Source code for bdsim.blocks.sources

Source blocks:

- have outputs but no inputs
- have no state variables
- are a subclass of ``SourceBlock`` |rarr| ``Block``


import numpy as np
import math
from bdsim.components import SourceBlock, EventSource

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[docs]class Constant(SourceBlock): """ :blockname:`CONSTANT` Constant value. :inputs: 0 :outputs: 1 :states: 0 .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Port type - Port number - Types - Description * - Output - 0 - any - constant ``value`` The output value is a constant and can be any Python type, for example float, list or Numpy ndarray. """ nin = 0 nout = 1
[docs] def __init__(self, value=0, **blockargs): """ :param value: the constant, defaults to 0 :type value: any, optional :param blockargs: |BlockOptions| :type blockargs: dict """ super().__init__(**blockargs) if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): value = np.array(value) self.value = value self.add_param("value")
def output(self, t, inports, x): return [self.value]
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[docs]class Time(SourceBlock): """ :blockname:`TIME` Simulation time. :inputs: 0 :outputs: 1 :states: 0 .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Port type - Port number - Types - Description * - Output - 0 - float - :math:`t` Outputs the current simulation time. For example:: time = bd.TIME() """ nin = 0 nout = 1
[docs] def __init__(self, value=None, **blockargs): """ :param blockargs: |BlockOptions| :type blockargs: dict """ super().__init__(**blockargs)
def output(self, t, inports, x): return [t]
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[docs]class WaveForm(SourceBlock, EventSource): """ :blockname:`WAVEFORM` Waveform generator. :inputs: 0 :outputs: 1 :states: 0 .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Port type - Port number - Types - Description * - Output - 0 - float - :math:`y(t)` A general waveform generator. For example:: wave = bd.WAVEFORM(wave='sine', freq=2) # 2Hz sine wave varying from -1 to 1 wave = bd.WAVEFORM(wave='square', freq=2, unit='rad/s') # 2rad/s square wave varying from -1 to 1 The minimum and maximum values of the waveform are given by default in terms of amplitude and offset. The signals are symmetric about the offset value. For example:: wave = bd.WAVEFORM(wave='sine') # varies between -1 and +1 wave = bd.WAVEFORM(wave='sine', amplitude=2) # varies between -2 and +2 wave = bd.WAVEFORM(wave='sine', offset=1) # varies between 0 and +2 wave = bd.WAVEFORM(wave='sine', amplitude=2, offset=1) # varies between -1 and +3 Alternatively we can specify the minimum and maximum values which override amplitude and offset:: wave = bd.WAVEFORM(wave='triangle', min=0, max=5) # varies between 0 and +5 At time 0 the sine and triangle wave are zero and increasing, and the square wave has its first rise. We can specify a phase shift with a number in the range [0,1] where 1 corresponds to one cycle. .. note:: For discontinuous signals (square, triangle) the block declares events for every discontinuity. :seealso: :meth:`declare_events` """ nin = 0 nout = 1
[docs] def __init__( self, wave="square", freq=1, unit="Hz", phase=0, amplitude=1, offset=0, min=None, max=None, duty=0.5, **blockargs, ): """ :param wave: type of waveform to generate, one of: 'sine', 'square' [default], 'triangle' :type wave: str, optional :param freq: frequency, defaults to 1 :type freq: float, optional :param unit: frequency unit, one of: 'rad/s', 'Hz' [default] :type unit: str, optional :param amplitude: amplitude, defaults to 1 :type amplitude: float, optional :param offset: signal offset, defaults to 0 :type offset: float, optional :param phase: Initial phase of signal in the range [0,1], defaults to 0 :type phase: float, optional :param min: minimum value, defaults to None :type min: float, optional :param max: maximum value, defaults to None :type max: float, optional :param duty: duty cycle for square wave in range [0,1], defaults to 0.5 :type duty: float, optional :param blockargs: |BlockOptions| :type blockargs: dict """ super().__init__(**blockargs) assert 0 < duty < 1, "duty must be in range [0,1]" if wave in ("square", "triangle", "sine"): self.wave = wave else: raise ValueError("bad waveform") if unit == "Hz": self.freq = freq elif unit == "rad/s": self.freq = freq / (2 * math.pi) else: raise ValueError("bad unit") if 0 <= phase <= 1: self.phase = phase else: raise ValueError("phase out of range") if max is not None and min is not None: amplitude = (max - min) / 2 offset = (max + min) / 2 self.min = min self.mablock = max if 0 <= duty <= 1: self.duty = duty else: raise ValueError("duty out of range") self.amplitude = amplitude self.offset = offset
def start(self, simstate): super().start(simstate) if self.wave == "square": t1 = self.phase / self.freq t2 = (self.duty + self.phase) / self.freq elif self.wave == "triangle": t1 = (0.25 + self.phase) / self.freq t2 = (0.75 + self.phase) / self.freq else: return # t1 < t2 T = 1.0 / self.freq if simstate is not None: while t1 < simstate.T: simstate.declare_event(self, t1) simstate.declare_event(self, t2) t1 += T t2 += T def output(self, t, inports, x): T = 1.0 / self.freq phase = (t * self.freq - self.phase) % 1.0 # define all signals in the range -1 to 1 if self.wave == "square": if phase < self.duty: out = 1 else: out = -1 elif self.wave == "triangle": if phase < 0.25: out = phase * 4 elif phase < 0.75: out = 1 - 4 * (phase - 0.25) else: out = -1 + 4 * (phase - 0.75) elif self.wave == "sine": out = math.sin(phase * 2 * math.pi) else: raise ValueError("bad option for signal") out = out * self.amplitude + self.offset # print('waveform = ', out) return [out]
