- Image.__getitem__(key)[source]
Extract slice of image
- Parameters:
key – slice to extract
- Returns:
slice of image
- Return type:
Create a new image from the selected slice of the image, either a plane or a region of interest. If
is:an int, select this plane
a string, select this named plane or planes
a 2-tuple of slice objects, select this uv-region across all planes
a 3-tuple of slice objects, select this region of uv and planes
>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image >>> img = Image.Read("flowers4.png") # in RGB order >>> red = img[0] # red plane >>> red Image: 640 x 426 (uint8) >>> green = img["G"] >>> green Image: 640 x 426 (uint8) >>> roi = img[100:200, 300:400] >>> roi Image: 100 x 100 (uint8), R:G:B >>> roi = img[100:200, 300:400, 1:] >>> roi Image: 100 x 100 (uint8), G:B