Source code for bdsim.run_sim

import os
from pathlib import Path
import sys
import importlib
import inspect
from collections import Counter, namedtuple
import argparse
import types
import warnings
import time

from bdsim.blockdiagram import BlockDiagram
from bdsim.components import OptionsBase, Block, Clock, BDStruct, Plug, clocklist
import spatialmath.base as smb
import tempfile
import subprocess
import webbrowser
import traceback

import numpy as np
import scipy.integrate as integrate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import re
from colored import fg, attr

    from import FillingCirclesBar

    _FillingCirclesBar = True
except ImportError:
    _FillingCirclesBar = False

class Progress:
    # print a progress bar
    def printProgressBar(
        fraction, prefix="", suffix="", decimals=1, length=50, fill="█", printEnd="\r"
        percent = ("{0:." + str(decimals) + "f}").format(fraction * 100)
        filledLength = int(length * fraction)
        bar = fill * filledLength + "-" * (length - filledLength)
        print(f"\r{prefix} |{bar}| {percent}% {suffix}", end=printEnd)

    def __init__(self, enable=True):
        self.enable = enable
        self.length = 60
        if not enable:

    def start(self, T):
        self.T = T

        if not self.enable:

        if _FillingCirclesBar:
   = FillingCirclesBar(
                "bdsim", max=100, suffix="%(percent).1f%% - %(eta)ds"
                0, prefix="Progress:", suffix="complete", length=self.length

    def end(self):
        Clean up progress bar
        if not self.enable:

        if _FillingCirclesBar:
            print("\r" + " " * (self.length + 20) + "\r")

    def update(self, t):
        Update progress bar

        :param t: current simulation time, defaults to None
        :type t: float, optional

        Update progress bar as a percentage of the maximum simulation time,
        given as an argument to ``run``.

        :seealso: :meth:`run` :meth:`progress_done`
        if not self.enable:

        if _FillingCirclesBar:
   / self.T * 100))
                t / self.T, prefix="Progress:", suffix="complete", length=self.length

class TimeQ:
    Time-ordered queue for events

    The list comprises tuples of (time, block) to reflect an event associated
    with the specified block at the specified time.

    The list is not ordered, and is sorted on a pop event.

    def __init__(self):
        self.q = []
        self.dirty = False

    def __len__(self):
        Length of time-ordered queue

        :return: number of items in the queue
        :rtype: int
        return len(self.q)

    def __str__(self):
        String representation of time-ordered queue

        :return: show length and first item
        :rtype: str
        if len(self) == 0:
            return f"TimeQ: len={len(self)}"
            return f"TimeQ: len={len(self)}, first out {self.q[0]}"

    def __repr__(self):
        events = []
        for t in self.q:
        return "\n".join(events)

    def push(self, value):
        Push value onto time-ordered queue

        :param value: tuple (time, block)
        :type value: tuple

        Push a block and a time onto the queue.
        self.dirty = True

    def pop(self, dt=0):
        Pop nearest items from the time-ordered queue

        :param dt: time window, defaults to 0
        :type dt: float, optional
        :return: time of first block in queue and a list of blocks within the time window
        :rtype: float, list

        The next block is popped from the queue and all blocks in the time
        window, that occur no more than ``dt`` later, are also popped.
        if len(self) == 0:
            return None, []

        if self.dirty:
            self.q.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
            self.dirty = False

        qfirst = self.q.pop(0)
        t = qfirst[0]
        blocks = [qfirst[1]]
        while len(self.q) > 0 and self.q[0][0] < (t + dt):
        return t, blocks

    def pop_until(self, t):
        Pop nearest items from time-ordered queue

        :param t: time
        :type t: float
        :return: list of blocks remaining sorted by receding time
        :rtype: list

        Pops all items with time less than or equal to ``t``.
        if len(self) == 0:
            return []

        if self.dirty:
            self.q.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
            self.dirty = False

        i = 0
        while True:
            if self.q[i][0] > t:
                out = self.q[:i]
                self.q = self.q[i:]
                return out
            i += 1

