

Convert SO(3) or SE(3) matrix to Euler angles

EUL = TR2EUL(T, OPTIONS) are the ZYZ Euler angles (1×3) corresponding to the rotational part of a homogeneous transform T (4×4). The 3 angles EUL=[PHI,THETA,PSI] correspond to sequential rotations about the Z, Y and Z axes respectively.

EUL = TR2EUL(R, OPTIONS) as above but the input is an orthonormal rotation matrix R (3×3).

If R (3×3× K) or T (4×4× K) represent a sequence then each row of EUL corresponds to a step of the sequence.


'deg' Compute angles in degrees (radians default)
'flip' Choose first Euler angle to be in quadrant 2 or 3.


  • There is a singularity for the case where THETA=0 in which case PHI is arbitrarily set to zero and PSI is the sum (PHI+PSI).
  • Translation component is ignored.

See also

eul2tr, tr2rpy