pycon
        >>> from roboticstoolbox import ET
        >>> from spatialmath.base import symbol
        >>> theta, d = symbol('theta, d')
        >>> e = ET.Rx(theta) * ET.tx(2) * ET.Rx(45, 'deg') * ET.Ry(0.2) * ET.ty(d)
        >>> str(e)


        es = []
        j = 0
        c = 0
        s = None
        unicode = rtb_get_param("unicode")

        # An empty SE3
        if len( == 0:
            return "SE3()"

        if q is None:
            if len(self.joints()) > 1:
                q = "q{0}"
                q = "q"

        # For et in the object, display it, data comes from properties
        # which come from the named tuple
        for et in
            if et.isjoint:
                if q is not None:
                    if et.jindex is None:  # pragma: nocover  this is no longer possible
                        _j = j
                        _j = et.jindex
                    qvar = q.format(  # lgtm [py/str-format/surplus-argument]  # noqa
                        _j, _j + 1
                # else:
                #     qvar = ""

                if et.isflip:
                    s = f"{et.axis}(-{qvar})"
                    s = f"{et.axis}({qvar})"
                j += 1

            elif et.isrotation:
                if issymbol(et.eta):
                    s = f"{et.axis}({et.eta})"
                    s = f"{et.axis}({et.eta * 180 / np.pi:.4g}°)"

            elif et.istranslation:
                    s = f"{et.axis}({et.eta:.4g})"
                except TypeError:  # pragma: nocover
                    s = f"{et.axis}({et.eta})"

            elif not et.iselementary:
                s = str(et)
                c += 1


        if unicode:
            return " \u2295 ".join(es)
        else:  # pragma: nocover
            return " * ".join(es)

    def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle):
        Pretty string for IPython

        Print stringified version when variable is displayed in IPython, ie. on
        a line by itself.

            pretty printer handle (ignored)
            pretty printer flag (ignored)

        In [1]: e
        Out [1]: R(q0) ⊕ tx(1) ⊕ R(q1) ⊕ tx(1)


        print(self.__str__())  # pragma: nocover

    def joint_idx(self) -> List[int]:
        Get index of joint transforms

            indices of transforms that are joints

        .. runblock:: pycon
        >>> from roboticstoolbox import ET
        >>> e = ET.Rz() * ET.tx(1) * ET.Rz() * ET.tx(1)
        >>> e.joint_idx()


        return np.where([e.isjoint for e in self])[0]  # type: ignore

    def joints(self) -> List[ET]:
        Get a list of the variable ETs with this ETS

            list of ETs that are joints

        .. runblock:: pycon
        >>> from roboticstoolbox import ET
        >>> e = ET.Rz() * ET.tx(1) * ET.Rz() * ET.tx(1)
        >>> e.joints()


        return [e for e in self if e.isjoint]

    def jindex_set(self) -> Set[int]:  #
        Get set of joint indices

            set of unique joint indices

        .. runblock:: pycon
        >>> from roboticstoolbox import ET
        >>> e = ET.Rz(jindex=1) * ET.tx(jindex=2) * ET.Rz(jindex=1) * ET.tx(1)
        >>> e.jointset()


        return set([self[j].jindex for j in self.joint_idx()])  # type: ignore

    def jindices(self) -> NDArray:
        Get an array of joint indices

            array of unique joint indices

        .. runblock:: pycon
        >>> from roboticstoolbox import ET
        >>> e = ET.Rz(jindex=1) * ET.tx(jindex=2) * ET.Rz(jindex=1) * ET.tx(1)
        >>> e.jointset()


        return np.array([j.jindex for j in self.joints()])  # type: ignore

    def qlim(self):
        Get/Set Joint limits

        Limits are extracted from the link objects.  If joints limits are
        not set for:

        - a revolute joint [-𝜋. 𝜋] is returned
        - a prismatic joint an exception is raised

            An ndarray(2, n) of the new joint limits to set

        :return: Array of joint limit values
        :rtype: ndarray(2,n)

            unset limits for a prismatic joint

        .. runblock:: pycon
        >>> import roboticstoolbox as rtb
        >>> robot = rtb.models.DH.Puma560()
        >>> robot.qlim


        limits = np.zeros((2, self.n))

        for i, et in enumerate(self.joints()):
            if et.isrotation:
                if et.qlim is None:
                    v = [-np.pi, np.pi]
                    v = et.qlim
            elif et.istranslation:
                if et.qlim is None:
                    raise ValueError("undefined prismatic joint limit")
                    v = et.qlim
                raise ValueError("Undefined Joint Type")  # pragma: nocover
            limits[:, i] = v

        return limits

    def qlim(self, new_qlim: ArrayLike):
        new_qlim = np.array(new_qlim)

        if new_qlim.shape == (2,) and self.n == 1:
            new_qlim = new_qlim.reshape(2, 1)

        if new_qlim.shape != (2, self.n):
            raise ValueError("new_qlim must be of shape (2, n)")

        for j, i in enumerate(self.joint_idx()):
            et = self[i]
            et.qlim = new_qlim[:, j]

            self[i] = et


    def structure(self) -> str:
        Joint structure string

        A string comprising the characters 'R' or 'P' which indicate the types
        of joints in order from left to right.

            A string indicating the joint types

        .. runblock:: pycon
        >>> from roboticstoolbox import ET
        >>> e = * ET.tx(1) * ET.Rz() * ET.tx(1)
        >>> e.structure


        return "".join(
            ["R" if[i].isrotation else "P" for i in self.joint_idx()]

    def n(self) -> int:
        Number of joints

        Counts the number of joints in the ETS.

            the number of joints in the ETS

        .. runblock:: pycon
        >>> from roboticstoolbox import ET
        >>> e = ET.Rx() * ET.tx(1) *
        >>> e.n

        See Also


        return self._n

    def m(self) -> int:
        Number of transforms

        Counts the number of transforms in the ETS.

            the number of transforms in the ETS

        .. runblock:: pycon
        >>> from roboticstoolbox import ET
        >>> e = ET.Rx() * ET.tx(1) *
        >>> e.m


        return self._m

    def data(self: "ETS") -> List[ET]:
        ...  # pragma: nocover

    def data(self: "ETS2") -> List[ET2]:
        ...  # pragma: nocover

    def data(self):
        return self._data

    def data(self: "ETS", new_data: List[ET]):
        ...  # pragma: nocover

    def data(self: "ETS", new_data: List[ET2]):
        ...  # pragma: nocover

    def data(self, new_data):
        self._data = new_data

    def pop(self: "ETS", i: int = -1) -> ET:
        ...  # pragma: nocover

    def pop(self: "ETS2", i: int = -1) -> ET2:
        ...  # pragma: nocover

    def pop(self, i=-1):
        Pop value

        Removes a value from the value list and returns it.  The original
        instance is modified.

            item in the list to pop, default is last

            the popped value

            if there are no values to pop

        .. runblock:: pycon
        >>> from roboticstoolbox import ET
        >>> e = ET.Rz() * ET.tx(1) * ET.Rz() * ET.tx(1)
        >>> tail = e.pop()
        >>> tail
        >>> e


        item = super().pop(i)
        return item

    def split(self: "ETS") -> List["ETS"]:
        ...  # pragma: nocover

    def split(self: "ETS2") -> List["ETS2"]:
        ...  # pragma: nocover

    def split(self):
        Split ETS into link segments

            a list of ETS, each one, apart from the last,
            ends with a variable ET.


        segments = []
        start = 0

        for j, k in enumerate(self.joint_idx()):
            ets_j =[start : k + 1]
            start = k + 1

        tail =[start:]

        if isinstance(tail, list):
            tail_len = len(tail)
        elif tail is not None:  # pragma: nocover
            tail_len = 1
        else:  # pragma: nocover
            tail_len = 0

        if tail_len > 0:

        return segments

    def inv(self: "ETS") -> "ETS":
        ...  # pragma: nocover

    def inv(self: "ETS2") -> "ETS2":
        ...  # pragma: nocover

    def inv(self):
        Inverse of ETS

        The inverse of a given ETS.  It is computed as the inverse of the
        individual ETs in the reverse order.

        .. math::

            (\mathbf{E}_0, \mathbf{E}_1 \cdots \mathbf{E}_{n-1} )^{-1} = (\mathbf{E}_{n-1}^{-1}, \mathbf{E}_{n-2}^{-1} \cdots \mathbf{E}_0^{-1}{n-1} )

            Inverse of the ETS

        .. runblock:: pycon
        >>> from roboticstoolbox import ET
        >>> e = ET.Rz(jindex=2) * ET.tx(1) * ET.Rx(jindex=3,flip=True) * ET.tx(1)
        >>> print(e)
        >>> print(e.inv())

        - It is essential to use explicit joint indices to account for
            the reversed order of the transforms.

        """  # noqa

        return self.__class__([et.inv() for et in reversed(])

    def __getitem__(self: "ETS", i: int) -> ET:
        ...  # pragma: nocover

    def __getitem__(self: "ETS", i: slice) -> List[ET]:
        ...  # pragma: nocover

    def __getitem__(self: "ETS2", i: int) -> ET2:
        ...  # pragma: nocover

    def __getitem__(self: "ETS2", i: slice) -> List[ET2]:
        ...  # pragma: nocover

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        Index or slice an ETS

            the index or slince

            Elementary transform

        .. runblock:: pycon
        >>> from roboticstoolbox import ET
        >>> e = ET.Rz() * ET.tx(1) * ET.Rz() * ET.tx(1)
        >>> e[0]
        >>> e[1]
        >>> e[1:3]

        return[i]  # can be [2] or slice, eg. [3:5]

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        new_data = []

        for data in self:

        cls = self.__class__
        result = cls(new_data)
        memo[id(self)] = result
        return result

    def plot(self, *args, **kwargs):
        from roboticstoolbox.robot.Robot import Robot, Robot2

        if isinstance(self, ETS):
            robot = Robot(self)
            robot = Robot2(self)

        robot.plot(*args, **kwargs)

    def teach(self, *args, **kwargs):
        from roboticstoolbox.robot.Robot import Robot, Robot2

        if isinstance(self, ETS):
            robot = Robot(self)
            robot = Robot2(self)

        robot.teach(*args, **kwargs)

    def random_q(self, i: int = 1) -> NDArray:
        Generate a random valid joint configuration

