Source code for machinevisiontoolbox.ImageIO

#!/usr/bin/env python

from collections import namedtuple
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from scipy import interpolate
import cv2 as cv
from pathlib import Path
import os.path
from spatialmath.base import argcheck, getvector
from machinevisiontoolbox.base import (

import os
import cv2 as cv
import zipfile
import numpy as np
import fnmatch
from numpy.core.numeric import _rollaxis_dispatcher

from machinevisiontoolbox.base import mvtb_path_to_datafile, iread, convert
from numpy.lib.arraysetops import isin

[docs]class ImageIOMixin: # ======================= image i/io ================================== #
[docs] @classmethod def Read(cls, filename, alpha=False, rgb=True, **kwargs): """ Read image from file :param filename: image file name :type filename: str :param alpha: include alpha plane if present, defaults to False :type alpha: bool, optional :param rgb: force color image to be in RGB order, defaults to True :type rgb: bool, optional :param kwargs: options applied to image frames, see :func:`~machinevisiontoolbox.base.imageio.convert` :raises ValueError: file not found :return: image from file :rtype: :class:`Image` Load monochrome or color image from file, many common formats are supported. A number of transformations can be applied to the image loaded from the file before it is returned. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image >>> Image.Read('street.png') >>> Image.Read('flowers1.png') >>> Image.Read('flowers1.png', grey=True) >>> Image.Read('flowers1.png', dtype='float16') >>> Image.Read('flowers1.png', reduce=4) >>> Image.Read('flowers1.png', gamma='sRGB') # linear tristimulus values :note: If the path is not absolute it is first searched for relative to the current directory, and if not found, it is searched for in the ``images`` folder of the ``mvtb_data`` package. :seealso: :func:`~machinevisiontoolbox.base.imageio.iread` :func:`~machinevisiontoolbox.base.imageio.convert` `cv2.imread <>`_ """ if not isinstance(filename, (str, Path)): raise ValueError("expecting a string or path") # read the image data = iread(filename, rgb=rgb, **kwargs) # result is a tuple(image, filename) or a list of tuples colororder = None if isinstance(data, tuple): # singleton image, make it a list image, name = data if not alpha and image.ndim == 3 and image.shape[2] == 4: image = image[:, :, :3] if image.ndim > 2: colororder = "RGB" if rgb else "BGR" return cls( image, name=name, colororder=colororder ) # OpenCV file read order) elif isinstance(data, list): raise ValueError("wildcard read not support, use FileCollection")
[docs] def disp(self, title=None, **kwargs): """ Display image :param title: named of window, defaults to image ``name`` :type title: bool :param kwargs: options, see :func:`~machinevisiontoolbox.base.imageio.idisp` Display an image using either Matplotlib (default) or OpenCV. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image >>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png') >>> img.disp() .. plot:: from machinevisiontoolbox import Image Image.Read('flowers1.png').disp() :seealso: :func:`~machinevisiontoolbox.base.imageio.idisp` """ if title is False: title = None elif title is None and is not None: _, title = os.path.split( if self.domain is not None: # left right top bottom kwargs["extent"] = [ self.domain[0][0], self.domain[0][-1], self.domain[1][-1], self.domain[1][0], ] return idisp( self.A, title=title, colororder="RGB" if self.isrgb else "BGR", **kwargs )
[docs] def write(self, filename, dtype="uint8", **kwargs): """ Write image to file :param filename: filename to write to :type filename: str :param dtype: data type to convert to, before writing :type dtype: str :param kwargs: options for :func:`~machinevisiontoolbox.base.iwrite` Write image data to a file. The file format is taken from the extension of the filename. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image >>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png') >>> img.write('flowers.jpg') :seealso: :func:`~machinevisiontoolbox.base.iwrite` `cv2.imwrite <>`_ """ # cv.imwrite can only save 8-bit single channel or 3-channel BGR images # with several specific exceptions # # #gabbc7ef1aa2edfaa87772f1202d67e0ce # TODO imwrite has many quality/type flags ret = iwrite(self.image.astype(dtype), filename, **kwargs) return ret
