
Image.__getitem__(keys: int | str | tuple[slice, slice] | tuple[slice, slice, slice])[source]

Return pixel value or slice from image


keys (int, str, tuple of int or slice) – slices to extract


slice of image

Return type:


This is a Swiss-army knife method for accessing subregions of an Image by uv-region and/or plane. A key can be:

  • a 2-tuple of integers, eg. img[u,v], return this pixel as a scalar. If the image has multiple planes, the result is an ndarray over planes.

  • a 3-tuple of integers, eg, img[u,v,p], for a multiplane image return this pixel from specified plane as a scalar.

  • a 2-tuple containing at least one slice object, eg. img[100:110, 200:300], return this region as an Image. If the image has multiple planes, the result is a multiplane Image.

  • a 3-tuple containing at least one slice objects, return this region of uv and planes as an Image with one or more planes.

  • an int, return this plane as an Image.

  • a string, return this named plane or planes as an Image.


>>> from machinevisiontoolbox import Image
>>> img = Image.Read("flowers4.png") # in RGB order
>>> red = img[0] # red plane
>>> red # greyscale image
Image: 640 x 426 (uint8)
>>> green = img["G"]
>>> green # greyscale image
Image: 640 x 426 (uint8)
>>> roi = img[100:200, 300:400]
>>> roi # color image
Image: 100 x 100 (uint8), R:G:B
>>> roi = img[100:200, 300:400, 1:]
>>> roi # 2-plane color image
Image: 100 x 100 (uint8), G:B
>>> roi = img[100, :]  # column 100
>>> roi # color image
Image: 1 x 426 (uint8), R:G:B
>>> pix = img[100, 200, 1] # green pixel at (100,200) as scalar
>>> pix
>>> pix = img[100, 200] # RGB vector at (100,200) as ndarray
>>> pix
array([ 79, 105,  55], dtype=uint8)


If the result is a single row or column the result is a 1xn or nx1 Image instance. If the result is a single plane the result is a greyscale image.


Indexing pixel values this way is slow, use pixel(u,v) for faster access, or img.A[v,u] for direct access to the underlying NumPy array.


The order of the indices is column, row and plane. This is the opposite of the order used for NumPy index on the underlying array. It is consistent with the column-first convention used across the Toolbox and is consistent with the \((u,v)\) coordinate system for images.

Added in version 1.0.0: The order of the indices changed to column, row, plane. Previously it was row, column, plane.


red green blue plane roi pixel