        Generates a random q vector within the joint limits defined by

            number of configurations to generate

        .. runblock:: pycon
        >>> import roboticstoolbox as rtb
        >>> robot = rtb.models.Panda()
        >>> ets = robot.ets()
        >>> q = ets.random_q()
        >>> q


        if i == 1:
            q = np.zeros(self.n)

            for i in range(self.n):
                q[i] = uniform(self.qlim[0, i], self.qlim[1, i])

            q = np.zeros((i, self.n))

            for j in range(i):
                for i in range(self.n):
                    q[j, i] = uniform(self.qlim[0, i], self.qlim[1, i])

        return q

[docs]class ETS(BaseETS): """ This class implements an elementary transform sequence (ETS) for 3D An instance can contain an elementary transform (ET) or an elementary transform sequence (ETS). It has list-like properties by subclassing UserList, which means we can perform indexing, slicing pop, insert, as well as using it as an iterator over its values. - ``ETS()`` an empty ETS list - ``ETS(et)`` an ETS containing a single ET - ``ETS([et0, et1, et2])`` an ETS consisting of three ET's Parameters ---------- arg Function to compute ET value Examples -------- .. runblock:: pycon >>> from roboticstoolbox import ETS, ET >>> e = ET.Rz(0.3) # a single ET, rotation about z >>> ets1 = ETS(e) >>> len(ets1) >>> ets2 = ET.Rz(0.3) * ET.tx(2) # an ETS >>> len(ets2) # of length 2 >>> ets2[1] # an ET sliced from the ETS References ---------- - J. Haviland, and P. Corke. "Manipulator Differential Kinematics Part I: Kinematics, Velocity, and Applications." arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01796 (2022). - J. Haviland, and P. Corke. "Manipulator Differential Kinematics Part II: Acceleration and Advanced Applications." arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01794 (2022). See Also -------- :func:`rx` :func:`ry` :func:`rz` :func:`tx` :func:`ty` :func:`tz` """ def __init__( self, arg: Union[ List[Union["ETS", ET]], List[ET], List["ETS"], ET, "ETS", None ] = None, ): super().__init__() if isinstance(arg, list): for item in arg: if isinstance(item, ET): elif isinstance(item, ETS): for ets_item in item: else: raise TypeError("Invalid arg") elif isinstance(arg, ET): elif isinstance(arg, ETS): for ets_item in arg: elif arg is None: = [] else: raise TypeError("Invalid arg") super()._update_internals() self._auto_jindex = False # Check if jindices are set joints = self.joints() # Number of joints with a jindex jindices = 0 # Number of joints with a sequential jindex (j[2] -> jindex = 2) seq_jindex = 0 # Count them up for j, joint in enumerate(joints): if joint.jindex is not None: jindices += 1 if joint.jindex == j: seq_jindex += 1 if ( jindices == self.n - 1 and seq_jindex == self.n - 1 and joints[-1].jindex is None ): # ets has sequential jindicies, except for the last. joints[-1].jindex = self.n - 1 self._auto_jindex = True elif jindices > 0 and not jindices == self.n: raise ValueError( "You can not have some jindices set for the ET's in arg. It must be all" " or none" ) # pragma: nocover elif jindices == 0 and self.n > 0: # Set them ourself for j, joint in enumerate(joints): joint.jindex = j self._auto_jindex = True
[docs] def __mul__(self, other: Union["ET", "ETS"]) -> "ETS": if isinstance(other, ET): return ETS([*, other]) else: return ETS([*, *]) # pragma: nocover
def __rmul__(self, other: Union["ET", "ETS"]) -> "ETS": return ETS([other, *]) # pragma: nocover def __imul__(self, rest: "ETS"): return self + rest # pragma: nocover def __add__(self, rest) -> "ETS": return self.__mul__(rest) # pragma: nocover
[docs] def compile(self) -> "ETS": """ Compile an ETS Perform constant folding for faster evaluation. Consecutive constant ETs are compounded, leading to a constant ET which is denoted by ``SE3`` when displayed. Returns ------- compile optimised ETS Examples -------- .. runblock:: pycon >>> import roboticstoolbox as rtb >>> robot = rtb.models.ETS.Panda() >>> ets = robot.ets() >>> ets >>> ets.compile() See Also -------- :func:`isconstant` """ const = None ets = ETS() for et in self: if et.isjoint: # a joint if const is not None: # flush the constant if not np.array_equal(const, np.eye(4)): ets *= ET.SE3(const) const = None ets *= et # emit the joint ET else: # not a joint if const is None: const = et.A() else: const = const @ et.A() if const is not None: # flush the constant, tool transform if not np.array_equal(const, np.eye(4)): ets *= ET.SE3(const) return ets
[docs] def insert( self, arg: Union[ET, "ETS"], i: int = -1, ) -> None: """ Insert value Inserts an ET or ETS into the ET sequence. The inserted value is at position ``i``. Parameters ---------- i insert an ET or ETS into the ETS, default is at the end arg the elementary transform or sequence to insert Examples -------- .. runblock:: pycon >>> from roboticstoolbox import ET >>> e = ET.Rz() * ET.tx(1) * ET.Rz() * ET.tx(1) >>> f = ET.Ry() >>> e.insert(f, 2) >>> e """ if isinstance(arg, ET): if i == -1: else:, arg) elif isinstance(arg, ETS): if i == -1: for et in arg: else: for j, et in enumerate(arg): + j, et) self._update_internals()
[docs] def fkine( self, q: ArrayLike, base: Union[NDArray, SE3, None] = None, tool: Union[NDArray, SE3, None] = None, include_base: bool = True, ) -> SE3: """ Forward kinematics ``T = ets.fkine(q)`` evaluates forward kinematics for the ets at joint configuration ``q``. **Trajectory operation**: If ``q`` has multiple rows (mxn), it is considered a trajectory and the result is an ``SE3`` instance with ``m`` values. Attributes ---------- q Joint coordinates base A base transform applied before the ETS tool tool transform, optional include_base set to True if the base transform should be considered Returns ------- The transformation matrix representing the pose of the end-effector Examples -------- The following example makes a ``panda`` robot object, gets the ets, and solves for the forward kinematics at the listed configuration. .. runblock:: pycon >>> import roboticstoolbox as rtb >>> panda = rtb.models.Panda().ets() >>> panda.fkine([0, -0.3, 0, -2.2, 0, 2, 0.7854]) Notes ----- - A tool transform, if provided, is incorporated into the result. - Works from the end-effector link to the base References ---------- - J. Haviland, and P. Corke. "Manipulator Differential Kinematics Part I: Kinematics, Velocity, and Applications." arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01796 (2022). """ # noqa ret = SE3.Empty() fk = self.eval(q, base, tool, include_base) if fk.dtype == "O": # symbolic fk = np.array(simplify(fk)) if fk.ndim == 3: for T in fk: ret.append(SE3(T, check=False)) # type: ignore else: ret = SE3(fk, check=False) return ret
def eval( self, q: ArrayLike, base: Union[NDArray, SE3, None] = None, tool: Union[NDArray, SE3, None] = None, include_base: bool = True, ) -> NDArray: """ Forward kinematics ``T = ets.fkine(q)`` evaluates forward kinematics for the ets at joint configuration ``q``. **Trajectory operation**: If ``q`` has multiple rows (mxn), it is considered a trajectory and the result is an ``SE3`` instance with ``m`` values. Attributes ---------- q Joint coordinates base A base transform applied before the ETS tool tool transform, optional include_base set to True if the base transform should be considered Returns ------- The transformation matrix representing the pose of the end-effector Examples -------- The following example makes a ``panda`` robot object, gets the ets, and solves for the forward kinematics at the listed configuration. .. runblock:: pycon >>> import roboticstoolbox as rtb >>> panda = rtb.models.Panda().ets() >>> panda.fkine([0, -0.3, 0, -2.2, 0, 2, 0.7854]) Notes ----- - A tool transform, if provided, is incorporated into the result. - Works from the end-effector link to the base References ---------- - J. Haviland, and P. Corke. "Manipulator Differential Kinematics Part I: Kinematics, Velocity, and Applications." arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01796 (2022). """ # noqa try: return ETS_fkine(self._fknm, q, base, tool, include_base) except BaseException: pass q = getmatrix(q, (None, None)) l, _ = q.shape # type: ignore end =[-1] if isinstance(tool, SE3): tool = np.array(tool.A) if isinstance(base, SE3): base = np.array(base.A) if base is None: bases = None elif np.array_equal(base, np.eye(3)): # pragma: nocover bases = None else: # pragma: nocover bases = base if tool is None: tools = None elif np.array_equal(tool, np.eye(3)): # pragma: nocover tools = None else: # pragma: nocover tools = tool if l > 1: T = np.zeros((l, 4, 4), dtype=object) else: T = np.zeros((4, 4), dtype=object) # Tk = None for k, qk in enumerate(q): # type: ignore link = end # start with last link jindex = 0 if link.jindex is None and link.isjoint else link.jindex Tk = link.A(qk[jindex]) if tools is not None: Tk = Tk @ tools # add remaining links, back toward the base for i in range(self.m - 2, -1, -1): link =[i] jindex = 0 if link.jindex is None and link.isjoint else link.jindex A = link.A(qk[jindex]) if A is not None: Tk = A @ Tk # add base transform if it is set if include_base is True and bases is not None: Tk = bases @ Tk # append if l > 1: T[k, :, :] = Tk else: T = Tk return T
