import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter
import cv2 as cv
from spatialmath import base
class ImageLineFeaturesMixin:
Line features are common in in many human-built environments.
def Hough(self, **kwargs):
Find Hough line features
:return: Hough lines
:rtype: :class:`~machinevisiontoolbox.ImageLineFeatures.HoughFeature`
Compute the Hough transform of the image and return an object that
represents the lines found within the image.
:seealso: :class:`~machinevisiontoolbox.ImageLineFeatures.HoughFeature`
return HoughFeature(self, **kwargs)
# --------------------- supporting classes -------------------------------- #
[docs]class HoughFeature:
def __init__(self, image, ntheta=180, drho=1):
Hough line features
:param image: greyscale image
:type image: :class:`Image`
:param ntheta: number of steps in the :meth:`\theta` direction, defaults to 180
:type ntheta: int, optional
:param drho: increment size in the :meth:`\rho` direction, defaults to 1
:type drho: int, optional
Create a Hough line feature object. It can be used to detect:
- lines using the classical Hough algorithm :meth:`lines`
- line segments using the probabilistic Hough algorith :meth:`lines_p`
The Hough accumulator is a 2D array that counts votes for lines
.. math:: u \cos \theta + v \sin \theta = \rho
with quantized parameters :math:`\theta` and :math:`\rho`. The parameter
:math:`\theta` is quantized into ``ntheta`` steps spanning the interval
:math:`[-\pi, \pi)`, while :math:`\rho` is quantized into steps of
``drho`` spanning the vertical dimension of the image.
:note: Lines are not detected until :meth:`lines` or :meth:`lines_p`
is called. This instance simply holds parameters.
- Robotics, Vision & Control for Python, Section 12.2, P. Corke,
Springer 2023.
:seealso: :meth:`lines` :meth:`lines_p`
self.image = image.to_int()
self.dtheta = np.pi / ntheta
self.drho = drho
self.A = None
[docs] def lines(self, minvotes):
Get Hough lines
:param minvotes: only return lines with at least this many votes
:type minvotes: int
:return: Hough lines, one per row as :math:`(\theta, \rho)`
:rtype: ndarray(n,2)
Return a set of lines that have at least ``minvotes`` of support. Each
line is described by :math:`(\theta, \rho)` such that
.. math:: u \cos \theta + v \sin \theta = \rho
:seealso: :meth:`plot_lines` :meth:`lines_p` `opencv.HoughLines <>`_
lines = cv.HoughLines(
image=self.image, rho=self.drho, theta=self.dtheta, threshold=minvotes
if lines is None:
return np.zeros((0, 2))
return np.array((lines[:, 0, 1], lines[:, 0, 0])).T
[docs] def lines_p(self, minvotes, minlinelength=30, maxlinegap=10, seed=None):
Get probabilistic Hough lines
:param minvotes: only return lines with at least this many votes
:type minvotes: int
:param minlinelength: minimum line length. Line segments shorter than that are rejected.
:type minlinelength: int
:param maxlinegap: maximum allowed gap between points on the same line to link them.
:type maxlinegap: int
:return: Hough lines, one per row as :math:`(u_1, v_1, u_2, v_2)`
:rtype: ndarray(n,4)
Return a set of line segments that have at least ``minvotes`` of support. Each
line segment is described by its end points :math:`(u_1, v_1)` and
:math:`(u_2, v_2)`.
:seealso: :meth:`plot_lines` :meth:`lines` `opencv.HoughLinesP <>`_
if seed is not None:
lines = cv.HoughLinesP(
if lines is None:
return np.zeros((0, 4))
return lines[:, 0, :]
[docs] def plot_lines(self, lines, *args, **kwargs):
Plot Hough lines
:param lines: Hough or probabilistic Hough lines
:type lines: ndarray(n,2), ndarray(n,4)
:param args: positional arguments passed to Matplotlib :obj:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot`
:param kwargs: arguments passed to Matplotlib :obj:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot`
Detected lines are given as rows of ``lines``:
- for Hough lines, each row is :math:`(\theta, \rho)`, and lines are
clipped by the bounds of the current plot.
- for probabilistic Hough lines, each row is :math:`(u_1, v_1, u_2, v_2)`,
and lines segments are drawn on the current plot.
:seealso: :meth:`lines` :meth:`lines_p`
if lines.shape[1] == 2:
# Hough lines
theta, rho = lines.T
homlines = np.row_stack((np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta), -rho))
base.plot_homline(homlines, *args, **kwargs)
for line in lines:
plt.plot(line[[0, 2]], line[[1, 3]], *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def accumulator(self, skip=1):
Compute the Hough accumulator
:param skip: increment for line strength threshold, defaults to 1
:type skip: int, optional
It creates two new attributes for the instance:
- ``A`` which is the Hough "accumulator" array, rows represent :math:`\rho`
and columns represent :math:`\theta`.
- ``votes`` is a list of the number of lines found versus threshold, it
can be used to select an optimal threshold.
- ``extent`` is :math:`[\theta_{\mbox{min}}, \theta_{\mbox{max}},
\rho_{\mbox{min}}, \rho_{\mbox{max}}]`.
.. warning:: The OpenCV ``HoughLines`` function does not expose the
accumulator array. This method "reverse engineers" the accumulator
array through a costly process of computing the Hough transform
for all possible thresholds (increasing in steps of ``skip``). This
is helpful for pedagogy but very inefficient in practice.
:seealso: :meth:`plot_accumulator`
""" = np.sum(self.image > 0)
t = 0
theta = np.empty((0,))
rho = np.empty((0,))
votes = []
while True:
lines = cv.HoughLines(
image=self.image, rho=self.drho, theta=self.dtheta, threshold=t
if lines is None:
# no lines found at this threshold, bail out
self.t = t - 1
# append the found lines and votes
theta = np.concatenate((theta, lines[:, 0, 1].flatten()))
rho = np.concatenate((rho, lines[:, 0, 0].flatten()))
t += skip # increment the line strength threshold
# now create the accumulator array
theta_bins = np.arange(
theta.min() - self.dtheta / 2, theta.max() + self.dtheta / 2, self.dtheta
rho_bins = np.arange(
rho.min() - self.drho / 2, rho.max() + self.drho / 2, self.drho
self.extent = [theta_bins[0], theta_bins[-1], rho_bins[0], rho_bins[-1]]
self.A = np.histogram2d(theta, rho, bins=(theta_bins, rho_bins))[0].T
self.votes = votes
[docs] def plot_accumulator(self, **kwargs):
Plot the Hough accumulator array
:param kwargs: options passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`
The Hough accumulator is computed, if not already existing, and the displayed
as an image where brightness is proportional to the number of votes for
that :math:`(\theta, \rho)` coordinate.
:seealso: :meth:`accumulator`
if self.A is None:
plt.xlabel(r"$\theta$ (radians)")
plt.xlim(0, np.pi)
plt.ylabel(r"$\rho$ (pixels)")
if __name__ == "__main__":
from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
from math import pi
square = Image.Squares(number=1, size=256, fg=128).rotate(0.3)
edges = square.canny()
h = edges.hough()