Source code for bdsim.blocks.transfers

Transfer blocks:

- have inputs and outputs
- have state variables
- are a subclass of ``TransferBlock`` |rarr| ``Block``


import numpy as np
import scipy.signal
import math
from math import sin, cos, atan2, sqrt, pi
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from spatialmath import base

from bdsim.components import TransferBlock, SubsystemBlock

[docs]class Integrator(TransferBlock): r""" :blockname:`INTEGRATOR` Continuous-time integrator. :inputs: 1 :outputs: 1 :states: N .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Port type - Port number - Types - Description * - Input - 0 - float, ndarray - :math:`x` * - Output - 0 - any - :math:`y` Output is the time integral of the input :math:`y(t) = \int_0^T x(t) dt`. The state can be a scalar or a vector. The initial state, and type, is given by ``x0``. The shape of the input signal must match ``x0``. The minimum and maximum values can be: - a scalar, in which case the same value applies to every element of the state vector, or - a vector, of the same shape as ``x0`` that applies elementwise to the state. .. note:: The minimum and maximum prevent integration outside the limits, but assume that the initial state is within the limits. Integration can be controlled by an ``enable`` function:: enable(t, u, x): bool where the arguments are current time, a list of inputs to the block and the state as an ndarray. If the function returns False then the integrator's output is set to zero. .. todo:: Make enable an optional input to the block, or the input for a subclassed variant of the block. :seealso: :class:`Deriv` """ nin = 1 nout = 1
[docs] def __init__(self, x0=0, gain=1.0, min=None, max=None, enable=None, **blockargs): """ :param x0: Initial state, defaults to 0 :type x0: array_like, optional :param gain: gain or scaling factor, defaults to 1 :type gain: float :param min: Minimum value of state, defaults to None :type min: float or array_like, optional :param max: Maximum value of state, defaults to None :type max: float or array_like, optional :param enable: enable or disable integration :type enable: callable :param blockargs: |BlockOptions| :type blockargs: dict """ super().__init__(**blockargs) if isinstance(x0, (int, float)): x0 = np.r_[x0] elif isinstance(x0, np.ndarray): if x0.ndim > 1: raise ValueError("state must be a 1D vector") else: x0 = base.getvector(x0) self.nstates = x0.shape[0] if min is not None: min = base.getvector(min, self.nstates) if max is not None: max = base.getvector(max, self.nstates) self._x0 = x0 self.min = min self.max = max self.gain = gain self._x0 = x0 self.min = min self.max = max self.enable = enable if enable is not None and not callable(enable): raise ValueError("enable must be callable")
# print("nstates", self.nstates) def output(self, t, u, x): return [self.gain * x] def deriv(self, t, u, x): xd = base.getvector(u[0]) if self.enable is not None and not self.enable(t, u, x): # if enable function returns False then integrator output is jammed at zero self._x = np.zeros(x.shape) return np.zeros(x.shape) if self.min is not None: xd[x < self.min] = 0 if self.max is not None: xd[x > self.max] = 0 return self.gain * xd
[docs]class PoseIntegrator(TransferBlock): r""" :blockname:`POSEINTEGRATOR` Continuous-time pose integrator :inputs: 1 :outputs: 1 :states: 6 .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Port type - Port number - Types - Description * - Input - 0 - ndarray(6,) - :math:`x` * - Output - 0 - SE3 - :math:`y` This block integrates spatial velocity over time. The block input is a spatial velocity as a 6-vector :math:`(v_x, v_y, v_z, \omega_x, \omega_y, \omega_z)` and the output is pose as an ``SE3`` instance. .. note:: The state vector is a velocity twist. """ nin = 1 nout = 1
