Transfer blocks:
- have inputs and outputs
- have state variables
- are a subclass of ``TransferBlock`` |rarr| ``Block``
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal
import math
from math import sin, cos, atan2, sqrt, pi
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from spatialmath import base
from bdsim.components import TransferBlock, SubsystemBlock
class Integrator(TransferBlock):
Continuous-time integrator.
:inputs: 1
:outputs: 1
:states: N
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
* - Port type
- Port number
- Types
- Description
* - Input
- 0
- float, ndarray
- :math:`x`
* - Output
- 0
- any
- :math:`y`
Output is the time integral of the input :math:`y(t) = \int_0^T x(t) dt`.
The state can be a scalar or a vector. The initial state, and type, is given by
``x0``. The shape of the input signal must match ``x0``.
The minimum and maximum values can be:
- a scalar, in which case the same value applies to every element of
the state vector, or
- a vector, of the same shape as ``x0`` that applies elementwise to
the state.
.. note:: The minimum and maximum prevent integration outside the limits,
but assume that the initial state is within the limits.
Integration can be controlled by an ``enable`` function::
enable(t, u, x): bool
where the arguments are current time, a list of inputs to the block and the state
as an ndarray. If the function returns False then the integrator's output is set
to zero.
.. todo:: Make enable an optional input to the block, or the input for a subclassed
variant of the block.
:seealso: :class:`Deriv`
nin = 1
nout = 1
def __init__(self, x0=0, gain=1.0, min=None, max=None, enable=None, **blockargs):
:param x0: Initial state, defaults to 0
:type x0: array_like, optional
:param gain: gain or scaling factor, defaults to 1
:type gain: float
:param min: Minimum value of state, defaults to None
:type min: float or array_like, optional
:param max: Maximum value of state, defaults to None
:type max: float or array_like, optional
:param enable: enable or disable integration
:type enable: callable
:param blockargs: |BlockOptions|
:type blockargs: dict
if isinstance(x0, (int, float)):
x0 = np.r_[x0]
elif isinstance(x0, np.ndarray):
if x0.ndim > 1:
raise ValueError("state must be a 1D vector")
x0 = base.getvector(x0)
self.nstates = x0.shape[0]
if min is not None:
min = base.getvector(min, self.nstates)
if max is not None:
max = base.getvector(max, self.nstates)
self._x0 = x0
self.min = min
self.max = max
self.gain = gain
self._x0 = x0
self.min = min
self.max = max
self.enable = enable
if enable is not None and not callable(enable):
raise ValueError("enable must be callable")
# print("nstates", self.nstates)
def output(self, t, u, x):
return [self.gain * x]
def deriv(self, t, u, x):
xd = base.getvector(u[0])
if self.enable is not None and not self.enable(t, u, x):
# if enable function returns False then integrator output is jammed at zero
self._x = np.zeros(x.shape)
return np.zeros(x.shape)
if self.min is not None:
xd[x < self.min] = 0
if self.max is not None:
xd[x > self.max] = 0
return self.gain * xd
class PoseIntegrator(TransferBlock):
Continuous-time pose integrator
:inputs: 1
:outputs: 1
:states: 6
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
* - Port type
- Port number
- Types
- Description
* - Input
- 0
- ndarray(6,)
- :math:`x`
* - Output
- 0
- SE3
- :math:`y`
This block integrates spatial velocity over time. The block input is a spatial
velocity as a 6-vector :math:`(v_x, v_y, v_z, \omega_x, \omega_y, \omega_z)` and the
output is pose as an ``SE3`` instance.
.. note:: The state vector is a velocity twist.
nin = 1
nout = 1
def __init__(self, x0=None, **blockargs):
:param x0: Initial pose, defaults to null
:type x0: SE3, Twist3, optional
:param blockargs: |BlockOptions|
:type blockargs: dict
if x0 is None:
x0 = np.zeros((6,))
self.nstates = len(x0)
self._x0 = x0
def output(self, t, u, x):
return [Twist3(x).SE3(1)]
def deriv(self, t, u, x):
return u[0]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
class LTI_SS(TransferBlock):
Continuous-time state-space LTI dynamics
:inputs: 1
:outputs: 1
:states: N
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
* - Port type
- Port number
- Types
- Description
* - Input
- 0
- float, ndarray
- :math:`u`
* - Output
- 0
- float, ndarray
- :math:`y`
Implements the dynamics of a multi-input multi-output (MIMO) linear
time invariant (LTI) system described in statespace form. The dynamics are given by
.. math::
\dot{x} &= A x + B u
y &= C x
The order of the states in ``x0`` is consistent with controller canonical
form. A direct passthrough component, typically :math:`D`, is not allowed in order
to avoid algebraic loops.
