

Plot a 2D coordinate frame

TRPLOT2(T, OPTIONS) draws a 2D coordinate frame represented by the SE(2) homogeneous transform T (3×3).

H = TRPLOT2(T, OPTIONS) as above but returns a handle.

TRPLOT(R, OPTIONS) as above but the coordinate frame is rotated about the origin according to the orthonormal rotation matrix R (2×2).

H = TRPLOT(R, OPTIONS) as above but returns a handle.

H = TRPLOT2() creates a default frame EYE(2,2) at the origin and returns a handle.


Firstly, create a plot and keep the the handle as per above.

TRPLOT2(H, T) moves the coordinate frame described by the handle H to the SE(2) pose T (3×3).


'handle',h Update the specified handle
'axhandle',A Draw in the MATLAB axes specified by the axis handle A
'color', c The color to draw the axes, MATLAB ColorSpec
'axes' Show the MATLAB axes, box and ticks (default true)
'axis',A Set dimensions of the MATLAB axes to A=[xmin xmax ymin ymax]
'frame',F The frame is named {F} and the subscript on the axis labels is F.
'framelabel',F The coordinate frame is named {F}, axes have no subscripts.
'framelabeloffset',O Offset O=[DX DY] frame labels in units of text box height
'text_opts', opt A cell array of Matlab text properties
'length',s Length of the coordinate frame arms (default 1)
'thick',t Thickness of lines (default 0.5)
'text' Enable display of X,Y,Z labels on the frame (default true)
'labels',L Label the X,Y,Z axes with the 1st and 2nd character of the string L
'arrow' Use arrows rather than line segments for the axes
'width', w Width of arrow tips
'lefty' Draw left-handed frame (dangerous)


trplot2(T, 'frame', 'A') trplot2(T, ‘frame’, ‘A’, ‘color’, ‘b’) trplot2(T1, ‘frame’, ‘A’, ‘text_opts’, {‘FontSize’, 10, ‘FontWeight’, ‘bold’})


  • Multiple frames can be added using the HOLD command
  • When animating a coordinate frame it is best to set the axis bounds initially.
  • The ‘arrow’ option requires

See also
