#!/usr/bin/env python
Images class
@author: Dorian Tsai
@author: Peter Corke
from __future__ import annotations
from pathlib import Path
import os.path
import os
import numpy as np
import cv2 as cv
from numpy.lib.arraysetops import isin
from machinevisiontoolbox.base import (
from machinevisiontoolbox.ImageSpatial import Kernel
from spatialmath.base import isscalar, islistof
import warnings
from .mvtb_types import *
# import spatialmath.base.argcheck as argcheck
from machinevisiontoolbox.base.imageio import idisp, iread, iwrite, convert
import urllib
from machinevisiontoolbox.ImageIO import ImageIOMixin
from machinevisiontoolbox.ImageConstants import ImageConstantsMixin
from machinevisiontoolbox.ImageProcessing import ImageProcessingMixin
from machinevisiontoolbox.ImageMorph import ImageMorphMixin
from machinevisiontoolbox.ImageSpatial import ImageSpatialMixin
from machinevisiontoolbox.ImageColor import ImageColorMixin
from machinevisiontoolbox.ImageReshape import ImageReshapeMixin
from machinevisiontoolbox.ImageWholeFeatures import ImageWholeFeaturesMixin
from machinevisiontoolbox.ImageBlobs import ImageBlobsMixin
from machinevisiontoolbox.ImageRegionFeatures import ImageRegionFeaturesMixin
from machinevisiontoolbox.ImageLineFeatures import ImageLineFeaturesMixin
from machinevisiontoolbox.ImagePointFeatures import ImagePointFeaturesMixin
from machinevisiontoolbox.ImageMultiview import ImageMultiviewMixin
This class encapsulates a Numpy array containing the pixel values. The object
supports arithmetic using overloaded operators, as well a large number of methods.
class Image(
def __init__(
copy: bool = False,
shape: Optional[tuple[int]] = None,
dtype: Optional[str] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
id: Optional[int] = None,
binary: bool = False,
) -> None:
Create an Image instance
:param image: image data
:type image: array_like(H,W), :class:`Image`
:param colororder: order of color channels
:type colororder: str, dict
:param copy: copy the image data, defaults to False
:type copy: bool, optional
:param shape: new shape for the image, defaults to None
:type shape: tuple, optional
:param dtype: data type for image, defaults to same type as ``image``
:type dtype: str or NumPy dtype, optional
:param name: name of image, defaults to None
:type name: str, optional
:param id: numeric id of image, typically a sequence number, defaults to None
:type id: int, optional
:param domain: domain of image, defaults to None
:type domain: array_like(W), array_like(H), optional
:param binary: create binary image, non-zero values are set to True, defaults to False
:type binary: bool, optional
:raises TypeError: unknown type passed to constructor
Create a new image instance which contains pixel values as well as
information about image size, datatype, color planes and domain.
The ``image`` can be specified in several ways:
- as an :class:`Image` instance and its pixel array will be *referenced*
by the new :class:`Image`.
- an a NumPy 2D or 3D array for a greyscale or color image respectively.
- a lists of lists of pixel values, each inner list must have the same
number of elements (columns)::
Image([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])
**Pixel datatype**
The ``dtype`` of an image comes from the internal NumPy pixel array.
If ``image`` is an :class:`Image` instance or NumPy ndarray then its dtype is
determined by the NumPy ndarray.
If ``image`` is given as a list of lists and ``dtype`` is not given,
then the :class:`Image` type is:
- float32 if the list contains any floating point values, otherwise
- the smallest signed or unsigned int that can represent its
value span.
An ``image`` can have bool values. When used in a numerical expression
its values will bs cast to numeric values of 0 or 1 representing
False and True respectively.
**Color planes**
Images can have multiple planes, typically three (representing the
primary colors red, green and blue) but any number is possible. In
the underlying Numpy array these planes are identified by an integer
plane index (the last dimension of the 3D array). The :class:`Image`
contains a dictionary that maps the name of a color plane to its
index value. The color plane order can be specified as a dict or
a string.
**Image domain**
An :class:`Image` has a width and height in units of pixesl, but for
some applications it is useful to specify the pixel coordinates in other
units, perhaps metres, or latitude/longitude, or for a spherical image
as azimuth and colatitude. The domain is specified by two 1D arrays
that map the pixel coordinate to the domain variable.
**Binary images**
If ``binary`` is True the image is converted to a binary image, where zero valued
pixels are set to False and all other values are set to True. To create an
image where pixels have integer values of 0 and 1 use the ``dtype`` option::
Image([[0, 3], [4, 0]]) # pixel values are 0, 3, 4, 0
Image([[0, 3], [4, 0]], binary=True) # pixel values are: False, True, True, False
Image([[0, 3], [4, 0]], binary=True, dtype="uint8") # pixel values are 0, 1, 1, 0
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> import numpy as np
>>> Image([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> Image(np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]))
>>> Image([[1, 2], [3, 1000]])
>>> Image([[0.1, 0.2], [0.3, 0.4]])
>>> Image([[True, False], [False, True]])
:note: By default the encapsulated pixel data is a reference to
the passed image data.
:seealso: :meth:`colororder` :meth:`colororder_str`
self._A = None
self._name = None
self._colororder = None
self.id = id
self.domain = domain
if isinstance(name, Path):
name = str(name)
if isinstance(image, np.ndarray):
elif isinstance(image, self.__class__):
# Image instance
name = image.name
colororder = image.colororder
image = image.A
elif isinstance(image, list):
# list of lists
# attempt to convert it to an ndarray
image = np.array(image)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("bad list of lists, check all rows have same length")
if dtype is None:
# no type given, automatically choose it
if np.issubdtype(image.dtype, np.floating):
# list contained a float
dtype = np.float32
elif np.issubdtype(image.dtype, np.integer):
# list contained only ints, convert to int/uint8 of smallest
# size to contain all values
if image.min() < 0:
# value is signed
for type in ["int8", "int16", "int32"]:
if (image.max() <= np.iinfo(type).max) and (
image.min() >= np.iinfo(type).min
dtype = np.dtype(type)
# value is unsigned
for type in ["uint8", "uint16", "uint32"]:
if image.max() <= np.iinfo(type).max:
dtype = np.dtype(type)
raise ValueError("bad argument passed to Image constructor")
if binary:
image = image > 0
# change type of array if dtype was specified
if dtype is not None:
image = image.astype(dtype)
self.name = name
if shape is not None:
if image.ndim <= 2:
# 2D image
image = image.reshape(shape)
elif image.ndim == 3:
# 3D image
image = image.reshape(shape + (-1,))
if copy:
self._A = image.copy()
self._A = image
if self.nplanes > 1 and colororder is None:
colororder = "RGB"
warnings.warn("defaulting color to RGB")
if colororder is not None:
self.colororder = colororder
self.name = name
__array_ufunc__ = None # allow Image matrices operators with NumPy values
def __str__(self) -> str:
Single line summary of image parameters
:return: single line summary of image
:rtype: str
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png')
>>> str(img)
s = f"Image: {self.width} x {self.height} ({self.dtype})"
if self.iscolor:
s += ", " + self.colororder_str
if self.id is not None:
s += f", id={self.id}"
if self.name is not None:
name = self.name
# if it's a long name, take from rightmost / and add ellipsis
if len(name) > 20:
k = [i for i, c in enumerate(name) if c == "/"]
if len(k) >= 2:
name = name[k[-2] :]
name = name[-20:]
name = "..." + name
s += f" [{name}]"
if self.domain is not None:
s += f", u::{self.domain[0][0]:.3g}:{self.domain[0][-1]:.3g}, v::{self.domain[1][0]:.3g}:{self.domain[1][-1]:.3g}"
return s
def print(
self, fmt: Optional[str] = None, separator: str = " ", precision: int = 2
) -> None:
Print image pixels in compact format
:param fmt: format string, defaults to None
:type fmt: str, optional
:param separator: value separator, defaults to single space
:type separator: str, optional
:param precision: precision for floating point pixel values, defaults to 2
:type precision: int, optional
Very compact display of pixel numerical values in grid layout.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Squares(1, 10)
>>> img.print()
>>> img = Image.Squares(1, 10, dtype='float')
>>> img.print()
- For a boolean image True and False are displayed as 1 and 0
- For a multiplane images the planes are printed sequentially.