[docs] def jacob0( self, q: ArrayLike, tool: Union[NDArray, SE3, None] = None, ) -> NDArray: r""" Manipulator geometric Jacobian in the base frame ``robot.jacobo(q)`` is the manipulator Jacobian matrix which maps joint velocity to end-effector spatial velocity expressed in the base frame. End-effector spatial velocity :math:`\nu = (v_x, v_y, v_z, \omega_x, \omega_y, \omega_z)^T` is related to joint velocity by :math:`{}^{E}\!\nu = \mathbf{J}_m(q) \dot{q}`. Parameters ---------- q Joint coordinate vector tool a static tool transformation matrix to apply to the end of end, defaults to None Returns ------- J0 Manipulator Jacobian in the base frame Examples -------- The following example makes a ``Puma560`` robot object, and solves for the base-frame Jacobian at the zero joint angle configuration .. runblock:: pycon >>> import roboticstoolbox as rtb >>> puma = rtb.models.Puma560().ets() >>> puma.jacob0([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) Notes ----- - This is the geometric Jacobian as described in texts by Corke, Spong etal., Siciliano etal. The end-effector velocity is described in terms of translational and angular velocity, not a velocity twist as per the text by Lynch & Park. References ---------- - J. Haviland, and P. Corke. "Manipulator Differential Kinematics Part I: Kinematics, Velocity, and Applications." arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01796 (2022). """ # noqa # Use c extension try: return ETS_jacob0(self._fknm, q, tool) except TypeError: pass # Otherwise use Python if tool is None: tools = np.eye(4) elif isinstance(tool, SE3): tools = np.array(tool.A) else: # pragma: nocover tools = np.eye(4) q = getvector(q, None) T = self.eval(q, include_base=False) @ tools U = np.eye(4) j = 0 J = np.zeros((6, self.n), dtype="object") zero = np.array([0, 0, 0]) end =[-1] for link in jindex = 0 if link.jindex is None and link.isjoint else link.jindex if link.isjoint: U = U @ link.A(q[jindex]) # type: ignore if link == end: U = U @ tools Tu = SE3(U, check=False).inv().A @ T n = U[:3, 0] o = U[:3, 1] a = U[:3, 2] x = Tu[0, 3] y = Tu[1, 3] z = Tu[2, 3] if link.axis == "Rz": J[:3, j] = (o * x) - (n * y) J[3:, j] = a elif link.axis == "Ry": J[:3, j] = (n * z) - (a * x) J[3:, j] = o elif link.axis == "Rx": J[:3, j] = (a * y) - (o * z) J[3:, j] = n elif link.axis == "tx": J[:3, j] = n J[3:, j] = zero elif link.axis == "ty": J[:3, j] = o J[3:, j] = zero elif link.axis == "tz": J[:3, j] = a J[3:, j] = zero j += 1 else: A = link.A() if A is not None: U = U @ A return J
[docs] def jacobe( self, q: ArrayLike, tool: Union[NDArray, SE3, None] = None, ) -> NDArray: r""" Manipulator geometric Jacobian in the end-effector frame ``robot.jacobe(q)`` is the manipulator Jacobian matrix which maps joint velocity to end-effector spatial velocity expressed in the ``end`` frame. End-effector spatial velocity :math:`\nu = (v_x, v_y, v_z, \omega_x, \omega_y, \omega_z)^T` is related to joint velocity by :math:`{}^{E}\!\nu = \mathbf{J}_m(q) \dot{q}`. Parameters ---------- q Joint coordinate vector end the particular link or gripper whose velocity the Jacobian describes, defaults to the end-effector if only one is present start the link considered as the base frame, defaults to the robots's base frame tool a static tool transformation matrix to apply to the end of end, defaults to None Returns ------- Je Manipulator Jacobian in the ``end`` frame Examples -------- The following example makes a ``Puma560`` robot object, and solves for the end-effector frame Jacobian at the zero joint angle configuration .. runblock:: pycon >>> import roboticstoolbox as rtb >>> puma = rtb.models.Puma560().ets() >>> puma.jacobe([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) Notes ----- - This is the geometric Jacobian as described in texts by Corke, Spong etal., Siciliano etal. The end-effector velocity is described in terms of translational and angular velocity, not a velocity twist as per the text by Lynch & Park. References ---------- - J. Haviland, and P. Corke. "Manipulator Differential Kinematics Part I: Kinematics, Velocity, and Applications." arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01796 (2022). """ # noqa # Use c extension try: return ETS_jacobe(self._fknm, q, tool) except TypeError: pass T = self.eval(q, tool=tool, include_base=False) return tr2jac(T.T) @ self.jacob0(q, tool=tool)
[docs] def hessian0( self, q: Union[ArrayLike, None] = None, J0: Union[NDArray, None] = None, tool: Union[NDArray, SE3, None] = None, ) -> NDArray: r""" Manipulator Hessian The manipulator Hessian tensor maps joint acceleration to end-effector spatial acceleration, expressed in the base frame. This function calulcates this based on the ETS of the robot. One of J0 or q is required. Supply J0 if already calculated to save computation time Parameters ---------- q The joint angles/configuration of the robot (Optional, if not supplied will use the stored q values). J0 The manipulator Jacobian in the base frame tool a static tool transformation matrix to apply to the end of end, defaults to None Returns ------- h0 The manipulator Hessian in the base frame Synopsis -------- This method computes the manipulator Hessian in the base frame. If we take the time derivative of the differential kinematic relationship .. math:: \nu &= \mat{J}(\vec{q}) \dvec{q} \\ \alpha &= \dmat{J} \dvec{q} + \mat{J} \ddvec{q} where .. math:: \dmat{J} = \mat{H} \dvec{q} and :math:`\mat{H} \in \mathbb{R}^{6\times n \times n}` is the Hessian tensor. The elements of the Hessian are .. math:: \mat{H}_{i,j,k} = \frac{d^2 u_i}{d q_j d q_k} where :math:`u = \{t_x, t_y, t_z, r_x, r_y, r_z\}` are the elements of the spatial velocity vector. Similarly, we can write .. math:: \mat{J}_{i,j} = \frac{d u_i}{d q_j} Examples -------- The following example makes a ``Panda`` robot object, and solves for the base frame Hessian at the given joint angle configuration .. runblock:: pycon >>> import roboticstoolbox as rtb >>> panda = rtb.models.Panda().ets() >>> panda.hessian0([0, -0.3, 0, -2.2, 0, 2, 0.7854]) References ---------- - J. Haviland, and P. Corke. "Manipulator Differential Kinematics Part I: Kinematics, Velocity, and Applications." arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01796 (2022). - J. Haviland, and P. Corke. "Manipulator Differential Kinematics Part II: Acceleration and Advanced Applications." arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01794 (2022). """ # noqa # Use c extension try: return ETS_hessian0(self._fknm, q, J0, tool) except TypeError: pass def cross(a, b): x = a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1] y = a[2] * b[0] - a[0] * b[2] z = a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0] return np.array([x, y, z]) n = self.n if J0 is None: q = getvector(q, None) J0 = self.jacob0(q, tool=tool) else: verifymatrix(J0, (6, self.n)) H = np.zeros((n, 6, n)) for j in range(n): for i in range(j, n): H[j, :3, i] = cross(J0[3:, j], J0[:3, i]) H[j, 3:, i] = cross(J0[3:, j], J0[3:, i]) if i != j: H[i, :3, j] = H[j, :3, i] return H
[docs] def hessiane( self, q: Union[ArrayLike, None] = None, Je: Union[NDArray, None] = None, tool: Union[NDArray, SE3, None] = None, ) -> NDArray: r""" Manipulator Hessian The manipulator Hessian tensor maps joint acceleration to end-effector spatial acceleration, expressed in the end-effector coordinate frame. This function calulcates this based on the ETS of the robot. One of J0 or q is required. Supply J0 if already calculated to save computation time Parameters ---------- q The joint angles/configuration of the robot (Optional, if not supplied will use the stored q values). J0 The manipulator Jacobian in the end-effector frame tool a static tool transformation matrix to apply to the end of end, defaults to None Returns ------- he The manipulator Hessian in end-effector frame Synopsis -------- This method computes the manipulator Hessian in the end-effector frame. If we take the time derivative of the differential kinematic relationship .. math:: \nu &= \mat{J}(\vec{q}) \dvec{q} \\ \alpha &= \dmat{J} \dvec{q} + \mat{J} \ddvec{q} where .. math:: \dmat{J} = \mat{H} \dvec{q} and :math:`\mat{H} \in \mathbb{R}^{6\times n \times n}` is the Hessian tensor. The elements of the Hessian are .. math:: \mat{H}_{i,j,k} = \frac{d^2 u_i}{d q_j d q_k} where :math:`u = \{t_x, t_y, t_z, r_x, r_y, r_z\}` are the elements of the spatial velocity vector. Similarly, we can write .. math:: \mat{J}_{i,j} = \frac{d u_i}{d q_j} Examples -------- The following example makes a ``Panda`` robot object, and solves for the end-effector frame Hessian at the given joint angle configuration .. runblock:: pycon >>> import roboticstoolbox as rtb >>> panda = rtb.models.Panda().ets() >>> panda.hessiane([0, -0.3, 0, -2.2, 0, 2, 0.7854]) References ---------- - J. Haviland, and P. Corke. "Manipulator Differential Kinematics Part I: Kinematics, Velocity, and Applications." arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01796 (2022). - J. Haviland, and P. Corke. "Manipulator Differential Kinematics Part II: Acceleration and Advanced Applications." arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01794 (2022). """ # noqa # Use c extension try: return ETS_hessiane(self._fknm, q, Je, tool) except TypeError: pass def cross(a, b): x = a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1] y = a[2] * b[0] - a[0] * b[2] z = a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0] return np.array([x, y, z]) n = self.n if Je is None: q = getvector(q, None) Je = self.jacobe(q, tool=tool) else: verifymatrix(Je, (6, self.n)) H = np.zeros((n, 6, n)) for j in range(n): for i in range(j, n): H[j, :3, i] = cross(Je[3:, j], Je[:3, i]) H[j, 3:, i] = cross(Je[3:, j], Je[3:, i]) if i != j: H[i, :3, j] = H[j, :3, i] return H
