Source code for roboticstoolbox.robot.Link

from copy import deepcopy
from abc import ABC
from typing_extensions import Self

# from multiprocessing.sharedctypes import Value
import numpy as np
from functools import wraps
from spatialmath.base import getvector, isscalar, isvector, ismatrix
from spatialmath import SE3, SE2
from ansitable import ANSITable, Column
from spatialgeometry import Shape, SceneNode, SceneGroup
from typing import List, Union, Tuple, overload

import roboticstoolbox as rtb
from roboticstoolbox.robot.ETS import ETS, ETS2
from roboticstoolbox.robot.ET import ET, ET2
from warnings import warn

from import ArrayLike, NDArray

# A generic type variable representing any subclass of BaseETS
# ETSType = TypeVar("ETSType", bound=BaseETS)
# ETType = TypeVar("ETType", bound=BaseET)

def _listen_dyn(func):

    Decorator for property setters

    Use this decorator for any property setter that updates a parameter that
    affects the result of inverse dynamics.  This allows the C version of the
    parameters only having to be updated when they change, rather than on
    every call.  This decorator signals the change by:

    - invoking the ``.dynchanged()`` method of the robot that owns the link.
      This assumes that the Link object is owned by a robot, this happens
      when the Link object is passed to a robot constructor.
    - setting the ``._hasdynamics`` attribute of the Link


        def m(self, m_new):
            self._m = m_new

    :seealso: :func:`DHLink._dyn_changed`

    def wrapper_listen_dyn(*args):
        if args[0]._robot is not None:
        args[0]._hasdynamics = True
        return func(*args)

    return wrapper_listen_dyn

[docs]class Link2(BaseLink): def __init__(self, ets: ETS2 = ETS2(), jindex: Union[int, None] = None, **kwargs): # process common options super().__init__(ets=ets, **kwargs) # check we have an ETS if not isinstance(self._ets, ETS2): # pragma: nocover raise TypeError("The self._ets argument must be of type ETS2") # Set the jindex if len(self._ets) > 0 and self._ets[-1].isjoint: if jindex is not None: self._ets[-1].jindex = jindex # pragma: nocover
[docs] def A(self, q: float = 0.0) -> SE2: """ Link transform matrix ``link.A(q)`` is an SE(2) matrix that describes the rigid-body transformation from the previous to the current link frame to the next, which depends on the joint coordinate ``q``. Parameters ---------- q Joint coordinate (radians or metres). Not required for links with no variable Returns ------- T link frame transformation matrix """ if self.isjoint: if self._Ts is not None: return SE2(self._Ts @ self._ets[-1].A(q), check=False) else: return SE2(self._ets[-1].A(q), check=False) elif self._Ts is not None: return SE2(self._Ts, check=False) else: return SE2()