# convert class name to BLOCK name
# strip underscores and capitalize
def blockname(name):
    return name.upper()

[docs]class BDSimState: """ :ivar x: state vector :vartype x: np.ndarray :ivar T: maximum simulation time (seconds) :vartype T: float :ivar t: current simulation time (seconds) :vartype t: float :ivar fignum: number of next matplotlib figure to create :vartype fignum: int :ivar stop: reference to block wanting to stop simulation, else None :vartype stop: Block subclass :ivar checkfinite: halt simulation if any wire has inf or nan :vartype checkfinite: bool :ivar graphics: enable graphics :vartype graphics: bool """
[docs] def __init__(self): self.x = None # continuous state vector numpy.ndarray self.T = None # maximum.BlockDiagram time self.t = None # current time self.fignum = 0 self.stop = None self.checkfinite = True self.debugger = True self.t_stop = None # time-based breakpoint self.eventq = TimeQ()
[docs] def declare_event(self, block, t): self.eventq.push((t, block))
[docs]class BDSim: _blocklibrary = None
[docs] def __init__(self, banner=True, packages=None, load=True, toolboxes=True, **kwargs): """ :param banner: display docstring banner, defaults to True :type banner: bool, optional :param packages: colon-separated list of folders to search for blocks :type packages: str :param load: dynamically load blocks from libraries, defaults to True :type load: bool,optional :param sysargs: process options from sys.argv, defaults to True :type sysargs: bool, optional :param graphics: enable graphics, defaults to True :type graphics: bool, optional :param animation: enable animation, defaults to False :type animation: bool, optional :param progress: enable progress bar, defaults to True :type progress: bool, optional :param debug: debug options, defaults to None :type debug: str, optional :param backend: matplotlib backend, defaults to 'Qt5Agg'' :type backend: str, optional :param tiles: figure tile layout on monitor, defaults to '3x4' :type tiles: str, optional :raises ImportError: syntax error in block :return: parent object for blockdiagram simulation :rtype: BDSim If ``sysargs`` is True, process command line arguments and passed options. Command line arguments have precedence. =================== ========= ======== =========================================== Command line switch Argument Default Behaviour =================== ========= ======== =========================================== --graphics, +g graphics True enable graphical display --animation, +a animation True update graphics at each time step --hold, +h hold True hold graphics in done() --no-graphics, -g graphics True disable graphical display --no-animation, -a animation True don't update graphics at each time step --no-hold, -H hold True do not hold graphics in done() --no-progress, -p progress True do not display simulation progress bar --backend BE backend 'Qt5Agg' matplotlib backend --tiles RxC, -t RxC tiles '3x4' arrangement of figure tiles on the display --shape WxH shape None window size, default matplotlib size --altscreen, +A, altscreen True display plots on second monitor --no-altscreen, -A altscreen True do not display plots on second monitor --debug F, -d F debug '' debug flag string --simtime T[,dt] simtime (10,) simulation time --verbose, -v verbose False be verbose --quiet, -q quiet False suppress reports -o outfile None output pickled simulation results to bd.out --out OUTFILE outfile None file to save pickled simulation results --set P, -s P setparam [] override block parameter using ``P=block:param=value`` --global G setglob [] override global parameter using ``G=var=value`` =================== ========= ======== =========================================== .. note:: ``animation`` and ``graphics`` options are coupled. If ``graphics=False``, all graphics is suppressed. If ``graphics=True`` then graphics are shown and the behaviour depends on ``animation``. ``animation=False`` shows graphs at the end of the simulation, while ``animation=True` will animate the graphs during simulation. :seealso: :meth:`set_globals()` """ self.packages = packages # process command line and overall options self.options = Options(**kwargs) # print docstring as a startup banner if banner and not self.options.quiet: calling_frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back try: doc = calling_frame.f_locals["__doc__"] if doc is not None: for line in doc.strip().split("\n"): print("* " + line) except KeyError: pass # load modules from the blocks folder if BDSim._blocklibrary is None and load: BDSim._blocklibrary = self.load_blocks( self.options.verbose, toolboxes=toolboxes ) if self.options.blocks: self.blocks()
[docs] def blockinfo(self, block=None): """Return info about all blocks :param block: name of block to return info for, otherwise list of info for all :type block: str, optional :returns: parameters of blocks :rtype: dict or list of dicts Detailed metadata about a block is obtained by introspection and parsing the block's docstring. ========== ===================================================== Key Description ========== ===================================================== path Path to the folder containing block definition classname Name of class url URL of online documentation class Reference to the class module Name of the module package.blocks.module package Name of the package, eg. bdsim, roboticstoolbox params Dict of (type, descrip), indexed by parameter name inputs List of names of block inputs outputs List of names of block outputs nin Number of inputs, -1 if variable nout Number of outputs, -1 if variable blockclass Block class, eg. source, sink etc. ========== ===================================================== """ if block is None: return self._blocklibrary else: return self._blocklibrary[block]