[docs] def metadata(self, key=None): """ Get image EXIF metadata :param key: metadata key :type key: str, optional :return: image metadata :rtype: dict, int, float, str Get image metadata from EXIF headers. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image >>> img = Image.Read('church.jpg') >>> meta = img.metadata() # get all metadata as a dict >>> len(meta) >>> meta >>> meta['FocalLength'] >>> img.metadata('FocalLength') # get specific metadata item :note: Metadata items will be converted, where possible, to int or float values. """ try: import PIL from PIL.ExifTags import TAGS except ImportError: print("Pillow is required to read image file metadata\npip install pillow") image = exif = {} # iterate over the EXIF tags meta = image._getexif() if meta is None: return # no metadata for tag, value in meta.items(): if tag in TAGS: # map tag number to tag name exif[TAGS[tag]] = value if key is None: return exif else: val = exif[key] if isinstance(val, str): # attempt to turn string into int or float try: return int(val) except ValueError: pass try: return float(val) except ValueError: pass return val if isinstance(val, int): return val elif isinstance(val, tuple) and len(val) == 2: # old versions of PIL return (numerator, denominator) return val[0] / val[1] else: # float values are actually type PIL.TiffImagePlugin.IFDRational val = float(val) return val
[docs] def showpixels( self, textcolors=["yellow", "blue"], fmt=None, ax=None, windowsize=0, **kwargs ): """ Display image with pixel values :param textcolors: text color, defaults to ['yellow', 'blue'] :type textcolors: list, optional :param fmt: format string for displaying pixel values, defaults to None :type fmt: str, optional :param ax: Matplotlb axes to draw into, defaults to None :type ax: axes, optional :param windowsize: half side length of superimposed moving window, defaults to 0 :type windowsize: int, optional :return: a moving window :rtype: ``Window`` instance Display a monochrome image with the pixel values overlaid. This is suitable for small images, of order 10x10, used for pedagogical purposes. For example it can be used to animate the operation of sliding window operations like convolution or morphology. The first color in ``textcolors`` is used for pixels below 50% intensity and the second color for those above 50%. If ``windowsize`` is given then a translucent colored window is superimposed and a ``Window`` instance returned. This allows the window position, color and opacity to be changed. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image >>> img = Image.Random(10) >>> window = img.showpixels(windowsize=1) # with 3x3 window >>> window.move(2,3) # position window at (2,3) >>> window.move(4,5, color='blue', alpha=0.7) .. plot:: from machinevisiontoolbox import Image img = Image.Random(10) img.showpixels(windowsize=1) .. plot:: from machinevisiontoolbox import Image img = Image.Random(10) window = img.showpixels(windowsize=1) window.move(2,3) :seealso: :meth:`print` """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if self.isint: fmt = "{:d}" halfway = self.maxval / 2 else: fmt = "{:.2f}" halfway = 0.5 image = self.image for v in range(self.height): for u in range(self.width): if isinstance(textcolors, (list, tuple)): if image[v, u] < halfway: color = textcolors[0] else: color = textcolors[1] elif textcolors == "grey": if image[v, u] < halfway: color = image[v, u] + 0.4 * np.r_[1, 1, 1] else: color = image[v, u] - 0.4 * np.r_[1, 1, 1] ax.text( u, v, fmt.format(image[v, u]), horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center", color=color, **kwargs, ) ax.imshow(image, cmap="gray") ax.set_xlabel("u (pixels)") ax.set_ylabel("v (pixels)") plt.draw() class Window: def __init__(self, h=1, color="red", alpha=0.6, ax=None): self.h = h self.color = color self.alpha = alpha w = 2 * h + 1 patch = plt.Rectangle((0, 0), w, w, color=color, alpha=alpha) if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ax.add_patch(patch) self.patch = patch def move(self, u, v, color=None, alpha=0.5): if color is not None: self.color = color self.patch.set_color(color) if alpha is not None: self.alpha = alpha self.patch.set_alpha(alpha) self.patch.set_x(u - self.h - 0.5) self.patch.set_y(v - self.h - 0.5) if windowsize > 0: return Window(windowsize)
# def ascvtype(self): # if np.issubdtype(self.image.dtype, np.floating): # return self.image.astype(np.float32) # else: # return self.image.astype(np.uint8)
[docs] def anaglyph(self, right, colors="rc", disp=0): """ Convert stereo images to an anaglyph image :param right: right image :type right: Image instance :param colors: lens colors (left, right), defaults to 'rc' :type colors: str, optional :param disp: disparity, defaults to 0 :type disp: int, optional :raises ValueErrror: images are not the same size :return: anaglyph image :rtype: :class:`Image` Returns an anaglyph image which combines the two images of a stereo pair by coding them in two different colors. By default the left image is red, and the right image is cyan. ``colors`` describes the lens color coding as a string with 2 letters, the first for left, the second for right, and each is one of: ==== ======== code color ==== ======== 'r' red 'g' green 'b' green 'c' cyan 'm' magenta ==== ======== If ``disp`` is positive the disparity is increased by shifting the ``right`` image to the right. If negative disparity is reduced by shifting the ``right`` image to the left. These adjustments are achieved by trimming the images. Use this option to make the images more natural/comfortable to view, useful if the images were captured with a stereo baseline significantly different to the human eye separation (typically 65mm). Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image >>> left = Image.Read("rocks2-l.png", reduce=2) >>> right = Image.Read("rocks2-r.png", reduce=2) >>> left.anaglyph(right).disp() .. plot:: from machinevisiontoolbox import Image left = Image.Read("rocks2-l.png", reduce=2) right = Image.Read("rocks2-r.png", reduce=2) left.anaglyph(right).disp() :reference: - Robotics, Vision & Control for Python, Section 14.4, P. Corke, Springer 2023. :seealso: :meth:`stdisp` :meth:`Overlay` """ if self.size != right.size: raise ValueError("images must be same size") width, height = self.size # ensure the images are greyscale left = self.mono() right = right.mono() if disp > 0: left = left.trim(right=disp) right = right.trim(left=disp) elif disp < 0: disp = -disp left = left.trim(left=disp) right = right.trim(right=disp) colordict = { "r": (1, 0, 0), "g": (0, 1, 0), "b": (0, 0, 1), "c": (0, 1, 1), "m": (1, 0, 1), "o": (1, 1, 0), } return left.colorize(colordict[colors[0]]) + right.colorize( colordict[colors[1]] )
[docs] def stdisp(self, right): """ Interactive display of stereo image pair :param right: right image :type right: :class:`Image` The left and right images are displayed, stacked horizontally. Clicking in the left-hand image sets a crosshair cursor in the right-hand image. Clicking the corresponding point in the right-hand image will display the disparity at the top of the right-hand image. Example:: >>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image >>> left = Image.Read("rocks2-l.png", reduce=2) >>> right = Image.Read("rocks2-r.png", reduce=2) >>> left.stdisp(right) .. plot:: from machinevisiontoolbox import Image left = Image.Read("rocks2-l.png", reduce=2) right = Image.Read("rocks2-r.png", reduce=2) left.stdisp(right) :note: The images are assumed to be epipolar aligned. :reference: - Robotics, Vision & Control for Python, Section 14.4, P. Corke, Springer 2023. :seealso: :meth:`anaglyph` """ class Cursor: """ A cross hair cursor. """ def __init__(self, ax, ax2): = ax self.ax2 = ax2 self.horizontal_line = ax.axhline(color="k", lw=0.8) self.horizontal_line2 = ax2.axhline(color="k", lw=0.8) self.vertical_line = ax.axvline(color="k", lw=0.8) self.vertical_line2 = ax2.axvline(color="k", lw=0.8) self.vertical_line3 = ax2.axvline(color="k", lw=0.8, ls="--") self.leftclicked = False self.x_left = None # text location in axes coordinates self.text = self.ax2.text( 0.05, 0.95, "", transform=ax2.transAxes, backgroundcolor="w" ) def set_cross_hair_visible(self, visible): need_redraw = self.horizontal_line.get_visible() != visible self.horizontal_line.set_visible(visible) self.horizontal_line2.set_visible(visible) self.vertical_line.set_visible(visible) self.vertical_line2.set_visible(visible) self.vertical_line3.set_visible(visible) self.text.set_visible(visible) return need_redraw def on_mouse_move(self, event): if event.inaxes == self.ax2 and self.leftclicked: x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata # update the line positions self.vertical_line3.set_xdata(x) self.text.set_text("d={:.2f}".format(self.x_left - x)) self.ax2.figure.canvas.draw() # if event.inaxes: # need_redraw = self.set_cross_hair_visible(False) # if need_redraw: # # else: # self.set_cross_hair_visible(True) # x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata # # update the line positions # self.horizontal_line.set_ydata(y) # self.vertical_line.set_xdata(x) # # self.text.set_text('x=%1.2f, y=%1.2f' % (x, y)) # def on_click(self, event): # if not event.inaxes: # need_redraw = self.set_cross_hair_visible(False) # if need_redraw: # # else: if event.inaxes == self.set_cross_hair_visible(True) x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata # update the line positions self.horizontal_line.set_ydata(y) self.vertical_line.set_xdata(x) self.horizontal_line2.set_ydata(y) self.vertical_line2.set_xdata(x) self.leftclicked = True self.x_left = x fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(ncols=2, sharey=True) self.disp(ax=ax1, grid=True) right.disp(ax=ax2, grid=True) cursor = Cursor(ax1, ax2) fig.canvas.mpl_connect("motion_notify_event", cursor.on_mouse_move) fig.canvas.mpl_connect("button_press_event", cursor.on_click)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # if __name__ == "__main__": import pathlib import os.path # from machinevisiontoolbox import VideoCamera # import time # camera = VideoCamera(1) # time.sleep(10) # for i in range(10): # image = camera.grab() # time.sleep(0.1) # camera.release() # image.disp() # from machinevisiontoolbox import * from machinevisiontoolbox import Image church = Image.Read("shark2.png") print(church.metadata()) church.disp(block=True) # exec(open(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent.absolute() / "tests" / "").read()) # pylint: disable=exec-used