def jacob0_analytical( self, q: ArrayLike, representation: str = "rpy/xyz", tool: Union[NDArray, SE3, None] = None, ): r""" Manipulator analytical Jacobian in the base frame ``robot.jacob0_analytical(q)`` is the manipulator Jacobian matrix which maps joint velocity to end-effector spatial velocity expressed in the base frame. Parameters ---------- q Joint coordinate vector representation angular representation tool a static tool transformation matrix to apply to the end of end, defaults to None Returns ------- jacob0 Manipulator Jacobian in the base frame Synopsis -------- End-effector spatial velocity :math:`\nu = (v_x, v_y, v_z, \omega_x, \omega_y, \omega_z)^T` is related to joint velocity by :math:`{}^{E}\!\nu = \mathbf{J}_m(q) \dot{q}`. |``representation`` | Rotational representation | |---------------------|-------------------------------------| |``'rpy/xyz'`` | RPY angular rates in XYZ order | |``'rpy/zyx'`` | RPY angular rates in XYZ order | |``'eul'`` | Euler angular rates in ZYZ order | |``'exp'`` | exponential coordinate rates | Examples -------- Makes a robot object and computes the analytic Jacobian for the given joint configuration .. runblock:: pycon >>> import roboticstoolbox as rtb >>> puma = rtb.models.ETS.Puma560().ets() >>> puma.jacob0_analytical([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) """ # noqa T = self.eval(q, tool=tool) J = self.jacob0(q, tool=tool) A = rotvelxform(t2r(T), full=True, inverse=True, representation=representation) return A @ J def jacobm(self, q: ArrayLike) -> NDArray: r""" The manipulability Jacobian This measure relates the rate of change of the manipulability to the joint velocities of the robot. One of J or q is required. Supply J and H if already calculated to save computation time Parameters ---------- q The joint angles/configuration of the robot (Optional, if not supplied will use the stored q values). Returns ------- jacobm The manipulability Jacobian Synopsis -------- Yoshikawa's manipulability measure .. math:: m(\vec{q}) = \sqrt{\mat{J}(\vec{q}) \mat{J}(\vec{q})^T} This method returns its Jacobian with respect to configuration .. math:: \frac{\partial m(\vec{q})}{\partial \vec{q}} References ---------- - J. Haviland, and P. Corke. "Manipulator Differential Kinematics Part I: Kinematics, Velocity, and Applications." arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01796 (2022). - J. Haviland, and P. Corke. "Manipulator Differential Kinematics Part II: Acceleration and Advanced Applications." arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01794 (2022). """ # noqa J = self.jacob0(q) H = self.hessian0(q) manipulability = self.manipulability(q) # J = J[axes, :] # H = H[:, axes, :] b = inv(J @ J.T) Jm = np.zeros((self.n, 1)) for i in range(self.n): c = J @ H[i, :, :].T Jm[i, 0] = manipulability * (c.flatten("F")).T @ b.flatten("F") return Jm def manipulability( self, q, method: L["yoshikawa", "minsingular", "invcondition"] = "yoshikawa", axes: Union[L["all", "trans", "rot"], List[bool]] = "all", ): """ Manipulability measure ``manipulability(q)`` is the scalar manipulability index for the ets at the joint configuration ``q``. It indicates dexterity, that is, how well conditioned the ets is for motion with respect to the 6 degrees of Cartesian motion. The values is zero if the ets is at a singularity. Parameters ---------- q Joint coordinates, one of J or q required method method to use, "yoshikawa" (default), "invcondition", "minsingular" axes Task space axes to consider: "all" [default], "trans", or "rot" Returns ------- manipulability the manipulability metric Synopsis -------- Various measures are supported: | Measure | Description | |-------------------|-------------------------------------------------| | ``"yoshikawa"`` | Volume of the velocity ellipsoid, *distance* | | | from singularity [Yoshikawa85]_ | | ``"invcondition"``| Inverse condition number of Jacobian, isotropy | | | of the velocity ellipsoid [Klein87]_ | | ``"minsingular"`` | Minimum singular value of the Jacobian, | | | *distance* from singularity [Klein87]_ | **Trajectory operation**: If ``q`` is a matrix (m,n) then the result (m,) is a vector of manipulability indices for each joint configuration specified by a row of ``q``. Notes ----- - Invokes the ``jacob0`` method of the robot if ``J`` is not passed - The "all" option includes rotational and translational dexterity, but this involves adding different units. It can be more useful to look at the translational and rotational manipulability separately. - Examples in the RVC book (1st edition) can be replicated by using the "all" option - Asada's measure requires inertial a robot model with inertial parameters. References ---------- .. [Yoshikawa85] Manipulability of Robotic Mechanisms. Yoshikawa T., The International Journal of Robotics Research. 1985;4(2):3-9. doi:10.1177/027836498500400201 .. [Klein87] Dexterity Measures for the Design and Control of Kinematically Redundant Manipulators. Klein CA, Blaho BE. The International Journal of Robotics Research. 1987;6(2):72-83. doi:10.1177/027836498700600206 - Robotics, Vision & Control in Python, 3e, P. Corke, Springer 2023, Chap 7. .. versionchanged:: 1.0.4 Removed 'both' option for axes, added a custom list option. """ axes_list: List[bool] = [] if isinstance(axes, list): axes_list = axes elif axes == "all": axes_list = [True, True, True, True, True, True] elif axes.startswith("trans"): axes_list = [True, True, True, False, False, False] elif axes.startswith("rot"): axes_list = [False, False, False, True, True, True] else: raise ValueError("axes must be all, trans, rot or both") def yoshikawa(robot, J, q, axes, **kwargs): J = J[axes, :] if J.shape[0] == J.shape[1]: # simplified case for square matrix return abs(det(J)) else: m2 = det(J @ J.T) return np.sqrt(abs(m2)) def condition(robot, J, q, axes, **kwargs): J = J[axes, :] return 1 / cond(J) def minsingular(robot, J, q, axes, **kwargs): J = J[axes, :] s = svd(J, compute_uv=False) return s[-1] # return last/smallest singular value of J # choose the handler function if method == "yoshikawa": mfunc = yoshikawa elif method == "invcondition": mfunc = condition elif method == "minsingular": mfunc = minsingular else: raise ValueError("Invalid method chosen") # Otherwise use the q vector/matrix q = np.array(getmatrix(q, (None, self.n))) w = np.zeros(q.shape[0]) for k, qk in enumerate(q): Jk = self.jacob0(qk) w[k] = mfunc(self, Jk, qk, axes_list) if len(w) == 1: return w[0] else: return w def partial_fkine0(self, q: ArrayLike, n: int) -> NDArray: r""" Manipulator Forward Kinematics nth Partial Derivative This method computes the nth derivative of the forward kinematics where ``n`` is greater than or equal to 3. This is an extension of the differential kinematics where the Jacobian is the first partial derivative and the Hessian is the second. Parameters ---------- q The joint angles/configuration of the robot (Optional, if not supplied will use the stored q values). end the final link/Gripper which the Hessian represents start the first link which the Hessian represents tool a static tool transformation matrix to apply to the end of end, defaults to None Returns ------- A The nth Partial Derivative of the forward kinematics Examples -------- The following example makes a ``Panda`` robot object, and solves for the base-effector frame 4th defivative of the forward kinematics at the given joint angle configuration .. runblock:: pycon >>> import roboticstoolbox as rtb >>> panda = rtb.models.Panda().ets() >>> panda.partial_fkine0([0, -0.3, 0, -2.2, 0, 2, 0.7854], n=4) References ---------- - J. Haviland, and P. Corke. "Manipulator Differential Kinematics Part I: Kinematics, Velocity, and Applications." arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01796 (2022). - J. Haviland, and P. Corke. "Manipulator Differential Kinematics Part II: Acceleration and Advanced Applications." arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01794 (2022). """ # noqa # Calculate the Jacobian and Hessian J = self.jacob0(q) H = self.hessian0(q) # A list of derivatives, starting with the jacobian and hessian dT = [J, H] # The tensor dimensions of the latest derivative # Set to the current size of the Hessian size = [self.n, 6, self.n] # An array which keeps track of the index of the partial derivative # we are calculating # It stores the indices in the order: "j, k, l. m, n, o, ..." # where count is extended to match oder of the partial derivative count = np.array([0, 0]) # The order of derivative for which we are calculating # The Hessian is the 2nd-order so we start with c = 2 c = 2 def add_indices(indices, c): total = len(indices * 2) new_indices = [] for i in range(total): j = i // 2 new_indices.append([]) new_indices[i].append(indices[j][0].copy()) new_indices[i].append(indices[j][1].copy()) if i % 2 == 0: # if even number new_indices[i][0].append(c) else: # if odd number new_indices[i][1].append(c) return new_indices def add_pdi(pdi): total = len(pdi * 2) new_pdi = [] for i in range(total): j = i // 2 new_pdi.append([]) new_pdi[i].append(pdi[j][0]) new_pdi[i].append(pdi[j][1]) # if even number if i % 2 == 0: new_pdi[i][0] += 1 # if odd number else: new_pdi[i][1] += 1 return new_pdi # these are the indices used for the hessian indices = [[[1], [0]]] # The partial derivative indices (pdi) # the are the pd indices used in the cross products pdi = [[0, 0]] # The length of dT correspods to the number of derivatives we have calculated while len(dT) != n: # Add to the start of the tensor size list size.insert(0, self.n) # Add an axis to the count array count = np.concatenate(([0], count)) # This variables corresponds to indices within the previous # partial derivatives # to be cross prodded # The order is: "[j, k, l, m, n, o, ...]" # Although, our partial derivatives have the order: # pd[..., o, n, m, l, k, cartesian DoF, j] # For example, consider the Hessian Tensor H[n, 6, n], # the index H[k, :, j]. This corrsponds # to the second partial derivative of the kinematics of joint j with # respect to joint k. indices = add_indices(indices, c) # This variable corresponds to the indices in Td which corresponds to the # partial derivatives we need to use pdi = add_pdi(pdi) c += 1 # Allocate our new partial derivative tensor pd = np.zeros(size) # We need to loop n^c times # There are n^c columns to calculate for _ in range(self.n**c): # Allocate the rotation and translation components rot = np.zeros(3) trn = np.zeros(3) # This loop calculates a single column ([trn, rot]) # of the tensor for dT(x) for j in range(len(indices)): pdr0 = dT[pdi[j][0]] pdr1 = dT[pdi[j][1]] idx0 = count[indices[j][0]] idx1 = count[indices[j][1]] # This is a list of indices selecting the slices of the # previous tensor idx0_slices = np.flip(idx0[1:]) idx1_slices = np.flip(idx1[1:]) # This index selecting the column within the 2d slice of the # previous tensor idx0_n = idx0[0] idx1_n = idx1[0] # Use our indices to select the rotational column from pdr0 and pdr1 col0_rot = pdr0[(*idx0_slices, slice(3, 6), idx0_n)] col1_rot = pdr1[(*idx1_slices, slice(3, 6), idx1_n)] # Use our indices to select the translational column from pdr1 col1_trn = pdr1[(*idx1_slices, slice(0, 3), idx1_n)] # Perform the cross product as described in the maths above rot += np.cross(col0_rot, col1_rot) trn += np.cross(col0_rot, col1_trn) pd[(*np.flip(count[1:]), slice(0, 3), count[0])] = trn pd[(*np.flip(count[1:]), slice(3, 6), count[0])] = rot count[0] += 1 for j in range(len(count)): if count[j] == self.n: count[j] = 0 if j != len(count) - 1: count[j + 1] += 1 dT.append(pd) return dT[-1]