def __str__(self): """ String representation of simulation :return: single line summary of simulation environment :rtype: str """ s = f"BDSim: {len(self._blocklibrary)} blocks in library\n" return s def __repr__(self): s = ( f"Block diagram simulation runtime, {len(self._blocklibrary)} blocks" " imported to library.\n" ) s += "simulation options:\n" for k, v in self.state.options.items(): s += " {:s}: {}\n".format(k, v) return s
[docs] def run( self, bd, T=5, dt=None, solver="RK45", solver_args={}, debug="", block=None, checkfinite=True, minstepsize=1e-12, watch=[], ): """ Run the block diagram :param T: maximum integration time, defaults to 10.0 :type T: float, optional :param dt: maximum time step :type dt: float, optional :param solver: integration method, defaults to ``RK45`` :type solver: str, optional :param block: matplotlib block at end of run, default False :type block: bool :param checkfinite: error if inf or nan on any wire, default True :type checkfinite: bool :param minstepsize: minimum step length, default 1e-6 :type minstepsize: float :param watch: list of input ports to log :type watch: list :param solver_args: arguments passed to ``scipy.integrate`` :type solver_args: dict :return: time history of signals and states :rtype: Sim class Assumes that the network has been compiled. The system is simulated from time 0 to ``T``. The integration step time ``dt`` defaults to ``T/100`` but can be specified. Finer control can be achieved using ``max_step`` and ``first_step`` parameters to the underlying integrator using the ``solver_args`` parameter. Results are returned in a class with attributes: - ``t`` the time vector: ndarray, shape=(M,) - ``x`` is the state vector: ndarray, shape=(M,N) - ``xnames`` is a list of the names of the states corresponding to columns of `x`, eg. "plant.x0", defined for the block using the ``snames`` argument - ``yN`` for a watched input where N is the index of the port mentioned in the ``watch`` argument - ``ynames`` is a list of the names of the input ports being watched, same order as in ``watch`` argument If there are no dynamic elements in the diagram, ie. no states, then ``x`` and ``xnames`` are not present. The ``watch`` argument is a list of one or more input ports whose value during simulation will be recorded. The elements of the list can be: - a ``Block`` reference, which is interpretted as input port 0 - a ``Plug`` reference, ie. a block with an index or attribute - a string of the form "block[i]" which is port i of the block named block. The debug string comprises single letter flags: - 'p' debug network value propagation - 's' debug state vector - 'd' debug state derivative .. note:: Simulation stops if the step time falls below ``minsteplength`` which typically indicates that the solver is struggling with a very harsh non-linearity. """ assert bd.compiled, "Network has not been compiled" # get simulation time # --simtime=T or --simtime=T,dt if self.options.simtime is not None: try: default_times = eval(self.options.simtime) if isinstance(default_times, (int, float)): T = default_times elif isinstance(default_times, tuple): T, dt = default_times else: raise ValueError( "bad simtime option passed " + self.options.simtime ) except: raise ValueError("bad simtime option passed " + self.options.simtime) # final default values # T = T or 5 # dt = dt or 0.01 simstate = BDSimState() self.simstate = simstate simstate.T = T if dt is None and not "max_step" in solver_args: dt = T / 100 simstate.dt = dt simstate.count = 0 simstate.bdtime = 0.0 simstate.gtime = 0.0 # last graphics update simstate.solver = solver simstate.solver_args = solver_args simstate.minstepsize = minstepsize simstate.stop = None # allow any block to stop.BlockDiagram by setting this to the block's name simstate.checkfinite = checkfinite # state.options = copy.copy(self.options) simstate.options = self.options = bd simstate.t_stop = None if debug: # append debug flags if debug not in simstate.options.debug: simstate.options.debug += debug # turn off progress bar if any debug options are given if len(simstate.options.debug) > 0: self.options.progress = False if block is not None: self.options.hold = block # process the watchlist # elements can be: # - block or Plug reference # - str in the form BLOCKNAME[PORT] watchlist = [] watchnamelist = [] re_block = re.compile(r"(?P<name>[^[]+)(\[(?P<port>[0-9]+)\])?") for w in watch: if isinstance(w, str): # a name was given, with optional port number m = re_block.match(w) if m is None: raise ValueError("watch block[port] not found: " + w) name ="name") # get optional port number port ="port") if port is None: port = 0 else: port = int(port) b = bd.blocknames[name] plug = b[port] elif isinstance(w, Block): # a block was given, defaults to port 0 plug = w[0] elif isinstance(w, Plug): # a plug was given plug = w watchlist.append(plug) watchnamelist.append(str(plug)) simstate.watchlist = watchlist simstate.watchnamelist = watchnamelist x0 = bd.getstate0() if not self.options.quiet: print(fg("yellow")) print(f">>> Start simulation: T = {T}, dt = {dt}") print(f" Continuous state variables: {bd.nstates}") print(" x0 = ", x0) print(f" Discrete state variables: {bd.ndstates}") # get the number of discrete states from all clocks ndstates = 0 for clock in bd.clocklist: nds = 0 for b in clock.blocklist: nds += b.ndstates ndstates += nds if not self.options.quiet: print(f" {}: x0 = ", clock.getstate0()) if not self.options.quiet: print(attr(0)) # update block parameters given on command line self.update_parameters(bd) # tell all blocks we're starting a BlockDiagram # initialize list of time and states simstate.tlist = [] simstate.xlist = [] simstate.plist = [[] for p in simstate.watchlist] self.progress = Progress(enable=self.options.progress) self.progress.start(T) if len(simstate.eventq) == 0: # no simulation events, solve it in one go self.run_interval(bd, 0, T, x0, simstate=simstate) nintervals = 1 else: # we have simulation events, solve it in chunks simstate.declare_event(None, T) # add an event at end of simulation # ignore all the events at zero tprev = 0 simstate.eventq.pop_until(tprev) # get the state vector x = x0 nintervals = 0 while True: # get next event from the queue and the list of blocks or # clocks at that time tnext, sources = simstate.eventq.pop(dt=1e-6) if tnext is None: break # run system until next event time x = self.run_interval(bd, tprev, tnext, x, simstate=simstate) nintervals += 1 # visit all the blocks and clocks that have an event now for source in sources: if isinstance(source, Clock): # clock ticked, save its state source.savestate(tnext) source.next_event(self.simstate) # get the new state source._x = source.getstate(tnext) tprev = tnext # are we done? if simstate.t is not None and simstate.t >= T: break # finished integration self.progress.end() # cleanup the progress bar # print some info about the integration if not self.options.quiet: print(fg("yellow")) print("<<< Simulation complete") print(f" block diagram evaluations: {simstate.count}") print( " block diagram exec time: " f" {simstate.bdtime / simstate.count * 1000.0:.3f} ms" ) print(f" time steps: {len(simstate.tlist)}") print(f" integration intervals: {nintervals}") print(attr(0)) # save buffered data in a Struct out = BDStruct(name="results") out.t = np.array(simstate.tlist) out.x = np.array(simstate.xlist) out.xnames = bd.statenames # save clocked states for c in bd.clocklist: name =".", "") clockdata = BDStruct(name) clockdata.t = np.array(c.t) clockdata.x = np.array(c.x) out.add(name, clockdata) # save the watchlist into variables named y0, y1 etc. for i, p in enumerate(watchlist): out["y" + str(i)] = np.array(simstate.plist[i]) out.ynames = watchnamelist # the command line options -o or --out saves results as a pickle file # -o defaults to bd.out # --out FILE allows the filename to be specified # # we can visualize the output file by # # % python -mpickle bd.out # t = ndarray:float64 (123,) # x = ndarray:float64 (123, 1) # xnames = ['plantx0'] (list) # ynames = [] (list) if self.options.outfile is not None: out.dump(self.options.outfile) if not self.options.quiet: print("simulation results pickled --> ", self.options.outfile) # pause until all graphics blocks close if and self.options.hold: self.done(, block=self.options.hold) return out
[docs] def update_parameters(self, bd): """ Set value of parameters according to command line arguments Command line arguments of the form: ``-s block:param=value`` ``--set block:param=value`` are stored as list items in ``options.setparam`` ``block`` can be either: - the block's name as a string, either user assigned or bdsim assigned - the block ``id`` as displayed by the ``report`` method ``param`` is the name of the parameter used in the constructor ``value`` is the new value of the variable """ re_set = re.compile(r"(?P<block>[\w\.]+):(?P<param>[\w]+)=(?P<value>.*)") for s in self.options.setparam: m = re_set.match(s) if m is None: raise ValueError("bad set parameter: " + s) # get block reference blockname = m["block"] try: blockname = int(blockname) except ValueError: pass block = bd[blockname] param = m["param"] try: prev_value = getattr(block, param) except ValueError: raise ValueError(f"block {} has no parameter '{param}'") # get the parameter value = m["value"] new_value = None try: if ";" in value: new_value = smb.str2array(value) else: try: new_value = int(value) except ValueError: new_value = float(value) except ValueError: raise ValueError("cannot parse value " + value) # change the value setattr(block, param, new_value) print( f"changed value of {}:{param} from {prev_value} ->" f" {new_value}" )