lti = bd.LTI_SS(A=-2, B=1, C=-1)
is the system :math:`\dot{x}=-2x+u, y=-x`.
nin = 1
nout = 1
def __init__(self, A=None, B=None, C=None, x0=None, **blockargs):
:param N: numerator coefficients, defaults to 1
:type N: array_like, optional
:param D: denominator coefficients, defaults to [1,1]
:type D: array_like, optional
:param x0: initial states, defaults to None
:type x0: array_like, optional
:param blockargs: |BlockOptions|
:type blockargs: dict
# print('in SS constructor')
assert A.shape[0] == A.shape[1], "A must be square"
n = A.shape[0]
if len(B.shape) == 1:
nin = 1
B = B.reshape((n, 1))
nin = B.shape[1]
assert B.shape[0] == n, "B must have same number of rows as A"
if len(C.shape) == 1:
nout = 1
assert C.shape[0] == n, "C must have same number of columns as A"
C = C.reshape((1, n))
nout = C.shape[0]
assert C.shape[1] == n, "C must have same number of columns as A"
self.A = A
self.B = B
self.C = C
self.nstates = A.shape[0]
if x0 is None:
self._x0 = np.zeros((self.nstates,))
self._x0 = x0
def output(self, t, u, x):
return list(self.C @ x)
def deriv(self, t, u, x):
# Reshape u and x to (N,1), i.e. column vectors, so
# no problems with broadcasting between A@x and B@u
x = x.reshape(-1, 1)
u = np.array(u).reshape(-1, 1)
xd = self.A @ x + self.B @ u
return xd.flatten()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
Continuous-time SISO LTI dynamics.
:inputs: 1
:outputs: 1
:states: N
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
* - Port type
- Port number
- Types
- Description
* - Input
- 0
- float
- :math:`u`
* - Output
- 0
- float
- :math:`y`
Implements the dynamics of a single-input single-output (SISO) linear
time invariant (LTI) system described by numerator and denominator
polynomial coefficients. The dynamics are given by
.. math::
\frac{Y(s)}{U(s)} = \frac{N(s)}{D(s)}
Coefficients are given in the order from highest order to zeroth
order, ie. :math:`2s^2 - 4s +3` is ``[2, -4, 3]``.
Only proper transfer functions, where order of numerator is less
than denominator are allowed.
The order of the states in ``x0`` is consistent with controller canonical
lti = bd.LTI_SISO(N=[1, 2], D=[2, 3, -4])
is the transfer function :math:`\frac{s+2}{2s^2+3s-4}`.
