- class machinevisiontoolbox.Camera.CentralCamera(f=1, distortion=None, **kwargs)[source]
Create central camera projection model
- Parameters:
f (float, optional) – focal length, defaults to 8mm
distortion (array_like(5), optional) – camera distortion parameters, defaults to None
kwargs – arguments passed to
A camera object contains methods for projecting 3D points and lines to the image plane, as well as supporting a virtual image plane onto which 3D points and lines can be drawn.
- References:
Robotics, Vision & Control for Python, Section 13.1, P. Corke, Springer 2023.
- Seealso:
- __init__(f=1, distortion=None, **kwargs)[source]
Abstract camera base class
- Parameters:
name (str, optional) – camera instance name, defaults to None
camtype (str, optional) – camera projection type, defaults to ‘central’
rho (scalar or array_like(2), optional) – pixel size, defaults to 1
imagesize (int or array_like(2), optional) – image dimension in pixels, defaults to None
sensorsize (array_like(2), optional) – image sensor size, defaults to None
pp (array_like(2), optional) – principal point position, defaults to None
noise (float, optional) – standard deviation of image plane projection noise, defaults to None
pose (
, optional) – camera pose, defaults to Nonelimits (array_like(4), optional) – bounds of virtual image plane [umin, umax, vmin, vmax], defaults to None
labels (2-tuple of str, optional) – axis labels for virtual image plane, defaults to
('u', 'v')
seed (int, optional) – random number seed for projection noise, defaults to None
- Raises:
TypeError – name must be a string
TypeError – camtype must be a string
ValueError – rho must be a 1- or 2-element vector
This abstract class is the base for all camera projection model classes. All baseclass constructors support these options.
Camera projection matrix
Set default central camera parameters
Essential matrix from two camera views
Fundamental matrix
Compute homography from plane and camera pose
Abstract camera base class
Clear the virtual image plane (base method)
Decompose camera calibration matrix
Decompose essential matrix
Decompose homography matrix
Compute projection and derivatives for bundle adjustment
Display image on virtual image plane (base method)
Compute distorted coordinate
Epipolar distance
Compute epipolar line
Estimate object pose
Display optical flow field
Camera field-of-view angles
Calibrate camera from checkerboard images
Move camera (base method)
Plot 3D camera icon in world view (base method)
Plot epipolar line
Plot 2D line on virtual image plane (base method)
Plot 3D line on virtual image plane (base method)
Plot points on virtual image plane (base method)
Plot 3D wireframe in virtual image plane (base method)
Estimate camera matrix from data points
Essential matrix from points
Estimate fundamental matrix from corresponding points
Estimate homography from corresponding points
Project 3D lines to image plane
Project 3D points to image plane
Project 3D quadric to image plane
Project image plane points to a ray
Reset camera pose (base method)
Visual Jacobian for ellipse features
Visual Jacobian for line features
Visual Jacobian for point features
Visual Jacobian for point features in polar coordinates
Intrinsic matrix of camera
Set/get camera type (base method)
Position of camera frame
Position of camera frame
Set/Get distortion model (base method)
Set/get focal length
Get focal length in pixels
Get focal length in horizontal direction
Get focal length in vertical direction
Get image plane height (base method)
Set/get size of virtual image plane (base method)
Set/get camera name (base method)
Set/Get projection noise (base method)
Get image plane width (base method)
Get image plane height (base method)
Set/get camera pose (base method)
Set/get principal point coordinate (base method)
Get pixel dimensions (base method)
Get pixel width (base method)
Get pixel width (base method)
Get principal point: horizontal coordinate (base method)
Get principal point: vertical coordinate (base method)
Get image plane width (base method)