:seealso: :meth:`Image.strhcat` :meth:`Image.showpixels`
if fmt is None:
if self.isint:
width = max(len(str(self.max())), len(str(self.min())))
fmt = f"{separator}{{:{width}d}}"
elif self.isbool:
width = 1
fmt = f"{separator}{{:{width}d}}"
elif self.isfloat:
ff = f"{{:.{precision}f}}"
width = max(len(ff.format(self.max())), len(ff.format(self.min())))
fmt = f"{separator}{{:{width}.{precision}f}}"
if self.iscolor:
# recurse over planes
plane_names = self.colororder_str.split(":")
for plane in range(self.nplanes):
print(f"plane {plane_names[plane]}:")
for v in self.vspan():
row = ""
for u in self.uspan():
row += fmt.format(self.image[v, u])
def strhcat(
*images: Sequence["Image"],
widths: int | Sequence[int] = 1,
arraysep: str = " |",
labels: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
) -> str:
"""Format several small images concatenated horizontally
:param arrays: one or more arrays to be formatted horizontally concantenated
:type arrays: Numpy arrays
:param widths: number of digits for the formatted array elements, defaults to 1.
If scalar applies to all images, if list applies to each image.
:type widths: int or list of ints, optional
:param arraysep: separator between arrays, defaults to " |"
:type arraysep: str, optional
:param labels: list of labels for each array, defaults to None
:type labels: list of str, optional
:return: multiline string containing formatted arrays
:rtype: str
:raises ValueError: if the arrays have different numbers of rows
For image processing this is useful for displaying small test images.
The arrays are formatted and concatenated horizontally with a vertical separator.
Each array has a header row that indicates the column number. Each row has a
header column that indicates the row number.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> A = Image.Random((5,5), maxval=9)
>>> print(Image.strhcat(A))
>>> print(Image.strhcat(A, widths=2))
>>> B = Image.Random((5,5), maxval=9)
>>> print(Image.strhcat(A, B))
>>> print(Image.strhcat(A, B, labels=("A:", "B:")))
The number of rows in each image must be the same, but the number of columns can
:seealso: :meth:`Image.print` :meth:`Image.showpixels` :func:`Image`
# convert to a list of numpy arrays
arrays = [image.A for image in images]
# check that all arrays have the same number of rows
if len(set([array.shape[0] for array in arrays])) != 1:
raise ValueError("All arrays must have the same number of rows")
if isinstance(widths, int):
widths = [widths] * len(arrays)
# add the header rows, which indicate the column number. 2-digit column
# numbers are shown with the digits one above the other.
stitle = "" # array title row
s10 = " " * 5 # array column number, 10s digit
s1 = " " * 5 # array column number, 1s digit
divider = " " * 5 # divider between column number header and array values
s = ""
tens = False # has a tens row
for i, array in enumerate(arrays): # iterate over the input arrays
width = widths[i]
# make the pixel value format string based on the passed width
fmt = f" {{:{width}d}}"
# build the title row
if labels is not None:
stitle += " " * (len(s10) - len(stitle)) + labels[i]
# build the column number header rows
for col in range(array.shape[1]):
# the 10s digits
if col // 10 == 0:
s10 += " " * (width + 1)
s10 += fmt.format(col // 10)
tens = True
# the 1s digits
s1 += fmt.format(col % 10)
divider += " " * width + "-"
s10 += " " * len(arraysep)
s1 += " " * len(arraysep)
divider += " " * len(arraysep)
# concatenate the header rows
s = stitle + "\n"
if tens:
s += s10 + "\n" # only include if there are 10s digits
s += s1 + "\n" + divider + "\n"
# add the element values, row by row
for row in range(array.shape[0]):
# add the row number
s += f"{row:3d}: "
# for each array, add the elements for this row
for array, width in zip(arrays, widths):
# make the pixel value format string based on the width of the value
fmt = f" {{:{width}d}}"
for col in range(array.shape[1]):
s += fmt.format(array[row, col])
if array is not arrays[-1]:
s += arraysep
s += "\n"
return s
def __repr__(self) -> str:
Single line summary of image parameters
:return: single line summary of image
:rtype: str
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png')
>>> im
return str(self)
def copy(self, copy: bool = True) -> "Image":
Create image copy
:param copy: copy the image data
:type copy: bool
:return: copy of image
:rtype: :class:`Image`
Create a new :class:`Image` instance which contains a copy of the
original image data. If ``copy`` is False the new :class:`Image`
instance contains a reference to the original image data.
return self.__class__(self, copy=copy)
# ------------------------- properties ------------------------------ #
def colororder(self) -> str:
Set/get color order of image
The color order is a dict where the key is the color plane name, eg. 'R'
and the value is the index of the plane in the 3D pixel value array.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png')
>>> img.colororder
>>> img.colororder = "BGR"
>>> img.colororder
When setting the color order the value can be any of:
* simple string, one plane per character, eg. ``"RGB"``
* colon separated string, eg. ``"R:G:B"``, ``"L*:a*:b*"``
* dictionary, eg. ``dict(R=0, G=1, B=2)``
For the first two cases the color plane indices are implicit in the
order in the string.
:note: Changing the color order does not change the order of the planes
in the image array, it simply changes their label.
:seealso: :meth:`colororder_str` :meth:`colordict` :meth:`plane` :meth:`red` :meth:`green` :meth:`blue`
return self._colororder
def colororder(self, colororder: str | dict[str, int]) -> None:
cdict = Image.colordict(colororder)
if len(cdict) != self.nplanes:
raise ValueError("colororder length does not match number of planes")
self._colororder = cdict
def colordict(colororder: str) -> dict[str, int]:
Parse a color order specification
:param colororder: order of color channels
:type colororder: str, dict
:raises ValueError: ``colororder`` not a string or dict
:return: dictionary mapping color names to plane indices
:rtype: dict
The color order the value can be given in a variety of forms:
* simple string, one plane per character, eg. ``"RGB"``
* colon separated string, eg. ``"R:G:B"``, ``"L*:a*:b*"``
* dictionary, eg. ``dict(R=0, G=1, B=2)``
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> Image.colordict('RGB')
>>> Image.colordict('red:green:blue')
>>> Image.colordict({'L*': 0, 'U*': 1, 'V*': 2})
if isinstance(colororder, dict):
cdict = colororder
elif isinstance(colororder, str):
if ":" in colororder:
colororder = colororder.split(":")
colororder = list(colororder)
cdict = {}
for i, color in enumerate(colororder):
cdict[color] = i
raise ValueError("color order must be a dict or string")
return cdict
def colororder_str(self) -> str:
Image color order as a string
:return: Image color plane order as a colon separated string.
:rtype: str
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png')
>>> img.colororder_str
:seealso: :meth:`colororder`
if self.colororder is not None:
s = sorted(self.colororder.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
return ":".join([x[0] for x in s])
return ""
def name(self) -> str:
Set/get image name
An image has a string-valued name that can be read and written.
The name is shown by the Image repr and when images are displayed
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png')
>>> img.name[-70:]
>>> img.name = 'my image'
>>> img.name
:note: Images loaded from a file have their name initially set to
the full file pathname.