[docs] def run_interval(self, bd, t0, T, x0, simstate=None): """ Integrate system over interval :param bd: the system blockdiagram :type bd: BlockDiagram :param t0: initial time :type t0: float :param tf: final time :type tf: float :param x0: initial state vector :type x0: ndarray(n) :param simstate: simulation state object :type simstate: SimState :return: final state vector xf :rtype: ndarray(n) The system is integrated from from ``x0`` to ``xf`` over the interval ``t0`` to ``tf``. """ try: if bd.nstates > 0: # system has continuous states, solve it using numerical integration # print('initial state x0 = ', x0) # block diagram contains states, solve it using numerical integration scipy_integrator = integrate.__dict__[ simstate.solver ] # get user specified integrator def ydot(t, y): simstate.t = t simstate.count += 1 t0 = time.time() yd = bd.schedule_evaluate(y, t, sinks=False, simstate=simstate) t1 = time.time() simstate.bdtime += t1 - t0 return yd if simstate.dt is not None: simstate.solver_args["max_step"] = simstate.dt # print(f"run interval: from {t0} to {t0+T}, args={state.solver_args}, x0={x0}") integrator = scipy_integrator( ydot, t0=t0, y0=x0, t_bound=T, **simstate.solver_args ) # integrate while integrator.status == "running": # step the integrator, calls _deriv and evaluate block diagram multiple times message = integrator.step() if integrator.status == "failed": print( fg("red") + f"\nintegration completed with failed status: {message}" + attr(0) ) break # stash the results simstate.t = integrator.t simstate.tlist.append(integrator.t) simstate.xlist.append(integrator.y) # record the ports on the watchlist for i, p in enumerate(simstate.watchlist): b = p.block out = b.output(integrator.t, b.inputs, b._x)[p.port] simstate.plist[i].append(out) # update all blocks that need to know if (integrator.t - simstate.gtime) > (simstate.T / 200): bd.step(integrator.t) simstate.gtime = integrator.t # bd.step(integrator.t) self.progress.update(simstate.t) # update the progress bar if integrator.status == "finished": break # has any block called a stop? if simstate.stop is not None: print( fg("red") + f"\n--- stop requested at t={simstate.t:.4f} by" f" {simstate.stop}" + attr(0) ) break if ( simstate.minstepsize is not None and integrator.step_size < simstate.minstepsize ): print( fg("red") + "\n--- stopping on minimum step size at" f" t={simstate.t:.4f} with last stepsize" f" {integrator.step_size:g}" + attr(0) ) break if "i" in simstate.options.debug: bd._debugger(simstate, integrator) return integrator.y # return final state vector elif len(clocklist) == 0: # block diagram has no continuous or discrete states assert simstate.dt is not None, "if no states must specify dt" for t in np.arange(t0, T, simstate.dt): # step through the time range # evaluate the block diagram simstate.t = t simstate.count += 1 t0 = time.time() bd.schedule_evaluate([], t) t1 = time.time() simstate.bdtime += t1 - t0 # stash the results simstate.tlist.append(t) # record the ports on the watchlist for i, p in enumerate(simstate.watchlist): b = p.block out = b.output(integrator.t, b.inputs, b._x)[p.port] simstate.plist[i].append(out) # update all blocks that need to know bd.step(t) self.progress.update(t) # update the progress bar # has any block called a stop? if simstate.stop is not None: print( fg("red") + f"\n--- stop requested at t={simstate.t:.4f} by" f" {simstate.stop}" + attr(0) ) break if "i" in simstate.options.debug: bd._debugger(simstate, integrator) else: # block diagram has no continuous states t = t0 simstate.t = t # evaluate the block diagram simstate.count += 1 t0 = time.time() bd.schedule_evaluate([], t) t1 = time.time() simstate.bdtime += t1 - t0 # stash the results simstate.tlist.append(t) # record the ports on the watchlist for i, p in enumerate(simstate.watchlist): b = p.block out = b.output(integrator.t, b.inputs, b._x)[p.port] simstate.plist[i].append(out) # update all blocks that need to know if (t - simstate.gtime) > (simstate.T / 200): bd.step(t) simstate.gtime = t # bd.step(t) self.progress.update(simstate.t) # update the progress bar # has any block called a stop? if simstate.stop is not None: print( fg("red") + f"\n--- stop requested at t={simstate.t:.4f} by" f" {simstate.stop}" + attr(0) ) if "i" in simstate.options.debug: bd._debugger(simstate) except RuntimeError as err: # bad things happens, print a message and return no result print("unrecoverable error in evaluation: ", err) raise
[docs] def blockdiagram(self, name="main") -> BlockDiagram: """ Instantiate a new block diagram object. :param name: diagram name, defaults to 'main' :type name: str, optional :return: parent object for blockdiagram :rtype: BlockDiagram This object describes the connectivity of a set of blocks and wires. It is an instantiation of the ``BlockDiagram`` class with a factory method for every dynamically loaded block which returns an instance of the block. These factory methods have names which are all upper case, for example, the method ``.GAIN`` invokes the constructor for the ``Gain`` class. :seealso: :func:`BlockDiagram` """ # instantiate a new blockdiagram bd = BlockDiagram(name=name) def new_method(cls, bd): # return a wrapper for the block constructor that automatically # adds the block to the diagram's blocklist def block_init_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): block = cls(*args, bd=bd, **kwargs) # call __init__ on the block return block # return a function that invokes the class constructor f = block_init_wrapper # move the __init__ docstring to the class to allow BLOCK.__doc__ f.__doc__ = cls.__init__.__doc__ return f # bind the block constructors as new methods on this instance self.blockdict = {} for blockname, info in self._blocklibrary.items(): # create a function to invoke the block's constructor f = new_method(info["class"], bd) # set a bound version of this function as an attribute of the instance # method = types.MethodType(new_method, bd) # setattr(bd,, method) setattr(bd, blockname, f.__get__(self)) # add a clone of the options # bd.options = copy.copy(self.options) bd.runtime = self return bd