[docs] def ik_LM( self, Tep: Union[NDArray, SE3], q0: Union[NDArray, None] = None, ilimit: int = 30, slimit: int = 100, tol: float = 1e-6, mask: Union[NDArray, None] = None, joint_limits: bool = True, k: float = 1.0, method: L["chan", "wampler", "sugihara"] = "chan", ) -> Tuple[NDArray, int, int, int, float]: r""" Fast levenberg-Marquadt Numerical Inverse Kinematics Solver A method which provides functionality to perform numerical inverse kinematics (IK) using the Levemberg-Marquadt method. This is a fast solver implemented in C++. See the :ref:`Inverse Kinematics Docs Page <IK>` for more details and for a **tutorial** on numerical IK, see `here <>`_. Parameters ---------- Tep The desired end-effector pose q0 The initial joint coordinate vector ilimit How many iterations are allowed within a search before a new search is started slimit How many searches are allowed before being deemed unsuccessful tol Maximum allowed residual error E mask A 6 vector which assigns weights to Cartesian degrees-of-freedom error priority joint_limits Reject solutions with joint limit violations seed A seed for the private RNG used to generate random joint coordinate vectors k Sets the gain value for the damping matrix Wn in the next iteration. See synopsis method One of "chan", "sugihara" or "wampler". Defines which method is used to calculate the damping matrix Wn in the ``step`` method Synopsis -------- The operation is defined by the choice of the ``method`` kwarg. The step is deined as .. math:: \vec{q}_{k+1} &= \vec{q}_k + \left( \mat{A}_k \right)^{-1} \bf{g}_k \\ % \mat{A}_k &= {\mat{J}(\vec{q}_k)}^\top \mat{W}_e \ {\mat{J}(\vec{q}_k)} + \mat{W}_n where :math:`\mat{W}_n = \text{diag}(\vec{w_n})(\vec{w_n} \in \mathbb{R}^n_{>0})` is a diagonal damping matrix. The damping matrix ensures that :math:`\mat{A}_k` is non-singular and positive definite. The performance of the LM method largely depends on the choice of :math:`\mat{W}_n`. *Chan's Method* Chan proposed .. math:: \mat{W}_n = λ E_k \mat{1}_n where λ is a constant which reportedly does not have much influence on performance. Use the kwarg `k` to adjust the weighting term λ. *Sugihara's Method* Sugihara proposed .. math:: \mat{W}_n = E_k \mat{1}_n + \text{diag}(\hat{\vec{w}}_n) where :math:`\hat{\vec{w}}_n \in \mathbb{R}^n`, :math:`\hat{w}_{n_i} = l^2 \sim 0.01 l^2`, and :math:`l` is the length of a typical link within the manipulator. We provide the variable `k` as a kwarg to adjust the value of :math:`w_n`. *Wampler's Method* Wampler proposed :math:`\vec{w_n}` to be a constant. This is set through the `k` kwarg. Examples -------- The following example gets the ``ets`` of a ``panda`` robot object, makes a goal pose ``Tep``, and then solves for the joint coordinates which result in the pose ``Tep`` using the `ikine_LM` method. .. runblock:: pycon >>> import roboticstoolbox as rtb >>> panda = rtb.models.Panda().ets() >>> Tep = panda.fkine([0, -0.3, 0, -2.2, 0, 2, 0.7854]) >>> panda.ikine_LM(Tep) Notes ----- The value for the ``k`` kwarg will depend on the ``method`` chosen and the arm you are using. Use the following as a rough guide ``chan, k = 1.0 - 0.01``, ``wampler, k = 0.01 - 0.0001``, and ``sugihara, k = 0.1 - 0.0001`` When using the this method, the initial joint coordinates :math:`q_0`, should correspond to a non-singular manipulator pose, since it uses the manipulator Jacobian. This class supports null-space motion to assist with maximising manipulability and avoiding joint limits. These are enabled by setting kq and km to non-zero values. References ---------- - J. Haviland, and P. Corke. "Manipulator Differential Kinematics Part I: Kinematics, Velocity, and Applications." arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01796 (2022). - J. Haviland, and P. Corke. "Manipulator Differential Kinematics Part II: Acceleration and Advanced Applications." arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01794 (2022). See Also -------- ik_NR A fast numerical inverse kinematics solver using Newton-Raphson optimisation ik_GN A fast numerical inverse kinematics solver using Gauss-Newton optimisation .. versionchanged:: 1.0.4 Merged the Levemberg-Marquadt IK solvers into the ik_LM method """ # noqa return IK_LM_c( self._fknm, Tep, q0, ilimit, slimit, tol, joint_limits, mask, k, method )
[docs] def ik_NR( self, Tep: Union[NDArray, SE3], q0: Union[NDArray, None] = None, ilimit: int = 30, slimit: int = 100, tol: float = 1e-6, mask: Union[NDArray, None] = None, joint_limits: bool = True, pinv: int = True, pinv_damping: float = 0.0, ) -> Tuple[NDArray, int, int, int, float]: r""" Fast numerical inverse kinematics using Newton-Raphson optimization ``sol = ets.ik_NR(Tep)`` are the joint coordinates (n) corresponding to the robot end-effector pose ``Tep`` which is an ``SE3`` or ``ndarray`` object. This method can be used for robots with any number of degrees of freedom. This is a fast solver implemented in C++. See the :ref:`Inverse Kinematics Docs Page <IK>` for more details and for a **tutorial** on numerical IK, see `here <>`_. Note ---- When using this method with redundant robots (>6 DoF), ``pinv`` must be set to ``True`` Parameters ---------- Tep The desired end-effector pose or pose trajectory q0 initial joint configuration (default to random valid joint configuration contrained by the joint limits of the robot) ilimit maximum number of iterations per search slimit maximum number of search attempts tol final error tolerance mask a mask vector which weights the end-effector error priority. Corresponds to translation in X, Y and Z and rotation about X, Y and Z respectively joint_limits constrain the solution to being within the joint limits of the robot (reject solution with invalid joint configurations and perfrom another search up to the slimit) pinv Use the psuedo-inverse instad of the normal matrix inverse pinv_damping Damping factor for the psuedo-inverse Returns ------- sol tuple (q, success, iterations, searches, residual) The return value ``sol`` is a tuple with elements: ============ ========== =============================================== Element Type Description ============ ========== =============================================== ``q`` ndarray(n) joint coordinates in units of radians or metres ``success`` int whether a solution was found ``iterations`` int total number of iterations ``searches`` int total number of searches ``residual`` float final value of cost function ============ ========== =============================================== If ``success == 0`` the ``q`` values will be valid numbers, but the solution will be in error. The amount of error is indicated by the ``residual``. Synopsis -------- Each iteration uses the Newton-Raphson optimisation method .. math:: \vec{q}_{k+1} = \vec{q}_k + {^0\mat{J}(\vec{q}_k)}^{-1} \vec{e}_k Examples -------- The following example gets the ``ets`` of a ``panda`` robot object, makes a goal pose ``Tep``, and then solves for the joint coordinates which result in the pose ``Tep`` using the `ikine_GN` method. .. runblock:: pycon >>> import roboticstoolbox as rtb >>> panda = rtb.models.Panda().ets() >>> Tep = panda.fkine([0, -0.3, 0, -2.2, 0, 2, 0.7854]) >>> panda.ik_NR(Tep) Notes ----- When using the this method, the initial joint coordinates :math:`q_0`, should correspond to a non-singular manipulator pose, since it uses the manipulator Jacobian. References ---------- - J. Haviland, and P. Corke. "Manipulator Differential Kinematics Part I: Kinematics, Velocity, and Applications." arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01796 (2022). - J. Haviland, and P. Corke. "Manipulator Differential Kinematics Part II: Acceleration and Advanced Applications." arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01794 (2022). See Also -------- ik_LM A fast numerical inverse kinematics solver using Levenberg-Marquadt optimisation ik_GN A fast numerical inverse kinematics solver using Gauss-Newton optimisation """ # noqa return IK_NR_c( self._fknm, Tep, q0, ilimit, slimit, tol, joint_limits, mask, pinv, pinv_damping, )
[docs] def ik_GN( self, Tep: Union[NDArray, SE3], q0: Union[NDArray, None] = None, ilimit: int = 30, slimit: int = 100, tol: float = 1e-6, mask: Union[NDArray, None] = None, joint_limits: bool = True, pinv: int = True, pinv_damping: float = 0.0, ) -> Tuple[NDArray, int, int, int, float]: r""" Fast numerical inverse kinematics by Gauss-Newton optimization ``sol = ets.ik_GN(Tep)`` are the joint coordinates (n) corresponding to the robot end-effector pose ``Tep`` which is an ``SE3`` or ``ndarray`` object. This method can be used for robots with any number of degrees of freedom. This is a fast solver implemented in C++. See the :ref:`Inverse Kinematics Docs Page <IK>` for more details and for a **tutorial** on numerical IK, see `here <>`_. Note ---- When using this method with redundant robots (>6 DoF), ``pinv`` must be set to ``True`` Parameters ---------- Tep The desired end-effector pose or pose trajectory q0 initial joint configuration (default to random valid joint configuration contrained by the joint limits of the robot) ilimit maximum number of iterations per search slimit maximum number of search attempts tol final error tolerance mask a mask vector which weights the end-effector error priority. Corresponds to translation in X, Y and Z and rotation about X, Y and Z respectively joint_limits constrain the solution to being within the joint limits of the robot (reject solution with invalid joint configurations and perfrom another search up to the slimit) pinv Use the psuedo-inverse instad of the normal matrix inverse pinv_damping Damping factor for the psuedo-inverse Returns ------- sol tuple (q, success, iterations, searches, residual) The return value ``sol`` is a tuple with elements: ============ ========== =============================================== Element Type Description ============ ========== =============================================== ``q`` ndarray(n) joint