Source code for roboticstoolbox.robot.Robot

#!/usr/bin/env python

@author: Jesse Haviland
@author: Peter Corke

# import sys
from os.path import splitext
from copy import deepcopy
from warnings import warn
from pathlib import PurePosixPath, Path
from typing import (
from typing_extensions import Literal as L

import numpy as np

import spatialmath.base as smb
from spatialmath.base.argcheck import (

from spatialgeometry import Shape, CollisionShape, Cylinder

from spatialmath import (

import roboticstoolbox as rtb
from roboticstoolbox.robot.BaseRobot import BaseRobot
from roboticstoolbox.robot.RobotKinematics import RobotKinematicsMixin
from roboticstoolbox.robot.Gripper import Gripper
from roboticstoolbox.robot.Link import BaseLink, Link, Link2
from roboticstoolbox.robot.ETS import ETS, ETS2
from import xacro
from import URDF
from import ArrayLike, NDArray
from import rtb_path_to_datafile

# A generic type variable representing any subclass of BaseLink
LinkType = TypeVar("LinkType", bound=BaseLink)

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# ================= Robot Class ====================================================== #
# ==================================================================================== #

[docs]class Robot(BaseRobot[Link], RobotKinematicsMixin): _color = True def __init__( self, arg: Union[List[Link], ETS, "Robot"], gripper_links: Union[Link, List[Link], None] = None, name: str = "", manufacturer: str = "", comment: str = "", base: Union[NDArray, SE3, None] = None, tool: Union[NDArray, SE3, None] = None, gravity: ArrayLike = [0, 0, -9.81], keywords: Union[List[str], Tuple[str]] = [], symbolic: bool = False, configs: Union[Dict[str, NDArray], None] = None, check_jindex: bool = True, urdf_string: Union[str, None] = None, urdf_filepath: Union[Path, PurePosixPath, None] = None, ): # Process links if isinstance(arg, Robot): # We're passed a Robot, clone it # We need to preserve the parent link as we copy # Copy each link within the robot links = [deepcopy(link) for link in arg.links] gripper_links = [] for gripper in arg.grippers: glinks = [] for link in gripper.links: glinks.append(deepcopy(link)) gripper_links.append(glinks[0]) links = links + glinks # Sever parent connection, but save the string # The constructor will piece this together for us for link in links: link._children = [] if link.parent is not None: link._parent_name = link._parent = None super().__init__(links, gripper_links=gripper_links) for i, gripper in enumerate(self.grippers): gripper.tool = arg.grippers[i].tool.copy() self._urdf_string = arg.urdf_string self._urdf_filepath = arg.urdf_filepath else: if isinstance(arg, ETS): # We're passed an ETS string links = [] # chop it up into segments, a link frame after every joint parent = None for j, ets_j in enumerate(arg.split()): elink = Link(ETS(ets_j), parent=parent, name=f"link{j:d}") if ( elink.qlim is None and elink.v is not None and elink.v.qlim is not None ): elink.qlim = elink.v.qlim # pragma nocover parent = elink links.append(elink) elif smb.islistof(arg, Link): links = arg else: raise TypeError("arg was invalid, must be List[Link], ETS, or Robot") # Initialise Base Robot object super().__init__( links=links, gripper_links=gripper_links, name=name, manufacturer=manufacturer, comment=comment, base=base, tool=tool, gravity=gravity, keywords=keywords, symbolic=symbolic, configs=configs, check_jindex=check_jindex, ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # --------- Swift Methods --------------------------------------------- # # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _to_dict(self, robot_alpha=1.0, collision_alpha=0.0): ob = [] for link in self.links: if robot_alpha > 0: for gi in link.geometry: gi.set_alpha(robot_alpha) ob.append(gi.to_dict()) if collision_alpha > 0: for gi in link.collision: gi.set_alpha(collision_alpha) ob.append(gi.to_dict()) # Do the grippers now for gripper in self.grippers: for link in gripper.links: if robot_alpha > 0: for gi in link.geometry: gi.set_alpha(robot_alpha) ob.append(gi.to_dict()) if collision_alpha > 0: for gi in link.collision: gi.set_alpha(collision_alpha) ob.append(gi.to_dict()) # for o in ob: # print(o) return ob def _fk_dict(self, robot_alpha=1.0, collision_alpha=0.0): ob = [] # Do the robot for link in self.links: if robot_alpha > 0: for gi in link.geometry: ob.append(gi.fk_dict()) if collision_alpha > 0: for gi in link.collision: ob.append(gi.fk_dict()) # Do the grippers now for gripper in self.grippers: for link in gripper.links: if robot_alpha > 0: for gi in link.geometry: ob.append(gi.fk_dict()) if collision_alpha > 0: for gi in link.collision: ob.append(gi.fk_dict()) return ob # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # --------- URDF Methods ---------------------------------------------- # # --------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] @staticmethod def URDF_read( file_path, tld=None, xacro_tld=None ) -> Tuple[List[Link], str, str, Union[Path, PurePosixPath]]: """ Read a URDF file as Links File should be specified relative to ``RTBDATA/URDF/xacro`` Parameters ---------- file_path File path relative to the xacro folder tld A custom top-level directory which holds the xacro data, defaults to None xacro_tld A custom top-level within the xacro data, defaults to None Returns ------- links a list of links name the name of the robot urdf a string representing the URDF file_path a path to the original file Notes ----- If ``tld`` is not supplied, filepath pointing to xacro data should be directly under ``RTBDATA/URDF/xacro`` OR under ``./xacro`` relative to the