[docs] def DEBUG(self, debug, fmt, *args): if debug[0] in self.options.debug: print(f"DEBUG.{debug:s}: " + fmt.format(*args))
[docs] def done(self, bd, block=False): if self.options.hold: block = self.options.hold try: except KeyboardInterrupt: print("bdsim: closing all windows") plt.close("all") # sys.exit(1) # not sure why we have this return bd.done() plt.close("all") plt.pause(0.5) # let the event handler do its work
[docs] def closefigs(self): for i in range(self.simstate.fignum): print("close", i + 1) plt.close(i + 1) plt.pause(0.1) self.simstate.fignum = 0 # reset figure counter
[docs] def savefig(self, block, filename=None, format="pdf", **kwargs): block.savefig(filename=filename, format=format, **kwargs)
[docs] def savefigs(self, bd, format="pdf", **kwargs): from import GraphicsBlock for b in bd.blocklist: if isinstance(b, GraphicsBlock): b.savefig(, format=format, **kwargs)
[docs] def showgraph(self, bd, **kwargs): # create the temporary dotfile dotfile = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode="w") bd.dotfile(dotfile, **kwargs) # rewind the dot file, create PDF file in the filesystem, run dot pdffile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".pdf", delete=False)"dot -Tpdf", shell=True, stdin=dotfile, stdout=pdffile) # open the PDF file in browser (hopefully portable), then cleanup"file://{}") os.remove(
[docs] def fatal(self, message, retval=1): """ Fatal simulation error :param message: Error message :type message: str :param retval: system return value (*nix only) defaults to 1 :type retval: int, optional Display the error message then terminate the process. For operating systems that support it, return an integer code. """ # TODO print text in some color print(message) sys.exit(retval)
[docs] def load_blocks(self, verbose=True, toolboxes=True): """ Dynamically load all block definitions. :raises ImportError: module could not be imported :return: dictionary of block metadata :rtype: dict of dict Reads blocks from .py files found in bdsim/bdsim/blocks, folders given by colon separated list in envariable BDSIMPATH, and the command line option ``packages``. The result is a dict indexed by the upper-case block name with elements: - ``path`` to the folder holding the Python file defining the block - ``classname`` - ``blockname``, upper case version of ``classname`` - ``url`` of online documentation for the block - ``package`` containing the block - `doc` is the docstring from the class constructor """ def parse_docstring(ds): # this should have two versions: sphinx, numpy doc styles import re from collections import OrderedDict re_isfield = re.compile(r"\s*:[a-zA-Zα-ωΑ-Ω0-9_ ]+:") re_field = re.compile( r"^\s*:(?P<field>[a-zA-Z]+)(?:" r" +(?P<var>[a-zA-Zα-ωΑ-Ω0-9_]+))?:(?P<body>.+)$" ) # a-zA-Zα-ωΑ-Ω0-9_ def indent(s): return len(s) - len(s.lstrip()) fieldnames = ("param", "type", "input", "output") excludevars = ("kwargs", "inputs") # parse out all lines of the form: # # :field var: body # or # :field var: body with a very long description that # carries over to another line or two fieldlines = [] for para in ds.split("\n\n"): # print(para) # print('--') indent_prev = None infield = False for line in para.split("\n"): if len(line) == 0: continue if indent_prev is None: indent_prev = indent(line) if re_isfield.match(line) is not None: fieldlines.append(line.lstrip()) infield = True if indent(line) > indent_prev and infield: fieldlines[-1] += " " + line.lstrip() if indent(line) == indent_prev: infield = False # fieldlines is a list of lines of the form # # :field var: body # # where extension lines have been concatenated # create a dict of dicts # # dict[field][var] -> body dict = OrderedDict() for line in fieldlines: m = re_field.match(line) if m is not None: field, var, body = m.groups() if var in excludevars or field not in fieldnames: continue if field not in dict: dict[field] = {var: body} else: dict[field][var] = body dict["field")] # now connect pairs of lines of the form # # :param X: param description # :type X: type description # # params[X] = (type description, param description) params = {} if "param" in dict: for var, descrip in dict["param"].items(): typ = dict["type"].get(var, None) params[var] = (typ, descrip) return params block = namedtuple("block", "name, cls, path") if toolboxes: packages = ["bdsim", "roboticstoolbox", "machinevisiontoolbox"] else: packages = ["bdsim"] env = os.getenv("BDSIMPATH") if env is not None: packages += env.split(":") if self.packages is not None: packages += self.packages.split(":") blocks = {} moduledicts = {} for package in packages: try: spec = importlib.util.find_spec(".blocks", package=package) if spec is None: print(f"package {package} has no blocks module") continue pkg = spec.loader.load_module() except ModuleNotFoundError: print(f"package {package} not found") continue except ImportError: print(f"package {package} load error, continuing") import textwrap print(textwrap.indent(traceback.format_exc(), " ")) continue moduledict = {} for name, value in pkg.