coordinates in units of radians or metres ``success`` int whether a solution was found ``iterations`` int total number of iterations ``searches`` int total number of searches ``residual`` float final value of cost function ============ ========== =============================================== If ``success == 0`` the ``q`` values will be valid numbers, but the solution will be in error. The amount of error is indicated by the ``residual``. Synopsis -------- Each iteration uses the Gauss-Newton optimisation method .. math:: \vec{q}_{k+1} &= \vec{q}_k + \left( {\mat{J}(\vec{q}_k)}^\top \mat{W}_e \ {\mat{J}(\vec{q}_k)} \right)^{-1} \bf{g}_k \\ \bf{g}_k &= {\mat{J}(\vec{q}_k)}^\top \mat{W}_e \vec{e}_k where :math:`\mat{J} = {^0\mat{J}}` is the base-frame manipulator Jacobian. If :math:`\mat{J}(\vec{q}_k)` is non-singular, and :math:`\mat{W}_e = \mat{1}_n`, then the above provides the pseudoinverse solution. However, if :math:`\mat{J}(\vec{q}_k)` is singular, the above can not be computed and the GN solution is infeasible. Examples -------- The following example gets the ``ets`` of a ``panda`` robot object, makes a goal pose ``Tep``, and then solves for the joint coordinates which result in the pose ``Tep`` using the `ikine_GN` method. .. runblock:: pycon >>> import roboticstoolbox as rtb >>> panda = rtb.models.Panda().ets() >>> Tep = panda.fkine([0, -0.3, 0, -2.2, 0, 2, 0.7854]) >>> panda.ik_GN(Tep) Notes ----- When using the this method, the initial joint coordinates :math:`q_0`, should correspond to a non-singular manipulator pose, since it uses the manipulator Jacobian. References ---------- - J. Haviland, and P. Corke. "Manipulator Differential Kinematics Part I: Kinematics, Velocity, and Applications." arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01796 (2022). - J. Haviland, and P. Corke. "Manipulator Differential Kinematics Part II: Acceleration and Advanced Applications." arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01794 (2022). See Also -------- ik_NR A fast numerical inverse kinematics solver using Newton-Raphson optimisation ik_GN A fast numerical inverse kinematics solver using Gauss-Newton optimisation """ # noqa return IK_GN_c( self._fknm, Tep, q0, ilimit, slimit, tol, joint_limits, mask, pinv, pinv_damping, )
[docs] def ikine_LM( self, Tep: Union[NDArray, SE3], q0: Union[ArrayLike, None] = None, ilimit: int = 30, slimit: int = 100, tol: float = 1e-6, mask: Union[ArrayLike, None] = None, joint_limits: bool = True, seed: Union[int, None] = None, k: float = 1.0, method: L["chan", "wampler", "sugihara"] = "chan", kq: float = 0.0, km: float = 0.0, ps: float = 0.0, pi: Union[NDArray, float] = 0.3, **kwargs, ): r""" Levemberg-Marquadt Numerical Inverse Kinematics Solver A method which provides functionality to perform numerical inverse kinematics (IK) using the Levemberg-Marquadt method. See the :ref:`Inverse Kinematics Docs Page <IK>` for more details and for a **tutorial** on numerical IK, see `here <>`_. Parameters ---------- Tep The desired end-effector pose q0 The initial joint coordinate vector ilimit How many iterations are allowed within a search before a new search is started slimit How many searches are allowed before being deemed unsuccessful tol Maximum allowed residual error E mask A 6 vector which assigns weights to Cartesian degrees-of-freedom error priority joint_limits Reject solutions with joint limit violations seed A seed for the private RNG used to generate random joint coordinate vectors k Sets the gain value for the damping matrix Wn in the next iteration. See synopsis method One of "chan", "sugihara" or "wampler". Defines which method is used to calculate the damping matrix Wn in the ``step`` method kq The gain for joint limit avoidance. Setting to 0.0 will remove this completely from the solution km The gain for maximisation. Setting to 0.0 will remove this completely from the solution ps The minimum angle/distance (in radians or metres) in which the joint is allowed to approach to its limit pi The influence angle/distance (in radians or metres) in null space motion becomes active Synopsis -------- The operation is defined by the choice of the ``method`` kwarg. The step is deined as .. math:: \vec{q}_{k+1} &= \vec{q}_k + \left( \mat{A}_k \right)^{-1} \bf{g}_k \\ % \mat{A}_k &= {\mat{J}(\vec{q}_k)}^\top \mat{W}_e \ {\mat{J}(\vec{q}_k)} + \mat{W}_n where :math:`\mat{W}_n = \text{diag}(\vec{w_n})(\vec{w_n} \in \mathbb{R}^n_{>0})` is a diagonal damping matrix. The damping matrix ensures that :math:`\mat{A}_k` is non-singular and positive definite. The performance of the LM method largely depends on the choice of :math:`\mat{W}_n`. *Chan's Method* Chan proposed .. math:: \mat{W}_n = λ E_k \mat{1}_n where λ is a constant which reportedly does not have much influence on performance. Use the kwarg `k` to adjust the weighting term λ. *Sugihara's Method* Sugihara proposed .. math:: \mat{W}_n = E_k \mat{1}_n + \text{diag}(\hat{\vec{w}}_n) where :math:`\hat{\vec{w}}_n \in \mathbb{R}^n`, :math:`\hat{w}_{n_i} = l^2 \sim 0.01 l^2`, and :math:`l` is the length of a typical link within the manipulator. We provide the variable `k` as a kwarg to adjust the value of :math:`w_n`. *Wampler's Method* Wampler proposed :math:`\vec{w_n}` to be a constant. This is set through the `k` kwarg. Examples -------- The following example gets the ``ets`` of a ``panda`` robot object, makes a goal pose ``Tep``, and then solves for the joint coordinates which result in the pose ``Tep`` using the `ikine_LM` method. .. runblock:: pycon >>> import roboticstoolbox as rtb >>> panda = rtb.models.Panda().ets() >>> Tep = panda.fkine([0, -0.3, 0, -2.2, 0, 2, 0.7854]) >>> panda.ikine_LM(Tep) Notes ----- The value for the ``k`` kwarg will depend on the ``method`` chosen and the arm you are using. Use the following as a rough guide ``chan, k = 1.0 - 0.01``, ``wampler, k = 0.01 - 0.0001``, and ``sugihara, k = 0.1 - 0.0001`` When using the this method, the initial joint coordinates :math:`q_0`, should correspond to a non-singular manipulator pose, since it uses the manipulator Jacobian. This class supports null-space motion to assist with maximising manipulability and avoiding joint limits. These are enabled by setting kq and km to non-zero values. References ---------- - J. Haviland, and P. Corke. "Manipulator Differential Kinematics Part I: Kinematics, Velocity, and Applications." arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01796 (2022). - J. Haviland, and P. Corke. "Manipulator Differential Kinematics Part II: Acceleration and Advanced Applications." arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01794 (2022). See Also -------- :py:class:`~roboticstoolbox.robot.IK.IK_LM` An IK Solver class which implements the Levemberg Marquadt optimisation technique ikine_NR Implements the :py:class:`~roboticstoolbox.robot.IK.IK_NR` class as a method within the :py:class:`ETS` class ikine_GN Implements the :py:class:`~roboticstoolbox.robot.IK.IK_GN` class as a method within the :py:class:`ETS` class ikine_QP Implements the :py:class:`~roboticstoolbox.robot.IK.IK_QP` class as a method within the :py:class:`ETS` class .. versionchanged:: 1.0.4 Added the Levemberg-Marquadt IK solver method on the `ETS` class """ # noqa solver = IK_LM( ilimit=ilimit, slimit=slimit, tol=tol, joint_limits=joint_limits, mask=mask, seed=seed, k=k, method=method, kq=kq, km=km, ps=ps, pi=pi, **kwargs, ) # if isinstance(Tep, SE3): # Tep = Tep.A return solver.solve(ets=self, Tep=Tep, q0=q0)
[docs] def ikine_NR( self, Tep: Union[NDArray, SE3], q0: Union[ArrayLike, None] = None, ilimit: int = 30, slimit: int = 100, tol: float = 1e-6, mask: Union[ArrayLike, None] = None, joint_limits: bool = True, seed: Union[int, None] = None, pinv: bool = False, kq: float = 0.0, km: float = 0.0, ps: float = 0.0, pi: Union[NDArray, float] = 0.3, **kwargs, ): r""" Newton-Raphson Numerical Inverse Kinematics Solver A method which provides functionality to perform numerical inverse kinematics (IK) using the Newton-Raphson method. See the :ref:`Inverse Kinematics Docs Page <IK>` for more details and for a **tutorial** on numerical IK, see `here <>`_. Note ---- When using this method with redundant robots (>6 DoF), ``pinv`` must be set to ``True`` Parameters ---------- Tep The desired end-effector pose q0 The initial joint coordinate vector ilimit How many iterations are allowed within a search before a new search is started slimit How many searches are allowed before being deemed unsuccessful tol Maximum allowed residual error E mask A 6 vector which assigns weights to Cartesian degrees-of-freedom error priority joint_limits Reject solutions with joint limit violations seed A seed for the private RNG used to generate random joint coordinate vectors pinv If True, will use the psuedoinverse in the `step` method instead of the normal inverse kq The gain for joint limit avoidance. Setting to 0.0 will remove this completely from the solution km The gain for maximisation. Setting to 0.0 will remove this completely from the solution ps The minimum angle/distance (in radians or metres) in which the joint is allowed to approach to its limit pi The influence angle/distance (in radians or metres) in null space motion becomes active Synopsis -------- Each iteration uses the Newton-Raphson optimisation method .. math:: \vec{q}_{k+1} = \vec{q}_k + {^0\mat{J}(\vec{q}_k)}^{-1} \vec{e}_k Examples -------- The following example gets the ``ets`` of a ``panda`` robot object, makes a goal pose ``Tep``, and then solves for the joint coordinates which result in the pose ``Tep`` using the `ikine_NR` method. .. runblock:: pycon >>> import roboticstoolbox as rtb >>> panda = rtb.models.Panda().ets() >>> Tep = panda.fkine([0, -0.3, 0, -2.2, 0, 2, 0.7854]) >>> panda.ikine_NR(Tep) Notes ----- When using the this method, the initial joint coordinates :math:`q_0`, should correspond to a non-singular manipulator pose, since it uses the manipulator Jacobian. This class supports null-space motion to assist with maximising manipulability and avoiding joint limits. These are enabled by setting kq and km to non-zero values. References ---------- - J. Haviland, and P. Corke. "Manipulator Differential Kinematics Part I: Kinematics, Velocity, and Applications." arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01796 (2022). - J. Haviland, and P. Corke. "Manipulator Differential Kinematics Part II: Acceleration and Advanced Applications." arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01794 (2022). See Also -------- :py:class:`~roboticstoolbox.robot.IK.IK_NR` An IK Solver class which implements the Newton-Raphson optimisation technique ikine_LM Implements the :py:class:`~roboticstoolbox.robot.IK.IK_LM` class as a method within the :py:class:`ETS` class ikine_GN Implements the :py:class:`~roboticstoolbox.robot.IK.IK_GN` class as a method within the :py:class:`ETS` class ikine_QP Implements the :py:class:`~roboticstoolbox.robot.IK.IK_QP` class as a method within the :py:class:`ETS` class .. versionchanged:: 1.0.4 Added the Newton-Raphson IK solver method on the `ETS` class """ # noqa solver = IK_NR( ilimit=ilimit, slimit=slimit, tol=tol, joint_limits=joint_limits, mask=mask, seed=seed, pinv=pinv, kq=kq, km=km, ps=ps, pi=pi, **kwargs, ) # if isinstance(Tep, SE3): # Tep = Tep.A return solver.solve(ets=self, Tep=Tep, q0=q0)