model file calling this method. If ``tld`` is supplied, then ```file_path``` needs to be relative to ``tld`` """ # Get the path to the class that defines the robot if tld is None: base_path = rtb_path_to_datafile("xacro") else: base_path = PurePosixPath(tld) # Add on relative path to get to the URDF or xacro file # base_path = PurePath(classpath).parent.parent / 'URDF' / 'xacro' file_path = base_path / PurePosixPath(file_path) _, ext = splitext(file_path) if ext == ".xacro": # it's a xacro file, preprocess it if xacro_tld is not None: xacro_tld = base_path / PurePosixPath(xacro_tld) urdf_string = xacro.main(file_path, xacro_tld) try: urdf = URDF.loadstr(urdf_string, file_path, base_path) except BaseException as e: # pragma nocover print("error parsing URDF file", file_path) raise e else: # pragma nocover urdf_string = open(file_path).read() urdf = URDF.loadstr(urdf_string, file_path, base_path) if not isinstance(urdf_string, str): # pragma nocover raise ValueError("Parsing failed, did not get valid URDF string back") return urdf.elinks,, urdf_string, file_path
[docs] @classmethod def URDF(cls, file_path: str, gripper: Union[int, str, None] = None): """ Construct a Robot object from URDF file Parameters ---------- file_path the path to the URDF gripper index or name of the gripper link(s) Returns ------- If ``gripper`` is specified, links from that link outward are removed from the rigid-body tree and folded into a ``Gripper`` object. """ links, name, urdf_string, urdf_filepath = Robot.URDF_read(file_path) gripperLink: Union[Link, None] = None if gripper is not None: if isinstance(gripper, int): gripperLink = links[gripper] elif isinstance(gripper, str): for link in links: if == gripper: gripperLink = link break else: # pragma nocover raise ValueError(f"no link named {gripper}") else: # pragma nocover raise TypeError("bad argument passed as gripper") # links, name, urdf_string, urdf_filepath = Robot.URDF_read(file_path) return cls( links, name=name, gripper_links=gripperLink, urdf_string=urdf_string, urdf_filepath=urdf_filepath, )
# # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # --------- Utility Methods ------------------------------------------- # # # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # def showgraph(self, display_graph: bool = True, **kwargs) -> Union[None, str]: # """ # Display a link transform graph in browser # ``robot.showgraph()`` displays a graph of the robot's link frames # and the ETS between them. It uses GraphViz dot. # The nodes are: # - Base is shown as a grey square. This is the world frame origin, # but can be changed using the ``base`` attribute of the robot. # - Link frames are indicated by circles # - ETS transforms are indicated by rounded boxes # The edges are: # - an arrow if `jtype` is False or the joint is fixed # - an arrow with a round head if `jtype` is True and the joint is # revolute # - an arrow with a box head if `jtype` is True and the joint is # prismatic # Edge labels or nodes in blue have a fixed transformation to the # preceding link. # Parameters # ---------- # display_graph # Open the graph in a browser if True. Otherwise will return the # file path # etsbox # Put the link ETS in a box, otherwise an edge label # jtype # Arrowhead to node indicates revolute or prismatic type # static # Show static joints in blue and bold # Examples # -------- # >>> import roboticstoolbox as rtb # >>> panda = rtb.models.URDF.Panda() # >>> panda.showgraph() # .. image:: ../figs/panda-graph.svg # :width: 600 # See Also # -------- # :func:`dotfile` # """ # # Lazy import # import tempfile # import subprocess # import webbrowser # # create the temporary dotfile # dotfile = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode="w") # self.dotfile(dotfile, **kwargs) # # rewind the dot file, create PDF file in the filesystem, run dot # # pdffile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".pdf", delete=False) #"dot -Tpdf", shell=True, stdin=dotfile, stdout=pdffile) # # open the PDF file in browser (hopefully portable), then cleanup # if display_graph: # pragma nocover #"file://{}") # else: # return # def dotfile( # self, # filename: Union[str, IO[str]], # etsbox: bool = False, # ets: L["full", "brief"] = "full", # jtype: bool = False, # static: bool = True, # ): # """ # Write a link transform graph as a GraphViz dot file # The file can be processed using dot: # % dot -Tpng -o out.png # The nodes are: # - Base is shown as a grey square. This is the world frame origin, # but can be changed using the ``base`` attribute of the robot. # - Link frames are indicated by circles # - ETS transforms are indicated by rounded boxes # The edges are: # - an arrow if `jtype` is False or the joint is fixed # - an arrow with a round head if `jtype` is True and the joint is # revolute # - an arrow with a box head if `jtype` is True and the joint is # prismatic # Edge labels or nodes in blue have a fixed transformation to the # preceding link. # Note # ---- # If ``filename`` is a file object then the file will *not* # be closed after the GraphViz model is written. # Parameters # ---------- # file # Name of file to write to # etsbox # Put the link ETS in a box, otherwise an edge label # ets # Display the full ets with "full" or a brief version with "brief" # jtype # Arrowhead to node indicates revolute or prismatic type # static # Show static joints in blue and bold # See Also # -------- # :func:`showgraph` # """ # if isinstance(filename, str): # file = open(filename, "w") # else: # file = filename # header = r"""digraph G { # graph [rankdir=LR]; # """ # def draw_edge(link, etsbox, jtype, static): # # draw the edge # if jtype: # if link.isprismatic: # edge_options = 'arrowhead="box", arrowtail="inv", dir="both"' # elif link.isrevolute: # edge_options = 'arrowhead="dot", arrowtail="inv", dir="both"' # else: # edge_options = 'arrowhead="normal"' # else: # edge_options = 'arrowhead="normal"' # if link.parent is None: # parent = "BASE" # else: # parent = # if etsbox: # # put the ets fragment in a box # if not link.isjoint and static: # node_options = ', fontcolor="blue"' # else: # node_options = "" # try: # file.write( # ' {}_ets [shape=box, style=rounded, label="{}"{}];\n'.format( #, # link.ets.