:seealso: :meth:`Read`
return self._name
def name(self, name: str) -> None:
self._name = name
# ---- image type ---- #
def isfloat(self) -> bool:
Image has floating point pixel values?
:return: True if image has floating point values
:rtype: bool
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png')
>>> img.isfloat
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png', dtype='float32')
>>> img.isfloat
:seealso: :meth:`isint` :meth:`isbool`
return np.issubdtype(self.dtype, np.floating)
def isint(self) -> bool:
Image has integer values?
:return: True if image has integer pixel values
:rtype: bool
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png')
>>> img.isint
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png', dtype='float32')
>>> img.isint
:seealso: :meth:`isfloat` :meth:`isbool`
return np.issubdtype(self.dtype, np.integer)
def isbool(self) -> bool:
Image has bolean values?
:return: True if image has boolean pixel values
:rtype: bool
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png') > 200
>>> img.isint
>>> img.isbool
:seealso: :meth:`isint` :meth:`isfloat`
return np.issubdtype(self.dtype, bool)
def dtype(self):
Datatype of image
:return: NumPy datatype of image
:rtype: numpy.dtype
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png')
>>> img.dtype
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png', dtype='float32')
>>> img.dtype
:seealso: :meth:`to` :meth:`to_int` :meth:`to_float` :meth:`like` :meth:`cast` :func:`numpy.dtype`
return self.A.dtype
# ---- image dimension ---- #
def width(self) -> int:
Image width
:return: Width of image in pixels
:rtype: int
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png')
>>> img.width
:seealso: :meth:`height` :meth:`size` :meth:`umax`
return self.A.shape[1]
def height(self) -> int:
Image height
:return: Height of image in pixels
:rtype: int
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png')
>>> img.height
:seealso: :meth:`width` :meth:`size` :meth:`vmax`
return self.A.shape[0]
def umax(self) -> int:
Image maximum u-coordinate
:return: Maximum u-coordinate in image in pixels
:rtype: int
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png')
>>> img.umax
>>> img.width
:seealso: :meth:`width`
return self.A.shape[1] - 1
def vmax(self) -> int:
Image maximum v-coordinate
:return: Maximum v-coordinate in image in pixels
:rtype: int
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png')
>>> img.vmax
>>> img.height
:seealso: :meth:`height`
return self.A.shape[0] - 1
def uspan(self, step: int = 1) -> np.ndarray:
Linear span of image horizontally
:param step: step size, defaults to 1
:type step: int, optional
:return: 1D array of values [0 ... width-1]
:rtype: ndarray(W)
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> import numpy as np
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png')
>>> with np.printoptions(threshold=10):
>>> img.uspan()
:note: If the image has a ``domain`` specified the horizontal
component of this is returned instead.
.. warning:: Computed using :meth:`numpy.arange` and for ``step>1`` the
maximum coordinate may not be returned.
:seealso: :meth:`umax` :meth:`vspan`
if self.domain is None:
return np.arange(0, self.width, step)
return self.domain[0]
def vspan(self, step: int = 1) -> np.ndarray:
Linear span of image vertically
:param step: step size, defaults to 1
:type step: int, optional
:return: 1D array of values [0 ... height-1]
:rtype: ndarray(H)
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> import numpy as np
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png')
>>> with np.printoptions(threshold=10):
>>> img.vspan()
:note: If the image has a ``domain`` specified the vertical
component of this is returned instead.
.. warning:: Computed using :meth:`numpy.arange` and for ``step>1`` the
maximum coordinate may not be returned.
:seealso: :meth:`vmax` :meth:`uspan`
if self.domain is None:
return np.arange(0, self.height, step)
return self.domain[1]
def size(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
Image size
:return: Size of image (width, height)
:rtype: tuple
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png')
>>> img.size
:note: The dimensions are in a different order compared to :meth:`shape`.
:seealso: :meth:`width` :meth:`height` :meth:`shape`
return (self.A.shape[1], self.A.shape[0])
def centre(self) -> tuple[float, float]:
Coordinate of centre pixel
:return: Coordinate (u,v) of the centre pixel
:rtype: tuple
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Zeros((50,50))
>>> img.centre
>>> img = Image.Zeros((51,51))
>>> img.centre
:note: If the image has an even dimension the centre will lie
between pixels.
:seealso: :meth:`center` :meth:`centre_int`
return ((self.A.shape[1] - 1) / 2, (self.A.shape[0] - 1) / 2)
def center(self) -> tuple[float, float]:
Coordinate of center pixel
:return: Coordinate (u,v) of the centre pixel
:rtype: tuple
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Zeros((50,50))
>>> img.center
>>> img = Image.Zeros((51,51))
>>> img.center
- If the image has an even dimension the centre will lie
between pixels.
- Same as ``centre``, just US spelling
:seealso: :meth:`center_int`
return self.centre
def centre_int(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
Coordinate of centre pixel as integer
:return: Coordinate (u,v) of the centre pixel
:rtype: tuple
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Zeros((50,50))
>>> img.centre_int
>>> img = Image.Zeros((51,51))
>>> img.centre_int
:note: If the image has an even dimension the centre coordinate will
be truncated toward zero.
:seealso: :meth:`centre`
return ((self.A.shape[1] - 1) // 2, (self.A.shape[0] - 1) // 2)
def center_int(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
Coordinate of centre pixel as integer
:return: Coordinate (u,v) of the centre pixel
:rtype: tuple
Integer coordinate of centre pixel.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Zeros((50,50))
>>> img.center_int
>>> img = Image.Zeros((51,51))
>>> img.center_int
- If the image has an even dimension the centre coordinate will
be truncated toward zero.
- Same as ``centre_int``, just US spelling
:seealso: :meth:`center`
return self.centre_int
def npixels(self) -> int:
Number of pixels in image plane
:return: Number of pixels in image plane: width x height
:rtype: int
:note: Number of planes is not considered.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png')
>>> img.npixels
>>> img.width * img.height
:seealso: :meth:`size`
return self.A.shape[0] * self.A.shape[1]
def shape(self) -> tuple[int, int] | tuple[int, int, int]:
Image shape
:return: Shape of internal NumPy array
:rtype: 2-tuple, or 3-tuple if color
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png')
>>> img.shape
>>> img = Image.Read('street.png')
>>> img.shape
:note: The dimensions are in a different order compared to :meth:`size`.
:seealso: :meth:`size` :meth:`nplanes` :meth:`ndim` :meth:`iscolor`
return self.A.shape
def ndim(self) -> int:
Number of image array dimensions
:return: number of image dimensions
:rtype: int
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png')
>>> img.ndim
>>> img = Image.Read('street.png')
>>> img.ndim
:seealso: :meth:`nplanes` :meth:`shape`
return self.A.ndim
def contains(self, p: Array2d) -> np.ndarray[tuple[int], np.bool_]:
Test if coordinate lies within image
:param p: pixel coordinate
:type p: array_like(2), ndarray(2,N)
:return: whether pixel coordinate lies within image bounds
:rtype: bool, ndarray(N)
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> import numpy as np
>>> img = Image.Zeros(10)
>>> img.contains((4,6))
>>> img.contains((-1, 7))
>>> img.contains(np.array([[4, 6], [-1, 7], [10, 10]]).T)
if isinstance(p, np.ndarray) and p.ndim == 2 and p.shape[0] == 2:
u = p[0, :]
v = p[1, :]
u = p[0]
v = p[1]
return np.logical_and.reduce((u >= 0, v >= 0, u < self.width, v < self.height))
# ---- color related ---- #
def iscolor(self) -> bool:
Image has color pixels?