__dict__.items(): # check if it's a valid block class if not inspect.isclass(value): continue if Block not in inspect.getmro(value): continue if name.endswith("Block"): continue if value.blockclass in ("source", "transfer", "function"): # must have an output function valid = ( hasattr(value, "output") and callable(value.output) and len(inspect.signature(value.output).parameters) == 4 ) if not valid: print( "block {:s} has missing/improper output method".format( value.__name__ ) ) continue if value.blockclass == "sink": # must have a step function with at least one # parameter: step(self [,state]) valid = ( hasattr(value, "step") and callable(value.step) and len(inspect.signature(value.step).parameters) == 3 ) if not valid: print( "block {:s} has missing/improper step method".format( value.__name__ ) ) continue # add it to the dict of blocks indexed by module if value.__module__ in moduledict: moduledict[value.__module__].append(name) else: moduledict[value.__module__] = [name] # create a dict for the block with metadata block_info = {} block_info[ "path" ] = pkg.__path__ # path to folder holding block definition block_info["classname"] = name block_info["blockname"] = blockname(name) try: block_info["url"] = ( pkg.__dict__["url"] + "#" + block.__module__ + "." + name ) except KeyError: block_info["url"] = None block_info["class"] = value block_info["module"] = value.__module__ block_info["package"] = package # get the docstring from the class and the constructor ds = "" if value.__doc__ is not None: ds += value.__doc__ if value.__init__.__doc__ is not None: ds += value.__init__.__doc__ if ds is None: raise ValueError("block has no docstring") block_info["doc"] = ds param_dict = parse_docstring(ds) block_info["params"] = param_dict # now add all the other stuff we know about the block block_info["inputs"] = param_dict.get("input") block_info["outputs"] = param_dict.get("output") block_info["nin"] = value.nin block_info["nout"] = value.nout block_info["blockclass"] = value.__base__.__name__.lower().replace( "block", "" ) blocks[blockname(name)] = block_info moduledicts[package] = moduledict self.moduledicts = moduledicts return blocks
[docs] def blocks(self): """ List all loaded blocks. Example:: 73 blocks loaded bdsim.blocks.functions..................: Sum Prod Gain Clip Function Interpolate bdsim.blocks.sources....................: Constant Time WaveForm Piecewise Step Ramp bdsim.blocks.sinks......................: Print Stop Null Watch bdsim.blocks.transfers..................: Integrator PoseIntegrator LTI_SS LTI_SISO bdsim.blocks.discrete...................: ZOH DIntegrator DPoseIntegrator bdsim.blocks.linalg.....................: Inverse Transpose Norm Flatten Slice2 Slice1 Det Cond bdsim.blocks.displays...................: Scope ScopeXY ScopeXY1 bdsim.blocks.connections................: Item Dict Mux DeMux Index SubSystem InPort OutPort roboticstoolbox.blocks.arm..............: FKine IKine Jacobian Tr2Delta Delta2Tr Point2Tr TR2T FDyn IDyn Gravload ........................................: Inertia Inertia_X FDyn_X ArmPlot Traj JTraj LSPB CTraj CirclePath Bicycle Unicycle DiffSteer VehiclePlot roboticstoolbox.blocks.uav..............: MultiRotor MultiRotorMixer MultiRotorPlot Camera Visjac_p EstPose_p ImagePlane """ def dots(s, n=40): return s + "." * (n - len(s)) print(len(self._blocklibrary), " blocks loaded") for pkg, dict in self.moduledicts.items(): for k, v in dict.items(): s = "" once = False while len(v) > 0: n = v.pop(0) + " " if len(s + n) < 80: s += n continue else: # line will be too long if not once: print(f"{dots(k)}: {s}") once = True else: print(f"{dots('')}: {s}") s = "" if len(s) > 0: if once: print(f"{dots('')}: {s}") else: print(f"{dots(k)}: {s}")
[docs] def set_options(self, **options): self.options.set(**options) warnings.warn("use sim.options.OPT=VALUE instead", DeprecationWarning)
[docs] def set_globals(self, globs): """ Set globals as specified by command line :param globs: global variables :type globs: dict The command line option ``--global var=value`` can be used to request the change of global variables. However, actually changing them requires explicit code support in the user's program after the ``BDSim`` constructor. Example:: sim.set_globals(globals()) Messages are displayed by defaulting, indicating which variables are changed, and their old and new values. """ # handle the globals for s in self.options.setglob: var, value = s.split("=") new_value = eval(value) print(f"changed value of global {var} from {globs[var]} -> {new_value}") globs[var] = new_value
[docs] def report(self, bd, type="summary", **kwargs): """Print block diagram report :param bd: the block diagram to be reported :type bd: :class:`BlockDiagram` :param type: report type, one of: "summary" (default), "lists", "schedule" :type type: str, optional :param style: table style, one of: ansi (default), markdown, latex :type style: str Single method wrapper for various block diagram reports. Obeys the ``-q`` option to suppress all reports at runtime. :seealso: :meth:`BlockDiagram.report_summary` :meth:`BlockDiagram.report_lists` :meth:`BlockDiagram.report_schedule` """ if self.options.quiet: return if type == "lists": bd.report_lists(**kwargs) elif type == "summary": bd.report_summary(**kwargs) elif type == "schedule": bd.report_schedule(**kwargs)