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[docs]class Piecewise(SourceBlock, EventSource): """ :blockname:`PIECEWISE` Piecewise constant signal. :inputs: 0 :outputs: 1 :states: 0 .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Port type - Port number - Types - Description * - Output - 0 - float - :math:`y(t)` Generate a signal that is a piecewise constant function of time. This is described as a series of 2-tuples (time, value). The output value is taken from the active tuple, that is, the latest one in the list whose time is no greater than simulation time. The tuples can be provided in two different ways. Firstly, a form convenient for Python programming:: steering = bd.PIECEWISE((0,0), (2, 0.5), (3,0), (4,-0.5), (5,0)) Secondly, in a form that can be used from ``bdsim`` where we explicitly pass in a list in a way that can be represented in a JSON file:: steering = bd.PIECEWISE(seq=[(0,0), (3, 0.5), (4,0), (5,-0.5), (6,0)]) .. plot:: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot([0, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5.2], [0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 0, -0.5, -0.5, 0, 0], lw=2) plt.grid(True) .. note:: - The tuples must be ordered by monotonically increasing time. - There is no default initial value, the list should contain a tuple with time zero otherwise the output will be undefined. - The 2-tuples can .. note:: The block declares an event for the start of each segment. :seealso: :meth:`declare_events` """ nin = 0 nout = 1
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, seq=None, **blockargs): """ :param seq: sequence of time, value pairs :type seq: list of 2-element iterables :param blockargs: |BlockOptions| :type blockargs: dict """ super().__init__(**blockargs) if len(args) > 0: seq = args self.t = [x[0] for x in seq] self.y = [x[1] for x in seq]
def start(self, simstate): super().start(simstate) if simstate is not None: for t in self.t: simstate.declare_event(self, t) def output(self, t, inports, x): i = sum([1 if t >= _t else 0 for _t in self.t]) - 1 out = self.y[i] # print(out) return [out]
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[docs]class Step(SourceBlock, EventSource): """ :blockname:`STEP` Step signal. :inputs: 0 :outputs: 1 :states: 0 .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Port type - Port number - Types - Description * - Output - 0 - float - :math:`y(t)` Generate a step signal that transitions from the value ``off`` to ``on`` when time equals ``T``. Example: step = bd.STEP(2, off=-1, on=1) .. plot:: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot([0, 2, 2, 5], [-1, -1, 1, 1], lw=2) plt.grid(True) .. note:: The block declares an event for the step time. :seealso: :meth:`declare_events` """ nin = 0 nout = 1
[docs] def __init__(self, T=1, off=0, on=1, **blockargs): """ :param T: time of step, defaults to 1 :type T: float, optional :param off: initial value, defaults to 0 :type off: float, optional :param on: final value, defaults to 1 :type on: float, optional :param blockargs: |BlockOptions| :type blockargs: dict """ super().__init__(**blockargs) self.T = T = off self.on = on
def start(self, simstate): simstate.declare_event(self, self.T) def output(self, t, inports, x): if t >= self.T: out = self.on else: out = # print(out) return [out]
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[docs]class Ramp(SourceBlock, EventSource): """ :blockname:`RAMP` Ramp signal. :inputs: 0 :outputs: 1 :states: 0 .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Port type - Port number - Types - Description * - Output - 0 - float - :math:`y(t)` Generate a signal that starts increasing from the value ``off`` when time equals ``T`` linearly with time, with a gradient of ``slope``. Example: step = bd.RAMP(2, off=-1, slope=2/3, T=2) .. plot:: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot([0, 2, 5], [-1, -1, 5], lw=2) plt.grid(True) .. note:: The block declares an event for the ramp start time. :seealso: :meth:`declare_event` """ nin = 0 nout = 1
[docs] def __init__(self, T=1, off=0, slope=1, **blockargs): """ :param T: time of ramp start, defaults to 1 :type T: float, optional :param off: initial value, defaults to 0 :type off: float, optional :param slope: gradient of slope, defaults to 1 :type slope: float, optional :param blockargs: |BlockOptions| :type blockargs: dict """ super().__init__(**blockargs) self.T = T = off self.slope = slope
def start(self, simstate): simstate.declare_event(self, self.T) def output(self, t, inports, x): if t >= self.T: out = + self.slope * (t - self.T) else: out = # print(out) return [out]
if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover from pathlib import Path exec(open(Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent / "tests" / "").read())