ETS.ik_GN(Tep, q0=None, ilimit=30, slimit=100, tol=1e-06, mask=None, joint_limits=True, pinv=True, pinv_damping=0.0)[source]

Fast numerical inverse kinematics by Gauss-Newton optimization

sol = ets.ik_GN(Tep) are the joint coordinates (n) corresponding to the robot end-effector pose Tep which is an SE3 or ndarray object. This method can be used for robots with any number of degrees of freedom. This is a fast solver implemented in C++.

See the Inverse Kinematics Docs Page for more details and for a tutorial on numerical IK, see here.


When using this method with redundant robots (>6 DoF), pinv must be set to True

  • Tep (Union[ndarray, SE3]) – The desired end-effector pose or pose trajectory

  • q0 (Optional[ndarray]) – initial joint configuration (default to random valid joint configuration contrained by the joint limits of the robot)

  • ilimit (int) – maximum number of iterations per search

  • slimit (int) – maximum number of search attempts

  • tol (float) – final error tolerance

  • mask (Optional[ndarray]) – a mask vector which weights the end-effector error priority. Corresponds to translation in X, Y and Z and rotation about X, Y and Z respectively

  • joint_limits (bool) – constrain the solution to being within the joint limits of the robot (reject solution with invalid joint configurations and perfrom another search up to the slimit)

  • pinv (int) – Use the psuedo-inverse instad of the normal matrix inverse

  • pinv_damping (float) – Damping factor for the psuedo-inverse

Return type:

Tuple[ndarray, int, int, int, float]


  • sol – tuple (q, success, iterations, searches, residual)

  • The return value sol is a tuple with elements

  • ============ ========== ===============================================

  • Element Type Description

  • ============ ========== ===============================================

  • q ndarray(n) joint coordinates in units of radians or metres

  • success int whether a solution was found

  • iterations int total number of iterations

  • searches int total number of searches

  • residual float final value of cost function

  • ============ ========== ===============================================

  • If success == 0 the q values will be valid numbers, but the

  • solution will be in error. The amount of error is indicated by

  • the residual.


Each iteration uses the Gauss-Newton optimisation method

\[\begin{split}\vec{q}_{k+1} &= \vec{q}_k + \left( {\mat{J}(\vec{q}_k)}^\top \mat{W}_e \ {\mat{J}(\vec{q}_k)} \right)^{-1} \bf{g}_k \\ \bf{g}_k &= {\mat{J}(\vec{q}_k)}^\top \mat{W}_e \vec{e}_k\end{split}\]

where \(\mat{J} = {^0\mat{J}}\) is the base-frame manipulator Jacobian. If \(\mat{J}(\vec{q}_k)\) is non-singular, and \(\mat{W}_e = \mat{1}_n\), then the above provides the pseudoinverse solution. However, if \(\mat{J}(\vec{q}_k)\) is singular, the above can not be computed and the GN solution is infeasible.


The following example gets the ets of a panda robot object, makes a goal pose Tep, and then solves for the joint coordinates which result in the pose Tep using the ikine_GN method.

>>> import roboticstoolbox as rtb
>>> panda = rtb.models.Panda().ets()
>>> Tep = panda.fkine([0, -0.3, 0, -2.2, 0, 2, 0.7854])
>>> panda.ik_GN(Tep)
(array([-1.0805, -0.5328,  0.9086, -2.1781,  0.4612,  1.9018,  0.4239]), 1, 510, 32, 2.803306327008683e-09)


When using the this method, the initial joint coordinates \(q_0\), should correspond to a non-singular manipulator pose, since it uses the manipulator Jacobian.


  • J. Haviland, and P. Corke. “Manipulator Differential Kinematics Part I: Kinematics, Velocity, and Applications.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01796 (2022).

  • J. Haviland, and P. Corke. “Manipulator Differential Kinematics Part II: Acceleration and Advanced Applications.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01794 (2022).

See also


A fast numerical inverse kinematics solver using Newton-Raphson optimisation


A fast numerical inverse kinematics solver using Gauss-Newton optimisation