[docs] def __init__(self, x0=None, **blockargs): r""" :param x0: Initial pose, defaults to null :type x0: SE3, Twist3, optional :param blockargs: |BlockOptions| :type blockargs: dict """ super().__init__(**blockargs) if x0 is None: x0 = np.zeros((6,)) self.nstates = len(x0) self._x0 = x0
def output(self, t, u, x): return [Twist3(x).SE3(1)] def deriv(self, t, u, x): return u[0]
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[docs]class LTI_SS(TransferBlock): r""" :blockname:`LTI_SS` Continuous-time state-space LTI dynamics :inputs: 1 :outputs: 1 :states: N .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Port type - Port number - Types - Description * - Input - 0 - float, ndarray - :math:`u` * - Output - 0 - float, ndarray - :math:`y` Implements the dynamics of a multi-input multi-output (MIMO) linear time invariant (LTI) system described in statespace form. The dynamics are given by .. math:: \dot{x} &= A x + B u y &= C x The order of the states in ``x0`` is consistent with controller canonical form. A direct passthrough component, typically :math:`D`, is not allowed in order to avoid algebraic loops. Examples:: lti = bd.LTI_SS(A=-2, B=1, C=-1) is the system :math:`\dot{x}=-2x+u, y=-x`. """ nin = 1 nout = 1
[docs] def __init__(self, A=None, B=None, C=None, x0=None, **blockargs): r""" :param N: numerator coefficients, defaults to 1 :type N: array_like, optional :param D: denominator coefficients, defaults to [1,1] :type D: array_like, optional :param x0: initial states, defaults to None :type x0: array_like, optional :param blockargs: |BlockOptions| :type blockargs: dict """ # print('in SS constructor') assert A.shape[0] == A.shape[1], "A must be square" n = A.shape[0] if len(B.shape) == 1: nin = 1 B = B.reshape((n, 1)) else: nin = B.shape[1] assert B.shape[0] == n, "B must have same number of rows as A" if len(C.shape) == 1: nout = 1 assert C.shape[0] == n, "C must have same number of columns as A" C = C.reshape((1, n)) else: nout = C.shape[0] assert C.shape[1] == n, "C must have same number of columns as A" super().__init__(**blockargs) self.A = A self.B = B self.C = C self.nstates = A.shape[0] if x0 is None: self._x0 = np.zeros((self.nstates,)) else: self._x0 = x0
def output(self, t, u, x): return list(self.C @ x) def deriv(self, t, u, x): xd = self.A @ x + self.B @ np.array(u) return xd.flatten()
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[docs]class LTI_SISO(LTI_SS): r""" :blockname:`LTI_SISO` Continuous-time SISO LTI dynamics. :inputs: 1 :outputs: 1 :states: N .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Port type - Port number - Types - Description * - Input - 0 - float - :math:`u` * - Output - 0 - float - :math:`y` Implements the dynamics of a single-input single-output (SISO) linear time invariant (LTI) system described by numerator and denominator polynomial coefficients. The dynamics are given by .. math:: \frac{Y(s)}{U(s)} = \frac{N(s)}{D(s)} Coefficients are given in the order from highest order to zeroth order, ie. :math:`2s^2 - 4s +3` is ``[2, -4, 3]``. Only proper transfer functions, where order of numerator is less than denominator are allowed. The order of the states in ``x0`` is consistent with controller canonical form. Examples:: lti = bd.LTI_SISO(N=[1, 2], D=[2, 3, -4]) is the transfer function :math:`\frac{s+2}{2s^2+3s-4}`. """ nin = 1 nout = 1