:return: Image is color
:rtype: bool
:return: number of image dimensions
:rtype: int
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png')
>>> img.iscolor
>>> img = Image.Read('street.png')
>>> img.iscolor
:seealso: :meth:`isrgb` :meth:`nplanes`
return self.A.ndim > 2
def isbgr(self) -> bool:
Image has BGR color order?
:return: Image has BGR color order
:rtype: bool
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png')
>>> img.isbgr
:note: Is False if image is not color.
:seealso: :meth:`colororder`
return self.colororder_str == "B:G:R"
def isrgb(self) -> bool:
Image has RGB color order?
:return: Image has RGB color order
:rtype: bool
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png')
>>> img.isrgb
:note: Is False if image is not color.
:seealso: :meth:`colororder`
return self.colororder_str == "R:G:B"
def to(self, dtype: DType): # -> Self
Convert image datatype
:param dtype: Numpy data type
:type dtype: str
:return: image
:rtype: :class:`Image`
Create a new image, same size as input image, with pixels of a different
datatype. Integer values are scaled according to the maximum value
of the datatype, floating values are in the range 0.0 to 1.0.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Random(3)
>>> img.image
>>> img.to('float').image
>>> img = Image.Random(3, dtype='float')
>>> img.image
>>> img.to('uint8').image
:seealso: :meth:`astype` :meth:`to_int` :meth:`to_float`
# convert image to different type, does rescaling
# as just changes type
dtype = np.dtype(dtype) # convert to dtype if it's a string
if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer):
out = self.to_int(dtype)
elif np.issubdtype(dtype, np.floating):
out = self.to_float(dtype)
return self.__class__(out, dtype=dtype)
def astype(self, dtype: DType): # -> Self
Cast image datatype
:param dtype: Numpy data type
:type dtype: str
:return: image
:rtype: :class:`Image`
Create a new image, same size as input image, with pixels of a different
datatype. Values are retained, only the datatype is changed.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Random(3)
>>> img.image
>>> img.astype('float').image
>>> img = Image.Random(3, dtype='float')
>>> img.image
>>> img.astype('uint8').image
:seealso: :meth:`to`
return self.__class__(self.A.astype(dtype), dtype=dtype)
# ---- NumPy array access ---- #
def image(self) -> Array2d | Array3d:
Image as NumPy array
:return: image as a NumPy array
:rtype: ndarray(H,W) or ndarray(H,W,3)
Return a reference to the encapsulated NumPy array that holds the pixel
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png')
>>> img
>>> type(img)
>>> type(img.image)
:note: For a color image the color plane order is given by the
colororder dictionary.
:seealso: :meth:`A` :meth:`colororder`
return self._A
def A(self) -> Array2d | Array3d:
Set/get the NumPy array containing pixel values
:return: image as a NumPy array
:rtype: ndarray(H,W) or ndarray(H,W,3)
Return a reference to the encapsulated NumPy array that holds the pixel
Replace the encapsulated NumPy array with another.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> import numpy as np
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png')
>>> img
>>> type(img)
>>> type(img.A)
>>> img.A = np.zeros((50,50))
>>> img
:seealso: :meth:`image`
return self._A
def A(self, A: Array2d | Array3d) -> None:
self._A = A
def rgb(self) -> Array3d:
Image as NumPy array in RGB color order
:raises ValueError: image is greyscale
:return: image as a NumPy array in RGB color order
:rtype: ndarray(H,W,3)
The image is guaranteed to be in RGB order irrespective of current color order.
:seealso: :meth:`image` :meth:`bgr` :meth:`colororder`
if not self.iscolor:
raise ValueError("greyscale image has no rgb property")
if self.isrgb:
return self.A
elif self.isbgr:
return self.A[:, :, ::-1]
def bgr(self) -> Array3d:
Image as NumPy array in BGR color order
:raises ValueError: image is greyscale
:return: image as a NumPy array in BGR color order
:rtype: ndarray(H,W,3)
The image is guaranteed to be in BGR (OpenCV standard) order irrespective of current color order.
:seealso: :meth:`image` :meth:`rgb` :meth:`colororder`
if not self.iscolor:
raise ValueError("greyscale image has no bgr property")
if self.isbgr:
return self.A
elif self.isrgb:
return self.A[:, :, ::-1]
# ------------------------- datatype operations ----------------------- #
def to_int(self, intclass: DType = "uint8") -> Array2d | Array3d:
Image as integer NumPy array
:param intclass: name of NumPy supported integer class, default is 'uint8'
:type intclass: str, optional
:return: NumPy array with integer values
:rtype: ndarray(H,W) or ndarray(H,W,P)
Return a NumPy array with pixels converted to the integer class
``intclass``. For the case where the input image is:
* a floating point class, the pixel values are scaled from an
input range of [0,1] to a range spanning zero to the maximum positive
value of the output integer class.
* an integer class, then the pixels are scaled and cast to ``intclass``.
The scale factor is the ratio of the maximum value of the input and
output integer classes.
* boolean class, False is mapped to zero and True is mapped to the
maximum positive value.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image([[5_000, 10_000], [30_000, 60_000]])
>>> img
>>> img.to_int('uint8')
>>> img.to_int('uint32')
>>> img = Image([[0.0, 0.3], [0.5, 1.0]])
>>> img
>>> img.to_int('uint8')
>>> img = Image([[False, True], [True, False]])
>>> img
>>> img.to_int('uint8')
>>> img.to_int('uint16')
:note: Works for greyscale or color (arbitrary number of planes) image
:seealso: :func:`to_float` :meth:`cast` :meth:`like`
return int_image(self.image, intclass)
def to_float(self, floatclass: DType = "float32") -> Array2d | Array3d:
Image as float NumPy array
:param floatclass: 'single', 'double', 'float32' [default], 'float64'
:type floatclass: str
:return: Image with floating point pixel types
:rtype: :class:`Image`
Return a NumPy array with pixels converted to the floating point class ``floatclass``
and the values span the range 0 to 1. For the case where the input image
* an integer class, the pixel values are scaled from an input range
spanning zero to the maximum positive value of the integer
class to [0.0, 1.0]
* a floating class, the pixels are cast to change type but not their
* boolean class, False is mapped to 0.0 and True is mapped to 1.0.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image([[50, 100], [150, 200]])
>>> img
>>> img.to_float()
>>> img = Image([[0.0, 0.3], [0.5, 1.0]])
>>> img
>>> img.to_float('float64')
>>> img = Image([[False, True], [True, False]])
>>> img.to_float()
:note: Works for greyscale or color (arbitrary number of planes) image
:seealso: :meth:`to_int` :meth:`cast` :meth:`like`
return float_image(self.image, floatclass)
def cast(self, value: int | float) -> Any:
Cast value to same type as image
:param value: value to cast
:type value: scalar, ndarray
:return: value cast to same type as image
:rtype: numpy type, ndarray
The value, scalar or integer, is **cast** to the same type as the image.
The result has the same numeric value, but the type is changed.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png')
>>> x = img.cast(12.5)
>>> x
>>> type(x)
:note: Scalars are cast to NumPy types not native Python types.
:seealso: :meth:`like`
return self.A.dtype.type(value)
def like(self, value: int | float, maxint: int = None) -> Any:
Convert value to the same type as image
:param value: scalar or NumPy array
:type value: scalar, ndarray
:param maxint: maximum integer value for an integer image, defaults to
maximum positive value of the class
:type maxint: int, optional
:raises ValueError: [description]
:return: converted value
:rtype: NumPy type
The value, scalar or integer, is **converted** to the same type as the
image. The result is optionally rescaled and cast:
* Float to float: values are cast
* Float to int: values in the interval [0, 1] are scaled to the interval
[0, ``maxint``] and then cast
* Int to float: values in the interval [0, ``maxint``] are scaled to the
interval [0, 1] and then cast.
