Multiview image processing
These methods perform image processing operations on stereo images.
- class machinevisiontoolbox.ImageMultiview.ImageMultiviewMixin[source]
- stereo_simple(right, hw, drange)[source]
Simple stereo matching
- Parameters
right (
) – right imagehw (int) – window half width
drange (array_like(2)) – disparity range
- Returns
disparity image, similarity image, disparity space image
- Return type
, ndarray(H,W,D)
This is a simple stereo matching implementation for pedagogical purposes. It returns:
the disparity image, same size as input images, whose elements give the integer disparity (in pixels) of the corresponding point in the left image.
the similarity image, same size as input images, whose elements give the strength of the stereo match. This is a ZNCC measure where 1 is a perfect match, greater than 0.8 is a decent match.
the disparity space image, a 3D array, whose first two dimensions are the same size as the input imagesm and whose third dimension is the number of disparities. Each fibre DSI[v,u,:] is window similarity versus disparity.
>>> rocks_l = Image.Read("rocks2-l.png", reduce=2) >>> rocks_r = Image.Read("rocks2-r.png", reduce=2) >>> disparity, similarity, DSI = rocks_l.stereo_simple(rocks_r, hw=3, drange=[40, 90])
The images are assumed to be epipolar aligned.
- References
Robotics, Vision & Control for Python, Section 14.4, P. Corke, Springer 2023.
Not fast.
- Seealso
- classmethod DSI_refine(DSI, drange=None)[source]
Refine disparity from disparity space image
- Parameters
DSI (ndarray(H,W,D)) – disparity space image
drange (array_like(2), optional) – disparity range, defaults to span of DSI values
- Returns
refined disparity image
- Return type
Performs subpixel interpolation on the peaks in the DSI to provide disparity estimates to a fraction of a pixel.
>>> rocks_l = Image.Read("rocks2-l.png", reduce=2) >>> rocks_r = Image.Read("rocks2-r.png", reduce=2) >>> disparity, similarity, DSI = rocks_l.stereo_simple(rocks_r, hw=3, drange=[40, 90]) >>> disparity = Image.DSI_refine(DSI)
- References
Robotics, Vision & Control for Python, Section 14.4.1, P. Corke, Springer 2023.
- Seealso
- stereo_BM(right, hw, drange, speckle=None)[source]
Stereo block matching
- Parameters
right (
) – right imagehw (int) – window half width
drange (array_like(2)) – disparity range
speckle (array_like(2), optional) – speckle filter parameters, defaults to None
- Raises
ValueError – block size too small
- Returns
disparity image
- Return type
This is an efficient block-matching stereo implementation. It returns the disparity image, same size as input images, whose elements give the subpixel-interpolated disparity (in pixels) of the corresponding point in the left image.
Speckle are small regions of anomalous disparity. A speckle is defined as less than A pixels with disparity variation less than V, and the filter parameters are (A, V). The disparity values within a detected speckle are set to that of its enclosing region.
>>> rocks_l = Image.Read("rocks2-l.png", reduce=2) >>> rocks_r = Image.Read("rocks2-r.png", reduce=2) >>> disparity = rocks_l.stereo_BM(rocks_r, hw=3, drange=[40, 90], speckle=(200, 2))
The images are assumed to be epipolar aligned.
- References
Robotics, Vision & Control for Python, Section, P. Corke, Springer 2023.
- Seealso
- stereo_SGBM(right, hw, drange, speckle=None)[source]
Stereo semi-global block matching
- Parameters
right (
) – right imagehw (int) – window half width
drange (array_like(2)) – disparity range
speckle (array_like(2), optional) – speckle filter parameters, defaults to None
- Raises
ValueError – block size too small
- Returns
disparity image
- Return type
This is an efficient semi-global block-matching stereo implementation. It returns the disparity image, same size as input images, whose elements give the subpixel-interpolated disparity (in pixels) of the corresponding point in the left image.
Speckle are small regions of anomalous disparity. A speckle is defined as less than A pixels with disparity variation less than V, and the filter parameters are (A, V). The disparity values within a detected speckle are set to that of its enclosing region.
>>> rocks_l = Image.Read("rocks2-l.png", reduce=2) >>> rocks_r = Image.Read("rocks2-r.png", reduce=2) >>> disparity = rocks_l.stereo_SGBM(rocks_r, hw=3, drange=[40, 90], speckle=(200, 2))
The images are assumed to be epipolar aligned.
- References
Stereo processing by semiglobal matching and mutual information, Heiko Hirschmuller, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 30(2):328–341, 2008.
Robotics, Vision & Control for Python, Section, P. Corke, Springer 2023.
- Seealso
- rectify_homographies(m, F)[source]
Create rectification homographies
- Parameters
m (
) – corresponding pointsF (ndarray(3,3)) – fundamental matrix
- Returns
rectification homographies
- Return type
ndarray(3,3), ndarray(3,3)
Given the epipolar geometry between two images, defined by the fundamental matrix and corresponding points, compute a pair of homographies that can be used to rectify the images so that they are epipolar aligned.
>>> walls_l = Image.Read('walls-l.png', reduce=2) >>> walls_r = Image.Read('walls-r.png', reduce=2) >>> sf_l = walls_l.SIFT() >>> sf_r = walls_r.SIFT() >>> matches = sf_l.match(sf_r); >>> F, resid = matches.estimate(CentralCamera.points2F, method="ransac", confidence=0.95); >>> H_l, H_r = walls_l.rectify_homographies(matches, F) >>> walls_l_rect = walls_l.warp_perspective(H_l) >>> walls_r_rect = walls_r.warp_perspective(H_r)
- References
Robotics, Vision & Control for Python, Section 14.4.3, P. Corke, Springer 2023.
- Seealso