[docs] def __init__(self, N=1, D=[1, 1], x0=None, **blockargs): r""" :param N: numerator coefficients, defaults to 1 :type N: array_like, optional :param D: denominator coefficients, defaults to [1,1] :type D: array_like, optional :param x0: initial states, defaults to None :type x0: array_like, optional :param blockargs: |BlockOptions| :type blockargs: dict :return: LTI_SISO block :rtype: ``LTI_SISO`` instance """ # print('in SISO constscutor') if not isinstance(N, list): N = [N] if not isinstance(D, list): D = [D] self.N = N self.D = N n = len(D) - 1 nn = len(N) if x0 is None: x0 = np.zeros((n,)) assert nn <= n, "direct pass through is not supported" # convert to numpy arrays # N = np.r_[np.zeros((len(D) - len(N),)), np.array(N)] N = np.array(N) D = np.array(D) # normalize the coefficients to obtain # # b_0 s^n + b_1 s^(n-1) + ... + b_n # --------------------------------- # a_0 s^n + a_1 s^(n-1) + ....+ a_n # normalize so leading coefficient of denominator is one # D0 = D[0] # D = D / D0 # N = N / D0 # A = np.eye(len(D) - 1, k=1) # control canonic (companion matrix) form # A[-1, :] = -D[1:] # B = np.zeros((n, 1)) # B[-1] = 1 # C = (N[1:] - N[0] * D[1:]).reshape((1, n)) A, B, C, D = scipy.signal.tf2ss(N, D) self.num = N self.den = D if len(np.flatnonzero(D)) > 0: raise ValueError("D matrix is not zero") super().__init__(A=A, B=B, C=C, x0=x0, **blockargs) if self.verbose: print("A=", A) print("B=", B) print("C=", C) def change_param(self, param, newvalue): if param == "num": self.num = newvalue elif param == "den": self.den = newvalue self.A, self.B, self.C, self.D = scipy.signal.tf2ss(self.num, self.den) self.add_param("num", change_param) self.add_param("den", change_param)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # from bdsim.blocks.connections import SubSystem
[docs]class Deriv(SubsystemBlock): r""" :blockname:`DERIV` Continuous-time derivative. :inputs: 1 :outputs: 1 :states: N .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Port type - Port number - Types - Description * - Input - 0 - float - :math:`x` * - Output - 0 - float - :math:`y` Implements the dynamics of a derivative filter, but to be causal it has a single pole given by ``alpha``. The dynamics is .. math:: \frac{s}{\frac{s}{\alpha} + 1} It is implemented as a subsystem with an integrator and a feedback loop. The initial state of the integrator is given by ``x0``. If the initial output of the derivative block is known it can be provided as ``y0`` which is related to ``x0`` by :math:`x_0 = - \alpha y_0`. :seealso: :class:`Integrator` """ nin = 1 nout = 1
[docs] def __init__(self, alpha, x0=0, y0=None, **blockargs): r""" :param alpha: filter pole in units of rad/s :type alpha: float :param x0: initial states, defaults to 0 :type x0: array_like, optional :param y0: inital outputs :type y0: array_like :param blockargs: |BlockOptions| :type blockargs: dict """ super().__init__(**blockargs) self.type = "subsystem" bd = if y0 is not None: x0 = -y0 * alpha integrator = bd.INTEGRATOR(x0=x0) inp = bd.INPORT(1) outp = bd.OUTPORT(1) sum = bd.SUM("+-") gain = bd.GAIN(1.0 / alpha) bd.connect(inp, sum[0]) bd.connect(sum[0], gain) bd.connect(gain, outp, integrator) bd.connect(integrator, sum[1]) # get references to the input and output port blocks self.inport = inp self.outport = outp self.subsystem = bd self.ssname = "derivative"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
[docs]class PID(SubsystemBlock): r""" :blockname:`PID` Continuous-time PID control. :inputs: 2 :outputs: 1 :states: 2 .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Port type - Port number - Types - Description * - Input - 0 - float - :math:`x`, plant output * - Input - 1 - float - :math:`x^*`, demanded output * - Output - 0 - any - :math:`u`, control to plant Implements the dynamics of a PID controller: .. math:: e &= x^* - x u &= Pe + D \frac{d}{dt} e + I \int e dt If the I or D terms are not required the ``type`` can be specified as ``"PD"`` or ``"PI"`` in which case the respective gain terms ``I`` and ``D`` will be ignored. To reduce noise the derivative is computed by the DERIV block which implements a first-order system .. math:: \frac{s}{s/a + 1} where the pole :math:`a=` ``D_filt`` can be positioned appropriately. If ``I_limit`` is provided it specifies the limits of the integrator state, before multiplication by ``I``. If ``I_limit`` is: * a scalar :math:`a` the