* Int to int: values are scaled and cast.
.. warning:: For integer to integer conversion, integer values greater
than the maximum value of the destination class are wrapped not
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png')
>>> img.like(0.5)
:seealso: :meth:`cast` :meth:`to_int` :meth:`to_float`
if self.isint:
# matching to an integer image
if (
isinstance(value, np.ndarray)
and np.issubdtype(value.dtype, np.integer)
or isinstance(value, (int, np.integer))
# already an integer, cast it to right sort
return self.cast(value)
# it's a float, rescale it then cast
return self.cast(value * self.maxval)
# matching to a float image
if (
isinstance(value, np.ndarray)
and np.issubdtype(value.dtype, np.floating)
or isinstance(value, (float, np.floating))
# already a float of some sort, cast it to the right sort
return self.cast(value)
# it's an int. We use hints to determine the size, otherwise
# get it from the type
if maxint is None:
maxint = np.iinfo(value.dtype).max
elif isinstance(maxint, int):
elif isinstance(maxint, str) or isinstance(maxint, np.dtype):
maxint = np.iinfo(maxint).max
raise ValueError("bad max value specified")
return self.cast(value / maxint)
def minval(self) -> int | float:
Minimum value of image datatype
:return: Minimum value
:rtype: int or float
For the datatype of the image, return its minimum possible value
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Zeros(20, dtype='float32')
>>> img.minval
>>> img = Image.Zeros(20, dtype='uint8')
>>> img.minval
:seealso: :meth:`maxval`
if self.isint:
return np.iinfo(self.dtype).min
return np.finfo(self.dtype).min
def maxval(self) -> int | float:
Maximum value of image datatype
:return: Maximum value
:rtype: int or float
For the datatype of the image, return its maximum possible value
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Zeros(20, dtype='float32')
>>> img.maxval
>>> img = Image.Zeros(20, dtype='uint8')
>>> img.maxval
:seealso: :meth:`minval`
if self.isint:
return np.iinfo(self.dtype).max
return np.finfo(self.dtype).max
def true(self) -> int | float:
True value for logical image
:return: Value used as true
:rtype: int or float
The true value is 1.0 for a floating point image and maximum integer
value for an integer value.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Zeros(20, dtype='float32')
>>> img.true
>>> img = Image.Zeros(20, dtype='uint8')
>>> img.true
:seealso: :meth:`false` :meth:`maxval`
if self.isint:
return self.maxval
return 1.0
def false(self) -> int | float:
False value for logical image
:return: Value used as true
:rtype: int or float
The false value is 0.0 for a floating point image and 0
value for an integer value.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Zeros(20, dtype='float32')
>>> img.false
>>> img = Image.Zeros(20, dtype='uint8')
>>> img.false
:seealso: :meth:`true`
return 0
# ------------------------- color plane access -------------------------- #
def nplanes(self) -> int:
Number of color planes
:return: Number of color planes
:rtype: int
For a 2D or greyscale image this is one, otherwise it is the third
dimension of the image.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read('street.png')
>>> img.nplanes
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png')
>>> img.nplanes
:note: A greyscale image is stored internally as a 2D NumPy array
which has zero planes, but ``nplanes`` will return ` in that case.
:seealso: :meth:`shape` :meth:`ndim`
if self.A.ndim == 2:
return 1
return self.A.shape[2]
def plane(self, planes: int | Sequence[int] | str):
Extract plane(s) from color image
:param planes: planes to extract
:type planes: int, list, str
:raises ValueError: if image is not color
:return out: image containing only the selected planes
:rtype: :class:`Image`
Create a new image from the selected planes of the image.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read("flowers4.png") # in BGR order
>>> img.colororder_str
>>> img.nplanes
>>> red = img.plane(0) # red plane
>>> red
>>> red.iscolor
>>> red.nplanes
>>> green_blue = img.plane('G:B') # green and blue planes
>>> green_blue
>>> green_blue.iscolor
>>> green_blue.nplanes
>>> red_blue = img.plane([0, 2]) # blue and red planes
>>> red_blue
- This can also be performed using the overloaded ``__getitem__``
- To select more than one plane, use either a sequence of integers or a string
of colon separated plane names.
:seealso: :meth:`red` :meth:`green` :meth:`blue` :meth:``__getitem__``
if not self.iscolor:
raise ValueError("cannot extract color plane from greyscale image")
if isinstance(planes, int):
if planes < 0 or planes >= self.nplanes:
raise ValueError("plane index out of range")
iplanes = planes
colororder = None
planes = [planes]
elif isinstance(planes, str):
iplanes = []
colororder = {}
if ":" in planes:
planes = planes.split(":")
planes = [p for p in planes if p != ""]
for plane in planes:
i = self.colororder[plane]
colororder[plane] = len(colororder) # copy to new dict
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("bad plane name specified")
elif isinstance(planes, (tuple, list)):
colororder = {}
for plane in planes:
if not isinstance(plane, int) or plane < 0 or plane >= self.nplanes:
raise ValueError("plane index invalid or out of range")
colorname = [k for k, v in self.colororder.items() if v == plane][0]
colororder[colorname] = plane
iplanes = planes
raise ValueError("bad plane specified")
if isinstance(iplanes, list) and len(iplanes) == 1:
iplanes = iplanes[0]
colororder = None
return self.__class__(self.A[:, :, iplanes], colororder=colororder)
def __getitem__(
self, keys: int | str | tuple[slice, slice] | tuple[slice, slice, slice]
): # -> Self
Return pixel value or slice from image
:param keys: slices to extract
:type keys: int, str, tuple of int or slice
:return: slice of image
:rtype: :class:`Image`
This is a Swiss-army knife method for accessing subregions of an ``Image``
by uv-region and/or plane. A ``key`` can be:
- a 2-tuple of integers, eg. ``img[u,v]``, return this pixel as a scalar. If the image has
multiple planes, the result is an ndarray over planes.
- a 3-tuple of integers, eg, ``img[u,v,p]``, for a multiplane image return this pixel from
specified plane as a scalar.
- a 2-tuple containing at least one slice object, eg. ``img[100:110, 200:300]``, return this
region as an ``Image``. If the image has multiple planes, the result is a multiplane
- a 3-tuple containing at least one slice objects, return this region of uv and planes as an
``Image`` with one or more planes.
- an int, return this plane as an ``Image``.
- a string, return this named plane or planes as an ``Image``.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read("flowers4.png") # in RGB order
>>> red = img[0] # red plane
>>> red # greyscale image
>>> green = img["G"]
>>> green # greyscale image
>>> roi = img[100:200, 300:400]
>>> roi # color image
>>> roi = img[100:200, 300:400, 1:]
>>> roi # 2-plane color image
>>> roi = img[100, :] # column 100
>>> roi # color image
>>> pix = img[100, 200, 1] # green pixel at (100,200) as scalar
>>> pix
>>> pix = img[100, 200] # RGB vector at (100,200) as ndarray
>>> pix
.. note:: If the result is a single row or column the result is a 1xn or nx1
``Image`` instance. If the result is a single plane the result is a
greyscale image.
.. note:: Indexing pixel values this way is slow, use :meth:`pixel(u,v)` for faster
access, or ``img.A[v,u]`` for direct access to the underlying NumPy array.
.. warning:: The order of the indices is column, row and plane. This
is the opposite of the order used for NumPy index on the underlying
array. It is consistent with the column-first convention used across the
Toolbox and is consistent with the :math:`(u,v)` coordinate system for images.
.. versionadded:: 1.0.0
The order of the indices changed to column, row, plane. Previously
it was row, column, plane.