[docs] def ikine_GN( self, Tep: Union[NDArray, SE3], q0: Union[ArrayLike, None] = None, ilimit: int = 30, slimit: int = 100, tol: float = 1e-6, mask: Union[ArrayLike, None] = None, joint_limits: bool = True, seed: Union[int, None] = None, pinv: bool = False, kq: float = 0.0, km: float = 0.0, ps: float = 0.0, pi: Union[NDArray, float] = 0.3, **kwargs, ): r""" Gauss-Newton Numerical Inverse Kinematics Solver A method which provides functionality to perform numerical inverse kinematics (IK) using the Gauss-Newton method. See the :ref:`Inverse Kinematics Docs Page <IK>` for more details and for a **tutorial** on numerical IK, see `here <>`_. Note ---- When using this method with redundant robots (>6 DoF), ``pinv`` must be set to ``True`` Parameters ---------- Tep The desired end-effector pose q0 The initial joint coordinate vector ilimit How many iterations are allowed within a search before a new search is started slimit How many searches are allowed before being deemed unsuccessful tol Maximum allowed residual error E mask A 6 vector which assigns weights to Cartesian degrees-of-freedom error priority joint_limits Reject solutions with joint limit violations seed A seed for the private RNG used to generate random joint coordinate vectors pinv If True, will use the psuedoinverse in the `step` method instead of the normal inverse kq The gain for joint limit avoidance. Setting to 0.0 will remove this completely from the solution km The gain for maximisation. Setting to 0.0 will remove this completely from the solution ps The minimum angle/distance (in radians or metres) in which the joint is allowed to approach to its limit pi The influence angle/distance (in radians or metres) in null space motion becomes active Synopsis -------- Each iteration uses the Gauss-Newton optimisation method .. math:: \vec{q}_{k+1} &= \vec{q}_k + \left( {\mat{J}(\vec{q}_k)}^\top \mat{W}_e \ {\mat{J}(\vec{q}_k)} \right)^{-1} \bf{g}_k \\ \bf{g}_k &= {\mat{J}(\vec{q}_k)}^\top \mat{W}_e \vec{e}_k where :math:`\mat{J} = {^0\mat{J}}` is the base-frame manipulator Jacobian. If :math:`\mat{J}(\vec{q}_k)` is non-singular, and :math:`\mat{W}_e = \mat{1}_n`, then the above provides the pseudoinverse solution. However, if :math:`\mat{J}(\vec{q}_k)` is singular, the above can not be computed and the GN solution is infeasible. Examples -------- The following example gets the ``ets`` of a ``panda`` robot object, makes a goal pose ``Tep``, and then solves for the joint coordinates which result in the pose ``Tep`` using the `ikine_GN` method. .. runblock:: pycon >>> import roboticstoolbox as rtb >>> panda = rtb.models.Panda().ets() >>> Tep = panda.fkine([0, -0.3, 0, -2.2, 0, 2, 0.7854]) >>> panda.ikine_GN(Tep) Notes ----- When using the this method, the initial joint coordinates :math:`q_0`, should correspond to a non-singular manipulator pose, since it uses the manipulator Jacobian. This class supports null-space motion to assist with maximising manipulability and avoiding joint limits. These are enabled by setting kq and km to non-zero values. References ---------- - J. Haviland, and P. Corke. "Manipulator Differential Kinematics Part I: Kinematics, Velocity, and Applications." arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01796 (2022). - J. Haviland, and P. Corke. "Manipulator Differential Kinematics Part II: Acceleration and Advanced Applications." arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01794 (2022). See Also -------- :py:class:`~roboticstoolbox.robot.IK.IK_NR` An IK Solver class which implements the Newton-Raphson optimisation technique ikine_LM Implements the :py:class:`~roboticstoolbox.robot.IK.IK_LM` class as a method within the :py:class:`ETS` class ikine_NR Implements the :py:class:`~roboticstoolbox.robot.IK.IK_NR` class as a method within the :py:class:`ETS` class ikine_QP Implements the :py:class:`~roboticstoolbox.robot.IK.IK_QP` class as a method within the :py:class:`ETS` class .. versionchanged:: 1.0.4 Added the Gauss-Newton IK solver method on the `ETS` class """ # noqa solver = IK_GN( ilimit=ilimit, slimit=slimit, tol=tol, joint_limits=joint_limits, mask=mask, seed=seed, pinv=pinv, kq=kq, km=km, ps=ps, pi=pi, **kwargs, ) # if isinstance(Tep, SE3): # Tep = Tep.A return solver.solve(ets=self, Tep=Tep, q0=q0)
[docs] def ikine_QP( self, Tep: Union[NDArray, SE3], q0: Union[ArrayLike, None] = None, ilimit: int = 30, slimit: int = 100, tol: float = 1e-6, mask: Union[ArrayLike, None] = None, joint_limits: bool = True, seed: Union[int, None] = None, kj=1.0, ks=1.0, kq: float = 0.0, km: float = 0.0, ps: float = 0.0, pi: Union[NDArray, float] = 0.3, **kwargs, ): r""" Quadratic Programming Numerical Inverse Kinematics Solver A method that provides functionality to perform numerical inverse kinematics (IK) using a quadratic progamming approach. See the :ref:`Inverse Kinematics Docs Page <IK>` for more details and for a **tutorial** on numerical IK, see `here <>`_. Parameters ---------- Tep The desired end-effector pose q0 The initial joint coordinate vector ilimit How many iterations are allowed within a search before a new search is started slimit How many searches are allowed before being deemed unsuccessful tol Maximum allowed residual error E mask A 6 vector which assigns weights to Cartesian degrees-of-freedom error priority joint_limits Reject solutions with joint limit violations seed A seed for the private RNG used to generate random joint coordinate vectors kj A gain for joint velocity norm minimisation ks A gain which adjusts the cost of slack (intentional error) kq The gain for joint limit avoidance. Setting to 0.0 will remove this completely from the solution km The gain for maximisation. Setting to 0.0 will remove this completely from the solution ps The minimum angle/distance (in radians or metres) in which the joint is allowed to approach to its limit pi The influence angle/distance (in radians or metres) in null space motion becomes active Raises ------ ImportError If the package ``qpsolvers`` is not installed Synopsis -------- Each iteration uses the following approach .. math:: \vec{q}_{k+1} = \vec{q}_{k} + \dot{\vec{q}}. where the QP is defined as .. math:: \min_x \quad f_o(\vec{x}) &= \frac{1}{2} \vec{x}^\top \mathcal{Q} \vec{x}+ \mathcal{C}^\top \vec{x}, \\ \text{subject to} \quad \mathcal{J} \vec{x} &= \vec{\nu}, \\ \mathcal{A} \vec{x} &\leq \mathcal{B}, \\ \vec{x}^- &\leq \vec{x} \leq \vec{x}^+ with .. math:: \vec{x} &= \begin{pmatrix} \dvec{q} \\ \vec{\delta} \end{pmatrix} \in \mathbb{R}^{(n+6)} \\ \mathcal{Q} &= \begin{pmatrix} \lambda_q \mat{1}_{n} & \mathbf{0}_{6 \times 6} \\ \mathbf{0}_{n \times n} & \lambda_\delta \mat{1}_{6} \end{pmatrix} \in \mathbb{R}^{(n+6) \times (n+6)} \\ \mathcal{J} &= \begin{pmatrix} \mat{J}(\vec{q}) & \mat{1}_{6} \end{pmatrix} \in \mathbb{R}^{6 \times (n+6)} \\ \mathcal{C} &= \begin{pmatrix} \mat{J}_m \\ \bf{0}_{6 \times 1} \end{pmatrix} \in \mathbb{R}^{(n + 6)} \\ \mathcal{A} &= \begin{pmatrix} \mat{1}_{n \times n + 6} \\ \end{pmatrix} \in \mathbb{R}^{(l + n) \times (n + 6)} \\ \mathcal{B} &= \eta \begin{pmatrix} \frac{\rho_0 - \rho_s} {\rho_i - \rho_s} \\ \vdots \\ \frac{\rho_n - \rho_s} {\rho_i - \rho_s} \end{pmatrix} \in \mathbb{R}^{n} \\ \vec{x}^{-, +} &= \begin{pmatrix} \dvec{q}^{-, +} \\ \vec{\delta}^{-, +} \end{pmatrix} \in \mathbb{R}^{(n+6)}, where :math:`\vec{\delta} \in \mathbb{R}^6` is the slack vector, :math:`\lambda_\delta \in \mathbb{R}^+` is a gain term which adjusts the cost of the norm of the slack vector in the optimiser, :math:`\dvec{q}^{-,+}` are the minimum and maximum joint velocities, and :math:`\dvec{\delta}^{-,+}` are the minimum and maximum slack velocities. Examples -------- The following example gets the ``ets`` of a ``panda`` robot object, makes a goal pose ``Tep``, and then solves for the joint coordinates which result in the pose ``Tep`` using the `ikine_QP` method. .. runblock:: pycon >>> import roboticstoolbox as rtb >>> panda = rtb.models.Panda().ets() >>> Tep = panda.fkine([0, -0.3, 0, -2.2, 0, 2, 0.7854]) >>> panda.ikine_QP(Tep) Notes ----- When using the this method, the initial joint coordinates :math:`q_0`, should correspond to a non-singular manipulator pose, since it uses the manipulator Jacobian. This class supports null-space motion to assist with maximising manipulability and avoiding joint limits. These are enabled by setting kq and km to non-zero values. References ---------- - J. Haviland, and P. Corke. "Manipulator Differential Kinematics Part I: Kinematics, Velocity, and Applications." arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01796 (2022). - J. Haviland, and P. Corke. "Manipulator Differential Kinematics Part II: Acceleration and Advanced Applications." arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01794 (2022). See Also -------- :py:class:`~roboticstoolbox.robot.IK.IK_NR` An IK Solver class which implements the Newton-Raphson optimisation technique ikine_LM Implements the :py:class:`~roboticstoolbox.robot.IK.IK_LM` class as a method within the :py:class:`ETS` class ikine_GN Implements the :py:class:`~roboticstoolbox.robot.IK.IK_GN` class as a method within the :py:class:`ETS` class ikine_NR Implements the :py:class:`~roboticstoolbox.robot.IK.IK_NR` class as a method within the :py:class:`ETS` class .. versionchanged:: 1.0.4 Added the Quadratic Programming IK solver method on the `ETS` class """ # noqa: E501 solver = IK_QP( ilimit=ilimit, slimit=slimit, tol=tol, joint_limits=joint_limits, mask=mask, seed=seed, kj=kj, ks=ks, kq=kq, km=km, ps=ps, pi=pi, **kwargs, ) # if isinstance(Tep, SE3): # Tep = Tep.A return solver.solve(ets=self, Tep=Tep, q0=q0)