integrator state is clipped to the interval :math:`[-a, a]` * a 2-tuple :math:`(a,b)` the integrator state is clipped to the interval :math:`[a, b]` If ``I_band`` is provided the integrator is reset to zero whenever the error :math:`e` is outside the band given by ``I_band`` which is: * a scalar :math:`s` the band is the interval :math:`[-s, s]` * a 2-tuple :math:`(a,b)` the band is the interval :math:`[a, b]` Examples:: pid = bd.PID(P=3, D=2, I=1) ..note:: The result is a subsystem which will be expanded into 12 blocks for the PID case, fewer for the PI or PD cases. :seealso: :class:`Deriv` """ nin = 2 nout = 1
[docs] def __init__( self, type: str = "PID", P: float = 0.0, D: float = 0.0, I: float = 0.0, D_pole=1, I_limit=None, I_band=0, **blockargs, ): r""" :param type: the controller type, defaults to "PID" :type type: str, optional :param P: proportional gain, defaults to 0 :type P: float :param D: derivative gain, defaults to 0 :type D: float :param I: integral gain, defaults to 0 :type I: float :param D_pole: filter pole for derivative estimate, defaults to 1 rad/s :type D_pole: float :param I_limit: integral limit :type I_limit: float or 2-tuple :param I_band: band within which integral action is active :type I_band: float :param blockargs: |BlockOptions| :type blockargs: dict """ super().__init__(**blockargs) self.type = "subsystem" subsystem = bd = blockargs["bd"] blockargs.pop("bd") Pblock = subsystem.GAIN(P) # proportional gain block if "I" in type: # if the I term is required, create the block if I_limit is None: min = -np.inf max = np.inf elif isinstance(I_limit, float): min = -I_limit max = I_limit elif isinstance(I_limit, tuple) and len(I_limit) == 2: min, max = I_limit if I_band is not None: def ifunc(t, u, x): return abs(u[0]) < I_band else: ifunc = None # integrator block Iblock = subsystem.INTEGRATOR(min=min, max=max, gain=I, enable=ifunc) if "D" in type: # if the D term is required, create the blocks Dblock = subsystem.DERIV(alpha=D_pole) # derivative block Dgain = subsystem.GAIN(D) # derivative gain subsystem.connect(Dblock, Dgain) error_sum = subsystem.SUM("-+", name="errsum") # error summing junction inp = subsystem.INPORT(2) # PID block inputs outp = subsystem.OUTPORT(1) # PID block output # for each case sum the various terms if type == "PID": out_sum = subsystem.SUM("+++", name="outsum") subsystem.connect(error_sum, Pblock, Dblock, Iblock) subsystem.connect(Pblock, out_sum[0]) subsystem.connect(Iblock, out_sum[1]) subsystem.connect(Dgain, out_sum[2]) elif type == "PI": out_sum = subsystem.SUM("++", name="outsum") subsystem.connect(error_sum, Pblock, Iblock) subsystem.connect(Pblock, out_sum[0]) subsystem.connect(Iblock, out_sum[1]) elif type == "PD": out_sum = subsystem.SUM("++", name="outsum") subsystem.connect(error_sum, Pblock, Dblock) subsystem.connect(Pblock, out_sum[0]) subsystem.connect(Dgain, out_sum[1]) subsystem.connect(inp, error_sum) subsystem.connect(out_sum, outp) # super().__init__(subsystem, name=name, bd=bd) # get references to the input and output port blocks self.inport = inp self.outport = outp self.subsystem = subsystem self.ssname = "PID"
if __name__ == "__main__": from bdsim import BDSim sim = BDSim(hold=False) bd = sim.blockdiagram() deriv = bd.DERIV(alpha=0.1, verbose=True) c = bd.WAVEFORM(wave="sine", freq=1) s = bd.SCOPE(2) bd.connect(c, deriv, s[0]) bd.connect(deriv, s[1]) bd.compile() bd.report_summary() out =, 10, dt=0.02) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(out.t, out.x) sim.done(bd, block=True) # sim = BDSim() # bd = sim.blockdiagram() # pid = bd.PID(P=2, D=0.01, verbose=True) # c = bd.CONSTANT(1) # s = bd.SCOPE() # bd.connect(c, pid) # bd.connect(pid, s) # bd.compile(report=True) # # from pathlib import Path # exec( # open(Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent / "tests" / "").read() # )