__str__(q=f"q{link.jindex}"), # node_options, # ) # ) # except UnicodeEncodeError: # pragma nocover # file.write( # ' {}_ets [shape=box, style=rounded, label="{}"{}];\n'.format( #, # link.ets.__str__(q=f"q{link.jindex}") # .encode("ascii", "ignore") # .decode("ascii"), # node_options, # ) # ) # file.write(" {} -> {}_ets;\n".format(parent, # file.write( # " {}_ets -> {} [{}];\n".format(,, edge_options) # ) # else: # # put the ets fragment as an edge label # if not link.isjoint and static: # edge_options += 'fontcolor="blue"' # if ets == "full": # estr = link.ets.__str__(q=f"q{link.jindex}") # elif ets == "brief": # if link.jindex is None: # estr = "" # else: # estr = f"...q{link.jindex}" # else: # return # try: # file.write( # ' {} -> {} [label="{}", {}];\n'.format( # parent, #, # estr, # edge_options, # ) # ) # except UnicodeEncodeError: # pragma nocover # file.write( # ' {} -> {} [label="{}", {}];\n'.format( # parent, #, # estr.encode("ascii", "ignore").decode("ascii"), # edge_options, # ) # ) # file.write(header) # # add the base link # file.write(" BASE [shape=square, style=filled, fillcolor=gray]\n") # # add the links # for link in self: # # draw the link frame node (circle) or ee node (doublecircle) # if link in self.ee_links: # # end-effector # node_options = 'shape="doublecircle", color="blue", fontcolor="blue"' # else: # node_options = 'shape="circle"' # file.write(" {} [{}];\n".format(, node_options)) # draw_edge(link, etsbox, jtype, static) # for gripper in self.grippers: # for link in gripper.links: # file.write(" {} [shape=cds];\n".format( # draw_edge(link, etsbox, jtype, static) # file.write("}\n") # if isinstance(filename, str): # file.close() # noqa # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # --------- Kinematic Methods ----------------------------------------- # # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # @property def reach(self) -> float: r""" Reach of the robot A conservative estimate of the reach of the robot. It is computed as the sum of the translational ETs that define the link transform. Note ---- Computed on the first access. If kinematic parameters subsequently change this will not be reflected. Returns ------- reach Maximum reach of the robot Notes ----- - Probably an overestimate of reach - Used by numerical inverse kinematics to scale translational error. - For a prismatic joint, uses ``qlim`` if it is set """ # TODO # This should be a start, end method and compute the reach based on the # given ets. Then use an lru_cache to speed up return if self._reach is None: d_all = [] for link in self.ee_links: d = 0 while True: for et in link.ets: if et.istranslation: if et.isjoint: # the length of a prismatic joint depends on the # joint limits. They might be set in the ET # or in the Link depending on how the robot # was constructed if link.qlim is not None: d += max(link.qlim) elif et.qlim is not None: # pragma nocover d += max(et.qlim) else: d += abs(et.eta) link = link.parent if link is None or isinstance(link, str): d_all.append(d) break self._reach = max(d_all) return self._reach
[docs] def fkine_all(self, q: ArrayLike) -> SE3: """ Compute the pose of every link frame ``T = robot.fkine_all(q)`` is an SE3 instance with ``robot.nlinks + 1`` values: - ``T[0]`` is the base transform - ``T[i]`` is the pose of link whose ``number`` is ``i`` Parameters ---------- q The joint configuration Returns ------- fkine_all Pose of all links References ---------- - J. Haviland, and P. Corke. "Manipulator Differential Kinematics Part I: Kinematics, Velocity, and Applications." arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01796 (2022). """ # noqa q = getvector(q) Tbase = SE3(self.base) # add base, also sets the type linkframes = Tbase.__class__.Alloc(self.nlinks + 1) linkframes[0] = Tbase def recurse(Tall, Tparent, q, link): # if joint?? T = Tparent while True: T *= SE3(link.A(q[link.jindex])) Tall[link.number] = T if link.nchildren == 0: # no children return elif link.nchildren == 1: # one child if link in self.ee_links: # pragma nocover # this link is an end-effector, go no further return link = link.children[0] continue else: # multiple children for child in link.children: recurse(Tall, T, q, child) return recurse(linkframes, Tbase, q, self.links[0]) return linkframes
@overload def manipulability( self, q: ArrayLike = ..., J: None = None, end: Union[str, Link, Gripper, None] = None, start: Union[str, Link, Gripper, None] = None, method: L["yoshikawa", "asada", "minsingular", "invcondition"] = "yoshikawa", axes: Union[L["all", "trans", "rot"], List[bool]] = "all", **kwargs, ) -> Union[float, NDArray]: # pragma nocover ... @overload def manipulability( self, q: None = None, J: NDArray = ..., end: Union[str, Link, Gripper, None] = None, start: Union[str, Link, Gripper, None] = None, method: L["yoshikawa", "asada", "minsingular", "invcondition"] = "yoshikawa", axes: Union[L["all", "trans", "rot"], List[bool]] = "all", **kwargs, ) -> Union[float, NDArray]: # pragma nocover ...