class Options(OptionsBase): def __init__(self, sysargs=True, **options): default_options = { "backend": None, "tiles": "3x4", "graphics": True, "animation": False, "hold": True, "shape": None, "altscreen": True, "progress": True, "verbose": False, "debug": "", "simtime": None, "blocks": False, "outfile": None, "quiet": False, "setparam": [], "setglob": [], } # modify defaults according to envariable BDSIM which is comma/semicolon # separated list of key=value pairs # eg. setenv BDSIM graphics=True,hold=True env = os.getenv("BDSIM") if env is not None: for key_value in env.split(",;"): # for each key=value pair key, value = [s.strip() for s in key_value.split("=")] # attempt an eval, resolves True, False try: value = eval(value) except SyntaxError: pass try: default_options[key] = value except KeyError: print("envariable BDSIM, unknown option", key) if sysargs: # command line arguments and graphics parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prefix_chars="-+", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, description="Block diagram simulation framework", epilog=( "set defaults using environment variable BDSIM as a single string" " containing command line options" ), ) parser.add_argument( "--backend", "-b", type=str, metavar="BACKEND", help="matplotlib backend to choose", ) parser.add_argument( "--tiles", "-t", type=str, metavar="ROWSxCOLS", help="window tiling as NxM", ) parser.add_argument( "--shape", type=str, metavar="WIDTHxHEIGHT", help="window size as WxH, defaults to matplotlib default", ) parser.add_argument( "--blocks", action="store_const", const=True, default=False, dest="blocks", help="Display blocks at startup", ) parser.add_argument( "-g", "--no-graphics", action="store_const", const=False, dest="graphics", help="disable graphic display, also does --no-animation", ) parser.add_argument( "+g", "--graphics", action="store_const", const=True, dest="graphics", help="enable graphic display", ) parser.add_argument( "-a", "--no-animation", action="store_const", const=False, dest="animation", help="do not animate graphics", ) parser.add_argument( "+a", "--animation", action="store_const", const=True, dest="animation", help="animate graphics, also does ++graphics", ) parser.add_argument( "-H", "--no-hold", action="store_const", const=False, dest="hold", help="do not hold graphics in done()", ) parser.add_argument( "+H", "--hold", action="store_const", const=True, dest="hold", help="hold graphics in done()", ) parser.add_argument( "+A", "--altscreen", action="store_const", const=True, dest="altscreen", help="display plots on second monitor", ) parser.add_argument( "-A", "--no-altscreen", action="store_const", const=False, dest="altscreen", help="do not display plots on second monitor", ) parser.add_argument( "--no-progress", "-p", action="store_const", const=False, dest="progress", help="animate graphics", ) parser.add_argument( "--verbose", "-v", action="store_const", const=True, help="debug flags" ) parser.add_argument( "--debug", "-d", type=str, metavar="[psd]", help="debug flags: p/ropagate, s/tate, d/eriv, i/nteractive", ) parser.add_argument( "--simtime", "-S", type=str, help="simulation time: T or T,dt" ) parser.add_argument( "--quiet", "-q", action="store_const", const=True, help="suppress reports", ) parser.add_argument( "-o", action="store_const", const="bd.out", dest="outfile", help="output pickled simulation results to bd.out", ) parser.add_argument( "--out", type=str, dest="outfile", help="file to save pickled simulation results", ) parser.add_argument( "--set", "-s", dest="setparam", action="append", type=str, help="override block parameter using block:param=value", ) parser.add_argument( "--global", dest="setglob", action="append", type=str, help="override global parameter using var=value", ) args, unknownargs = parser.parse_known_args() cmdline_options = vars(args) # get args as a dictionary # keep only the options that are not None, ie. those that were # explicitly set on the command line cmdline_options = { option: value for option, value in cmdline_options.items() if value is not None } if "graphics" in cmdline_options: # -g or +g present if not cmdline_options["graphics"]: # -g then disable animation cmdline_options["animation"] = False elif "animation" in cmdline_options and cmdline_options["animation"]: # +a present cmdline_options["graphics"] = True else: cmdline_options = dict() # empty dictionary super().__init__(readonly=cmdline_options, args=default_options) # now handle the passed options self.set(**options) if self.verbose: print(self) self._argv = unknownargs # save non-bdsim arguments def sanity(self, options): # ensure graphics is enabled if animation is requested # ensure animation is disabled if graphics is disabled if "graphics" in options and "animation" in options: if options["animation"] and not options["graphics"]: raise ValueError("cannot enable animation but disable graphics") elif "graphics" in options and not options["graphics"]: options["animation"] = False elif "animation" in options and options["animation"]: options["graphics"] = True return options