

SE(2) translational homogeneous transform

Create a translational SE(2) matrix

T = TRANSL2(X, Y) is an SE(2) homogeneous transform (3×3) representing a pure translation.

T = TRANSL2(P) is a homogeneous transform representing a translation or point P=[X,Y]. P (M×2) represents a sequence and T (3×3× M) is a sequence of homogenous transforms such that T(:,:,i) corresponds to the i’th row of P.

Extract the translational part of an SE(2) matrix

P = TRANSL2(T) is the translational part of a homogeneous transform as a 2-element column vector. T (3×3× M) is a homogeneous transform sequence and the rows of P (M×2) are the translational component of the corresponding transform in the sequence.


  • Somewhat unusually, this function performs a function and its inverse. An historical anomaly.

See also

SE2.t, rot2, ishomog2, trplot2, transl