[docs] def manipulability( self, q=None, J=None, end: Union[str, Link, Gripper, None] = None, start: Union[str, Link, Gripper, None] = None, method: L["yoshikawa", "asada", "minsingular", "invcondition"] = "yoshikawa", axes: Union[L["all", "trans", "rot"], List[bool]] = "all", **kwargs, ): """ Manipulability measure ``manipulability(q)`` is the scalar manipulability index for the robot at the joint configuration ``q``. It indicates dexterity, that is, how well conditioned the robot is for motion with respect to the 6 degrees of Cartesian motion. The values is zero if the robot is at a singularity. Parameters ---------- q Joint coordinates, one of J or q required J Jacobian in base frame if already computed, one of J or q required method method to use, "yoshikawa" (default), "invcondition", "minsingular" or "asada" axes Task space axes to consider: "all" [default], "trans", or "rot" Returns ------- manipulability Synopsis -------- Various measures are supported: | Measure | Description | |-------------------|-------------------------------------------------| | ``"yoshikawa"`` | Volume of the velocity ellipsoid, *distance* | | | from singularity [Yoshikawa85]_ | | ``"invcondition"``| Inverse condition number of Jacobian, isotropy | | | of the velocity ellipsoid [Klein87]_ | | ``"minsingular"`` | Minimum singular value of the Jacobian, | | | *distance* from singularity [Klein87]_ | | ``"asada"`` | Isotropy of the task-space acceleration | | | ellipsoid which is a function of the Cartesian | | | inertia matrix which depends on the inertial | | | parameters [Asada83]_ | **Trajectory operation**: If ``q`` is a matrix (m,n) then the result (m,) is a vector of manipulability indices for each joint configuration specified by a row of ``q``. Notes ----- - Invokes the ``jacob0`` method of the robot if ``J`` is not passed - The "all" option includes rotational and translational dexterity, but this involves adding different units. It can be more useful to look at the translational and rotational manipulability separately. - Examples in the RVC book (1st edition) can be replicated by using the "all" option - Asada's measure requires inertial a robot model with inertial parameters. References ---------- .. [Yoshikawa85] Manipulability of Robotic Mechanisms. Yoshikawa T., The International Journal of Robotics Research. 1985;4(2):3-9. doi:10.1177/027836498500400201 .. [Asada83] A geometrical representation of manipulator dynamics and its application to arm design, H. Asada, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, vol. 105, p. 131, 1983. .. [Klein87] Dexterity Measures for the Design and Control of Kinematically Redundant Manipulators. Klein CA, Blaho BE. The International Journal of Robotics Research. 1987;6(2):72-83. doi:10.1177/027836498700600206 - Robotics, Vision & Control, Chap 8, P. Corke, Springer 2011. .. versionchanged:: 1.0.3 Removed 'both' option for axes, added a custom list option. """ ets = self.ets(end, start) axes_list: List[bool] = [] if isinstance(axes, list): axes_list = axes elif axes == "all": axes_list = [True, True, True, True, True, True] elif axes.startswith("trans"): axes_list = [True, True, True, False, False, False] elif axes.startswith("rot"): axes_list = [False, False, False, True, True, True] elif axes == "both": return ( self.manipulability( q=q, J=J, end=end, start=start, method=method, axes="trans" ), self.manipulability( q=q, J=J, end=end, start=start, method=method, axes="rot" ), ) else: raise ValueError("axes must be all, trans, rot or both") def yoshikawa(robot, J, q, axes_list): J = J[axes_list, :] if J.shape[0] == J.shape[1]: # simplified case for square matrix return abs(np.linalg.det(J)) else: m2 = np.linalg.det(J @ J.T) return np.sqrt(abs(m2)) def condition(robot, J, q, axes_list): J = J[axes_list, :] # return 1/cond(J) return 1 / np.linalg.cond(J) def minsingular(robot, J, q, axes_list): J = J[axes_list, :] s = np.linalg.svd(J, compute_uv=False) # return last/smallest singular value of J return s[-1] def asada(robot, J, q, axes_list): # dof = np.sum(axes_list) if np.linalg.matrix_rank(J) < 6: return 0 Ji = np.linalg.pinv(J) Mx = Ji.T @ robot.inertia(q) @ Ji d = np.where(axes_list)[0] Mx = Mx[d] Mx = Mx[:, d.tolist()] e, _ = np.linalg.eig(Mx) return np.min(e) / np.max(e) # choose the handler function if method.lower().startswith("yoshi"): mfunc = yoshikawa elif method.lower().startswith("invc"): mfunc = condition elif method.lower().startswith("mins"): mfunc = minsingular elif method.lower().startswith("asa"): mfunc = asada else: raise ValueError("Invalid method chosen") # Calculate manipulability based on supplied Jacobian if J is not None: w = [mfunc(self, J, q, axes_list)] # Otherwise use the q vector/matrix else: q = np.array(getmatrix(q, (None, self.n))) w = np.zeros(q.shape[0]) for k, qk in enumerate(q): Jk = ets.jacob0(qk) w[k] = mfunc(self, Jk, qk, axes_list) if len(w) == 1: return w[0] else: return w
[docs] def jtraj( self, T1: Union[NDArray, SE3], T2: Union[NDArray, SE3], t: Union[NDArray, int], **kwargs, ): """ Joint-space trajectory between SE(3) poses The initial and final poses are mapped to joint space using inverse kinematics: - if the object has an analytic solution ``ikine_a`` that will be used, - otherwise the general numerical algorithm ``ikine_lm`` will be used. ``traj = obot.jtraj(T1, T2, t)`` is a trajectory object whose attribute ``traj.q`` is a row-wise joint-space trajectory. Parameters ---------- T1 initial end-effector pose T2 final end-effector pose t time vector or number of steps kwargs arguments passed to the IK solver Returns ------- trajectory """ # noqa if hasattr(self, "ikine_a"): ik = self.ikine_a # type: ignore else: ik = self.ikine_LM q1 = ik(T1, **kwargs) q2 = ik(T2, **kwargs) return rtb.jtraj(q1.q, q2.q, t)
@overload def jacob0_dot( self, q: ArrayLike, qd: ArrayLike, J0: None = None, representation: Union[L["rpy/xyz", "rpy/zyx", "eul", "exp"], None] = None, ) -> NDArray: # pragma no cover ... @overload def jacob0_dot( self, q: None, qd: ArrayLike, J0: NDArray = ..., representation: Union[L["rpy/xyz", "rpy/zyx", "eul", "exp"], None] = None, ) -> NDArray: # pragma no cover ...
