The Image
object for image operations and processing
The Image
class is a core component of this Toolbox. It encapsulates a
NumPy array that contains the pixel values of a greyscale or color image as
a 2D or 3D array respectively.
An Image
instance has a very large number of methods that perform useful
operations on an image and wrap low-level operations performed using NumPy or
Image attributes and datatype
Image attributes
Describe the attributes of an Image
Image width |
Image height |
Image size |
Number of pixels in image plane |
Set/get image name |
Coordinate of centre pixel |
Coordinate of centre pixel as integer |
Coordinate of center pixel |
Coordinate of centre pixel as integer |
Single line summary of image parameters |
Single line summary of image parameters |
Test attributes of an Image
Image has floating point pixel values? |
Image has integer values? |
Image has bolean values? |
Image has color pixels? |
Image has BGR color order? |
Image has RGB color order? |
Image coordinates
Describe the pixel coordinates of an Image
Image maximum u-coordinate |
Image maximum v-coordinate |
Linear span of image horizontally |
Linear span of image vertically |
Coordinate arrays for image |
Test if coordinate lies within image |
NumPy pixel data
Return Image
pixel data as a NumPy array.
Set/get the NumPy array containing pixel values |
Image as NumPy array in RGB color order |
Image as NumPy array in BGR color order |
Image as NumPy array |
Image as integer NumPy array |
Image as float NumPy array |
Convert image to a column view |
Image shape |
Number of image array dimensions |
Image datatype
Describe or change the datatype of Image
pixel values.
Image has floating point pixel values? |
Image has integer values? |
Image has bolean values? |
Datatype of image |
Convert image datatype |
Cast image datatype |
Image as integer NumPy array |
Image as float NumPy array |
Cast value to same type as image |
Convert value to the same type as image |
Minimum value of image datatype |
Maximum value of image datatype |
True value for logical image |
False value for logical image |
Image processing
Sub images
Extract sub-images or planes from an Image
Extract region of interest |
Extract plane(s) from color image |
Extract the red plane of a color image |
Extract the green plane of a color image |
Extract the blue plane of a color image |
Return pixel value or slice from image |
Color info
Return information about the color planes of an Image
Image has color pixels? |
Image has BGR color order? |
Image has RGB color order? |
Set/get color order of image |
Image color order as a string |
Parse a color order specification |
Number of color planes |
Extract plane(s) from color image |
Color space and gamma
Convert between color spaces and perform gamma encoding and decoding.
Convert color image to monochrome |
Colorize a greyscale image |
Create chromaticity image |
Transform a color image between color representations |
Gamma encoding |
Gamma decoding |
k-means color clustering |
Combine multiple Image
instances into a single Image
Horizontal concatenation of images |
Vertical concatenation of images |
Tile images into a grid |
Overlay two greyscale images in different colors |
Monadic functions
Operate elementwise on an Image
instance and returns a new Image
Absolute value of image |
Square root of image |
Apply lookup table |
Apply a function to an image |
Clip pixel values |
Histogram normalisaton |
Image normalisation |
Image threshold |
Interactive thresholding |
Adaptive threshold |
Invert image |
Dyadic functions
Operate elementwise on two Image
instances and return a new Image
Apply a function to two images |
Image blending |
Pixel-wise image merge |
Paste an image into an image |
Gradient direction |
Linear filtering
Linear filtering operations including convolution, corner and edge detection.
Image convolution |
Smooth image |
Compute horizontal and vertical gradients |
Gradient direction |
Harris corner strength image |
Compute image scalespace sequence |
Pyramidal image decomposition |
Canny edge detection |
Non-linear (morphological) filtering
Variety of non-linear morphological operations.
Generalized spatial operator |
Compute zero crossing |
Rank filter |
Median filter |
Distance transform |
Morphological erosion |
Morphological dilation |
Morphological closing |
Morphological opening |
Morphological neighbourhood processing |
Hit or miss transform |
Morphological skeletonization |
Morphological skeletonization with animation |
Find end points on a binary skeleton image |
Find triple points |
Image labeling
Binary, greyscale and color image segmentation using various algorithms.
Blob labelling |
Blob labelling using MSER |
Blob labelling using graph-based segmentation |
k-means color clustering |
Image similarity
Various scalar image similarity measures.
Sum of absolute differences |
Sum of squared differences |
Normalised cross correlation |
Zero-mean sum of absolute differences |
Zero-mean sum of squared differences |
Zero-mean normalized cross correlation |
Locate template in image |
Shape changing
Changing the shape of an Image
Trim pixels from the edges of the image |
Pad the edges of the image |
Decimate an image |
Replicate image pixels |
Extract region of interest |
Automatic image trimming |
Scale an image |
Convert image to a column view |
Image distortion
Distorting the image within an Image
Roll image by row or column |
Rotate an image |
Rotate a spherical image |
Image warping |
Affine warp of image |
Perspective warp |
Image warping |
Undistort image |
Multiview operations
Stereo image processing, rectification, and display.
Interactive display of stereo image pair |
Simple stereo matching |
Refine disparity from disparity space image |
Stereo block matching |
Stereo semi-global block matching |
Create rectification homographies |
Binary operators
Arithmetic and logical operations can be performed elementwise on: Image
☆ Image
☆ scalar, scalar ☆ Image
. The result is always an Image
Overloaded |
Overloaded |
Overloaded |
Overloaded |
Overloaded |
Overloaded |
Overloaded |
Overloaded |
Overloaded |
Overloaded |
Overloaded |
Overloaded |
Overloaded |
Overloaded |
Overloaded |
Overloaded |
Overloaded |
Overloaded |
Unary operators
Operations can be performed elementwise on an Image
and the result is always an Image
Overloaded unary |
Overloaded |
Image feature extraction
Whole image features
Image histogram |
Statistical measures
Image moments
Image moments |
Normalized central image moments |
Central image moments |
Image moments |
Hu image moment invariants |
Sum of all pixels |
Find non-zero pixel values as 2D coordinates |
Find non-zero pixel values as 1D indices |
Find local maxima in image |
Otsu threshold selection |
Region features
Find homogeneous regions, text or fiducual tags.
Find and describe blobs in image |
Find MSER features in image |
Optical character recognition |
Find fiducial markers in image |
Line features
Find lines in an image.
Canny edge detection |
Find Hough line features |
Point/corner features
Find distincitive points in an image.
Find SIFT features in image |
Find ORB features in image |
Find BRISK features in image |
Find AKAZE features in image |
Find Harris features in image |
Combination feature detector and descriptor |
Image i/o
Read image from file |
Write image to file |
Get image EXIF metadata |
Display image |
Display image with pixel values |
Convert stereo images to an anaglyph image |
Interactive display of stereo image pair |
Create a small image from text string |
Print image pixels in compact format |
Format several small images concatenated horizontally |
Constant images
Create images that are constant, random, or have a simple geometric pattern.
Create image with zero value pixels |
Create image with all pixels having same value |
Create a small image from text string |
Create image with random pixel values |
Create image containing grid of squares |
Create image containing grid of circles |
Create image of linear ramps |
Create image of sinusoidal intensity pattern |
Graphical annotation
Render simple graphical annotations into an image.
Draw line into image |
Draw circle into image |
Draw box into image |
Test images
Sometimes it helpful to create, process and numerically display small example images. These functions can help with that
Create a small image from text string |
Print image pixels in compact format |
Format several small images concatenated horizontally |
Display image with pixel values |