[docs]class ETS2(BaseETS): """ This class implements an elementary transform sequence (ETS) for 2D :param arg: Function to compute ET value An instance can contain an elementary transform (ET) or an elementary transform sequence (ETS). It has list-like properties by subclassing UserList, which means we can perform indexing, slicing pop, insert, as well as using it as an iterator over its values. - ``ETS()`` an empty ETS list - ``ET2.XY(η)`` is a constant elementary transform - ``ET2.XY(η, 'deg')`` as above but the angle is expressed in degrees - ``ET2.XY()`` is a joint variable, the value is left free until evaluation time - ``ET2.XY(j=J)`` as above but the joint index is explicitly given, this might correspond to the joint number of a multi-joint robot. - ``ET2.XY(flip=True)`` as above but the joint moves in the opposite sense where ``XY`` is one of ``R``, ``tx``, ``ty``. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from roboticstoolbox import ETS2 as ET2 >>> e = ET2.R(0.3) # a single ET, rotation about z >>> len(e) >>> e = ET2.R(0.3) * ET2.tx(2) # an ETS >>> len(e) # of length 2 >>> e[1] # an ET sliced from the ETS :references: - Kinematic Derivatives using the Elementary Transform Sequence, J. Haviland and P. Corke :seealso: :func:`r`, :func:`tx`, :func:`ty` """ def __init__( self, arg: Union[ List[Union["ETS2", ET2]], List[ET2], List["ETS2"], ET2, "ETS2", None ] = None, ): super().__init__() if isinstance(arg, list): for item in arg: if isinstance(item, ET2): elif isinstance(item, ETS2): for ets_item in item: else: raise TypeError("bad arg") elif isinstance(arg, ET2): elif isinstance(arg, ETS2): for ets_item in arg: elif arg is None: = [] else: raise TypeError("Invalid arg") self._update_internals() self._ndims = 2 self._auto_jindex = False # Check if jindices are set joints = self.joints() # Number of joints with a jindex jindices = 0 # Number of joints with a sequential jindex (j[2] -> jindex = 2) seq_jindex = 0 # Count them up for j, joint in enumerate(joints): if joint.jindex is not None: jindices += 1 if joint.jindex == j: seq_jindex += 1 if ( jindices == self.n - 1 and seq_jindex == self.n - 1 and joints[-1].jindex is None ): # ets has sequential jindicies, except for the last. joints[-1].jindex = self.n - 1 self._auto_jindex = True elif jindices > 0 and not jindices == self.n: raise ValueError( "You can not have some jindices set for the ET's in arg. It must be all" " or none" ) # pragma: nocover elif jindices == 0 and self.n > 0: # Set them ourself for j, joint in enumerate(joints): joint.jindex = j self._auto_jindex = True
[docs] def __mul__(self, other: Union[ET2, "ETS2"]) -> "ETS2": if isinstance(other, ET2): return ETS2([*, other]) else: return ETS2([*, *]) # pragma: nocover
def __rmul__(self, other: Union[ET2, "ETS2"]) -> "ETS2": return ETS2([other,]) # pragma: nocover def __imul__(self, rest: "ETS2"): return self + rest # pragma: nocover def __add__(self, rest) -> "ETS2": return self.__mul__(rest) # pragma: nocover
[docs] def compile(self) -> "ETS2": """ Compile an ETS2 :return: optimised ETS2 Perform constant folding for faster evaluation. Consecutive constant ETs are compounded, leading to a constant ET which is denoted by ``SE3`` when displayed. :seealso: :func:`isconstant` """ const = None ets = ETS2() for et in self: if et.isjoint: # a joint if const is not None: # flush the constant if not np.array_equal(const, np.eye(3)): ets *= ET2.SE2(const) const = None ets *= et # emit the joint ET else: # not a joint if const is None: const = et.A() else: const = const @ et.A() if const is not None: # flush the constant, tool transform if not np.array_equal(const, np.eye(3)): ets *= ET2.SE2(const) return ets
[docs] def insert( self, arg: Union[ET2, "ETS2"], i: int = -1, ) -> None: """ Insert value :param i: insert an ET or ETS into the ETS, default is at the end :param arg: the elementary transform or sequence to insert Inserts an ET or ETS into the ET sequence. The inserted value is at position ``i``. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from roboticstoolbox import ET2 >>> e = ET2.R() * ET2.tx(1) * ET2.R() * ET2.tx(1) >>> f = ET2.R() >>> e.insert(f, 2) >>> e """ if isinstance(arg, ET2): if i == -1: else:, arg) elif isinstance(arg, ETS2): if i == -1: for et in arg: else: for j, et in enumerate(arg): + j, et) self._update_internals()
[docs] def fkine( self, q: ArrayLike, base: Union[NDArray, SE2, None] = None, tool: Union[NDArray, SE2, None] = None, include_base: bool = True, ) -> SE2: """ Forward kinematics :param q: Joint coordinates :type q: ArrayLike :param base: base transform, optional :param tool: tool transform, optional :return: The transformation matrix representing the pose of the end-effector - ``T = ets.fkine(q)`` evaluates forward kinematics for the robot at joint configuration ``q``. **Trajectory operation**: If ``q`` has multiple rows (mxn), it is considered a trajectory and the result is an ``SE2`` instance with ``m`` values. .. note:: - The robot's base tool transform, if set, is incorporated into the result. - A tool transform, if provided, is incorporated into the result. - Works from the end-effector link to the base :references: - Kinematic Derivatives using the Elementary Transform Sequence, J. Haviland and P. Corke """ ret = SE2.Empty() fk = self.eval(q, base, tool, include_base) if fk.dtype == "O": # symbolic fk = np.array(simplify(fk)) if fk.ndim == 3: for T in fk: ret.append(SE2(T, check=False)) # type: ignore else: ret = SE2(fk, check=False) return ret
def eval( self, q: ArrayLike, base: Union[NDArray, SE2, None] = None, tool: Union[NDArray, SE2, None] = None, include_base: bool = True, ) -> NDArray: """ Forward kinematics :param q: Joint coordinates :type q: ArrayLike :param base: base transform, optional :param tool: tool transform, optional :return: The transformation matrix representing the pose of the end-effector - ``T = ets.fkine(q)`` evaluates forward kinematics for the robot at joint configuration ``q``. **Trajectory operation**: If ``q`` has multiple rows (mxn), it is considered a trajectory and the result is an ``SE2`` instance with ``m`` values. .. note:: - The robot's base tool transform, if set, is incorporated into the result. - A tool transform, if provided, is incorporated into the result. - Works from the end-effector link to the base :references: - Kinematic Derivatives using the Elementary Transform Sequence, J. Haviland and P. Corke """ q = getmatrix(q, (None, None)) l, _ = q.shape # type: ignore end = self[-1] if base is None: bases = None elif isinstance(base, SE2): bases = np.array(base.A) elif np.array_equal(base, np.eye(3)): # pragma: nocover bases = None else: # pragma: nocover bases = base if tool is None: tools = None elif isinstance(tool, SE2): tools = np.array(tool.A) elif np.array_equal(tool, np.eye(3)): # pragma: nocover tools = None else: # pragma: nocover tools = tool if l > 1: T = np.zeros((l, 3, 3), dtype=object) else: T = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=object) for k, qk in enumerate(q): # type: ignore link = end # start with last link jindex = 0 if link.jindex is None and link.isjoint else link.jindex Tk = link.A(qk[jindex]) if tools is not None: Tk = Tk @ tools # add remaining links, back toward the base for i in range(self.m - 2, -1, -1): link =[i] jindex = 0 if link.jindex is None and link.isjoint else link.jindex A = link.A(qk[jindex]) if A is not None: Tk = A @ Tk # add base transform if it is set if include_base is True and bases is not None: Tk = bases @ Tk # append if l > 1: T[k, :, :] = Tk # ret.append(SE2(Tk, check=False)) # type: ignore else: T = Tk # ret = SE2(Tk, check=False) return T
[docs] def jacob0( self, q: ArrayLike, ) -> NDArray: # very inefficient implementation, just put a 1 in last row # if its a rotation joint q = getvector(q) j = 0 J = np.zeros((3, self.n)) etjoints = self.joint_idx() if not np.all(np.array([self[i].jindex for i in etjoints])): # not all joints have a jindex it is required, set them for j in range(self.n): i = etjoints[j] self[i].jindex = j for j in range(self.n): i = etjoints[j] if self[i].jindex is not None: jindex = self[i].jindex else: jindex = 0 # pragma: nocover # jindex = 0 if self[i].jindex is None else self[i].jindex axis = self[i].axis if axis == "R": dTdq = np.array([[0, -1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]) @ self[i].A( q[jindex] # type: ignore ) elif axis == "tx": dTdq = np.array([[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]) elif axis == "ty": dTdq = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]]) else: # pragma: nocover raise TypeError("Invalid axes") E0 = ETS2(self[:i]) if len(E0) > 0: dTdq = E0.fkine(q).A @ dTdq Ef = ETS2(self[i + 1 :]) if len(Ef) > 0: dTdq = dTdq @ Ef.fkine(q).A T = self.fkine(q).A dRdt = dTdq[:2, :2] @ T[:2, :2].T J[:2, j] = dTdq[:2, 2] J[2, j] = dRdt[1, 0] return J
[docs] def jacobe( self, q: ArrayLike, ): r""" Jacobian in base frame :param q: joint coordinates :type q: ArrayLike :return: Jacobian matrix ``jacobe(q)`` is the manipulator Jacobian matrix which maps joint velocity to end-effector spatial velocity. End-effector spatial velocity :math:`\nu = (v_x, v_y, v_z, \omega_x, \omega_y, \omega_z)^T` is related to joint velocity by :math:`{}^{e}\nu = {}^{e}\mathbf{J}_0(q) \dot{q}`. :seealso: :func:`jacob`, :func:`hessian0` """ # noqa T = self.fkine(q, include_base=False).A return tr2jac2(T.T) @ self.jacob0(q)