nin = 1
nout = 1
def __init__(self, N=1, D=[1, 1], x0=None, **blockargs):
:param N: numerator coefficients, defaults to 1
:type N: array_like, optional
:param D: denominator coefficients, defaults to [1,1]
:type D: array_like, optional
:param x0: initial states, defaults to None
:type x0: array_like, optional
:param blockargs: |BlockOptions|
:type blockargs: dict
:return: LTI_SISO block
:rtype: ``LTI_SISO`` instance
# print('in SISO constscutor')
if not isinstance(N, list):
N = [N]
if not isinstance(D, list):
D = [D]
self.N = N
self.D = N
n = len(D) - 1
nn = len(N)
if x0 is None:
x0 = np.zeros((n,))
assert nn <= n, "direct pass through is not supported"
# convert to numpy arrays
# N = np.r_[np.zeros((len(D) - len(N),)), np.array(N)]
N = np.array(N)
D = np.array(D)
# normalize the coefficients to obtain
# b_0 s^n + b_1 s^(n-1) + ... + b_n
# ---------------------------------
# a_0 s^n + a_1 s^(n-1) + ....+ a_n
# normalize so leading coefficient of denominator is one
# D0 = D[0]
# D = D / D0
# N = N / D0
# A = np.eye(len(D) - 1, k=1) # control canonic (companion matrix) form
# A[-1, :] = -D[1:]
# B = np.zeros((n, 1))
# B[-1] = 1
# C = (N[1:] - N[0] * D[1:]).reshape((1, n))
A, B, C, D = scipy.signal.tf2ss(N, D)
self.num = N
self.den = D
if len(np.flatnonzero(D)) > 0:
raise ValueError("D matrix is not zero")
super().__init__(A=A, B=B, C=C, x0=x0, **blockargs)
if self.verbose:
print("A=", A)
print("B=", B)
print("C=", C)
def change_param(self, param, newvalue):
if param == "num":
self.num = newvalue
elif param == "den":
self.den = newvalue
self.A, self.B, self.C, self.D = scipy.signal.tf2ss(self.num, self.den)
self.add_param("num", change_param)
self.add_param("den", change_param)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
from bdsim.blocks.connections import SubSystem
class Deriv(SubsystemBlock):
Continuous-time derivative.
:inputs: 1
:outputs: 1
:states: N
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
* - Port type
- Port number
- Types
- Description
* - Input
- 0
- float
- :math:`x`
* - Output
- 0
- float
- :math:`y`
Implements the dynamics of a derivative filter, but to be causal it has a single
pole given by ``alpha``. The dynamics is
.. math:: \frac{s}{\frac{s}{\alpha} + 1}
It is implemented as a subsystem with an integrator and a feedback loop. The
initial state of the integrator is given by ``x0``.
If the initial output of the derivative block is known it can be provided as ``y0``
which is related to ``x0`` by :math:`x_0 = - \alpha y_0`.
:seealso: :class:`Integrator`
nin = 1
nout = 1
def __init__(self, alpha, x0=0, y0=None, **blockargs):
:param alpha: filter pole in units of rad/s
:type alpha: float
:param x0: initial states, defaults to 0
:type x0: array_like, optional
:param y0: inital outputs
:type y0: array_like
:param blockargs: |BlockOptions|
:type blockargs: dict
self.type = "subsystem"
bd = self.bd.runtime.blockdiagram()
if y0 is not None:
x0 = -y0 * alpha
integrator = bd.INTEGRATOR(x0=x0)
inp = bd.INPORT(1)
outp = bd.OUTPORT(1)
sum = bd.SUM("+-")
gain = bd.GAIN(1.0 / alpha)
bd.connect(inp, sum[0])
bd.connect(sum[0], gain)
bd.connect(gain, outp, integrator)
bd.connect(integrator, sum[1])
# get references to the input and output port blocks
self.inport = inp
self.outport = outp
self.subsystem = bd
self.ssname = "derivative"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
class PID(SubsystemBlock):
Continuous-time PID control.
:inputs: 2
:outputs: 1
:states: 2
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
* - Port type
- Port number
- Types
- Description
* - Input
- 0
- float
- :math:`x`, plant output
* - Input
- 1
- float
- :math:`x^*`, demanded output
* - Output
- 0
- any
- :math:`u`, control to plant
Implements the dynamics of a PID controller:
.. math::
e &= x^* - x
u &= Pe + D \frac{d}{dt} e + I \int e dt
If the I or D terms are not required the ``type`` can be specified as ``"PD"`` or
``"PI"`` in which case the respective gain terms ``I`` and ``D`` will be ignored.
To reduce noise the derivative is computed by the DERIV block which implements a
first-order system
.. math::
\frac{s}{s/a + 1}
where the pole :math:`a=` ``D_filt`` can be positioned appropriately.
If ``I_limit`` is provided it specifies the limits of the integrator
state, before multiplication by ``I``. If ``I_limit`` is:
* a scalar :math:`a` the integrator state is clipped to the interval :math:`[-a, a]`
* a 2-tuple :math:`(a,b)` the integrator state is clipped to the interval :math:`[a, b]`
If ``I_band`` is provided the integrator is reset to zero whenever the
error :math:`e` is outside the band given by ``I_band`` which is:
* a scalar :math:`s` the band is the interval :math:`[-s, s]`
* a 2-tuple :math:`(a,b)` the band is the interval :math:`[a, b]`
pid = bd.PID(P=3, D=2, I=1)
..note:: The result is a subsystem which will be expanded into 12 blocks for the
PID case, fewer for the PI or PD cases.