[docs] def jacob0_dot( self, q, qd: ArrayLike, J0=None, representation: Union[L["rpy/xyz", "rpy/zyx", "eul", "exp"], None] = None, ): r""" Derivative of Jacobian ``robot.jacob_dot(q, qd)`` computes the rate of change of the Jacobian elements .. math:: \dmat{J} = \frac{d \mat{J}}{d \vec{q}} \frac{d \vec{q}}{dt} where the first term is the rank-3 Hessian. Parameters ---------- q The joint configuration of the robot qd The joint velocity of the robot J0 Jacobian in {0} frame representation angular representation Returns ------- jdot The derivative of the manipulator Jacobian Synopsis -------- If ``J0`` is already calculated for the joint coordinates ``q`` it can be passed in to to save computation time. It is computed as the mode-3 product of the Hessian tensor and the velocity vector. The derivative of an analytical Jacobian can be obtained by setting ``representation`` as |``representation`` | Rotational representation | |---------------------|-------------------------------------| |``'rpy/xyz'`` | RPY angular rates in XYZ order | |``'rpy/zyx'`` | RPY angular rates in XYZ order | |``'eul'`` | Euler angular rates in ZYZ order | |``'exp'`` | exponential coordinate rates | References ---------- - Kinematic Derivatives using the Elementary Transform Sequence, J. Haviland and P. Corke See Also -------- :func:`jacob0` :func:`hessian0` """ qd = np.array(qd) if representation is None: if J0 is None: J0 = self.jacob0(q) H = self.hessian0(q, J0=J0) else: # # determine analytic rotation # T = self.fkine(q).A # gamma = smb.r2x(smb.t2r(T), representation=representation) # # get transformation angular velocity to analytic velocity # Ai = smb.rotvelxform( # gamma, representation=representation, inverse=True, full=True # ) # # get analytic rate from joint rates # omega = J0[3:, :] @ qd # gamma_dot = Ai[3:, 3:] @ omega # Ai_dot = smb.rotvelxform_inv_dot(gamma, gamma_dot, full=True) # Ai_dot = sp.linalg.block_diag(np.zeros((3, 3)), Ai_dot) # Jd = Ai_dot @ J0 + Ai @ Jd # not actually sure this can be written in closed form H = smb.numhess( lambda q: self.jacob0_analytical(q, representation=representation), q ) # Jd = Ai @ Jd # return Jd return np.tensordot(H, qd, (0, 0))
@overload def jacobm( self, q: ArrayLike = ..., J: None = None, H: None = None, end: Union[str, Link, Gripper, None] = None, start: Union[str, Link, Gripper, None] = None, axes: Union[L["all", "trans", "rot"], List[bool]] = "all", ) -> NDArray: # pragma no cover ... @overload def jacobm( self, q: None = None, J: NDArray = ..., H: NDArray = ..., end: Union[str, Link, Gripper, None] = None, start: Union[str, Link, Gripper, None] = None, axes: Union[L["all", "trans", "rot"], List[bool]] = "all", ) -> NDArray: # pragma no cover ...