:seealso: :meth:`red` :meth:`green` :meth:`blue` :meth:`plane` :meth:`roi` :meth:`pixel`
def fixdims(out, shape, keys):
# deal with the fact that some of the keys may have reduced the
# dimensionality of the array, eg. a slice of span 0 or 1, or an integer
# key.
# shape: (nrows, ncols, nplanes) in NumPy order
# key: (rowspec, colspec, planespec) in NumPy order
def lenkey(key, max):
# compute the span of a particular key
if isinstance(key, int):
# int key has a span on 1
return 1
elif isinstance(key, slice):
# slice key has a span depending on the slice and the corresponding
# array dimension. we have to essentially replicate the logic of
# slice() here.
start = key.start if key.start is not None else 0
stop = key.stop if key.stop is not None else max
step = key.step if key.step is not None else 1
n = stop - start
if n < step:
return 1
return n // step
if len(shape) == 2:
dims = [lenkey(keys[0], shape[0]), lenkey(keys[1], shape[1])]
elif len(shape) == 3:
dims = [
lenkey(keys[0], shape[0]),
lenkey(keys[1], shape[1]),
lenkey(keys[2], shape[2]),
# ignore loss of color dimension
if dims[2] == 1:
dims = dims[:2]
return out.reshape(dims)
if (
isinstance(keys, tuple)
and len(keys) == 2
and isinstance(keys[0], int)
and isinstance(keys[1], int)
# integer keys for row and column, the result is a scalar or vector over planes
return self.image[keys[1], keys[0]]
elif (
isinstance(keys, tuple)
and len(keys) == 3
and isinstance(keys[0], int)
and isinstance(keys[1], int)
and isinstance(keys[2], int)
# integer keys for row and column, the result is a scalar or vector over planes
return self.image[keys[1], keys[0], keys[2]]
elif isinstance(keys, int):
# single integer index, it's a color plane index
return self.__class__(self.image[..., keys])
elif isinstance(keys, str):
# color plane by name
return self.plane(keys)
elif isinstance(keys, (list, tuple)):
# by slices
if self.iscolor:
if len(keys) == 2:
keys = (keys[1], keys[0], slice(None))
elif len(keys) == 3:
keys = (keys[1], keys[0], keys[2])
raise ValueError("invalid number of slices")
# slice the data out of the ndarray
out = self.A[keys]
if out.ndim < 3:
out = fixdims(out, self.A.shape, keys)
# greyscale image
if len(keys) == 2:
keys = (keys[1], keys[0])
raise ValueError("invalid number of slices")
# slice the data out of the ndarray
out = self.A[keys]
if out.ndim < 2:
out = fixdims(out, self.A.shape, keys)
# a singleton plane dimensions is a grey scale image
if out.ndim == 3 and out.shape[2] == 1:
out = out.squeeze(2)
colororder = None
if out.ndim == 3:
# 3 slices, select uv-region and planes
colororder = self.colororder_str.split(":")
colororder = colororder[keys[2]]
colororder = ":".join(colororder)
return self.__class__(out, colororder=colororder)
raise ValueError("invalid slice")
def pixel(self, u: int, v: int) -> int | float | int | float:
Return pixel value
:param u: column coordinate
:type u: int
:param v: row coordinate
:type v: int
:return: pixel value
:rtype: int, float or ndarray
Return the specified pixel. If the image has multiple planes, the result is a vector over planes.
.. note:: This method is faster than the more general :meth:`__getitem__`
for the individual pixel case.
.. warning:: The order of the indices is column, row and plane. This
is the opposite of the order used for NumPy index on the underlying
array. It is consistent with the column-first convention used across the
Toolbox and is consistent with the :math:`(u,v)` coordinate system for images.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read("flowers4.png", mono=True)
>>> pix = img.pixel(100, 200)
>>> pix
>>> img = Image.Read("flowers4.png")
>>> pix = img.pixel(100, 200)
>>> pix
:seealso: :meth:`__getitem__` :meth:`roi`
return self.image[v, u]
def red(self): # -> Self
Extract the red plane of a color image
:raises ValueError: if image is not color
:return out: greyscale image representing the red image plane
:rtype: :class:`Image`
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read("flowers4.png")
>>> red = img.red() # red plane
>>> red.disp()
>>> red
>>> red.iscolor
.. plot::
from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
:seealso: :meth:`plane` :meth:`green` :meth:`blue`
return self.plane("R")
def green(self): # -> Self
Extract the green plane of a color image
:raises ValueError: if image is not color
:return out: greyscale image representing the green image plane
:rtype: :class:`Image`
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read("flowers4.png")
>>> green = img.green() # green plane
>>> green.disp()
>>> green
>>> green.iscolor
.. plot::
from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
:seealso: :meth:`plane` :meth:`red` :meth:`blue`
return self.plane("G")
def blue(self): # -> Self
Extract the blue plane of a color image
:raises ValueError: if image is not color
:return out: greyscale image representing the blue image plane
:rtype: :class:`Image`
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read("flowers4.png")
>>> blue = img.blue() # blue plane
>>> blue.disp()
>>> blue
>>> blue.iscolor
.. plot::
from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
:seealso: :meth:`plane` :meth:`red` :meth:`green`
return self.plane("B")
# I think these are not used anymore
# def astype(self, type):
# return self.__class__(self.A, dtype=type)
# ------------------------- operators ------------------------------ #
# arithmetic
def __mul__(self, other) -> "Image":
Overloaded ``*`` operator
:return: elementwise product of images
:rtype: :class:`Image`
Compute the product of an Image with another image or a scalar.
* image ``*`` image, elementwise
* scalar ``*`` image
* image ``*`` scalar
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> z = img * img
>>> z.image
>>> z = 2 * img
>>> z.image
..warning:: Values will be wrapped not clipped to the range of the
pixel datatype.
return self._binop(self, other, lambda x, y: x * y)
def __rmul__(self, other) -> "Image":
return self._binop(self, other, lambda x, y: y * x)
def __pow__(self, other) -> "Image":
Overloaded ``**`` operator
:return: elementwise exponent of image
:rtype: :class:`Image`
Compute the elementwise power of an Image.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> z = img**3
>>> z.image
..warning:: Values will be wrapped not clipped to the range of the
pixel datatype.
if not isscalar(other):
raise ValueError("exponent must be a scalar")
return self._binop(self, other, lambda x, y: x**y)
def __add__(self, other) -> "Image":
Overloaded ``+`` operator
:return: elementwise addition of images
:rtype: :class:`Image`
Compute the sum of an Image with another image or a scalar.
* image ``+`` image, elementwise
* scalar ``+`` image
* image ``+`` scalar
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> z = img + img
>>> z.image
>>> z = 10 + img
>>> z.image
..warning:: Values will be wrapped not clipped to the range of the
pixel datatype.
return self._binop(self, other, lambda x, y: x + y)
def __radd__(self, other) -> "Image":
return self._binop(self, other, lambda x, y: y + x)
def __sub__(self, other) -> "Image":
Overloaded ``-`` operator
:return: elementwise subtraction of images
:rtype: :class:`Image`
Compute the difference of an Image with another image or a scalar.
* image ``-`` image, elementwise
* scalar ``-`` image
* image ``-`` scalar
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> z = img - img
>>> z.image
>>> z = img - 1
>>> z.image
..warning:: Values will be wrapped not clipped to the range of the
pixel datatype.
return self._binop(self, other, lambda x, y: x - y)
def __rsub__(self, other) -> "Image":
return self._binop(self, other, lambda x, y: y - x)
def __truediv__(self, other) -> "Image":
Overloaded ``/`` operator
:return: elementwise division of images
:rtype: :class:`Image`
Compute the quotient of an Image with another image or a scalar.