:seealso: :class:`Deriv`
nin = 2
nout = 1
def __init__(
type: str = "PID",
P: float = 0.0,
D: float = 0.0,
I: float = 0.0,
:param type: the controller type, defaults to "PID"
:type type: str, optional
:param P: proportional gain, defaults to 0
:type P: float
:param D: derivative gain, defaults to 0
:type D: float
:param I: integral gain, defaults to 0
:type I: float
:param D_pole: filter pole for derivative estimate, defaults to 1 rad/s
:type D_pole: float
:param I_limit: integral limit
:type I_limit: float or 2-tuple
:param I_band: band within which integral action is active
:type I_band: float
:param blockargs: |BlockOptions|
:type blockargs: dict
self.type = "subsystem"
subsystem = self.bd.runtime.blockdiagram()
bd = blockargs["bd"]
Pblock = subsystem.GAIN(P) # proportional gain block
if "I" in type:
# if the I term is required, create the block
if I_limit is None:
min = -np.inf
max = np.inf
elif isinstance(I_limit, float):
min = -I_limit
max = I_limit
elif isinstance(I_limit, tuple) and len(I_limit) == 2:
min, max = I_limit
if I_band is not None:
def ifunc(t, u, x):
return abs(u[0]) < I_band
ifunc = None
# integrator block
Iblock = subsystem.INTEGRATOR(min=min, max=max, gain=I, enable=ifunc)
if "D" in type:
# if the D term is required, create the blocks
Dblock = subsystem.DERIV(alpha=D_pole) # derivative block
Dgain = subsystem.GAIN(D) # derivative gain
subsystem.connect(Dblock, Dgain)
error_sum = subsystem.SUM("-+", name="errsum") # error summing junction
inp = subsystem.INPORT(2) # PID block inputs
outp = subsystem.OUTPORT(1) # PID block output
# for each case sum the various terms
if type == "PID":
out_sum = subsystem.SUM("+++", name="outsum")
subsystem.connect(error_sum, Pblock, Dblock, Iblock)
subsystem.connect(Pblock, out_sum[0])
subsystem.connect(Iblock, out_sum[1])
subsystem.connect(Dgain, out_sum[2])
elif type == "PI":
out_sum = subsystem.SUM("++", name="outsum")
subsystem.connect(error_sum, Pblock, Iblock)
subsystem.connect(Pblock, out_sum[0])
subsystem.connect(Iblock, out_sum[1])
elif type == "PD":
out_sum = subsystem.SUM("++", name="outsum")
subsystem.connect(error_sum, Pblock, Dblock)
subsystem.connect(Pblock, out_sum[0])
subsystem.connect(Dgain, out_sum[1])
subsystem.connect(inp, error_sum)
subsystem.connect(out_sum, outp)
# super().__init__(subsystem, name=name, bd=bd)
# get references to the input and output port blocks
self.inport = inp
self.outport = outp
self.subsystem = subsystem
self.ssname = "PID"
if __name__ == "__main__":
from bdsim import BDSim
sim = BDSim(hold=False)
bd = sim.blockdiagram()
deriv = bd.DERIV(alpha=0.1, verbose=True)
c = bd.WAVEFORM(wave="sine", freq=1)
s = bd.SCOPE(2)
bd.connect(c, deriv, s[0])
bd.connect(deriv, s[1])
out = sim.run(bd, 10, dt=0.02)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(out.t, out.x)
sim.done(bd, block=True)
# sim = BDSim()
# bd = sim.blockdiagram()
# pid = bd.PID(P=2, D=0.01, verbose=True)
# c = bd.CONSTANT(1)
# s = bd.SCOPE()
# bd.connect(c, pid)
# bd.connect(pid, s)
# bd.compile(report=True)
# bd.report()
# from pathlib import Path
# exec(
# open(Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent / "tests" / "test_transfers.py").read()
# )