[docs] def jacobm( self, q=None, J=None, H=None, end: Union[str, Link, Gripper, None] = None, start: Union[str, Link, Gripper, None] = None, axes: Union[L["all", "trans", "rot"], List[bool]] = "all", ) -> NDArray: r""" The manipulability Jacobian This measure relates the rate of change of the manipulability to the joint velocities of the robot. One of J or q is required. Supply J and H if already calculated to save computation time Parameters ---------- q The joint angles/configuration of the robot (Optional, if not supplied will use the stored q values). J The manipulator Jacobian in any frame H The manipulator Hessian in any frame end the final link or Gripper which the Hessian represents start the first link which the Hessian represents Returns ------- jacobm The manipulability Jacobian Synopsis -------- Yoshikawa's manipulability measure .. math:: m(\vec{q}) = \sqrt{\mat{J}(\vec{q}) \mat{J}(\vec{q})^T} This method returns its Jacobian with respect to configuration .. math:: \frac{\partial m(\vec{q})}{\partial \vec{q}} References ---------- - J. Haviland, and P. Corke. "Manipulator Differential Kinematics Part I: Kinematics, Velocity, and Applications." arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01796 (2022). - J. Haviland, and P. Corke. "Manipulator Differential Kinematics Part II: Acceleration and Advanced Applications." arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01794 (2022). """ # noqa end, start, _ = self._get_limit_links(end, start) # if not isinstance(axes, list): if axes.startswith("all"): axes = [True, True, True, True, True, True] elif axes.startswith("trans"): axes = [True, True, True, False, False, False] elif axes.startswith("rot"): axes = [False, False, False, True, True, True] else: raise ValueError("axes must be all, trans or rot") if J is None: if q is None: q = np.copy(self.q) else: q = getvector(q, self.n) J = self.jacob0(q, start=start, end=end) else: verifymatrix(J, (6, self.n)) n = J.shape[1] if H is None: H = self.hessian0(J0=J, start=start, end=end) else: verifymatrix(H, (6, self.n, self.n)) manipulability = self.manipulability( q, J=J, start=start, end=end, axes=axes # type: ignore ) J = J[axes, :] # type: ignore H = H[:, axes, :] # type: ignore b = np.linalg.inv(J @ np.transpose(J)) Jm = np.zeros((n, 1)) for i in range(n): c = J @ np.transpose(H[i, :, :]) Jm[i, 0] = manipulability * np.transpose(c.flatten("F")) @ b.flatten("F") return Jm
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # --------- Collision Methods ----------------------------------------- # # --------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def closest_point( self, q: ArrayLike, shape: Shape, inf_dist: float = 1.0, skip: bool = False ) -> Tuple[Union[int, None], Union[NDArray, None], Union[NDArray, None],]: """ Find the closest point between robot and shape ``closest_point(shape, inf_dist)`` returns the minimum euclidean distance between this robot and shape, provided it is less than inf_dist. It will also return the points on self and shape in the world frame which connect the line of length distance between the shapes. If the distance is negative then the shapes are collided. Attributes ---------- shape The shape to compare distance to inf_dist The minimum distance within which to consider the shape skip Skip setting all shape transforms based on q, use this option if using this method in conjuction with Swift to save time Returns ------- d distance between the robot and shape p1 [x, y, z] point on the robot (in the world frame) p2 [x, y, z] point on the shape (in the world frame) """ if not skip: self._update_link_tf(q) self._propogate_scene_tree() shape._propogate_scene_tree() d = 10000 p1 = None p2 = None for link in self.links: td, tp1, tp2 = link.closest_point(shape, inf_dist, skip=True) if td is not None and td < d: d = td p1 = tp1 p2 = tp2 if d == 10000: d = None return d, p1, p2
[docs] def iscollided(self, q, shape: Shape, skip: bool = False) -> bool: """ Check if the robot is in collision with a shape ``iscollided(shape)`` checks if this robot and shape have collided Attributes ---------- shape The shape to compare distance to skip Skip setting all shape transforms based on q, use this option if using this method in conjuction with Swift to save time Returns ------- iscollided True if shapes have collided """ if not skip: self._update_link_tf(q) self._propogate_scene_tree() shape._propogate_scene_tree() for link in self.links: if link.iscollided(shape, skip=True): return True if isinstance(self, rtb.Robot): for gripper in self.grippers: for link in gripper.links: if link.iscollided(shape, skip=True): return True return False
[docs] def collided(self, q, shape: Shape, skip: bool = False) -> bool: """ Check if the robot is in collision with a shape ``collided(shape)`` checks if this robot and shape have collided Attributes ---------- shape The shape to compare distance to skip Skip setting all shape transforms based on q, use this option if using this method in conjuction with Swift to save time Returns ------- collided True if shapes have collided """ warn("method collided is deprecated, use iscollided instead", FutureWarning) return self.iscollided(q, shape, skip=skip)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # --------- Constraint Methods ---------------------------------------- # # --------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def joint_velocity_damper( self, ps: float = 0.05, pi: float = 0.1, n: Union[int, None] = None, gain: float = 1.0, ) -> Tuple[NDArray, NDArray]: """ Compute the joint velocity damper for QP motion control Formulates an inequality contraint which, when optimised for will make it impossible for the robot to run into joint limits. Requires the joint limits of the robot to be specified. See examples/ for use case Attributes ---------- ps The minimum angle (in radians) in which the joint is allowed to approach to its limit pi The influence angle (in radians) in which the velocity damper becomes active n The number of joints to consider. Defaults to all joints gain The gain for the velocity damper Returns ------- Ain A (6,) vector inequality contraint for an optisator Bin b (6,) vector inequality contraint for an optisator """ if n is None: n = self.n Ain = np.zeros((n, n)) Bin = np.zeros(n) for i in range(n): if self.q[i] - self.qlim[0, i] <= pi: Bin[i] = -gain * (((self.qlim[0, i] - self.q[i]) + ps) / (pi - ps)) Ain[i, i] = -1 if self.qlim[1, i] - self.q[i] <= pi: Bin[i] = gain * ((self.qlim[1, i] - self.q[i]) - ps) / (pi - ps) Ain[i, i] = 1 return Ain, Bin