* image ``/`` image, elementwise
* scalar ``/`` image
* image ``/`` scalar
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> z = img / img
>>> z.image
>>> z = img / 2
>>> z.image
:note: The resulting values are floating point.
return self._binop(self, other, lambda x, y: x / y)
def __rtruediv__(self, other) -> "Image":
return self._binop(self, other, lambda x, y: y / x)
def __floordiv__(self, other) -> "Image":
Overloaded ``//`` operator
:return: elementwise floored division of images
:rtype: :class:`Image`
Compute the integer quotient of an Image with another image or a scalar.
* image ``//`` image
* scalar ``//`` image
* image ``//`` scalar
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> z = img / 2
>>> z.image
>>> z = img // 2
>>> z.image
return self._binop(self, other, lambda x, y: x // y)
def __rfloordiv__(self, other) -> "Image":
return self._binop(self, other, lambda x, y: y // x)
def __minus__(self) -> "Image":
Overloaded unary ``-`` operator
:return: elementwise negation of image
:rtype: :class:`Image`
Compute the elementwise negation of an Image.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image([[1, -2], [-3, 4]], 'int8')
>>> z = -img
>>> z.image
return self._unop(self, lambda x: -x)
# bitwise
def __and__(self, other) -> "Image":
Overloaded ``&`` operator
:return: elementwise binary-and of images
:rtype: :class:`Image`
Compute the binary-and of an Image with another image or a scalar.
* image ``&`` image
* scalar ``&`` image
* image ``&`` scalar
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> z = img & Image([[2, 2], [2, 2]])
>>> z.image
>>> z = img & 1
>>> z.image
return self._binop(self, other, lambda x, y: x & y)
def __or__(self, other) -> "Image":
Overloaded ``|`` operator
:return: elementwise binary-or of images
:rtype: :class:`Image`
Compute the binary-or of an Image with another image or a scalar.
* image ``|`` image
* scalar ``|`` image
* image ``|`` scalar
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> z = img | Image([[2, 2], [2, 2]])
>>> z.image
>>> z = img | 1
>>> z.image
return self._binop(self, other, lambda x, y: x | y)
def __xor__(self, other) -> "Image":
Overloaded ``^`` operator
:return: elementwise binary-xor of images
:rtype: :class:`Image`
Compute the binary-xor of an Image with another image or a scalar.
* image ``^`` image
* scalar ``^`` image
* image ``^`` scalar
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> z = img ^ Image([[2, 2], [2, 2]])
>>> z.image
>>> z = img ^ 1
>>> z.image
return self._binop(self, other, lambda x, y: x ^ y)
def __lshift__(self, other) -> "Image":
Overloaded ``<<`` operator
:return: elementwise binary-left-shift of images
:rtype: :class:`Image`
Left shift pixel values in an Image.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> z = img << 1
>>> z.image
if not isinstance(other, int):
raise ValueError("left shift must be by integer amount")
return self._binop(self, other, lambda x, y: x << y)
def __rshift__(self, other) -> "Image":
Overloaded ``>>`` operator
:return: elementwise binary-right-shift of images
:rtype: :class:`Image`
Right shift pixel values in an Image.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> z = img >> 2
>>> z.image
if not isinstance(other, int):
raise ValueError("left shift must be by integer amount")
return self._binop(self, other, lambda x, y: x >> y)
# relational
def __eq__(self, other) -> "Image":
Overloaded ``==`` operator
:return: elementwise comparison of pixels
:rtype: bool :class:`Image`
Compute the equality between an Image and another image or a scalar.
* image ``==`` image
* scalar ``==`` image
* image ``==`` scalar
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> z = img == 2
>>> z.image
>>> z = img == Image([[0, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> z.image
:seealso: :meth:`true` :meth:`false`
return self._binop(self, other, lambda x, y: x == y)
def __ne__(self, other) -> "Image":
Overloaded ``!=`` operator
:return: elementwise comparison of pixels
:rtype: bool :class:`Image`
Compute the inequality between an Image and another image or a scalar.
* image ``!=`` image
* scalar ``!=`` image
* image ``!=`` scalar
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> z = img != 2
>>> z.image
>>> z = img != Image([[0, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> z.image
:seealso: :meth:`true` :meth:`false`
return self._binop(self, other, lambda x, y: x != y)
def __gt__(self, other) -> "Image":
Overloaded ``>`` operator
:return: elementwise comparison of pixels
:rtype: bool :class:`Image`
Compute the inequality between an Image and another image or a scalar.
* image ``>`` image
* scalar ``>`` image
* image ``>`` scalar
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> z = img > 2
>>> z.image
>>> z = img > Image([[0, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> z.image
:seealso: :meth:`true` :meth:`false`
return self._binop(self, other, lambda x, y: x > y)
def __ge__(self, other) -> "Image":
Overloaded ``>=`` operator
:return: elementwise comparison of pixels
:rtype: bool :class:`Image`
Compute the inequality between an Image and another image or a scalar.
* image ``>=`` image
* scalar ``>=`` image
* image ``>=`` scalar
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> z = img >= 2
>>> z.image
>>> z = img >= Image([[0, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> z.image
:seealso: :meth:`true` :meth:`false`
return self._binop(self, other, lambda x, y: x >= y)
def __lt__(self, other) -> "Image":
Overloaded ``<`` operator
:return: elementwise comparison of images
:rtype: bool :class:`Image`
Compute the inequality between an Image and another image or a scalar.
* image ``<`` image
* scalar ``<`` image
* image ``<`` scalar
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> z = img < 2
>>> z.image
>>> z = img < Image([[10, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> z.image
:seealso: :meth:`true` :meth:`false`
return self._binop(self, other, lambda x, y: x < y)
def __le__(self, other) -> "Image":
Overloaded ``<=`` operator
:return: elementwise comparison of images
:rtype: bool :class:`Image`
Compute the inequality between an Image and another image or a scalar.
* image ``<=`` image
* scalar ``<=`` image
* image ``<=`` scalar
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> z = img <= 2
>>> z.image
>>> z = img <= Image([[0, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> z.image
:seealso: :meth:`true` :meth:`false`
return self._binop(self, other, lambda x, y: x <= y)
def __invert__(self) -> "Image":
Overloaded ``~`` operator
:return: elementwise inversion of logical values
:rtype: boo, :class:`Image`
Returns logical not operation where image values are interpretted as:
* floating image: True is 1.0, False is 0.0
* integer image: True is maximum value, False is 0 True is 1 and False is 0.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image([[True, False], [False, True]])
>>> z = ~img
>>> z.image
return self._unop(self, lambda x: ~x)
def _binop(left, right, op, logical=False) -> "Image":
if isinstance(right, left.__class__):
# both images
if left.nplanes == right.nplanes:
return left.__class__(op(left.A, right.A), colororder=left.colororder)
elif left.nplanes > 1 and right.nplanes == 1:
# left image is multiplane, right is singleton
out = []
for i in range(left.nplanes):
out.append(op(left.A[:, :, i], right.A))
return left.__class__(np.stack(out, axis=2), colororder=left.colororder)
elif left.nplanes == 1 and right.nplanes > 1:
# right image is multiplane, left is singleton
out = []
for i in range(right.nplanes):
out.append(op(left.A, right.A[:, :, i]))
return right.__class__(
np.stack(out, axis=2), colororder=right.colororder
raise ValueError("planes mismatch")
# right is a scalar or numpy array
return left.__class__(op(left.A, right), colororder=left.colororder)
def _logicalop(left, right, op) -> "Image":
true = left.cast(left.true)
false = left.cast(left.false)
if isinstance(right, left.__class__):
# image OP image
out = np.where(op(left.A, right.A), true, false)
out = np.where(op(left.A, right), true, false)
return left.__class__(out, colororder=left.colororder)
def _unop(left, op) -> "Image":
return left.__class__(op(left.A), colororder=left.colororder)
# ---------------------------- functions ---------------------------- #
def abs(self) -> "Image":
Absolute value of image
:return: elementwise absolute value of image
:rtype: :class:`Image`
Return elementwise absolute value of pixel values.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image([[-1, 2], [3, -4]], dtype='int8')
>>> z = img.abs()
>>> z.image
return self._unop(self, np.abs)
def sqrt(self) -> "Image":
Square root of image
:return: elementwise square root of image
:rtype: :class:`Image`
Return elementwise square root of pixel values.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> z = img.sqrt()
>>> z.image
return self._unop(self, np.sqrt)
def sum(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "Image":
Sum of all pixels
:param args: additional positional arguments to :func:`numpy.sum`
:param kwargs: additional keyword arguments to :func:`numpy.sum`
:return: sum
Computes the sum of pixels in the image:
.. math::
\sum_{uvc} I_{uvc}
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png')
>>> img.sum() # R+G+B
>>> img.sum(axis=(0,1)) # sum(R), sum(G), sum(B)
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png', dtype='float32')
>>> img.sum(axis=2)
- The return value type is the same as the image type.