[docs] def vision_collision_damper( self, shape: CollisionShape, camera: Union["Robot", SE3, None] = None, camera_n: int = 0, q=None, di=0.3, ds=0.05, xi=1.0, end=None, start=None, collision_list=None, ): # pragma nocover """ Compute a vision collision constrain for QP motion control Formulates an inequality contraint which, when optimised for will make it impossible for the robot to run into a line of sight. See examples/ for use case Attributes ---------- camera The camera link, either as a robotic link or SE3 pose camera_n Degrees of freedom of the camera link ds The minimum distance in which a joint is allowed to approach the collision object shape di The influence distance in which the velocity damper becomes active xi The gain for the velocity damper end The end link of the robot to consider start The start link of the robot to consider collision_list A list of shapes to consider for collision Returns ------- Ain A (6,) vector inequality contraint for an optisator Bin b (6,) vector inequality contraint for an optisator """ end, start, _ = self._get_limit_links(start=start, end=end) links, n, _ = self.get_path(start=start, end=end) q = np.array(q) j = 0 Ain = None bin = None def rotation_between_vectors(a, b): a = a / np.linalg.norm(a) b = b / np.linalg.norm(b) angle = np.arccos(, b)) axis = np.cross(a, b) return SE3.AngleAxis(angle, axis) if isinstance(camera, rtb.BaseRobot): wTcp = camera.fkine(camera.q).A[:3, 3] elif isinstance(camera, SE3): wTcp = camera.t else: raise TypeError("Camera must be a robotic link or SE3 pose") wTtp = shape.T[:3, -1] # Create line of sight object los_mid = SE3((wTcp + wTtp) / 2) los_orientation = rotation_between_vectors( np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]), wTcp - wTtp # type: ignore ) los = Cylinder( radius=0.001, length=np.linalg.norm(wTcp - wTtp), # type: ignore base=(los_mid * los_orientation), ) def indiv_calculation(link: Link, link_col: CollisionShape, q: NDArray): d, wTlp, wTvp = link_col.closest_point(los, di) if d is not None and wTlp is not None and wTvp is not None: lpTvp = -wTlp + wTvp norm = lpTvp / d norm_h = np.expand_dims( np.concatenate((norm, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])), axis=0 ) # type: ignore tool = SE3( (np.linalg.inv(self.fkine(q, end=link).A) @ SE3(wTlp).A)[:3, 3] ) Je = self.jacob0(q, end=link, tool=tool.A) Je[:3, :] = self._T[:3, :3] @ Je[:3, :] n_dim = Je.shape[1] if isinstance(camera, "Robot"): Jv = camera.jacob0(camera.q) Jv[:3, :] = self._T[:3, :3] @ Jv[:3, :] Jv *= ( np.linalg.norm(wTvp - shape.T[:3, -1]) / los.length ) # type: ignore dpc = norm_h @ Jv dpc = np.concatenate( ( dpc[0, :-camera_n], np.zeros(self.n - (camera.n - camera_n)), dpc[0, -camera_n:], ) ) else: dpc = np.zeros((1, self.n + camera_n)) dpt = norm_h @ shape.v dpt *= np.linalg.norm(wTvp - wTcp) / los.length # type: ignore l_Ain = np.zeros((1, self.n + camera_n)) l_Ain[0, :n_dim] = norm_h @ Je l_Ain -= dpc l_bin = (xi * (d - ds) / (di - ds)) + dpt else: l_Ain = None l_bin = None return l_Ain, l_bin for link in links: if link.isjoint: j += 1 if collision_list is None: col_list = link.collision else: col_list = collision_list[j - 1] for link_col in col_list: l_Ain, l_bin = indiv_calculation(link, link_col, q) if l_Ain is not None and l_bin is not None: if Ain is None: Ain = l_Ain else: Ain = np.concatenate((Ain, l_Ain)) if bin is None: bin = np.array(l_bin) else: bin = np.concatenate((bin, l_bin)) return Ain, bin
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # --------- Dynamics Methods ------------------------------------------ # # --------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def rne( self, q: NDArray, qd: NDArray, qdd: NDArray, symbolic: bool = False, gravity: Union[ArrayLike, None] = None, ): """ Compute inverse dynamics via recursive Newton-Euler formulation ``rne_dh(q, qd, qdd)`` where the arguments have shape (n,) where n is the number of robot joints. The result has shape (n,). ``rne_dh(q, qd, qdd)`` where the arguments have shape (m,n) where n is the number of robot joints and where m is the number of steps in the joint trajectory. The result has shape (m,n). ``rne_dh(p)`` where the input is a 1D array ``p`` = [q, qd, qdd] with shape (3n,), and the result has shape (n,). ``rne_dh(p)`` where the input is a 2D array ``p`` = [q, qd, qdd] with shape (m,3n) and the result has shape (m,n). Parameters ---------- q Joint coordinates qd Joint velocity qdd Joint acceleration symbolic If True, supports symbolic expressions gravity Gravitational acceleration, defaults to attribute of self Returns ------- tau Joint force/torques Notes ----- - This version supports symbolic model parameters - Verified against MATLAB code """ n = self.n # allocate intermediate variables Xup = SE3.Alloc(n) Xtree = SE3.Alloc(n) v = SpatialVelocity.Alloc(n) a = SpatialAcceleration.Alloc(n) f = SpatialForce.Alloc(n) I = SpatialInertia.Alloc(n) # noqa s = [] # joint motion subspace # Handle trajectory case q = getmatrix(q, (None, None)) qd = getmatrix(qd, (None, None)) qdd = getmatrix(qdd, (None, None)) l, _ = q.shape # type: ignore if symbolic: # pragma: nocover Q = np.empty((l, n), dtype="O") # joint torque/force else: Q = np.empty((l, n)) # joint torque/force # TODO Should the dynamic parameters of static links preceding joint be # somehow merged with the joint? # A temp variable to handle static joints Ts = SE3() # A counter through joints j = 0 for k in range(l): qk = q[k, :] qdk = qd[k, :] qddk = qdd[k, :] # initialize intermediate variables for link in self.links: if link.isjoint: I[j] = SpatialInertia(m=link.m, r=link.r) if symbolic and link.Ts is None: # pragma: nocover Xtree[j] = SE3(np.eye(4, dtype="O"), check=False) elif link.Ts is not None: Xtree[j] = Ts * SE3(link.Ts, check=False) if link.v is not None: s.append(link.v.s) # Increment the joint counter j += 1 # Reset the Ts tracker Ts = SE3() else: # pragma nocover # TODO Keep track of inertia and transform??? if link.Ts is not None: Ts *= SE3(link.Ts, check=False) if gravity is None: a_grav = -SpatialAcceleration(self.gravity) else: # pragma nocover a_grav = -SpatialAcceleration(gravity) # forward recursion for j in range(0, n): vJ = SpatialVelocity(s[j] * qdk[j]) # transform from parent(j) to j Xup[j] = SE3(self.links[j].A(qk[j])).inv() if self.links[j].parent is None: v[j] = vJ a[j] = Xup[j] * a_grav + SpatialAcceleration(s[j] * qddk[j]) else: jp = self.links[j].parent.jindex # type: ignore v[j] = Xup[j] * v[jp] + vJ a[j] = ( Xup[j] * a[jp] + SpatialAcceleration(s[j] * qddk[j]) + v[j] @ vJ ) f[j] = I[j] * a[j] + v[j] @ (I[j] * v[j]) # backward recursion for j in reversed(range(0, n)): # next line could be dot(), but fails for symbolic arguments Q[k, j] = sum(f[j].A * s[j]) if self.links[j].parent is not None: jp = self.links[j].parent.jindex # type: ignore f[jp] = f[jp] + Xup[j] * f[j] if l == 1: return Q[0] else: # pragma nocover return Q
# ============================================================================= # # ================= Robot2 Class ============================================== # # ============================================================================= #
[docs]class Robot2(BaseRobot[Link2]): def __init__(self, arg, **kwargs): if isinstance(arg, ETS2): # we're passed an ETS string links = [] # chop it up into segments, a link frame after every joint parent = None for j, ets_j in enumerate(arg.split()): elink = Link2(ETS2(ets_j), parent=parent, name=f"link{j:d}") parent = elink if ( elink.qlim is None and elink.v is not None and elink.v.qlim is not None ): # pragma nocover elink.qlim = elink.v.qlim links.append(elink) elif smb.islistof(arg, Link2): links = arg else: # pragma nocover raise TypeError("constructor argument must be ETS2 or list of Link2") super().__init__(links, **kwargs) # Should just set it to None self.base = SE2() # override superclass @property def base(self) -> SE2: """ Get/set robot base transform (Robot superclass) ``robot.base`` is the robot base transform Returns ------- base robot tool transform - ``robot.base = ...`` checks and sets the robot base transform Notes ----- - The private attribute ``_base`` will be None in the case of no base transform, but this property will return ``SE3()`` which is an identity matrix. """ if self._base is None: # pragma nocover self._base = SE2() # return a copy, otherwise somebody with # reference to the base can change it return self._base.copy() @base.setter def base(self, T): if isinstance(T, SE2): self._base = T elif SE2.isvalid(T): # pragma nocover self._tool = SE2(T, check=True)
[docs] def jacob0(self, q, start=None, end=None): return self.ets(start, end).jacob0(q)
[docs] def jacobe(self, q, start=None, end=None): return self.ets(start, end).jacobe(q)
[docs] def fkine(self, q, end=None, start=None): return self.ets(start, end).fkine(q)
@property def reach(self) -> float: r""" Reach of the robot A conservative estimate of the reach of the robot. It is computed as the sum of the translational ETs that define the link transform. Note ---- Computed on the first access. If kinematic parameters subsequently change this will not be reflected. Returns ------- reach Maximum reach of the robot Notes ----- - Probably an overestimate of reach - Used by numerical inverse kinematics to scale translational error. - For a prismatic joint, uses ``qlim`` if it is set """ # TODO # This should be a start, end method and compute the reach based on the # given ets. Then use an lru_cache to speed up return if self._reach is None: d_all = [] for link in self.ee_links: d = 0 while True: for et in link.ets: if et.istranslation: if et.isjoint: # the length of a prismatic joint depends on the # joint limits. They might be set in the ET # or in the Link depending on how the robot # was constructed if link.qlim is not None: d += max(link.qlim) elif et.qlim is not None: # pragma nocover d += max(et.qlim) else: d += abs(et.eta) link = link.parent if link is None or isinstance(link, str): d_all.append(d) break self._reach = max(d_all) return self._reach
[docs] def fkine_all(self, q: ArrayLike) -> SE2: """ Compute the pose of every link frame ``T = robot.fkine_all(q)`` is an SE3 instance with ``robot.nlinks + 1`` values: - ``T[0]`` is the base transform - ``T[i]`` is the pose of link whose ``number`` is ``i`` Parameters ---------- q The joint configuration Returns ------- fkine_all Pose of all links References ---------- - J. Haviland, and P. Corke. "Manipulator Differential Kinematics Part I: Kinematics, Velocity, and Applications." arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01796 (2022). """ # noqa q = getvector(q) Tbase = SE2(self.base) # add base, also sets the type linkframes = Tbase.__class__.Alloc(self.nlinks + 1) linkframes[0] = Tbase def recurse(Tall, Tparent, q, link): # if joint?? T = Tparent while True: T *= SE2(link.A(q[link.jindex])) Tall[link.number] = T if link.nchildren == 0: # no children return elif link.nchildren == 1: # one child if link in self.ee_links: # pragma nocover # this link is an end-effector, go no further return link = link.children[0] continue else: # multiple children for child in link.children: recurse(Tall, T, q, child) return recurse(linkframes, Tbase, q, self.links[0]) return linkframes