- By default the result is a scalar computed over all pixels,
if the ``axis`` option is given the results is a 1D or 2D NumPy
:seealso: :func:`numpy.sum` :meth:`~~machinevisiontoolbox.ImageWholeFeatures.ImageWholeFeaturesMixin.mpq`
return np.sum(self.A, *args, **kwargs)
def min(self, *args, **kwargs) -> int | float:
Minimum value of all pixels
:param args: additional positional arguments to :func:`numpy.min`
:param kwargs: additional keyword arguments to :func:`numpy.min`
:return: minimum value
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png')
>>> img.min()
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png', dtype='float32')
>>> img.min(axis=2)
- The return value type is the same as the image type.
- By default the result is a scalar computed over all pixels,
if the ``axis`` option is given the results is a 1D or 2D NumPy
:seealso: :func:`numpy.min`
return np.min(self.A, *args, **kwargs)
def max(self, *args, **kwargs) -> int | float:
Maximum value of all pixels
:param args: additional positional arguments to :func:`numpy.max`
:param kwargs: additional keyword arguments to :func:`numpy.max`
:return: maximum value
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png')
>>> img.max()
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png', dtype='float32')
>>> img.max(axis=2)
- The return value type is the same as the image type.
- By default the result is a scalar computed over all pixels,
if the ``axis`` option is given the results is a 1D or 2D NumPy
:seealso: :func:`numpy.max`
return np.max(self.A, *args, **kwargs)
def mean(self, *args, **kwargs) -> float:
Mean value of all pixels
:param args: additional positional arguments to :func:`numpy.mean`
:param kwargs: additional keyword arguments to :func:`numpy.mean`
:return: mean value
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png')
>>> img.mean()
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png', dtype='float32')
>>> img.mean(axis=2)
- The return value type is the same as the image type.
- By default the result is a scalar computed over all pixels,
if the ``axis`` option is given the results is a 1D or 2D NumPy
:seealso: :func:`numpy.mean`
return np.mean(self.A, *args, **kwargs)
def std(self, *args, **kwargs) -> float:
Standard deviation of all pixels
:param args: additional positional arguments to :func:`numpy.std`
:param kwargs: additional keyword arguments to :func:`numpy.std`
:return: standard deviation value
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png')
>>> img.std()
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png', dtype='float32')
>>> img.std()
- The return value type is the same as the image type.
- By default the result is a scalar computed over all pixels,
if the ``axis`` option is given the results is a 1D or 2D NumPy
:seealso: :func:`numpy.std`
return np.std(self.A, *args, **kwargs)
def var(self, *args, **kwargs) -> float:
Variance of all pixels
:param args: additional positional arguments to :func:`numpy.var`
:param kwargs: additional keyword arguments to :func:`numpy.var`
:return: variance value
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png')
>>> img.var()
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png', dtype='float32')
>>> img.var()
- The return value type is the same as the image type.
- By default the result is a scalar computed over all pixels,
if the ``axis`` option is given the results is a 1D or 2D NumPy
:seealso: :func:`numpy.var`
return np.std(self.A, *args, **kwargs)
def stats(self) -> None:
Display pixel value statistics
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read('flowers1.png')
>>> img.stats()
def printstats(plane):
f"range={plane.min()} - {plane.max()}, "
f"mean={plane.mean():.3f}, "
if self.iscolor:
for k, v in sorted(self.colororder.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]):
print(f"{k:s}: ", end="")
printstats(self.A[..., v])
# ---------------------------- graphics ---------------------------- #
def draw_line(self, start, end, **kwargs):
Draw line into image
:param start: start coordinate (u,v)
:type start: array_like(2)
:param end: end coordinate (u,v)
:type end: array_like(2)
:param kwargs: parameters passed to :func:`~machinevisiontoolbox.base.graphics.draw_line`
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Zeros(100)
>>> img.draw_line((20,30), (60,70), color=200)
>>> img.disp()
>>> img = Image.Zeros(100, colororder="RGB")
>>> img.draw_line((20,30), (60,70), color=[0, 200, 0]) # green line
>>> img.disp()
:note: If the image has N planes the color should have N elements.
:seealso: :func:`~machinevisiontoolbox.base.graphics.draw_line`
draw_line(self.image, start, end, **kwargs)
def draw_circle(self, centre, radius, **kwargs):
Draw circle into image
:param centre: centre coordinate (u,v)
:type centre: array_like(2)
:param radius: circle radius in pixels
:type radius: int
:param kwargs: parameters passed to :func:`~machinevisiontoolbox.base.graphics.draw_circle`
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Zeros(100)
>>> img.draw_circle((20,30), 15, color=200)
>>> img.disp()
>>> img = Image.Zeros(100, colororder="RGB")
>>> img.draw_circle((20,30), 15, color=[0, 200, 0], thickness=-1) # filled green circle
>>> img.disp()
:note: If the image has N planes the color should have N elements.
:seealso: :func:`~machinevisiontoolbox.base.graphics.draw_circle`
draw_circle(self.image, centre, radius, **kwargs)
def draw_box(self, **kwargs):
Draw box into image
:param kwargs: parameters passed to :func:`~machinevisiontoolbox.base.graphics.draw_box`
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Zeros(100)
>>> img.draw_box(lt=(20,70), rb=(60,30), color=200)
>>> img.disp()
>>> img = Image.Zeros(100, colororder="RGB")
>>> img.draw_box(lt=(20,70), rb=(60,30), color=[0, 200, 0], thickness=-1) # filled green box
>>> img.disp()
:note: If the image has N planes the color should have N elements.
:seealso: :func:`~machinevisiontoolbox.base.graphics.draw_box`
draw_box(self.image, **kwargs)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
if __name__ == "__main__":
import pathlib
import os.path
from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
z = Image.Squares(1, 10)
z.colororder = 7
z.contains([1, 2])
# street = Image.Read("street.png")
# subimage = street[100:200, 200:300]
# flowers = Image.Read("flowers8.png")
# flowers.stats()
# print(flowers[100:200, 100:200])
# print(flowers[100:200, 100:200, 1:])
# Image.Constant(5, value='r').print()
# img = Image.Squares(1, 20) > 0
# img.print()
# flowers = Image.Read("flowers8.png")
# print(flowers)
# z = flowers.plane("G:B:R")
# print(z)
# im = Image.Read("street.png")
# print(im.image[10,20])
# print(im[10,20])
# exec(open(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent.absolute() / "tests" / "test_core.py").read()) # pylint: disable=exec-used